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12x46 - Unlocking the Red Chain Of Events!

Posted: 04/07/24 19:15
by bunniefuu


JUPITER: I see we've finally caught up to you!

Now, Looker, show your face!

LOOKER: The jig is up.

JUPITER: That coat is so out of style.

LOOKER: I think you should know, for a lady, you're quite rude.

JUPITER: I'll say this: your codename Looker is well

deserved. You're my type!

LOOKER: Well, unfortunately,

I'm sorry to say, you're not my type!

JUPITER: Isn't that a shame!

However, there are many things I'm dying to ask you about!

Let's see. For starters, precisely

how much do you know about us?


Sometimes it's hard to know,

Which way you're supposed to go.

But deep inside, you know you're strong.

If you follow your heart, you can't be wrong.

Stand up! [Stand up!]

For what is right.

Be brave! Get ready to fight.

Hold on! [Hold on!]

We're friends for life.

And if we come,

together as one,

Complete the quest, that we've begun,

We will win the battle!

Galactic Battles! Pokémon!

NARRATOR: Continuing toward Ash's next Gym battle in

Sunyshore City, our heroes have opted in favor of a long-awaited

rest in Floaroma Town.

MARIAN: For this year's Pokémon Contest, there's a brand-new

schedule on tap!

MARIAN: To the east of Mt. Coronet,

MARIAN: in Daybreak City, it's the exciting Daybreak Contest!

And, for the first time in quite a while, it will

be a Double Performance!

DAWN: Double Performance, wow.

BROCK: Say Daybreak City's right on the way to Sunyshore City!

ASH: What're you gonna do, Dawn?

DAWN: You can guess we're going to enter the Daybreak Contest,

of course! PIPLUP: [EXCITED]

ASH: So you're gonna give that Double Performance a shot!

DAWN: Right! Truth is, I've really been dying to try

a Double Performance one more time. It's important since I

didn't win before, know what I mean?

ASH: You bet I do! Great! PIKACHU: [ENCOURAGING]





ASH: Pikachu, wait!




DAWN: It looks bad.

MEOWTH: Yipes! It's Twerps!

ASH: It's Team Rocket's Meowth!

MEOWTH: Two points! What about Jessie and James?

ASH: Meowth, you okay?

BROCK: Meowth needs medical help. We'll talk later.

MEOWTH: Man, that spritz kind of stings.

BROCK: Now I just need to put a wrapping on it!

ASH: What happened to you anyway?

MEOWTH: It was those fashion freaks!

See, we were tailing you Twerps,

doing that thing that we do so well.

MEOWTH: Then, as we were dragging our empty tummies

through the forest foraging for food...

- JESSIE: That mark! - JAMES: Freaks of fashion!

- MEOWTH: Yeah, Team Galactic! - JESSIE: So let's go!


MEOWTH: Heads up, folks. I think we're gawking

at TeamGalactic's base!

BROCK: Based on what you've been describing,

I'm attempting to pinpoint the building's exact location.

BROCK: Is this what you saw? ASH: [CURIOUS]

BROCK: This is Fuego Ironworks. Apparently it's been abandoned

for quite some time.

MEOWTH: We figured we'd sneak onto their

turf and have a look-see.

MEOWTH: But soon as we got inside.

MEOWTH: The International Police dude from the train

station with the lunch boxes was in a heap of trouble!

- DAWN: International Police? - ASH: So the boxed lunch guy.

- BROCK: That was Looker! - MEOWTH: My thoughts exactly!

So then my brain really started kicking in.

MEOWTH: We've got to save the lunch box guy, dig?

JAMES: A member of the International Police? Please.

JESSIE: By law, Team Rocket doesn't save the law.

MEOWTH: But doing the right thing for a change might help us

put Team Galactic on the fashion garbage heap where

those freaks belong!

JAMES: We'd be putting the International Police

to work for us.

JESSIE: Using the good guys to accomplish our evil deeds surely

works for me!

MEOWTH: First Team Galactic goes down,

then Team Rocket goes to town!

JESSIE: [SINGING] Team Rocket's gonna grow and thrive, those

fashion freaks will take a dive, no jive!

JUPITER: Isn't that a shame! However, there are many things

I'm dying to ask you about.

JUPITER: Let's see. For starters, precisely how much do

you know about us?



JESSIE: There's room for one evil team in this town!

JAMES: And Team Rocket is its name!

MEOWTH: Rest easy, police dude! We're here to save you!

LOOKER: Not you three!

JUPITER: Incompetent pests. Stay out of my business!


MEOWTH: Team Galactic may be weird,

but they sure pack a wallop!

MEOWTH: Yup. So, we fought the good fight all right.

MEOWTH: They got their filthy mitts on Jessie and James.

MEOWTH: But the expl*si*n sent me into a solo blastoff.

MEOWTH: When I came to, I was actually being

rescued by you Twerps!

BROCK: You've had quite a tough time!

MEOWTH: Thanks for the save, Twerp.

- ASH: Meowth, hold on. - DAWN: Where are you going?

MEOWTH: Jessie and James are waiting for me back there!

DAWN: You're going back to Team Galactic's base?

BROCK: You could really get hurt this time.

ASH: Okay. We're going to the Fuego Ironworks with you!

DAWN: Right! Let's go, Piplup! PIPLUP: [EAGER]

BROCK: Let's make sure we're packed up and ready!

ASH: Right!



MEOWTH: I appreciate you lugs patching me up! But you lugs and

I are enemies, dig it? I can't take charity from you!

DAWN: Think of it like this! We're helping Looker for us!

MEOWTH: You're what?

BROCK: Yeah, Looker really helped us out,

and now it's our turn to help him out!

ASH: Right! So c'mon! Hurry it up and lead us to their base,

okay, Meowth?


MEOWTH: Man, those Twerps.

JESSIE: Excuse me! Anybody home?

JESSIE: That is one gross Pokémon.

JESSIE: Enough with the attitude! I'm going to pluck the

fur off of your annoying self strand by stupid strand!


JESSIE: Hi, Mommy, I'm home.

LOOKER: There are booby traps everywhere. And since electronic

devices won't work, we can't use our Poké Balls. Be careful.

JAMES: Well, I'll be dipped!

JESSIE: Just great! Now you tell us!

LOOKER: I shouldn't have involved you. I'm sorry.

JAMES: We involved ourselves, don't you see? Our disdain for

Team Galactic brought us here.

JESSIE: We'll pound those fashion freaks

into a fashion pulp!

JAMES: And since we did manage to barge into their base,

all that remains is to defeat their boss.

LOOKER: Their boss is not here!

JAMES: If this isn't headquarters, what is it?

LOOKER: It appears to be their secret factory.

JESSIE: A factory for secrets?

LOOKER: Let me explain. At one point in time, this factory was

the largest and most successful manufacturer in the entire

Sinnoh region.

LOOKER: It was closed down due to excessive pollution,

but now Team Galactic has been using it as their secret factory

if you will.

LOOKER: Secret in the sense that they're using it


JUPITER: Ah, to look upon the exquisite beauty of the Red

Chain. It's quite remarkable we could recreate it from the

Veilstone City meteorite!

CHARON: Not recreate it, resurrect it!

And don't forget that the brilliant genius

who should be credited with bringing

it back into our world is yours truly, known to you as the

humble Charon!

JUPITER: I hate that laugh!

JUPITER: What are your plans for the International Policeman?

CHARON: Cyrus has already informed me that he has his own

special plans for him.

SATURN: Toxicroak, use Rock Smash!


SATURN: Master Cyrus! We've found it. This is truly the

gateway to Spear Pillar!

CYRUS: Yes, very well. Block off the area.

SATURN: Yes, sir!

CYRUS: We will not proceed there until all

preparations have been made.

JUPITER: So our searching is finally over.

CHARON: We've found the gateway to Spear Pillar!

JUPITER: But the real journey begins now!

GALACTIC GRUNT: Jupiter, a flying object has been detected

- inside the perimeter! - JUPITER: Flying object?

MEOWTH: Dig it, guys, up ahead!


- BROCK: Golbat! - MEOWTH: Oy vey!

ASH: Pikachu, help us out! PIKACHU: [DETERMINED]

DAWN: Pachirisu! We need you, too!


ASH: Staraptor! Gliscor! I choose you!



ASH: Pikachu, use Thunderbolt, now!

DAWN: Pachirisu, Discharge!




ASH: Let's land over there!

MEOWTH: Who's that?

JUPITER: Skuntank, use Flamethrower!




- ASH: C'mon! - BROCK: Right!



ASH: Get out of the way!

JUPITER: You all seem so good at popping up out of nowhere.

Want to join Team Galactic?

DAWN: That would be so.ew!

MEOWTH: What did you do with Jessie and James?

ASH: And what about Looker?

JUPITER: Oh, Mesprit.

DAWN: Huh?



JUPITER: Why did it have to be you?

JUPITER: I'm talking about the lake trio, of course.

Why is it that they chose you?

ASH: What do you mean, chose us?

DAWN: And what's the lake trio?

JUPITER: You saw them! The Legendary Pokémon spirits that

they say reside in those lakes!

BROCK: All right, how did you know about that?

MEOWTH: One of you Twerps wanna clue me in here?

I'm kind of flying blind.

JUPITER: We know everything about all of it!

The truth of the matter is, we were

the ones who were supposed to have

synchronized with the lake trio!




MEOWTH: Well, you've got a big mouth! Where's Jessie and James?

Tell me!

JUPITER: Quick, Skuntank, Flamethrower!


DAWN: Piplup, Bubble Beam, let's go!







JUPITER: Surrounding us, eh? Skuntank, use Toxic, now!



BROCK: It's Toxic! Don't breathe it in!

ASH: Staraptor! Gliscor! Heads up!


BROCK: Hey, wait!


MEOWTH: That flake flew the coop!

BROCK: The Golbat are gone, too!

ASH: Pikachu and Staraptor, wait a minute!

We've got to check around for Team Rocket and Looker first!


ASH: Looker!

BROCK: Where are you?

MEOWTH: Jessie! James! Report!

JUPITER: I don't get it. Why did the lake trio choose them

in the first place?

CHARON: Jealous of those children, are we?

JUPITER: Jealous? Don't be silly. It's not my style.

CHARON: Jealousy is a human emotion, you know.

JUPITER: Is the Red Chain safe or not?

CHARON: Don't worry. It's located right below your feet!

LOOKER: It's gotten awfully quiet out there.

JESSIE: My stomach's making tons of noise.

JAMES: Starvation simply stinks!

LOOKER: Someone's coming!

LOOKER: It's Ash!

- DAWN: It's Looker! - BROCK: Are you okay?

MEOWTH: All right, do you know where my peeps are?

LOOKER: Yes, they're both right here with me.

JESSIE: Meowth! Dear!

JESSIE: We should've used a sticky note.

LOOKER: All right, Ash and Dawn, have Pikachu and Piplup launch

an attack together so we can break down this door!

ASH: You got it! Pikachu, Thunderbolt!

DAWN: And Piplup, use Bubble Beam!


LOOKER: You helped me out of a tough spot. Thank you both!

ASH: No prob!

MEOWTH: It's so good to see you mugs!

- JESSIE: I had faith in you! - JAMES: Meowth for the clinch!

JESSIE: What's with the fashion freaks?

MEOWTH: Team Galactic took a powder to parts unknown.

JESSIE: Not for long!

JAMES: Hasta la vista! Ta, Twerps!

MEOWTH: I owe you one, big-time!

JESSIE: It's been sublime!


LOOKER: So Team Galactic escaped again.

LOOKER: And that means my work here is finished.

LOOKER: I'd sure like to know what they were working on here.


DAWN: What's all this?

LOOKER: This wasn't part of the Fuego Ironworks, that's for

sure. It must be Team Galactic's doing.

ASH: Check it out! Looker, what do you think that is?


JESSIE: Sometimes your sense of direction leaves much to be

desired, you know.

MEOWTH: It's this way, no doubt!

Team Galactic's got nowhere to hide!

JAMES: Well, staying the course will get us to Mt. Coronet!

JESSIE: We know those fashion freaks have a fondness for

frolicking in the mountains, so it's toward the

- mountains we will go! - JAMES: Coronet ho!

MEOWTH: Yo yo yo!

TECHNICIAN: That's it. We're ready!

OFFICER JENNY: Now we're able to transmit any data from the

object directly to headquarters!

LOOKER: Thanks for all your hard work!

TECHNICIAN: So let's begin the analysis.

LOOKER: No! Turn it off!


OFFICER JENNY: What could've happened?

OFFICER JENNY: This is the Floaroma Police.

DETECTIVE: The data you transmitted to International

Police Headquarters has wiped our entire database out!

LOOKER: And Team Galactic's data?

DETECTIVE: Apparently it's been destroyed as well.

Retrieval uncertain.

LOOKER: So it was all a trap!

OFFICER JENNY: So that has to be why they left that

red object behind.

LOOKER: A warning to stop further investigation, or else!

ASH: Whoa, Looker.

LOOKER: I'll never give up! The next time Team Galactic is up to

something, I'll be there to stop them!

DAWN: About the lake Pokémon.

DAWN: What does it all mean?

ASH: Not sure, since all we did was see them.

BROCK: I can't stop wondering how Team Galactic

knew all about it!


CYRUS: The creation of a new world begins.

CYRUS: The Spear Key and Spear Pillar. the Adamant Orb and the

Lustrous Orb. The Red Chain. Now all that remains are the three

lake Pokémon!

SATURN: All preparations for the Galactic b*mb are complete.

CYRUS: Excellent.

CYRUS: Sorry to keep you waiting, Pokémon Hunter J.

CYRUS: Please proceed with the lake Pokémon capture as planned.

NARRATOR: And so, as Team Galactic's evil intentions begin

to reveal themselves.

while all of Sinnoh is to be shaken to its very core.

NARRATOR: What of Ash, Dawn, and Brock? What does the future

hold for our heroes? Stay tuned!