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01x08 - Midnight Del

Posted: 04/08/24 12:09
by bunniefuu
I thought it was the virtue and always


hey you guys participating in the

all-night study of thought cuz if you're

not you can sponsor us we get a dollar

for every hour we study and all the

money we raise goes to fight pediatric

AIDS this college is so lame I thought

college is supposed to be outrageous and

totally kick-ass food fight

ah I was by cauliflower Sanford now

everyone's gonna think a lie through it

what's wrong with these people college

isn't supposed to be like this

didn't you ever see American Pie you

know where that horny dude travels

through time and accidentally light

circles pants on fire and then dude what

are you doing

dinner's over lady just flipped the sign

we gotta go we don't want a repeat of

what happened last time

Oh No there she goes again up

little deli the only sign you got to be

afeard of is harmful if swallowed man

there's a sign that knows what it's

talking about yeah sit down I'm in the

middle of something important so anyway

Fonzie says all reebok draw a tree okay

fine we'll go but I'm taking some of

these corn muffins for later I thought

you were gonna save those for later oh


let's go Dell check out this sweet

rubber band I found it's sweet cool

guess what song I'm playing I don't know

no welcome to the jungle listen

you mind I'm working over here hey who's

playing welcome to the jungle

it's me oh that's your slice right there

I'm gonna ask you nicely would you

morons shut the hell up what are you

doing there Joe

it's my midterm psych project the mouse

has to find the food pellet at the end

of this maze he can't find that food


what a stupid ignorant animal Hey

they're giving away Eskimo pies in the

cafeteria for midterms what

I couldn't find it you guys playing

strip poker

no cool I couldn't find the hey sweet

rubber band want to hear welcome to the

jungle my axe you mind showing a little


this is midterms week I can't believe

it's midterms week already seems like

the semester is only half over

what's that what's going on uh your RA I

just wanted to let you know that there's

no reason to be alarmed if there is a

reason to be alarmed

you'll hear this tone oh my god it's

Armageddon what's all that screaming my

mouse is freaking out it's the big guy

yell a blurter tradition where the

students blow off steam during midterms

by yelling out their windows awesome and

this is legal technically it's not

illegal but the administration does

frown upon it

ah come on del it's awesome don't be a

wuss you just say ah put in a really

loud voice well I don't know the

administration doesn't like it besides

not in the dorm I'm supposed to use my

inside voice hey I'm supposed to use

that special shampoo panned little worms

in my hair but you don't see me caving

in to pressure do you not that damn

midnight yell again la la la la I can't

hear that there's no yelling I'm in

charge here have you been sitting there

all day yep I got to be ready for the

midnight yell you never know when that

thing's gonna start what's in that jar

the same thing that's in all these a

delicious Sun tea that I brewed up while

I've been waiting here want some maybe

just a little well not that one

wait or is it that one oh crap are you

sure this yelling thing is a good idea

dude you heard what Todd said it's an

American tradition or something like

burritos and rickshaws


what was that yeah no nothing you hear

that no I could have sworn I heard


huh ah what the hell are you doing

it's the midnight yell dude it's only

6:30 you don't even get the concept of

midnight yell do you it's midnight yell

midnight yell oh can I yell now no now

you're gonna yell aren't you yeah um

well I guess there's nothing I can do

about it then except enjoy one of these

delicious Pizza flavored socks but first

I think I'll close my eyes for several

seconds then I'll be ready for that

special burst of Pizza sock flavor okay

here I go


danger is sexy

I have my legs oh my god it's okay I can

never feel my legs

yes the midnight yeah this has got to


it's over shut the hell up although I

don't agree with that rude hooligans

choice of words

well I must agree with this sentiment

and of course I admire the fact that he

doesn't back down no I gotta go hey who

was that dude don't believe his lies

Dean you've got to do something I am so

sick of that sentence The Midnight yell

has my mouse all rattled my entire

midterm grade depends upon training him

to run through the maze good god man I

did that experiment in third grade

what's next tracing your hand to make a

turkey that was the essay part of the

school's application damn it I'm the

Dean of the worst college ever no wonder

I can't maintain an erection well why

can't you do something about it

I will attention for all students on

this campus who have used their school

newspaper as a megaphone or a hat the

midnight yell has been canceled

at last he's in quiet to preserve the

silence this message will repeat until


why because I'll shut up and go to bed

what's wrong with your mouth he's still

too freaked out about that stupid

midnight yell don't you dare call the

midnight yell stupid I love that thing

it was like a son to me

Sanford maybe it's time to let it go I

mean even the woman on the Titanic had

let Leonardo da Vinci sink into that

Lake I had the weirdest dream last night

there was a truck driving around saying

that the midnight yeah was bad that

wasn't a dream you yokel and then the

truck turned into a tiger on

rollerskates it started break dancing

that's ridiculous

Oh real nice Joe the tiger had cancer

there you see Linda barter is one step

closer to being just like Yale now all

we need is a secret society with

h*m* hazing rituals

I mean besides ROTC I can't believe I'm

not allowed to yell what about my rights

you ever hear of the right to remain

silent oh crap you win this time boys

from truck see I knew the midnight yell

would lead to trouble dude you don't

have to whisper

yeah I'm right you don't back in my day

the man was always trying to push us

around but we held a sit-in and thanks

to us

barter college no longer teaches the

theory of evolution you're an American

Hero it's not about being a hero it's

about being able to look at yourself in

the mirror with dignity well gotta go

someone took a dump in the dryer that

guy was awesome too bad we'll never do

something cool like that hi-yah goodbye

jars of Sun tea my only regret is that I

never got to drink you with my delicious

Sun chicken oh well

I'll bet when the Dean of Tulane ban

something it stays there

ah come on down join in y'all something

I am yelling just on the inside but oh

now now I wasn't do something there's a

ban in effect well I don't really have

jurisdiction here this is your floor

where do you have jurisdiction come on

grow a spine take charge

loud daddy scares toddy Wow daddy scares

toddy hey check out our load Sanford's

young outstanding

oh listen to that cop who's way lighter

than Sanford who's Santa oh thanks for

calling the regular Pig

this one's for colony the death Pig hey

that was my lekar now I need a new loo

in Sheol so I suppose you are ASD debt

free room and board just falls out of

the sky

huh it was a rhetorical question a

rhetorical question is one that doesn't

need to be answered I'm sorry I don't

have a question I have to raise my arms

periodically or my heart will stop

listen here you are a-holes I want you

to put a stop to this midnight yell once

and for all or it's goodbye

free housing that's better

what did I miss see I'm a Yeller that's

what I do it's like an art form for me

and he's just a dilettante oh wait what

the hell did I just say I mean dildo as

standing yeah awesome I was gonna yell

but the opportunity never presented

itself who are you

you guys gotta check out ed he's louder

than Sinbad's parachute pants

who'da take that Sinbad oh yeah

you think he's loud

check this out hey everybody listen to

Sanford and that is one live Tristan

del dance apply lot are you gonna let

room 306 be louder than us

I don't know did you learn nothing from

dirty dancing nobody puts Baby in the



thank you I'm sorry but I'm afraid I'm

gonna have to write you up

who's the Oriole now you are that was a

rhetorical question

oh man my life is over

don't worry Dell I got you into this so

you'll get me out

out of where but how are you talking

about out of getting written up relax

dude I'm your friend I'm right there

with you Oh someone's doing supper dude

I can't miss that you understand don't

you yeah I guess so

good cuz I don't later I had the tiger

Todd I had a tiger Dell Swanson here

what's that smell oh I know it's the

smell of a bad apple huh

you know there are other guys who are

doing it too I'll wear a wire are all

named names no deals

it was Sanford and Ed Bickle they were

having a contest they're the ones you

want to late bucko prepare to be written

up what's gonna happen to me

I fill out this form and describe your

infraction in detail that's right in

detail then it goes in this discipline

file until you graduate that's your sock

drawer it's a discipline file and if you

screw up again you'll end up like this

guy he's got eight of them oh god I'm

gonna need another sock drawer

I mean discipline file you've got me all

flustered so that's it I end up with a

slip of paper and a sock drawer haven't

you been listening to me why is your

major malfunction look I'm going back to

my room oh and I'm taking the vacuum

without signing it out

fine that's it you know what I'm gonna

do you don't know I'm gonna do I'm gonna

sign it out for you there would people

see this awful penmanship you'll be the

laughingstock of this dorm ha ha ha ha

I'm so pathetic when I graduate I'm

gonna work the grill at a fast-food

restaurant but you could do that now but

a degree will give me the respect I


they'll hate this one you usually

hightail it out of here are used to but

tonight I'm thinking about going back

for seconds tell you seem so different I

don't even recognize you anymore did you

get a haircut

oh my you're gonna get it now Bluto

please eat his spinach

ok giggity giggity giggity can you

jackasses get out of here my mouse is

losing focus well if you don't like it

why don't you tell Todd to write us up


Dell got written up for the Midnight

yell and nothing happened I might even

yell again tonight I don't think that

fellers ever gonna pay for his

hamburgers ok

there's gonna be another midnight yell

tonight while I've had enough of this

midnight yell bullcrap I'm going to

handle this the same way I handle that

hellish weekend when all those parents

descended on the campus

what do we got a band of hooligans who

refuse to follow the law of the land

well did you try writing them up yes we


let's go man oh oh come on this is what

we spent the third weekend of every

other month training for you're gonna

yell aren't you yes because I can do

anything I want nothing's gonna happen

to me you just don't get it do you

no yelling what a sponsor us for the

study of thon we're raising money so the

del will be able to one day walk again

this school is so lame nothing cool ever

happens here

food bye um can one of you guys will me

out of here before we get in trouble

not till you finishes your spinach okay


next week three South is going to be

hilarious maybe I can give it


you got crap all over your lips that

wasn't its mouth that's its butt oh my

god and I think I kind of liked it what

does that mean you just heard the

three-self theme song you just heard was

created by the flavors
