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01x19 - A Duel of Thrones / The One Who is a Throne

Posted: 04/09/24 07:28
by bunniefuu
Beyond this door lies the path to becoming the King of Duels.

But... the key...

Where is the key that opens the door to this new world?!

You made it!

Go forth!

With the power of the Roads, knock down that door!

I know! That robot—!

Um, where are my notes...


Don't charge there, Kaizo!!

Rush! Rush! GO! Rush!

Ultimate Rush!

Here we go, it's my turn! And then it's yours!

Even if I'm interrupted,

I'll cut on through, give it to me!

Who is this turn for? Of course it's for us!

We'll say a lot of things but in the end, it's the best duel!

That's why this dashing rush won't stop

Super fast every day

Because rigid theories are boring

An irregular and unprecedented game

In short, watch out! Don't be so rigid

You, too, watch out! Don't be tied down

That's why - Draw! Draw! Draw! Come on!

Just have some fun!

"It's my road!"

Yeahhhhhhh!!! It's far from enough

I'll create an era with new rules!!

We can't let it end like this

So laugh, cry, take a counterattack, and do a one-shot reversal, baby!

Run run run run run run run run

Rush! GO! Rush! (Rush Duel!)

Run run run run run run run run

Rush! GO! Rush! (Rush Duel!)

Let's keep moving!!! On our road

Even if we fall seven times, we'll get up seven more

I'll break through my road!

Nanananananana... Rush! GO! Rush!

Rush! Rush! GO! Rush!

Nanananananana... Rush! GO! Rush!

Rush! Rush! GO! Rush!

Rush! Rush! GO! Rush!

Subbed by EntameSubs find all releases @

Title: The One Who is a Throne

Another all-nighter again?

I'm just getting very curious.

About Oudou Yuuga?


Ever since I snatched his original data away, I've been analyzing his contents nonstop.

In every log of Oudou Yuuga that I've managed to extract,

there seems to be one constant keyword that governs the basis of his actions.


It seems we're very alike.


There's no such road in my Garden.

I have a request.

Please allow me to duel him in the next Rush Duel.


I cannot continue to permit him to do as he pleases.

Neil-sama is a person who has the right to sit on this Sebastian's seat.

But that Oudou Yuuga is just a boy who can only sit on the seat of a mass-produced bicycle.

I will make him realize what a foolish act it is to get in the way of Neil-sama.

To think that you could become so emotional.


I am just a program meant to help guide Neil-sama on the right path.

We A.I. are valuable because we don't feel things like emotions.

Super Rush Robot?

In my dream, it rescued me when I was stuck behind the locked door.

So you're saying that you think that robot is the key to unlocking the door to the new world?


And that's why you drew those blueprints?


I just have a hunch that this robot will be the best thing I've ever made yet!

Another one?

Just look at this pile.


This thing here is from when we suspected that Romin was a traitor—

—the Lie Detectorinator!

Again with that?!

How nostalgic!



You should really organize this...

Throw away the useless stuff.

There's nothing useless there.

All Roads are my precious treasures.

Not at all?

What about Kaizo?

Are you serious at all about getting his original data back?

Don't tell me, Yuuga, you're alright with whatever happens to me?

Of course not.

You're one of my Roads, after all.

Then hurry up already!

It's done!

My blueprints for the Super Rush Robot!



This robot...

Kaizo seems to be one of the most important parts!



Thank you so much, Yuuga...

The truth all along was that you've always cared about me the most in your heart.

What "most important part"?!

Double Talk: Horrible!!

I'm thinking of making Kaizo the cooling device.

It's true that he's attached to an important function, but...


Yuuga, you...


You and your stupid Road!!


What's this?

Massage chairs...?

Is this also one of your Roads?

No, but...

Well, whatever, I'm using it.

Wait, Luke—

Are you alright, Luke-kun?!


It feels so good!!

Could we...


Double Talk: So relaxing...!

What did you think?

Those were Goha's Harmonious Comfort Massage Chairs which are a big hit.

Of course, compared to my technique, we are as night and day.


If it's as good as you say, then I have to try it!

Be more surprised that a chair is talking.

Only the chosen one can sit on me.


Welcome and thank you for coming.

I am the one who serves as Neil-sama's butler and throne.

My name is Sebastian.


Today, I will be sure to put you in your rightful place.

To stand in the great Neil-sama's way in his Garden is truly the height of folly.

We will fight, by all means.

Massage Chair Rush Duel!


How cool!!

As thanks for your compliment, it is only polite for me to warn you.

You should not think of me as being on the same level as those previous duelists.

Before you even get your penalties for losing, I will completely crush your spirit.

Now you're talking!

Let's go!

I humbly participate.

RUSH DUEL: Rush Duel!!

Then, please allow me to start my turn.

I draw.

I summon the three monsters Dwell Chair Gear, Dwell Chair Bone, and Dwell Chair Saber.

What is this, the world exhibition for chairs?

That said, he only summoned a bunch of ATK monsters...

His calm attitude is actually kinda creepy.

I set two cards and humbly end my turn.

My turn, draw!

I summon Dark Sorcerer, Light Sorcerer, and Kuribot.

I sacrifice Kuribot to tribute summon {\c&HFB&}Windcaster Torna.

He has three ATK monsters over there.

He has to be planning something!

And that's what makes this exciting!

Let's go, battle!


Yuuga's attack went through?

Did we overestimate him?

If you will excuse me, I activate the trap card Collapsed Chair.

This card's effect destroys all monsters on both of our fields.

Then, we both send cards from our deck to the graveyard equal to the total amount of monsters destroyed.

Did he really take so much damage

just to activate this field wiping trap?

With an effect like that, isn't he scared?

Such emotions are unnecessary for me.

All I need is the calm rationality and goal of serving the young master in order to attain victory.

If one who exists to serve is trembling in the arms of their master...

They do not deserve to be known as a chair.

Do chairs usually care about this stuff?


The very things that have served mankind for eternity.

From the moment civilization was born on this star to the present day,

through the good times and the bad,

chairs have spun history together with humans.

And the one which embodies the pinnacle of chair evolution... the massage chair!

Is this a common argument in the chair community?!

To tell the truth,

I am the ultimate massage chair developed by Goha Corporation using the best of their technology.

A Massage Throne, even!

Being a Massage Throne means that

only the chosen one out of all the world's nobility can be allowed to relax upon me—

—the King of all chairs!

In addition to being a seat of comfort, I can also carry out my tasks as a butler perfectly.

I am also programmed to give the best royal education to the young master I can offer as the pinnacle of thrones.

That is!

It is no exaggeration to say that those who have obtained the right to be attended by me

have also obtained the right to rule humanity!

Neil-sama is such a person.

The one who has obtained the right to sit upon me, a special and limited edition Massage Throne.

Compared to him,

you are just a flea who can only sit upon the seat of a mass produced bike.

What I am saying is!

The worth of a human being is determined by the chair they sit on!

I end my turn.

It is now my turn.


I set one card.

I then summon Dwell Chair Gear and Dwell Chair Bone.

I sacrifice these two to tribute summon.

The one who has observed history alongside the cursed lineage of the royal family...

Many battles were fought just to sit upon you

with both winners and losers emerging at times.

Chair.: However!

Chair.: Even if the King dies, the throne does not!

Chair.: Appear!

Chair.: Throne of Darkness!

Great thrones will attract great Kings.

If my graveyard has or more ATK monsters, then I can activate its effect.

With the Throne of Darkness' effect, I special summon Dayu, the Dark King of Chairs.

So this is why he sent so many monsters to the graveyard.

I send the top card of my deck to the graveyard

to activate Dayu, the Dark King's effect on the throne.

Chair.: Force of Chairs!

With this effect, the Dark King gains attack for each level of the throne.

His attack became ?!

If this goes through, then Yuuga will be defeated this turn!

I will teach you a lesson about the difference

between you and Neil-sama.

Dayu, the Dark King of Chairs direct att*cks!

Chair.: The one chosen to sit upon the jet-black throne.

Chair.: The King who rules over all wandering souls.

Chair.: Burn everything with your vengeful flames of hell!

Chair.: Askew Burning!




Curtain of Sparks' effect decreased Dayu, the Dark King's attack by .

He barely dodged it!

Now his remaining monsters have ATK!

It seems his opponent put everything into that combo!

Even though you're a chair,

you were sitting cross-legged on the throne of over-confidence!

I end my turn.


Dayu, the Dark King of Chairs' effect ends and it returns to its normal ATK.

S-Sitting cross-legged on... th-the throne...

I cannot have you win no matter what.

And then to defeat Neil-sama...

No, the person who sits on me must be the strongest...!

My turn, draw!

It seems Yuuga's road to victory is clear!

I summon {\c&HFB&}Child of Wind, Cyc and Stray Familiar.

I release two monsters and tribute summon!

Yuuga: No matter if walls,

Yuuga: mountains,

Yuuga: or planets block my path!

Yuuga: I will carve through it all and push forward on my road!

Yuuga: Let's go, Sevens Road Magician!

At this time, by returning Dark King to my hand

I activate Power of Throne!

Due to its effect, you now draw cards equal to the Dark King's level that I just returned to my hand.

Seven cards?!

And then, for the rest of this turn, you can't attack monsters with ATK!


Hey, doesn't it feel like his personality suddenly changed?

Don't tell me it's because he didn't manage to win last turn?


Also, I activate Gate of Thrones!


Sevens Road Magician is returned to your hand.


And now, it's time to start the cheap, low quality goods sale!

Within one of these seats

is the trash you call Kaizo, and if you successfully find him,

then you can summon your Sevens Road again.


if you get it wrong,

then you will take damage.

That means...

He has to be able to special summon Sevens Road again...

...or lose.

He has only those two options.

Can you find the correct one?

You definitely can't!

You know, I've always wanted to tell you.

About the scream it let out when I absorbed all its original data!

And I wanted to show you

those frightened, tearful eyes!

You were the one who att*cked Kaizo?!

I am the King of Chairs! I can order around this piece of scrap!

And that scrap was nothing but worthless junk!

It even felt emotions like fear!

He's not worthless junk!

Because, you know, Kaizo was always by our side...


Without Kaizo, we wouldn't have been able to have as many smiles and laughs as we have...!


And if it's Yuuga, then of course he will definitely find him.


There's no way I'd get this wrong.

Kaizo can understand the kindness of others as well as our own affection.

After all, he is a Road built by me, a precious comrade!



You did it, Yuuga!

As expected!

It's true, Kaizo is unreliable.

Forget being useless, he's troublesome and drags us down!

But you see, that is Kaizo!

That's why we love him!

It seems you can't even understand that, huh.

Tell him which one's the stupid one, Yuuga!

Yeah! Let's end this!

Did you forget about Power of Throne's effect?!

It's true!

This turn, Yuuga-kun can't attack monsters with ATK!

With the help of one WATER attribute monster,

I activate Road Magic - Backflow!

I'll send that Throne of Darkness back to your hand!


I send the top card of my deck to the graveyard to activate Sevens Road Magician's effect!

Yuuga: Elemental Road!

The total amount of different attributes in Yuuga's graveyard is six!

Sevens Road Magician's ATK goes up by to !!

End this duel with a direct attack!

Yuuga: Sevens Magic!

You did it!

That's what you get for sitting cross-legged, Chair King!

How was it...

The strength of...

How was it...

The strength of my...

How was it...


Double Talk: The strength of...

Double Talk: How was it...

Double Talk: The strength of my...

I was truly loved by Yuuga... by everyone...?

Of course!

So don't worry too much.

We'll definitely get back your original data.

Look, look!

I've redrawn the blueprints for the Super Rush Robot.

This time I've attached you to the butt of the robot as a deodorizer, how about that?


From now on, I cannot be with Neil-sama anymore.

Please dispose of me, as I am oversized garbage.

Please don't be worried.

A new, alternate massage chair will be prepared for you immediately.

I don't want a new massage chair.


Only you.

Am I malfunctioning?

I do not recall such a program being installed...

A towering school building (ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong)

The six Pleiades raining down

If going through tough times or if you lose your way

(Ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong)

If you come here, then it'll be alright — your future will shine

And so we keep that light in our chests

It's always

! It's !

If it's learning, then it's !

It's ! It's !

No matter what, we'll always meet at that place

Every day at Goha th Elementary

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Double Talk: tip:

It's Yuuga's

and Luke's

monster study corner!

Today is Sebastian's monster, Throne of Darkness.

It has the effect of being able to special summon a ATK monster from your hand.

I was surprised when it managed to summon Dayu, the Dark King of Chairs.

I didn't expect it to gain ATK like that!

What an amazing combo!

Next time:

It's Tough, Being an Adult.


Next time: It's Tough, Being an Adult.
