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01x11 - The Unkindest Cut

Posted: 04/08/24 14:36
by bunniefuu
I used to love the nightlife and hang

out in a bar I used to hit the bottle

but then I hit a


to us

to see me guna strike my



my shuttle from the store






Brande please I cannot take another

do-gooder meeting what's this one for

evil against the unethical treatment of

vegetables a very good cause you'll

never eat a tomato again once you've

heard their screams of agony when

they're sliced into a salad


Rylee speak to me it wasn't me Grammy I

swear I didn't take it from your purse I

gotta get you to the hospital fast





the gas bill the telephone bill ooh

here's blazers indecent exposure summons

blazer you don't have a body how can you

be indecently exposed

it wasn't easy I tell ya it takes

commitment so Spalding what's the


let me just total this up we're broke

destitute and penniless good thanks I

like a nap I'm doing my part I got our

grocery bill down to nearly nothing you

got a real light touch with doors meet

my man nothing I'm just making a fashion

statement oh you know not everyone can

wear a neck brace but on you it works

I'm being sarcastic damn it oh well it

still looks good check out the size of

this hospital bill we can't buy this

what are we gonna do su1c1de pact I'll

turn on the oven you guys go first

good day my handi-capable compadres oh

thank god for mrs. Venables and her fake

Social Security checks

actually I'm a bit worried about mrs. V

she's not her usual perky self maybe

because she's dead

we don't use words like dead Riley

we prefer viability challenged maybe

it's time she was viability Barry please

that explains the smell coming from a

row and a vulture circling the house her


Fontaine you're a blind black genius

warrant out her room okay read it back

Madame secretary room to rent a

luxurious mansion owned are wealthy

bodybuilders with large packages in the

pants Department if you catch my drift

you do realize we have to pay for this

ad by the word why don't we cut out the

stuff that's not true don't you touch

one hair on that ads head okay okay

oh look that cheerleader doing the

handstand splits us forgot no knickers


room for rent he has a certain haiku

brevity toodles I'm off to put this in

the paper geez two square feet of body

that still works and I gotta ensure that

do you have a reference from your last

landlord warden rots mule I'll get back

to you faith okay here our choices a

Christian fundamentalist a heavy metal

drama or the head of an international

t*rror1st organization we have to fix

someone if I don't get that hospital

bill paid they're gonna take it out of

me in body parts it's not as if your use

in them you know Riley if it was the

cops fault in the first place

they should be responsible for your bill

yeah yeah why am I the fall guy I'm the

victim here if I weren't so lazy I'd do

something about it

come on you've got a legitimate

complaint take your [ __ ] down to City

Hall I thought you were his [ __ ] I

meant he's problem I might just do that

Spaulding you did it again

hot physical therapist pot

problem-solver pot Love Machine now if

you could only rent out this room


hi I'm Randy I've come about the room

I don't care why you've come as long as

you're here I'm answering your egg

you're answering my prayers are you

always such a wiseass

you're right let's cut the chitchat and

make some bedroom sheets sane

unfortunately I don't have much money I

hope it'll be enough don't worry if you

can't afford the rent we'll lend it to



why should I be pushed around just

because I'm in a wheelchair we have to

take responsibility for their actions I

demand justice or at least an

under-the-table pay off by making the

rich feel better about themselves

subsidized lawn care tax write-offs for

poodle trims round-the-clock tennis

lessons rah and as for our handicapped

friends let's get rid of handicap

parking that should make them feel more

like us you're taking away handicap

parking will assign those spaces to the

unfortunate wealthy the over classed who

aren't used to walking and as I'm being

elected unopposed

I'll oppose I'm opposed to you you

couldn't get any more opposed then I'm

opposed who are you I'm the guy who

disagrees with everything she has to say



oh good she's not here yet hello my boy

Oh your birthday's are about to come at



please prefer

something to tell your grandchildren

about at least boys oh I feel so clean

and yet



potato head it's me they're not gonna

believe they're not gonna bleep me more

I was here first

what until it asked judge who we're not

going to believe Riley I'm running for

City Council not righteous poppycock

crap in a handbag why Sir Randy is a man


- horse feathers idiots I'm serious


we're gonna prove that Randy has a

dangling participle all right the other

way oh yeah oh yeah yeah I knew that

you want to appear to the masses biggest

issue today

g*n control yeah yeah you're right we

have to tighten g*n control get a law

that everyone has to carry a piece

that's the only way to protect ourselves

from the maniacs out there give everyone

a g*n anyone caught not carrying a g*n

then we sh**t him Oh perfect solution

it's further children let me see you

never touched me

I don't know

don't forget gay rights I can get 500

blokes right behind you oh do these

pants make my butt look big no Grizz

your butt makes your butt look big me

yeah oh think about it

Morty this race is heating up we need

some big league political tactics yeah I

focus on the issues get out of shake

hell dig up some dirt on that lowlife

next door and drag his crippled ass

through the mud that's my girl I was

afraid you were going soft what this

town really needs is some funding for

the Arts hmm it's fascinating how they

depicted the female form during the

Renaissance apparently they didn't mind

a little cottage cheese on the thighs

who wears her turn-ons and turn-offs can

I have a turn of course Fontaine I

always wondered what was going on in


whoa anybody home how's it going

councilman yeah so far I'm committed to

gay rights for blind museum guards

toting big g*ns baby proof huh very


two feet ten toes very incriminating

whoo-hoo you could be right she does

need a shave

say what Epps how'd those get in there

hey sorry wrong roll blazer stop wasting

my time we're talking about serious

issues here

I need a slogan bite me nah too negative

now all of my policies are spelled out

in that press package you're holding

your opponent says my opponent smoked

marijuana at college big old Jamaican

fatties and there's more is it true Oh

school transcripts forged I can explain

his tax returns for the past five years

filled with inconsistencies you see what

happened was drunk driving shoplifting

petty theft vagrancy

yes yes yes he admitted office and more

I declare bankruptcy eight times I stole

my neighbor's bike when I was 12 his car

when I was 17 and his wife when I was 25

and I fired it in church

that his wife when I was 25 and I farted

in church hey right that's the 10th guy

tonight you gettin to be a real popular

sob it's actually the fifth guy I think

you're hearing double if I knew what a

great scam honesty was I would have told

the truth years ago excuse me boys

I have to go to the little girl's room

that's it Riley here's your proof look

through that hole it goes straight into

the chicks toidy

if it'll shut you up good grief how long

has this been here we put it in about

three years ago sheesh she comes I can

just see she's she's not a man she's an


she's got three legs there's just one in

the middle oh my god ah my little

magnolia stem here comes the good news

now all over the front page Riley roars

to the front his approval rating is 96%


so what's so important it's dragged you

away from Riley's campaign it's our new

roommate Randy she's hello Randy you

fellas must enjoy having a feminine

touch around the house we have Spaulding

for that the problem is I am NOT I'm a

woman trapped inside a man's body you

lied to us to me I never said I was

female well technically no but we were

deceived by those puppies fighting under

your sweater what I sneaky think I do

like slithering into the bathroom and

I'm taking a shower

exactly that's completely different oh

my laughs I felt

I've been trapped inside the wrong body

so once I raise the money for surgery

it's bye-bye wee-wee all this fuss over

a dangling piece of skin are you so

shallow that you define yourself by

what's between your legs

of course we're men we have to demystify

the member take away its power over us

repeat after me

hey Johnny one eye you don't own me you

mister trouser trout I'm the boss here

come on boys say it with me now now

you're not being very sensitive to

Randy's dilemma look into your hearts

and let her know how you really feel

thanks for trying daddy but I don't

think they'll ever get it

it's not working Morty he's milking the

wheelchair angle why didn't we think of

that first hmm I wonder if I'd look good

with crutches but they're very slimming

what you need is your own electoral [ __ ]



what a bunch of small man pea-brain





hmm I wonder

and send every citizen $1,000 first one

here another scandal for my past a

couple of years ago me and some buddies

snuck into an old folks home with an air

can do no wrong I'm ahead in the polls

anything I say they eat it with a spoon

I think I'll get the Chief of Police to

arrest some people I don't like um how

soon can we vote ourselves a raise no

I'd like to introduce my new

spokesperson for the disabled what Miz

Liz Bromberg has assured me special

funding to face one penis traitor after

all we did for her him whatever yeah

just what was that two hundred three

hundred four hundred five hundred and

just what exactly are you going to do

with this windfall I'm gonna lose it no

don't ever lose money that's not what

I'm planning on losing mm-hmm according

to the latest numbers you and Liz are

neck and neck I was so far ahead if it

hadn't been for and even

with all clout behind you you're a

shoo-in so let's meet your pet [ __ ]

certain moe

Oh Randy nice to meet you ladies in

district 13 it's been close but the

final votes are in and the winner is

Riley Oh Riley

I'm so humiliated

what would you you up let's go buy a

house and evict some people first thing

we have to do is go on a fact-finding

mission to Las Vegas


Riley O'Reilly well the officers who

drove us into the ditch we've got a

warrant for your arrest unpaid taxes

shoplifting vagrancy and the farting in

church incident wait wait you can't I'm

on the City Council sorry the election

has been nullified we're taking you

downtown actually we've got one stop to

make first should be the muster Jay

all in all it really was a rather

exciting experience exciting I was

humiliated in from the entire town spent

30 days in jail and owe $25,000 in fines

I meant for me oh he got no complaint so

either I got the best waitress I ever

had and I got rid of a few unwanted

atoms she certainly did






