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01x09 - Son's Also Blinded

Posted: 04/08/24 14:30
by bunniefuu
I used to love the nightlife and hang

out in a bar

I used to hit the button

but then I hit it


the money Lewis

to see me guna strike my



I gotta go buddy

I still managed to kick ass


with all the scandals in the news many

of us wonder what the world is coming to

here's a story that will restore your

faith in mankind everyday heroes heroic

just for getting up every morning

Fontaine black blind musical lefty

masseur to the stars his nimble fingers

hobnobbing with the world's most famous

buttocks until his hands were viciously

ripped off in what only can be described

as a bad career move and blazing a

pillar of the community forced to sell

his body these five days to pay gambling


and finally their leader king of the

cripples if you will

Riley O'Reilly a reformed rook an

indigent near do well a transient rummy


Tosca alcoholic vagabond all right you

made your point who learned the negative

repercussions of being hit by a 4,000

pound luxury automobile so tell us how

do you go on I call it the five FS

friends family and my girlfriend Frannie

who is a fabulous how inspiring not to

mention the insurance payments and

shrewd investments or as I call it being

filthy stinking rich oh I didn't realize

how filthy stinking rich are you now if

I could poop I'd wipe what hundreds you

have the soul of a poet there it is the

strength of the human spirit

this is one reporter whose life has

changed after spending time with these

brave individuals with my finger firmly

up the pulse of the city I'm sassy

Maloney Bravo a stirring piece of

journalism get away I don't want to

catch a quadriplegia I'm so tired of

these feel-good Handicap stories I want

hard-hitting news like the dog wedding

we did last week what about all that

hero stuff surviving with our problems

you want problems my makeup person quit

this morning do you know how tough it is

to find a good makeup person so don't

find me a river yeah yeah I saw it all

on TV you know the camera really

flatters some people but not you guys he

looked like a bag of hell so that was

her 15 minutes somehow I thought there'd

be more to it my deal


personally I don't think you should have

said we had stacks of money come on Mary

what's your problem with that for one

thing it's a lie oh so now I'm supposed

to start telling the truth all the time

and it attracts undesirables the lunatic

fringe hello we are the lunatic fringe

chicks dig guys with money since I don't

look that good in a bathing suit I

thought I'd just help out my case a

little bit I'm telling you this kind of

thing brings all kinds of worms out of

the woodwork hi I'm looking for my

father I gotta admit it Spaulding you're

good I'm sorry son but you have the

wrong address

your father doesn't live here tell us

where you live and we'll take you home

I say nothing till I speak to my daddy

apparently grammar isn't going to play a

part in this

it's not that I don't have sympathy for

a-blowing fatherless run away but we're

playing poker here kid Estella boy boy

Griz what about Fontaine the resemblance

oh wow

day two look alike what a coincidence

good luck blowing kid Fontaine do you

remember dipping your wick Oh about 10

years ago are you saying huh I have a

son Papa font a gorgeous no can we play

some cards imagine finding out you had a

kid after 10 years because of some news

story what steps body language it's like

they've never been apart they're

surrendering to their primal biological

instincts I admit I don't know much

about raising kids yeah it burns going

down wait what am i doing getting booze

to a child I gotta brush up on my daddy

in it just think about how amazing this

is yeah I'm done

what does our relationship mean to you

what does the future hold for Frannie

and Riley I was thinking we could rent a

movie and get some Chinese we've been

through so much together Freddie you

know how I feel about you I think it's

time to cement our relationship you

don't mean that

mmm word don't be ridiculous no we don't

need a piece of paper to validate our

love am I glad to hear that

a lot of women screw up a good

relationship with words like fidelity

and commitment what I meant was I want

to have a baby

obey me the b-word it would change the

whole dynamic of our relationship it

would make us grow as human people the

feedings the baths the funny smells as a

baby gonna get used to living with me

this is just like my daddy lure me throw

it to me son good you're a natural you

got an arm just like your old man come

on you're on fire comin at you poor

little blind black devil his mother's

probably worried sick I ran away from

home once when I was 10

well I didn't exactly leave when I came

home from school my folks had moved and

I bet mom's gonna be so relieved when I

finally find them we have to find

Grover's mother let me make a phone call

hi news chickie

it's the blaze you know from the story

last week about the crippled guys in the

mansion the rich guys yeah I'm calling

from my yacht how would you like a story

about romance sex and a runaway good and

when I'm finished I'll tell you what

happened to Fontaine you're being

selfish immature and shallow exactly

what kind of father would I have here

that it's my body clock and it's going

off that's a snooze alarm

next time it goes off I'm gonna do

something about it it's just such an

awesome responsibility me a role model

let me bring it down to your level

getting pregnant means lots and

lots of sex when do we start


nothing bounds a man in this boy like

the great outdoors

come on pal it's late there's some Z's

calling our names


what the hell's with the schmaltz from

mr. gray setup stick it and go to sleep

grow up this is about the art of

seduction a woman is like a flower

her tender petals yielding sweet nectar

thank God you let me clean up this

pigsty Freni deserves better than your

stick mags and dirty laundry King slam

bam lives

sounds like a cue let's go your cue

maybe this is just getting good now what

are you checking your temperature for

maximum sperm viability according to my

biofeedback chart peak fertility occurs

in did we just yes and you were

wonderful what are you doing now

aligning my negative ions with the

Earth's gravitational pull increasing

chances of insemination great work now

you can go to sleep dad


you're the one

so when maybe some women


this stimulates the chromosomes for

optimum impregnation I'm sorry honey you

know how much I care about you but I

can't go through with this a new

development in the maned manors story

Hey look we're on again

good work blazer

this will help Grover's mom find him


did something nice must you'll be so

cynical can't I do something out of the

goodness of my heart and possibly get a

reward so how's the baby making coming I

can't go through with this

some people make lousy parents my mom

and dad come to mind I'm another one but

Franny's heart is set on having a baby

and she'd make such a wonderful mother

oh let's face it she's just about

perfect except for her taste in men well

if she's looking for a male donor I'd be

glad to lend my humble services my sperm

is her sperm oh I wouldn't mind getting

in on that action I didn't semmen ate

her brains out right here in the kitchen

jealous I wonder if I could ever bring

myself to touch one of them then I'd

bend her over to couch and inseminate

her again

maybe if I just close my eyes and think

of her big blonde Bondi


then I take her outside in a grass and

yes guys this is my girlfriend you're

talking about

yeah show some respect to the woman he


thank you and count me in on the bouquet

Freddie bandwagon but I'm not going last

good morning fellas hi Frannie come into

the living room I have a surprise those

one last night Jen and we learned some

important safety tips about toasting

marshmallows didn't we I got a surprise

for you sir what is it daddy you can

look now


well hello remember me the paralyzed guy

who owns the house oops sorry

are you pregnant oh not yet but soon and

I want you fellas to get used to having

a baby around I'll drink to that



I'm sure real baby arms are much

stronger oh I envy you Franny he'll

never know the joys of motherhood the

skyrocketing estrogen levels the raging

hormones coursing through your veins

however my breaths are very tender


you've ready all this pressure I don't

know if I can perform oh oh poor baby

I'm sorry it's put so much stress on you

I thought you might have a little

problem but it's all taken care of

I picked this up at the cattle breeding

clinic it helps the foals make a

donation now let me just turn it on

there's gonna be a low setting

now you should be finished in a couple

of minutes


thanks for coming with me Grizz

well when they told me you were doing

something sneaky and dishonest I knew I

was your man Frannie we'll never know

I'll get all the slap and tickle I want

but no babies it's brilliant

mr. O'Reilly you didn't specify what

plan you wanted Oh what are my choices

with the deluxe you get a license dr.

anaesthetic and a vasectomy village

balloon what's the other plan with the

basic you get Carlos our gardener and

his weed back


Europe mr. O'Reilly mr. O'Reilly come on

that I read that microwaves will

sterilize you yeah there we go

right now I'd put it on for about Oh two

minutes that should cook Everton pretty

good day I know this had hurt if I could

feel anything

it's getting real of course what are we

thinking it's like a potato if you don't

pick them with a fork they'll explode no

no don't [ __ ] my boys Riley are you okay

Riley Jesus had cold what am I gonna do

I know I'll have a drink


hello I'm Claudia you have my son when I

found out he was gone I panicked then I

saw that news report on TV hard to

believe for once in his life Blizzard

did the right thing you guys are never

gonna let me forget it are you

it's ruined my reputation hmm tell us

about the night Grover was conceived it

was exactly ten years ago this June baby

was red-hot the kind of hot it gets

under a man's skin makes him more crazy

who was full everything about it was

magic it was a night of pure animal

passion that's the most beautiful thing

I ever heard that's exactly how I

remember it


I was out for my morning run when out of

nowhere this guy stumbles into my path

and that was it

now that's the most beautiful story I

ever heard anyway nice meeting y'all but

I've got to take Grover home oh don't go

let Grover needs is daddy you could live

here maybe we could work things out

I've been glad to fall on daddy again is

for the best son the don't worry we stay

in touch I promise


okay let's go Grover Grover oh you mean

that there wasn't your car you know

honey I've been doing a lot of


maybe we should continue the bloodline

so that we live on after we're gone oh

that's a beautiful sentiment and I'm so

glad you feel that way but I've been

thinking too and is this the world we

want to bring a child into not until we

have clean air and water and and ginkgo

biloba available to everyone

soy products in every kitchen maybe then

we can have a child but who knows how

long it's gonna take

we could miss out on our most fertile

years hmm how about this just in case we

freeze my eggs and your sperm jeez

Franny yeah watch that costs we don't

have that kind of money well we can do

it right here yeah there's plenty of

room in your freezer

another family reunited another happy

ending thanks to the nose for news team

I'm sassy Maloney saying I'm sassy

Maloney that turns out great thanks for

the tip I can't believe I'm getting my

own talk show I really appreciate you

financing it's no problem Baby Cakes rub

daddy's ears couldn't sleep either ice

I've been a crazy couple of days thought

maybe a little snack is Ella's down I'll

find us something tasty

hmm Frannie and Riley we shouldn't eat

their food Oh whatever it is we can

replace it actually looks pretty good

someone hand me the frying pan









