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01x09 - expl*si*n – The Ultimate Secret Yo-Yo Technique

Posted: 04/09/24 11:12
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!


Save me!!

expl*si*n: The Ultimate Secret Yo-Yo Technique

-Miracle Yo-Yo? -Miracle Yo-Yo?

Yeah! Right now, the hottest street item is this yo-yo!

Really? Something that old is popular?

Yeah! The new ones are really easy to use!

All right! I'll show you my yo-yo techniques!

First up, "The Sleeping, Long-Hang- The Long Sleeper"!

The yo-yo's spinning while just hanging there!

And now, gently, while it's in the sleeper- "Walk the Dog"!

So cute!!

So what? Isn't that still "Walk the Dog", like everyone can do?

T-Then, let me show you an even more amazing technique...


Hey! That's dangerous!

Hey, Jounouchi! You shouldn't bring things that can hurt people to school!

Humph! Old people don't know the charm of a yo-yo...


But, it's sooo cool! Miho wants to try the yo-yo too!!

What are you saying, Miho-chan?! If you play with a yo-yo and something goes wrong..!



If you do... I beg of you! Please stop playing with the yo-yo! It's just too dangerous!

You're the one who's dangerous.

But Honda-kun has a point, you know!

I mean, did you hear the news about the delinquent group that robs people's money using yo-yo's as weapons?

I heard that they even got one of the students from our school!


Are you sure about that?

But yo-yo's shouldn't be used to hurt people...

Yuugi's right about that!

Alright! I'll b*at down those dumbass idiots myself!

Yo-yo's and delinquent groups, huh...?

Jounouchi-kun is really going to fight against those guys?

I hope everything will be okay...


This is a big problem!

Jounouchi's absent from school!

Normally he's a pretty healthy guy, but...

This is Jounouchi-kun's first time missing school...

It's a little lonely not seeing him, though.

Honda-kun, have you heard anything?

No... He hasn't contacted the school, either.

Could it have something to do with that delinquent group we were talking about yesterday...?

Anyway, let's check out his house after school.

Honda-kun, you've known Jounouchi-kun since middle school, right?

I guess. I went to his house once, a long time ago.

Isn't this it?

If I remember, it's the first one on the third floor...

The Tag: Jounouchi This is it.

I'm sorry! Please excuse us!

Looks like no one's home.

But the door is unlocked.

Miho-chan! You can't barge in like that..!

It's fine! We'll just take a quick peek...

You damn good-for-nothing brat!

Just 'ere the hell've ye been since yesterday?!

E-Excuse us!!

That scared me!

Hey... Just now, was that...

Yeah... That's his dad. He's always been like that.

It's why he never invites friends over.

But I wonder where Jounouchi went...

It seems he never went home yesterday.

Anyway, let's all go look for him!

It's no use. He's not anywhere.

We've been everywhere I can think of...


There's really no helping him.

I thought that he'd calmed down a little since entering high school, at least.

Eh? He was even worse in middle school?!

Yeah, he...

I'm sorry!

What?! You step on somebody's foot an' all you can say is "I'm sorry"?!

I-I'm so sorry!!

Those guys' uniforms are from Rintama?

As always, they're still delinquents...



Why is he with those people?!

Guess we'll call it even with everything ya got in here.

Jounouchi, we have things to discuss.

It's a place called J'z I know you'll like!



Why'd you skip school?

Why are you with people like them?

People like them? Does he mean us? Jounouchi, you know that brat?

No, I don't. Let's go.



You've really disappointed me...

That guy's...

If I remember correctly, Jounouchi used to hang out with him in middle school... Hirotani!

Why's he with them again?!

Don't tell me at Domino High you let brats like that follow you around.

You should have gone to Rintama with us from the start.

You can't, Jounouchi-kun! Come back with us!

Yer babbling's gettin' annoying, ya damn brat!




You bastard...!

Ya can't just say whatever you want to our friend, Jounouchi-kun like that.

Don't show your face around here anymore!

Are you okay, Yuugi?



Jounouchi, you're the worst!

Open your eyes, Jounouchi!

Let's go, Jounouchi-kun.

Jounouchi, you bastard!

C'mon, Yuugi! Hold still.

Keep that damp handkerchief on your face.

Yeah, thanks.

But that was crazy before...

I still can't believe that Jounouchi-kun would become friends with those people!

Those were his old friends.

Back in middle school, Jounouchi was really wild.

He started fights almost every day.

Back then, he was hanging out with Hirotani from before.

When he entered high school, he supposedly severed ties with those idiots...

Why did he return to them now?


That's right... Jounouchi-kun and I became friends through this Puzzle.

I... believe in him... That's right!

Jounouchi-kun hasn't changed!


I wonder about that, though...

He's returned to being rotten...

We better leave Jounouchi alone from now on.

At the very least, we'll end up looking stupid.

I'll pass on that.


Hirotani! Today's the day we'll settle things!

We'll crush your group...

...and we'll rein at the top of this city!

Damn trash's hard to look at.

We'll teach you...

Fighting is something best done with fists.

Aren't you talking big and bad?

Then Jounouchi, I'll leave this place to you.

You'll show me the power of your fists!

What the hell are you talking about?! Get them!

If I recall, it's called J'z...

Their hideout.

H-Hey, we shouldn't do this, after all! Miho's scared!

We can't just abandon Jounouchi-kun like that!


What's with that sash?

Jounouchi, I'm really the only one who can make you open your eyes!


Y-You guys..!

So you really are worried about Jounouchi after all!

No way!

As a Beautification Member, it's my duty to clean Jounouchi's soiled heart!

Hey, what's that?

It's a secret!

Miho wants to know!

This was two years ago, back when Jounouchi and I were middle school students.

We were both chosen for a long-distance race.

Our team was in last place, but...

With my endurance, we moved into second place.

And, being our anchor, Jounouchi was our last hope!

Crossing that finish line made our friendship sprout that day!

This sash is a symbol of my friendship with Jounouchi!

How's that? A good story, right?

Yeah! So cool!

A beautiful friendship between men!

That's taking it a little far...

Upon seeing this sash, Jounouchi will surely open his eyes!


Let's go!

It's just as I thought, Jounouchi...

Even though you go to that weak Domino High, your skills haven't deteriorated.

I'm so relieved!

Guys from Rintama, huh...?

They might still be out fighting now or they could be in their hideout.

You guys are from Domino High School, right?

Oh, yes.

I don't mean to speak badly, but you guys shouldn't associate with them.

Just the other day, a terrified student from Domino...

One of our students?

Yeah... He was forced to join them, it seems.

It's Jounouchi!

I knew it, Jounouchi-kun was forced to join them!

Those bastards...

You heard, right? Jounouchi was only forced to hang out with them!

Yes! Tomorrow, he'll surely come back to school, right?

He'll surely play with his yo-yo, badly, and do other idiotic things!


Got it!!

Since Jounouchi joined our group, we now have nothing to fear! Right, Hirotani-san!

That's right! Let's go wild like old times, Jounouchi!


We heard, Jounouchi-kun,

that you were forced to associate with them! It's all right, let's return together!

You guys again?

Yuugi, you just don't get it, do you?

I'm here of my own free will!

I'm sick and tired of stupid school conformity and boring classes...

That includes your friendship as well!


I'll do what I want. I don't need you butting in!

Jounouchi, look at this!

Open your eyes! Remember our friendship!

Just stop talking sh*t already.

You bastard!


Do you get it now?

Jounouchi's not a part of your little world anymore!


The Sign: Rintama High School

Hirotani-san, there's no other groups who will oppose us now!

You're the strongest!

Now then, where should we conquer next?

I challenge you, Hirotani!

God, you guys are so persistent!

Hirotani, if I win, Jounouchi is released from you!

Very well, consider this an honor.

I'll take you on.

I'll use a w*apon as well!

Here we go!



The finishing blow!

You scratched my face...


Unforgivable... You damn kid!

Alright! Give it a rest!

This is what happens to your body when you oppose me, so remember it well!

Someone please... Save me...!


Yuugi, I told you not to bother me, didn't I?

It can't be helped... I'll put an end to it...


Jounouchi! What the hell are you doing?!

I should be asking that!

You promised me that if I joined you, your group wouldn't lay a hand on my friends!

I knew it! Jounouchi-kun did it for us!

Give me back my friend!

No, that's not all...

For laying a hand on my friend...

I'll take you down!

I'm so glad to see that old look in your eyes again, Jounouchi!

But using it against me means you're a damned fool.

How's that? Take one step, and all that awaits you is Hell!

You don't have the strength to save your friend.

We'll see about that!



I'm coming to save you now!

This will finish it!

I'll use it!

You bastard!

I guess your idiotic strength has a use after all!


Thank you.


H-Hey! Don't let him leave alive!

Where the hell did that bastard go?!

There he is! He's on the roof!

You damn fool, there's nowhere to run here!

He's fast!

Now, it's game time!

The rule is simple: the last person standing on this roof is the winner!

Interesting! Let's corner him!


I'll settle things with you right now.

Such nostalgic words! Brings back memories of middle school!

You weren't as corrupt back then.

Here we go!

sh*t, how long do you plan on dodging?!

What's the matter, Hirotani?

You've lost some of your strength, haven't you?

Being on top of monkey mountain sure made you flabby!

Take that!

I can't see!

That's as far as you'll go!

Feel like gettin' pummeled by our yo-yo's or takin' a fall? The choice is yours!

I wonder about that...

This roof is really decrepit...

It's pretty easy to puncture it with a yo-yo...

I wonder just how long it will support the weight of you four...

Damn kid! You used your yo-yo for that purpose!

Yo-yo's should never be aimed at people...

You aim them at the ground.

sh*t... I can't see..! Where is he?!

Take this!



Hirotani, feel like seeing my yo-yo technique while you're down there?

Walk the Dog!



You saved me, Honda!

I told you, didn't I? Jounouchi hasn't changed!


What?! You've invented another new yo-yo technique?


A new trick that no one has ever seen!

Wow, I'm excited!!

I'm looking forward to it!

I have a bad feeling...

Behold! "The Special Loop In The Sky"!

Jounouchi, you're the worst!!

I swear it wasn't on purpose!!

Everyone admires the beautiful female teacher like she's Madonna...

But in truth, she's an evil woman who's trying to rule the school from the shadows!

Gradually, we're pushed into her savage traps...

We're definitely in trouble!

Furthermore, a famous Capsule Monsters battle is about to begin!

The second Game Master draws near!

The next episode!

"The Pressing Beautiful Teacher: The Secret Mask"

Yuugi, you must reveal that woman's true ugly face!