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02x08 - Legend of the Sevens / Do You Remember Atachi?

Posted: 04/09/24 09:38
by bunniefuu
Magician, there are others in the world who have the same power of "Seven" as you.

You must find themーthe remaining holders of "Seven"...

The Sevens.


When all of the Sevens have gathered...

On the night of a large and hardly recognizable full moon...

A man will carve open an unknown path, and become the King of Duels, a guiding beacon for the world.

Agh! Ugh! Hrk! Ah!

Double Talk: Agh! Ugh! Hrk! Ah!


Are you okay, Yuuga?


H-He was so shocked that he skipped past depression and went right off the deep end!

That's it, that's it...

I'm completely fine.

You don't have to be embarrassed!

Some unknown card like Fusion managed to beat your Maximum like it was a piece of cake!


I'm going...

To see Yuuou.



Go enjoy, feel, believe, and plunge into the light!

For some reason, when I looked up at the sun, I sneezed

A weird action, satisfaction, a hunch that something would happen

On those stifling days, come here when you're tired

Keep chasing your impulsive urges, for the ordinary is boring

To your turn that belongs to no one else

To the road's end that nobody sees

To our Harevutai that's like no one else's

greatest stage

I wanna enjoy, feel, believe, and kick the earth!

Limit break past your dreams and aim for that meteor!

We'll go beyond that boundary and surpass it!

Believe in that light shining in your hands!

Go enjoy, feel, believe, and plunge into the light!

Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush Duel!

Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush Duel!

Let's go Rush! Let's go Rush!

Title: A duel in the library?! This kid is naughty

Title: The mystery of "SEVENS" will be revealed?!

Title: Do You Remember Atachi?

Fusion, huh...

All I know is that Yuuou and Doll have been holed up in his room and acting sneaky.

All I know is that Yuuou and Doll have been holed up in his room and acting sneaky.

All I know is that Yuuou and Doll have been holed up in his room and acting sneaky.

So, why did you transfer to Goha th of all places?

In order to overtake a strong enemy...

You should attack from the inner lap, and then when you're side-by-side, immediately go full throttle!

That's it.


Are you even listening?

Yeah, this is delicious!

We're really going to meet Yuuou-kun at his fortress?!

That's way too risky, Yuuga!

I-I hope we arrive soon, Oudou-san.

Hey, where's Swirly? Did he run away?

He's not good with heights, so he went to the Goha Library to try and find a hint on how to stop Fusion instead.

Perhaps Yuuga-kun is trying to do the same by meeting with Yuuou-kun?

No, there's no way the current Oudou-san is holding together that well.

Forget a hint, he wants Yuuou's head!

No, maybe he actually wants to destroy their fortress along with the Fusion card!


If it's him, he's gonna do it.

He's gonna do it!!

You sl*ve-driveerrrr!


Why do I have to be a library receptionist?

I'll definitely climb my way back up the ladder!

And regain my bright, shining days!

Please be quiet in the library!

Also, put these away.

This is super mammoth-sized horrible!!

A book with some hint... a book with some hint...



Sorry! I'm supposed to have a Rush Duel with a friend and I'm gonna be late.

Put that book back for me, please!



The title of this book is...


"The Magician went and traveled ‘round the stars..."

"And finally, he found the remaining Sevens."

He's probably frustrated right now, that Oudou Yuuga.

As long as I have Fusion, he can't do anything at all.

To think that pathetic bug tried to oppose me with his sham Rush Duels—

Me, the top of Goha Corporation, who controls the entire world.

How dare he.

I see.

I can feel your strong will in those words.

You're saying that the one who's at the top of Goha isn't us, but you.



Ugh, this only happened 'cause Yuuga's a bad driver...


My apologies, Oudou-san!

Thank goodness!

It didn't spill.


This is—



I figured if things went south between Yuuou and Yuuga, then I could feed them this.

I mean, my curry has the magic of helping two people make up, right?

That Dragears Curry really did taste good...


Don't tell me you forgot about the tragedy that happened that day!

I-I just messed up a little that time...

This time it'll be fine!


I call it "Prima Guitarna Curry"!

It's pink!!

It's got an expl*sive power-up in taste!

Its explosiveness powered up?!

Quite the gallant entrance there.


I didn't expect you to be able to pierce through armor composed of Gohanium.

But it was probably bad luck to have crashed right into Yuuka's field.

This is...

Play ball!!


Crushed it!

I-If the curry receives too big of an impact...!

It'll be a disaster!


Bring it on!

Aim for the triple crown!

I only came to... with...






Then come and see me.

I'll figure it out myself, then.

The red zone of his soul that he's attempting to accelerate into.

Why is a dismissed president like you here, Yuuro-nii-san?

Ow, ow, ow...



It's out.

We're in a kitchen, it seems like.

As expected of a Goha President!

Everywhere you look is money!

Right, with these high-quality ingredients, I can make the curry even better—


Just how many more ordeals must you put humanity through, Dr. Romin?!

Just how many more ordeals must you put humanity through, Dr. Romin?!

Just how many more ordeals must you put humanity through, Dr. Romin?!


You're trying to figure out Oudou Yuuga, aren't you?

And Yuuou, too.

He wanted us to Rush Duel Oudou Yuuga for the sake of crushing Rush Duels...

And to get rid of the us.

He's trying to make Goha all his own.

By using Fusion.

It's as you say.

I am no longer a Goha President.

But the fact that you are our elder brother will never change.

I need to tell you something about that card.

Now that all the Sevens have gathered...

You can overcome all the walls, mountains, and planets in your way,

carving open a road that will lead people to peace.

"No matter if walls, mountains, or planets..."

Isn't this—?!

It's Sevens Road Magician's summoning chant to a T!

Did this book inspire Otes to create the Sevens Road series?!

Who are—

If I just present this book to the siblings...

Then maybe they'll promote me to the Goha elite's upper brass again!

Hey, won't you give me that book—

N-No, I can't!

I'll give you some super rare telephone cards with no holes in them.

I have no idea what those are, so no!

There's three of them!

Yuuga-san and the others, my precious friends, may need the hint in this book to counter Fusion, so...

I can't give it to you!

Please be quiet in the library!





Then how about we decide this with a Rush Duel?

B-But I don't have a deck...

No problem! You can use a rental.


Choose whichever one you want.

This one, swirl!

Then let's begin.

For the sake of restoring my elite status in Goha!

For the sake of Yuuga-san's victory!




I'm impressed.

No, maybe I should say I'm deeply moved.

Since you can't win in a Rush Duel, you broke into Sixcross for revenge.

To think that trash like you who doesn't know his place actually existed.

Mimi: Tower above with your shoulder pads!

Mimi: Hover up high in DC-brand!

Mimi: Now blossom in full glory at the show's very end so that even the neon flowers of the city that never sleeps fall into envy!

Mimi: I summon Dian Keto the—


Oh, uh...

I tribute summon Dian Keto.

Do you want to steal this?

Or maybe...

It's my life that you want?

I wanted to ask you something.


Since those who stand at the top of Goha must be both merciful and have compassion...

I'll answer whatever question you ask.

Baby Dragon att*cks your Dian Keto.


I attack Dian Keto.



Oh, right, right.

Celtic Guardian and Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts direct attack.


Daifuku and Peking duck?

Did you create that card?


Then who did?

That... I don't know.

I see.

I understand your feelings, you know.

In addition to your Maximum being totally crushed...

Your Rush Duel Robot is practically in shambles.

Your heart must be torn to ribbons.

And, despite trying so desperately to get information about Fusion, you couldn't get anything.

Isn't it frustrating?


I'm sure you must be in despair!


I return Dian Keto from my grave to my hand,

then tribute summon her again!


Then I activate a field spell.

The Enchanted Nightless City!

Her ATK goes up & up by !

How many times do I have to tell you to be quiet?!



Because I can't help but be excited!

Rush Duels have so much more potential than anyone could fathom!

I have no idea how far they'll go!

That's why!

Sorry for the wait!

My "get-along-well-together" Prima Guitarna Curry is now ready to eat!



We don't know who made that card.


But don't you think that's what they're trying to say?

Like "come and find me", y'know?!


I don't give a damn about who made it!

I wanted to know all about Fusion, so...

I kept thinking about it all night and couldn't sleep...

But it's a relief to know that the card was a lot more mysterious than...

I'd ever...




This welcome party has reached its finale!!

I tribute swirl-mon Dark Magician!

Dark Magician!

The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense.

An amazing card like this was in the library's rental decks?

Then, with Thousand Knives, I destroy Dian Keto!

Oh no, Keto-chan!

Now receptionist Atachi-san has zero monsters.

If he just direct att*cks with Dark Magician, then it's the chameleon's win for sure!



Why aren't you attacking?

Yuuga! Hey wake up, Yuuga!!

Worthless worms like you who don't know their place are a blight on this world!

A plague!! Utter filth!!!


I'll lock you inside my iron maiden and suffocate you in the deep vacuum of space!!

We gotta detonate Romin's curry!

We don't know how powerful it is!

We could blow up the entirety of Goha City!

I already said!! It doesn't explode!!!

What is it now?!


I've called in reinforcements!

B-Big si—


Right, if I direct attack now, then I'll win...


When this is over, I'll have to return this deck to the library...

I may never get to see you again.

That's why... That's why...!

I summon Feral Imp!

I sacrifice it...

For Miss Dark Magician Girl!

Please take my swirling heart as a sacrifice...!

A summon into a confession!

And now, I activate my trap!

Mirror Ball!


Its effect lets me call back Dian Keto from the grave!

Then, with The Enchanted Nightless City, it gains ATK!

Up & up!


You bastards!

And just when I thought I'd lost my edge.

Alright you guys, let's go!

Yes, President!


I told you to call me Tiger!!









Up and up! Up and up!

Double Talk: Up and up!

If I lose, then I'll surely make Miss Dark Magician Girl sad...

I couldn't, I wouldn't...


Dark Magic Attack?

I use Dark Magic Attack's effect to destroy The Enchanted Nightless City!


It was thanks to this field spell that Dian Keto could gain that much ATK.

Dark Magician att*cks Dian Keto!

Double Talk: I'm blasting off again!

He crashed it? Did he make a mistake?

If Dark Magician Girl att*cks, then I'll still have enough LP remaining to survive.

Don't be so sure, swirl!

If Dark Magician is in the grave, then due to Miss Dark Magician Girl's continuous effect, her ATK goes up by !

Continuous effect?!

I have to win no matter what, swirl!

For Miss Dark Magician Girl's sake...!

Direct attack the receptionist!

Black Burning Swirl!

Didn't you say you were doing it for the sake of Oudou Yuuga and your friends?!

What an exciting duel! That was amazing!

The best!


Please be quiet in the library.

I guess the days where I shone brightly under the disco ball will never come again...

If you want...

We could read it together.

The seven roads that have been carved open and united here...

Will lead towards a happy future.

And the name of that guiding beacon is...

Sevens Road.

There's no mistake.

Otes must have read this book and then made the Sevens Road based on it.

What happens next?



Honestly, Yuuga...

I was worried that you'd really gone off the deep end.

Thanks for taking Tiger and the others back, too.

It's nothing.

I got to see something good today.

So thanks.


Right, before I forget.

The Fusion card that Yuuou has was some space debris that hit us back when we lived at Goha Space Elementary.




I see what you mean about Otes possibly using this book as a reference.

And then what?



Hey, what's with the missing pages?!

Just what the heck happened between all those missing pages?!

I don't know if this will be a hint on how to counter Fusion, but...

That's not true.


An old book...

And outer space...

It might be—


As long as I have Fusion, my victory is guaranteed.


To think all that stuff happened while I was out.

Anyway, though this looks weird, it tastes pretty good!

The curry Romin left behind, that is!

I'll put the rest in the fridge!

Ah, this is that thing.

The thing where I don't get screentime for a while, huh!

Then I guess it's time for a vacation!

Kojima Yoshio's Rush Duel Fun Time!


Hey, everyone! Wanna duel today, too?

I'm Kojima Yoshio!

I'll show you today's theme at once!

I'll show you today's theme at once!

It's this!

"Let's write up a storm about Rush Duels!"

Your feelings towards duels. By writing them out in words...

Your feelings towards duels. By writing them out in words...

You'll be able to find your Rush Duel spirit!

You'll be able to find your Rush Duel spirit!

By taking your feelings and emotions and voicing them or writing them...

By taking your feelings and emotions and voicing them or writing them...

They become a lot stronger!

They become a lot stronger!

Let's do this!


Okay, I'm done!


This is...

It's read as "Piiyah"!


Get it?

The meaning of it is "let's forget about being compared".

[TL Note: 止 can mean "to compare" while 止 can mean "to stop"]


Why don't I try writing it again!

Why don't I try writing it again!

This is itーwhat I wrote just now.

"Rush O~pa~pi!"

"O-pa-pi" is a phrase that brings lots of happiness.

"O-pa-pi" is a phrase that brings lots of happiness.

So, everyone.

Let's all Rush Duel and become happy together!

Let's all Rush Duel and become happy together!

That's the meaning I tried to convey.

That's the meaning I tried to convey.

Did all of you think of a phrase you want to write?

Did all of you think of a phrase you want to write?

If that's so, then...

Try and write it!

Try and write it!


You're embarrassed?!

You're embarrassed?!

But none of that even matters!

None of that matters at all!

Rush Duel O-Pa-Pi!

The back that's supposed to be far beyond

is out of sight

There's no map leading to the goal

So which way should I even go?

I had planned on standing alone

But now, you're by my side

and that isn't bad at all

Even if my hands can't reach

the future I want to grasp

and the dreams I want to come true

still remain as dreams

Let's sing as loud as we can!

As long as I walk beside you

Tomorrow will surely surpass today!

I will surely surpass the me of today!

Title: Next time: "A Live Show! Powerful Rush Duel"

Title: Rock vs Baseball! Yuuka takes the mound again!!