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01x03 - Clash! The Strongest Monster

Posted: 04/09/24 11:04
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!


You sure are stubborn.

This card's a memento of my father!

That's why...

I'm begging you...!

Don't take it!

Let me go...!

You're still not done?

Come on, just hand it over already!

We'll b*at you!

We've now taken every rare card residing within this school...

Young Master.

Clash! The Strongest Monster

Young Master, actually...

There are plenty of other schools where card games are popular.

The Card: Dark Wizard (Dark Magician TCG); ATK 2000 DEF 1800 Duel Monsters?


It became popular when I was in third grade,

but now it's starting to become popular in other schools, too!

They're pretty!

There's thousands of different types!

That many?

So, how do you play it?

It's a card battling game.


They each have different att*ck and Defense Points written on them.

And you fight your opponent on one of these various Fields.

Looks pretty interesting.

Ya think? I'm not really interested in such complex games.

The Band: Strong Beautification Week You don't mean complex games...

Don't you mean "games forcing you to use your head?"

Honda, what do ya mean by that?

Just as I said, you have no brains.

Why you...!

More importantly, what's with that getup?

Oh, this?

Those cards are pretty popular right now, right?

Since they're collectible,

there's bound to be bad people who wanna get their hands on rare cards.

You think they'd want these cards?


In America, there are some people

that come all the way here for just one card!

Grandpa's an enthusiast as well.

That's what I mean!

As a beautification member, I'll do my best to prevent illegal card stealing!

Hey now, that ain't the job of a beautification member, ya know.

Humph, a beautification member does not stop with simply cleaning the dirty...

Step one is preventing garbage!

I came to the realization this is a beautification member's mission!

But few are qualified to call themselves a beautification member!

No, I'm the only one!

And thus, I set up "strong beautification week" to fight it.

-And with this, the entire nation... -Alright, very good!

Would you mind taking your seat?


Uh, we'll begin today by introducing a new transfer student.

I wonder what they're like?

It'd be nice if they like games.

Please enter.

Meet Seto Kaiba-kun.

By "Kaiba", you mean...

...from the top class of the gaming industry, Kaiba Corporation?


That's the one!

Nice to meet you all!

He's dreamy!

Tch! So he's one of those rich snobs.

I hate guys like him.

Uh, let's see...

You can sit over by Yuugi!


You play Duel Monsters?


Are you into games as well?


I love them!

So then, Yuugi-kun, I'll be waiting, so you'd better come.

Okay! I'll definitely be there!

That's an awesome car!

Wow, Yuugi, you guys are getting along so well already.

Yeah! Kaiba-kun's gonna show me his card collection!

Kaiba-kun's house?!

Miho wants to go!

We should all go! I'm sure he'll be thrilled!

I'm looking forward to it!

Hey, ain't there some law against

owning such a freaking huge mansion in this state?!

Why would there be?

You look like a taxi.

Hey there, guys! It's so good of you all to come!

Please enter!


Hey! So you brought your friends with you, did you?

That makes me so happy!

This sure is an awesome mansion!

It's not all that impressive.

If this is what he calls "not impressive",

what would he say about my place?

Jounouchi, it's unsightly to be jealous, you know!

Honda, I'm not in the mood to have you pissin' me off!

Hey now, you two! Show some manners in other peoples' homes!

Heh, it's fine.

It's more fun when it's lively.

It only makes me hate his guts even more when he acts all proper.


He may have a ton of money, but he's a nice guy!

Now then, Yuugi-kun. This is my card collection.


And what are those?

Ah, they're trophies I was awarded after I won several Duel Monsters tournaments.


Just give up. He's way beyond your league.

Kaiba-kun! Your cards are nice, but...

How about your amusement park?!

Ah, Miho-chan! I have some tickets right here...!

I wouldn't mind making special arrangements for you at one of my amusements parks.

You're the best!

Kaiba...! I hate you!

Oh yeah, Yuugi-kun...

You must own some pretty rare cards, don't you?

Uh, I don't have any...

Hey, didn't you just tell us your grandfather had some incredibly rare card?


Now that I'd like to see.

Yuugi, you've gotta show us!

That's right!


Thanks! I'm looking forward to it!

My most treasured card, huh?

Grandpa, please! Can you show us?

Please show us!

Can't be helped!

This is an exception!

Now where did I put it...?

Here it is.


What the? I thought it'd have diamonds or jewels attached to it or something!

It's no different from the others.


You don't get it at all.

It's called the "Blue-Eyes White Dragon".

It's so overpowered that they stopped production.

Enthusiasts would pay anything

to get their hands on this Super-Ultra Rare Card!

When you put it like that, it actually feels impressive!

Sir! This card is more dangerous than any of the others!

I must guard it as a beautification member!

Please turn it over for safekeeping!

And why would a "beautification" guy be worrying about that?

Y-You may be right...

O-Old man!


I-In exchange for that one Blue-Eyes White Dragon,

I'll trade you every single one of these cards!



He's amazing for turning him down!

No matter what...?

Kaiba-kun, wasn't it?

I know how you feel.

But there's a reason I can't part with this card.

And it's not because the card's really powerful.

This card is an important keepsake given to me by my dearest friend in America.

And I treasure this card just the same as I do that precious friend.

Nothing you give me could possibly measure up to that.

If you truly cherish something, your very heart rests within it.

Just like this card.

So take care of each and every card in this trunk, Kaiba-kun.

You're right about that... I was wrong.

I'm going to head home now.

Gramps, you say some awesome things!

I see you in a new light!

Blue-Eyes White Dragon...

You draw one of your cards at the start of your turn.

Then I'll go first.


It's got 800 att*ck Points.

And I'll place it in the Graveyard Field, of course.

Then I'm next.

Oh! Dark Dragon! (Blackland Fire Dragon TCG)

It's got 1500 att*ck Points!

Alright! I win!

sh*t, I lost!

Nope! Honda-kun wins!


-Why?! -Why?!

It's true that in terms of att*ck and Defense Points,

the Zombie loses to Dark Dragon.

But that's the Graveyard Field!

The Zombie's power increases!

Depending on which field you choose, the att*ck Strength of the card increases.


My card's got the soul of a beautification member!

Don't ya think a zombie's pretty dirty for the heart of a beautification member?!

You sure are a sore loser!

Good morning!

What's this? You two started playing Duel Monsters?

Yup. They're gonna try and b*at Kaiba-kun.

-No, he's gonna! -No, he's gonna!

-What?! -What?!

Good morning, Yuugi-kun.


By the way, about that thing I asked you about on the phone...


I asked Grandpa, and he lent it to me just for today.

Thank you!

I just had to see it one more time!

I learned what it means to love the cards with all your heart, after all.

Here! The Blue-Eyes Dragon!


No matter how many times I see it!

I'll switch it with this color copy I made from the catalog!


Sorry about that!


This card...only shines when the rightful owner has it.

Oh, Yuugi!

You didn't leave with Jounouchi and Honda?


They were going to play Duel Monsters with Kaiba-kun.

I thought they would've left with you by now, Yuugi.

Jounouchi-kun and Honda-kun did?

Calling me out here like this...

What do you want?

Don't play dumb with us, Kaiba!

You know damn well why!

You better give Yuugi that card back!

How cruel.

You really think I'd do something like that?

That would make me a thief.

You can't fool the well-trained eyes of a beautification member!

Drop the act and return it!

You think he's gonna?!

That's why I didn't like this jerk from the start!

You'll regret this.

You bastard!


You bastards...!

Please don't think badly of them.

Their job is to protect the next president, me, against thugs.




Please listen to me, Yuugi-kun!

They accused me of something most outrageous!

I know you switched my grandpa's card earlier...

I noticed...but I thought for sure you'd return it!

Because you love games as well!

I thought we felt the same...

Give it back!

You have the card on you, right?!

Don't you know how much Grandpa treasures that card?!

That card is Grandpa's heart!

So please give it back!

Don't you dare touch me with such filthy hands!


Cards have a heart? How absurd!

Cards are just cards!

And they're searching for people worthy

of using them and bringing out their true strength!

Tell that old man this!

"Games aren't about heart!"

"It's all about the desire to win by any means necessary!"

I never imagined coming to this school would put me through so much irritation.


It's no use, boy!

Let's find out if it really is useless...


Now then, it's time for a game.


What the?

Yuugi, I presume you're aware that you're challenging a Duel Monsters expert?

Have you lost it?

Who knows...

But this Duel Monsters match will be a little different from what you're used to...


I'm looking forward to that, Yuugi.

Even so, he has such confidence now... almost like he's a completely different person!

We'll both play with a Deck of 40 cards.

We both have 2000 Life Points.

Whoever hits zero first loses.

Game, start!

Then I'll go first.

The Five Star Level "Gargoyle"! (Ryu-Kishin TCG)

I place him in the Dark Forest Field!


There's no way...!

I told you.

That this game's different from others.

This card can handle its att*ck Points!

Dark Dragon!

I use the Lake Field!


Go, Gargoyle!

Th-The card...

That's right.

The cards that lose are completely destroyed.

These are the rules of the Shadow Game edition of Duel Monsters.

How interesting!

How interesting, Yuugi!

This is the ultimate game I've been searching for!


I better not drag this match out for too long.

One of my greatest rare cards!

Minotaur! (Battle Ox TCG)

I use the Desert Field!


That's pointless!

In terms of att*ck Strength, Minotaur far exceeds your Dragon!

Now draw your next card!

Of course, you won't find a card

capable of destroying Minotaur that easily!

Holy Elf. (Mystical Elf TCG)

She has high Defense Points,

but her att*ck Points won't stand a chance!

I've got no choice but to buy some time with her.


If I att*ck carelessly I'll damage my Life Points.

So I'll switch Minotaur into Defense!

I just drew a nice card right off the bat.

I can't use it right now, though, so I'll Set it for later.

A Magic Card?

If he gets any stronger, I won't be able to touch him!

My next card is...

Wight! (Skull Servant TCG)

This guy can't do a thing!

Then I'll go!

I'll play my Magic Card from before!

Giant's Might! (Megamorph TCG)

Minotaur's att*ck Points go up even further!

Any Monster you play now is all but useless!

No matter which card you play, you hold no chance against the Minotaur!

Just give up, Yuugi!

It's over!

Now! Draw your last card!

There's no way I'd give up.

Fine by me.

From my hand, I play...

My strongest card!

Summoned Demon! (Summoned Skull TCG)

And the Field is the Dark Forest.


That's one of the five greatest rare cards!

And of course, even your Minotaur is no match against it.

My greatest card, the Minotaur...!

The outcome isn't so clear now, is it?

The way the game ends lies with the cards we draw.

That's not necessarily true.

What controls this game isn't heart.

It's tenacity!

My card is...

the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

So you really did...?

I'll use the Lake Field, naturally!

Go, my Blue-Eyes Dragon!

What's wrong?!

Finish him off!

Kaiba, you don't get it?

Why won't the Blue-Eyes Dragon att*ck?

Because your heart doesn't lie within the card!

Wh-What'd you say?!

I can see it...

My Grandpa's soul is in the Blue-Eyes Dragon.

It can't be...!

The Blue-Eyes Dragon is...disappearing...!

It was torn between its loyalty toward my grandpa and its order to fight.

So it chose to destroy itself as the only way to fulfill its duty.

That's impossible...!

Cards can't possibly have a will of their own!

Think that if you like.

The card I just drew... the Resurrection of the Dead card! (Monster Reborn TCG)

It allows me to revive any Monster back to the field, be it enemy or ally.


That card...?!

And the card I revive is of course...

the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

It's over for you, Kaiba.

It doesn't matter what you draw now.

I won't lose!

Gremlin! No! This weakling won't cut it!


There's a Field that brings out Gremlin's full strength!


Earth Splitter!!


Since the field's been split, this match is a draw!

The Change: A draw replaces a loss and a penalty game. We'll meet again!

Just as I'd expect from a Duel Monsters expert, truthfully.

Using a card like that to settle it.

I've recovered Grandpa's heart...

I got a draw?!

I did in Duel Monsters?!

Yuugi, I won't let things end this way!

I swear to make you kneel before me as a pathetic loser!

I swear it!!

Thank goodness you found your grandpa's card!

It was thanks to Jounouchi-kun and Honda-kun.

We didn't do anything...

But I wonder who did...

It really does feel like a taxi!


D-Don't follow us! We've got something to do together!

-Honda-kun, go faster! -Right!

A-Are you guys alright?


So happy...

Th-They seem to be...


Man! This beautification guy's hopeless!

I lost Miho-chan's precious dream premium watch!

Who the hell dares to interfere with my love?!

It couldn't be... that enthusiast guy is after rare items?

And also, soon appearing...

Yuugi's secret, hidden within the Millennium Puzzle!

The next episode!

"Theft! The Legendary Super Rare Watch"

Miho-chan, don't abandon me!