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02x11 - Heaven Can Bite Me

Posted: 04/08/24 14:53
by bunniefuu
I used to love the nightlife and hang

out in a bar

I used to hit the run

but then I hit it

to see me guna strike



shut up on the stove

without a leg to stand on


thanks officers sorry about the

misunderstanding that's nice

let the quadriplegic roll around in the

dark you all go out have a good time

without me oh oh you remembered my

birthday six months after it happened

have you forgotten what today is it's

the first anniversary of that special

day when you were given the opportunity

to explore new horizons yeah from two

feet lower and on wheels this party is

to celebrate my accident happy crippled

bay a year ago I lost the use of my

limbs and now we're having little cheesy

snacks don't be a party pooper get into

the spirit what's been a liking the

decoration and what's the point of

parties when you can't drink

don't worry oh you can drink enough for

the both of us fruity hit sharp I'll

take that as a compliment come on let's


Lefty hit the music


I suppose but it's not the threesome I

envisioned now wiggle your bulb to

happen isn't that a little childish not

if you're bobbing in beer and my ears

are clean

thanks to lefties nipple time it's

called drink and pass out on the floor

brownies they're delicious no don't

I put absinthe in those brownies what's

that alcohol finally this party's

getting good come here baby

absence makes the heart grow fonder


so cool goodbye kidneys pancreas and

gallbladder I'm sorry I never said I

loved you


the popcorns ready look at him just

lying there not moving so what's new

doctor is it going to be okay he'll

probably leave this afternoon Riley can

go home everybody you know this but he's

stable for now as long as he's connected

to this machine no one the microwave was

it Oh what is this big surprise

prepare to be dosed with culture it's a

genuine von Klamp one of the great

sculptors of the 17th century I love the

little [ __ ] II guys with the horns

dancing around it's fabulous weight of

the girls at the club see this and for

that extra touch of class look what I

had put in butter


it's okay

the backup generator kicked in power

failure was too much for a system Luzi




this is everything that ever happened to


who you reckon II work get baby oh yeah

hey I'm up here guys I'm flying

oh okay I've had my life flashing before

my eyes

the floating what's next the tunnel with

a light at the end my death is a cliche

hey what's with the wheelchair I was

paralyzed for life not the afterlife

haven't you people heard of perhaps it's

alright he's going to a much better


Ward 13 it's got a lovely view of the

gardens you mean he's going to make it

without a new liver he's a longshot

unfortunately he has what the medical

profession calls are really hard to find

that kind of liver

if anyone's paying attention I could use

some wings don't those until you're

processed and approved and I didn't

think I could get any worse I will be

your guide through the afterlife stay

behind the ropes ed no flash photography

going to heaven hell is much more

unpleasant to pretend to know what

they're missing out

so are you dead - ah don't tell me I

missed it remember what I taught you at


nuns come and go as we please as long as

we pass the physical to make sure that

we're still you know intact


behold the gates of heaven testament to

his glory prepare his sinner to be

strong silent the words awesome wonder


I'll take Twinkle Toes from here why

don't you open the big gates the air

conditionings on ride of bloody Christ

she would now a tram was up until they

rang the bloody Bell anyway might

farmers hey what's your sang we've got

to find a compatible organ in this

database yes I've got two matches for

his liver one belongs to a convicted

mass m*rder*r in solitary confinement in

Siberia the other is Oh Mort Bromberg's

when's the next plane to Siberia Wow I

was expecting clouds and hearts that's

only in the movies up here every week is

a different theme this week is our Z

week kangaroo kangaroo pie yeah that's a

bit of a cliche so what do you want to

do swimming surfing cheek shagging whoa

take this air


yeah this is more like it you can get

anything you want

Tice t health food I mean she the

program VCR there's even a movie theater

where the people behind you

never speak I want one of everything

uh-huh you have to wait until you get

your allowance my allowance what what do

I have to wash God's car walk his dog do

a little babysitting why should have to

be judged we bring your good deeds

against your sins

the difference is converted into God

dollars what if you've got more sins

than good deeds well that shouldn't

worry you because you

easy take a boning Kn*fe and make a long

incision adjacent to the rump allow the

blood to drain before removing the liver

top I'm getting crazy boy I tell you I

wish I could do it myself however I will

take more it's body off your hands when

you're done some personal reasons we

can't k*ll another living being even if

it is to save Riley's life you're sane

and not a person it smart Bromberg we

could clone a new liver all we need is a


some of Riley's DNA and 35 million

dollars now where are we gonna find a

pig I'm going to go over and ask him

it's a chance to negate his bad karma

from running over Riley in the first

place he can't say no

excuse me for a moment Franny yeah we'll

be right back hello mr. Bromberg

remember me yeah the hippy dippy girl

with the big Bo rhombus if you're

collecting for the whales I'm fresh out

of plankton it's Riley he needs a liver

if he doesn't get it he's going to die

he should have thought of that before he

lost it in the first place you young

people expect your livers to be head

that they you on a silver platter you

are our only hope

yours is a perfect match if we could

just take a tiny piece of it I'm

appealing to your sense of humanity it's

a nice change massaging you without

being abused and insulted and ridicule


Rolly nobody calls me a prancing Wade

like you do

yeah point don't think I'm gonna get

into heaven you got to admit it's piss

funny so when do I find out we'll be in


here's $5 get yourself a drink it could

be your last sorry


a chicken with posi wow this is amazing

it's even got wrestling hey who do I

have to resurrect to get a drink around


well if it isn't Riley Oh Riley me old

dingo cobber mate Chris what are you

doing here

I'm not Grizz we take human forms people

you're familiar with to make you more

comfortable I actually look like this

how come you're not doing an Australian

accent I'm not what if I said dingo

again forget it

thanks I hate these stupid themed weeks

so what's your poison hemlock cyanide

drain cleaner they taste great and they

do you no harm up here well I've always

wanted to try brake fluid a man of

expensive tastes

I gotta admit I'm a bit worried about my

evaluation I don't know if I'm gonna get

in it's easy just repent all your sins

you don't actually have to mean it

yeah that's it yeah as long as you've

got at least one good deed you're

laughing oh you had enough - boy this

bar and a couple of petty kidneys dusty

mother's good deeds that's right as in

deeds that are good as in helping other


simple as that I'm dead that's why

you're here

love the costume thanks for the annual

heavenly masquerade ball should have got

the next size this ones rod not me cr*ck

it's time for your evaluation good luck

he's gonna need it come on fellas if

we're going to save Riley's life we've

got to get over to the farm Burgh's and


I get it to rise Oh puppy your might

falling down to the last detail

the resemblance is uncanny let's cut the


welcome to the department of high school

for real placement please tweet a bit of

a stuff on baguette if I can find any of

your good deeds

oh there's probably some kind of

clerical error

- right tell you what you could run me

through them and all will come up in the

book computers on oh yeah sure sure

uh well I helped an old lady across the

street would that be the old lady you

pushed onto the road so you could pinch

her taxi okay I strike that one uh I

always gave something to charity

collectors yes

a total of 13 buttons a paperclip and on

five occasions the finger look my hate

I'm going to need a good deed all right

I admit it I'm a shameless thoughtless

self-centered inconsiderate ass I make

everyone else look like a saint oh dude

that's it you make other people feel

good about themselves but in such a

contemptible bastard gee thanks hey I've

done a good deed a man called your

horses Sonny now we've got a review


we have to do this to save Riley even

though we're going to brutally hack the

liver from his living body against his

will I want us to do it in a caring

sharing way okay that's all my sins nah

this is Volume one

sloth and gluttony uh-oh Bagon if I was

going to go through all of this so I've

put together a few highlights honestly

Freddy she's my sister

who would have guessed a peeping tom

living under my very own roof what do

you mean we

Nancy boy so how long does send this to

Greenland about my calculation this is

the bedroom

this is where the Bromberg's do the


coochie-coo I'm gonna puke can we just

get this over with here he comes





that's a bloody impressive collection of

sins and I process Kangaskhan I repent

all of it okay

can I go now one more thing up hitting

trifle really then you can repent and be

on your way

one year ago today you showed a blatant

disregard for human life to wit your own

when in a state of intoxication you

stepped into the path of a moving

vehicle what you know your accident I

know what you're talking about

you want me to repent for being run over

by a drunken morte Bromberg whatever do

you repent it wasn't my fault but it's

your last one if you don't repent you'll

go too bloody than anything else but not

that you've got to I don't want to send

you to hell how do you think that'll

make me look I'll be the [ __ ] who

sent the [ __ ] to hell

I've lived with my disability 24/7 for

the past year and I'll be damned if I'm

going to apologize for it and if that

means hell then bring it on baby

look out Satan Riley's moving in

I suppose someone was gonna find out

sooner or later you've bricked up hell

there is no hell there never was it's

just a motivational device to get poor

bastards to repent so you've been lying

to us all these years it's always worked

until now wow what kind of twisted

little liar dreamed this up flat would


your husband is going to be fine we were

able to remove this cleanly from his

abdomen but he had to remove his liver

I'm married to a man with no liver the

same no he's still got one he had to

actually if they were putting too much

pressure on his four kidneys where is it

that liver is ours we're taking it home

um have we seem to have lost it

which reminds me oh great that's not

what you do the leather band any good oh

my god god you're a temp what happened

I'd put in six bloody dice tried might I

needed a drink yeah sigh boy invented

beer 200 Carlton ease lighter I fall of

a bloody cloud so you're not really

omnipotent then that that was a typo

come on


yes I've had to do some thunderclap oh

no Stan thanks I'll tell you what I it's

bloody hard when the Sun shines at your

ass the usual strychnine lager and not

too much blood in here make it two

so there's no hell condemning somebody

to an eternity of torment just for

breaking a few rules I never r*ped screw

as opposed to Wars and t*rture and

country and western music why that might

play the fool guy I can't get around the

way I used to but twice isn't too

wheelchair friendly yeah I noticed

that's why I invented free will got me

off the bloody hook everything that

happens on earth is your own bloody


Oh what about lightning and droughts and

floods I get technical

don't you even listen to people's

prayers and grant their wishes how do

you think our bloody am Santa Claus I'll

bet you wouldn't be happy if this thing

about hell not existing God out oh

Christ no gotta keep mum what do you

want money fine

eternal life how about some nice mag

wheels for that tree oh this is what

I've been waiting my whole life for I

have got God by that short hairs looks

like you're very cold but our deal deal


I'll tell everyone the truth

Oh Ozzy weak oh it's over thank God

oh that's me


back if you want to celebrate with some

post coma sex just pretend I'm not here

thought you had shuffled off this mortal

coil I spent hours on your eulogy it's

great to see you so full of life again

well moving your head hey guys I just

had a really amazing near-death

experience where I realized something

important that every precious moment of

life is worth savoring to its fullest no

that I want to go back







