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02x10 - Griz Savant

Posted: 04/08/24 14:53
by bunniefuu
I used to love the nightlife and hang

out in a bar I used to hit the

but then I hit a car

to see me through the strike my



I gotta go



oh my lord are all these people going

through our group why the hell are they

parking in my handicapped spaces

excuse me Riley but you don't have a car

it's a good thing

why don't they walk it all got feet how

could you of all people have a foot


hey it's all I stare at all day it's

like prisoners turning gay only not as

bad right hello boys coming here what's

going on did you start a support group

for people addicted to cellphones the

truth is the Sanders been going through

a rough financial time what happened all

the money from the donation tins well I

made the mistake of letting one of our

epileptics take it to the bank God

forgot heard like confetti why didn't

you have someone pick it up I did sadly

it was the kleptomaniacs the point is we

had to give up half our space to a

coffee pot coffee drinkers get all the

breaks it's just as addictive as alcohol

but there's no age requirement or last

call and only can you drive after

drinking it you can drive while drinking

it we have to share our building with

that group of soy latte drinking Franks

it's not another 12 inches tall in a

dysfunctional wreck I gotta listen to

some yuppie a-hole describe how he likes

the gray


alright maybe this coffee bar thing

isn't so bad that's the spirit

so it'll be a little crowded some of us

are used to that from the projects right

bro it don't matter how wack yo crib is

so long as you've got your piece with

you you know what I'm saying I think

she's talking to you

Debbie's right insane but right who

knows the physical closeness might even

help us overcome our emotional obstacles

yeah then hopefully you can deal with

your suicidal feelings so you can quit

screwing around and finally go throw at

that we may not be able to afford any

room soon especially if I keep finding

$7.00 lattes oh no this is terrible

we won't be able to have our meetings

anymore I felt we were on the verge of a

major breakthrough don't despair if need


sister butch johnson has graciously

volunteered the church

this elevator is my uncomfortable maybe

I didn't take the stairs boy this would

really hurt if I had any feeling in my


this place means too much to us the good

times the memories the really great food

in the vending machines we can't move so

all we have to do is come up with some

way to raise the money to keep the

sender open how about a talent show come

on guys we can think of something I'm so

proud of you I never knew you cared so

much about the community I got it

well cut down all the city trees and saw

the firewood to the dump so they can use

it to burn tires well look why don't we

just sell our blind how much blood could

you have okay well sell your blood I'm

telling you a talent show a grizz's bar

would be great

a celebrity bowling totally just a small

thing my bowling score really dropped

off when I lost the use of my arms come

on a talent show what better way to

demonstrate to everyone that we're not

the dregs of society they think we are

no other ideas fine we'll do the lousy

talent show don't worry I have enough

talent in my little pinky to carry the

whole show why am I not reassured well

thanks again for letting us hold the

show here yeah but I still take we have

enough entertainment already what

entertainment booth well there's the

flow circus of course the hallucinations

that's it take it baby shake it that's

it baby she don't worry this will be

great for business are you in the mood

for some comedy some music some dings if

it's great entertainment you want go to

i'm ali's down the street i really know

how to do it

so anyone here from out of town anyone

willing to go out of town so that I can

sleep with your wife and now my

interpretive dance panic alpha dolphin

the majestic swim she gets cut



I'm sorry sit down and watch done ruin

my business


why I let you put on a talent show no

one here has any talent oh my god where

did you learn to play piano like that

play what piano Griz

that's a piano I didn't know I always

thought it was just a fat lady sitting

in the corner play some more let's hear

it I think we've heard enough

yeah let me [ __ ]



hey I sound pretty good on this thing

Fontaine you're tapping the fat lady's

teeth log that jazz it's possible that

Grizz has always been a genius and just

never knew it okay let's see how he did

on the IQ test

okay well this doesn't prove anything

now some say IQ tests are culturally

biased against some group yeah like

groups of morons

now Grizz is not a [ __ ] according to my

chart he's an imbecile

let's try testing his spatial acuity try

this huh

no Grizz which hole does it fit in Peng

oh okay I know last night didn't go so

great but that's just because no one got

to here lefty left housekey the

prosthetic polka king


don't get it he's got fingers like

Polish sausages it makes perfect sense

everybody has some special hidden talent

they're born with unfortunately many

people never discover theirs

I would never admit this out loud but

Debbie was right luckily I discovered my

hidden talent under a blanket when I was

a teenager during Channel 5's

cheerleader Film Festival is amazing I

still don't get it

I'm the artiste why are people staring

at me oh they are they're wondering why

mother nature played such a cruel joke

on your parents you just need to find

your hidden talent Lefty maybe your

talent is that you can fly Hey there are

stairs to the roof look who just walked

in like this I'm telling you discovering

a prodigy would get us the attention of

the people at the club he's amazing has

he ever performed at Carnegie Hall if I

performed at you mean vomited behind

then yes well he will perform there once

I get involved

I'm sorry Liz but anything concerning

Grizz has to go through me

you can't be the boss I'll just go over

you oh you mean like Mort did with his



bananas and throwing species what can I

get you I don't drink or eat in fact I

don't put anything in this body yeah and

neither do I there's a two-drink minimum

it'll be higher if you could count past

two I like this new bitter you falling

bring me a pina colada with crushed ice

and use a Wahoo pineapple not Maui Oh

barkeep slash virtuoso another round

look at this

all these rich people clamoring to see

Griz perform how would you feel about a

black-tie recital say a hundred bucks a

ticket oh yeah baby money I can record

it and we'll sell but see these I just

need someone to push the buttons for me

that's where old fall day you come in

handy and all the money will go to the

center you know - managerial expenses

fabulous idea can I perform - now hey

they were cartoons you don't want to

watch that garbage what you really want

is to bask in the elegant yet simple

glory of the haiku Oh God

that's only two syllables doesn't a

haiku have 17 syllables

yes Franny like this Franny on the couch

she understands haiku a very smart girl

that was only 16 syllables darn



that's good lefty but don't you need

more than one person to synchronize

swimming I'm so depressed I've tried

everything and still haven't found my

hidden talent why don't you try

sketching the human form nude okay I'll

give it a try Oh Who am I kidding I

can't do anything


all right let's make this place

presentable a lot of important people

are coming hi this tables wat top black

that was fool

no it's brain that was blood oh I guess

but with some thought of owl Julie's

tell me that brown stuff is wood

do we have any type of cloth oh my god

that's a pizza you ordered four years

ago that's longer than 30 minutes right

you can't do this you have to cancel the

recital rah fire marshal Pumas

daughter's parking then there's no room

for parking on the street hire two valet

oh well then then because blazer can't

wear a tie a black tie he doesn't have a

neck oh this is pointless

I don't have a hidden talent I may as

well end it all now

those are children's vitamins they're

shaped like dinosaurs oh I know and I'll

do it I'll swallow the cheese bets just

give it up the only way we'd cancel the

recital is if something happened to

Grizz oh really

hear that Rex




can't a guy still get a beer around here

sorry lefty good that'll be two people

to think you're a fat slob oh yeah I'm a

fat slob you tell me all the time you

even put it on me birthday cake because

I care just get backstage wait what do

you notice about my hand

it's withered and kind of scary

no it doesn't have a beer in it I'll get

it you just go is there still a

two-drink minimum

uh-huh there's no maximum though is

there Wow there sure are a lot of

important people out there yeah I guess

if it were me performing I'd be shaking

in my boots right now hi I'm shakin it's

too risky I always shake do you mind

don't worry I won't look ditto here

I can't believe those idiots paid a

hundred bucks a head to see you the only

instrument you should be playing is an

organ grinder I know it's crazy huh well

Riley really you must come to the club

for lunch one of these days of course

you know bring your penis my penis I

never leave home without it

what exactly goes on in that club anyway

I just had an orgasm

what is that vodka Kahlua and amaretto

yes that's what I meant

hello ladies and gentlemen I'm Blazer

your emcee in case you're wondering

that stands for master candling penis


the reason we're all here

that fuzzy Beethoven himself

I can't believe Riley kicked me out what

we're reflect oh just be thankful you

don't have to watch that Yeti butcher

another classic come on he's brilliant

listen about a pool

is it an artiste that Harry knuckle

docks is nothing but a genetic

monstrosity and worldly mug lemur

Oh lift it is that you if it sure is try

that again shine little glowworm glimmer

shine little glowworm glimmer don't let

yourself get dimmer like the

I need us onto love

hey hey that's enough no offense but you

suck the big money game maybe you just

need music you know company me woke up

this morning Donna dragged my bones out

of bed hey you made my eyes water and

that ain't easy

I don't a minute ago I could see you're

like you don't just need a company but

you need grizz's are comfortable I can't

believe tonight is going off without a

hitch there's something I need to say

you made me


you made me one you and all the time you

knew it

I guess you always knew it give me give

me give me give me what I cry for no you

got the brand of kisses that I die for

you know


love you that was magic I want you to

take me rip off my clothes and bleep

that was close

oh that was amazing

you were great no you were great

no no you were great no okay okay keep

it in your trousers get out there and do

another song you guys are a great team

yes we are leave the singing a memory

that's not good okay Lefty you'll just

have to go up there alone No

we can't believe we had to refund all

the money well they did only get to hear

two songs oh well what about the CDs

yeah play the tape you don't have to

watch that Yeti butcher another class

ever notice how different you sound on

tape you idiot you recorded the back


not the stage I was wondering why you

were carrying around a microphone

microphone I thought I was carrying

around a beer no wonder I couldn't get

it open I don't believe this I don't

know why you're all depressed I finally

find my hidden talent and now it's gone

forever I guess we're going to lose our

space Liz what are you doing here

apparently some people mainly the judge

whose cat I ran over think I have a

drinking problem me so I'll be coming

here for a few meetings well actually

we're moving to the church not this too

we're staying here but without this

awful crowd they give me a headache

that's why I just bought the building




a lot a good news

the doctor says as long as I take care

of my hands I'm going to make a full




no anyway I think it all started when my

great-great grandmother was conceived no

waiting it was before that in Russia in

us anything is better than this


much better







