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01x01 - Maimed Manor

Posted: 04/08/24 14:24
by bunniefuu

car alarms dry evening in the fading

moons of stabbing victims the music of

the night thanks Chris

pay tomorrow I swear sorry buddy you

broke the cardinal rule you drank more

beer to know you did time to go huh hey

Riley buddy huh hey you got a smoke you

sure have an expensive habit for a guy

with no lungs ha ha that's big talk for

a guy whose only source of protein is

tequila worms that you Riley

oh god bless you man I don't have a dog

huh bowl knife he have cutlery we were

hoping to purchase some fresh veggies

for a potato ginger ragout I'm trying

tonight what a h*m*

quiet you misanthropic mutant well hard

times here you guys know I give you this

shirt off my back

I'll believe that when I see it believe





you ever have a day like that




Rylee sister butch

you were always a mouthy lazy

disobedient little prick and a waste of

our Lord's sacrifice

this is his loving punishment okay

mr. O'Reilly I have some good news and

some bad news you're paralyzed for life

geez I hope that's the bad news

I used to love the nightlife

and hang out in a bar I used to hit the

but then I hit a


through us

to see me do the strike my attitude is



I gotta go home buddy




I guess this means that now I can call

you numbnuts with real authority

where's Frannie Oh Fanny couldn't make

it today she's with her activist friends

you know that group habitat for

h*m* so what was hair doctors

good news this kid brother's a lawyer

Ricky thinks we've got a good case

against his Bromberg guy with me look at

me Grizz I'm half a man now half a man

would have full use of his arms you're

more like you 3/8 or a man do you wear

contact lenses no why the Saudis ass or

my aftershave holy cow are you ever

crippled look at you man you can't even

move I'm your lawyer Ricky you're gonna

be in this chair like forever

this Bromberg is toast man holy Lorena


what happened to you my job business


whatever it was you must have been

wearing a helmet

Hey hey Riley what has two legs and two

silver wings but can't walk or fly you

with a hood ornament up your ass

come back can I put a business card in

your mouth guess on the bright side I

still got my job

oh no one late for work again I gotta go

and the job's important because as long

as a man has work he still has his

dignity stay away from the drunken

sandwich dear hey Riley

and listen this ain't working out if you

want me to change into the falafel I'm

gonna need some help it's not that Riley

it's it you're fired


hmm they're those nasty hunters won't

slaughter you for your fur they don't

recognize you brandy I got fired


Riley you're humping your own leg

Spaulding hi Frannie hope I'm not

barging in no we were just achieving a

cosmic mutuality of oneness gonna get

you anything

perhaps a Billabong a beer has a better

job I quit the hospital the sick come

they recover they die either way they

leave I want to make a difference to one

person isn't a good time for us yeah we

were achieving a cosmic mutuality of

oneness I mean because you are fired

yeah that too they replaced him with a

patty melt

Riley you need a nurse you know the fact

is I don't think I'd be comfortable with

you being as my mother used to say one

of those h*m* look number one I'm

a pro right number two we're all

h*m* and number three you got no

sensation in your ass anyway true in

that case fine

okay there's a front door now let's go

home right

you need special help managing your

unhappiness hey I know how to be unhappy

the nuns at school taught me you said I

didn't have to go in if I didn't want to

I don't want to you're making me very

tense and unharmonious I may have to go

to Tibet and get my aura realigned again

for several weeks let's go in if you

really want to this is a teaching aid to

help renew this sexual confidence of

those adapting to new circumstances here

at the centre were totally non r*cist

non abilities and non gender preference

cysts ah here's our little group of

special people Vontae why don't we be

starting by inter dissing arising

ourselves huh this is Riley

Riley's alive


psycho masochist major welcome Wow who's

the flesh mattress Riley I'm his life

partner and soul mate Franny you know

these people know hey hey hey you ever

feel like dumping Gimpo dating a real

man I'll have you making noises like a

chimpanzee on fire yeah blazer this is

Riley's life partner beg her pardon this


kiss my meat monkey you don't have a

meat monkey well you know each other

that's wonderful who'd like to start by

discussing their special gift okay well

I had this accident lost my job in

anyway so I'm in this wheelchair now

you're in a wheelchair as well as being

a mouthy drunk oh that's awful Oh


Riley would you like your shirt back

talk more about your feelings yeah so my

feelings are mixed up since I became you

know what my feelings aren't mixed up I

know exactly what my feelings are are

you kidding me with this where are the

pictures of people lying face down on

the sidewalk I'm not having trouble

I'm not differently-abled I'm freakin


this isn't a special challenge it's it's

g*dd*mn tragedy

I can't walk Riley if can't and won't

had a big fish shut up you crippled

loving misery vampire yeah I think the

healing process has begun oh I hate

confrontation I made a promise to myself

then and there that no matter how much

Frannie bag no matter how she pleaded I

was never going back to that circle of

freakish losers


mr. O'Reilly Bethenny Jose muchacho good

to see you man you are a disgusting

little head so I started hanging out

with the Magnificent severed I was as

surprised as anyone went over the next

few months we became pretty good friends

so the Seagal says why do you think I

have mirrors on my feet



you take into this whole handicap thing

like add up to a wheelchair full of

water I mean it you know you about the

only one ever used to stop and talk to

us like like we was human beings or the

folks they need toss a handful of coins

and run you never gave us money plus you

will rule no but you did talk to us I

gave you money all the time no lying

sacks of [ __ ]



happy birthday some birthday Frannie's

out at a dolphin massage workshop and I

gotta go downtown for a high colonic oh

I'm not supposed to let on but that's

just an excuse though you might say

throwing you a surprise party really no

high colonic well yeah but it's after

done it the chain you guys all this for

me I baked a risotto pfeffernusse and a

key lime pie

Bon Appetit Riley what a [ __ ] I am NOT a

[ __ ] I'm educated happy birthday

god bless you man we all love you I read

that brother but any foxy ladies in the

house happy birthday honey I have an

extra special surprise for you she bout

to be givin him to a b*mb present

brother dude happy birthday like you can

even have one when you're so miserably

twisted and crippled get him out of here

wait because of your bummer crippling

Bromberg had like a major guilt fit he

bought you a million-dollar house in

Forest Hills it's yours man


it's a real-life scream

I smell Jacaranda and rose bushes and

Ronnie's piss bag tennis court spa pool

oh nine bathrooms juice that's a lot of

bogs for a guy with only one poop chute

good on you Riley it's a dream come true

I could get lucky here

no no partial people get away sue sue

nobody lives here they can't buy any of

your five-year light bulbs actually

someone does live here


what yeah some guy named Bromberg

crippled male buddy here and brought

into this house so that all of us could

come and hang out next door do you

Bromberg oh no oh yes Morty what did you

do Morty



I said [ __ ] him up with that house I

didn't say that

like Diana's ruined I think I'm gonna

like it here

it started throwing a lot of parties

actually more like one big party the

guys had fun at first but then I don't

know it's like something was bothering

them they became a lot less fun almost I

don't know naggy

so I figured al with them I didn't need

them I could party with my new friends

my wealthy friends and neighbors who at

least would understand a fellow rich guy

right you guys just show me where all

the good restaurants are around here and

then hey you sick a girl I went to camp

with is in a wheelchair do you know her

hi love I on side do you know him oh

look what I just found in the paper

property wanted in Forest Hills will

trade for island in remote remote South


what a deal of course we'd miss you

terribly maybe one of us could drive you

to the airport I guess you're wondering

why I called you here I want you all to

come live with me you can clean up or

whatever for your rent take out my empty

what do you say Riley we were sort of

having a tete-a-tete last night and the

thing is maybe in another life crippled

oh that was nice

eat me what's the matter with you people

ain't nothing the matter with us Riley

since you got that bread you've been

drinking like five times as much of

course I can afford it now I just can't

stay here what you k*ll yourself

so you're moving in with me or what okay

think about it


funny thing happened to me this year

I got quadriplegia and a mansion I think

it was God's way of proving Larry Flint

isn't the only rich crippled prick oh

and I quit drinking give me another

chance he apologized a rating for

dissing you and Ambrose oh they're just


I am so full of love right now do I know

this guy it's Riley there at all see you

next weekend hi guys

I got your rooms ready oh one thing I

forgot to mention I spent all my lawsuit

money on the house the strippers in the

booze but hey Freddie I got you this so

you can bring home some of those

Dolphins you say for us to eat and

that's how I got back on my feet it's

funny I didn't have any security in my

life until I lost everything I had but

now with my friends around me and we're

drinking under control

everything's great









