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01x13 - '13'

Posted: 04/09/24 14:23
by bunniefuu
Dad, let's go.
Dad, game starts at 3:00.

I've got to be there
40 minutes early
or else I can't start.


Come on, Dad. Dad.

Dad. Dad!

The one thing
I like to do.

The only thing I'm good at
and I can't. Again.

You always screw
it up with beer.


Come on, Dad,
get up. Come on, Dad.

Dad, come on.

Dad! Dad, there's a fire!
Dad, get up!

Dad, get up! Dad!
You have to get up!

Dad, get up!
Dad, come on!

Operator? Yeah,
I'm at the San Pablo Bay.

My house is on fire.
You got to get some
guys down here now.

Hey. You got
someplace to go?


We'll call her for you.

He's dead, isn't he?

I'm sorry. You're the one
that called us, right?

Yes, sir.

From where?
That phone booth
way down there?


Wow. That's quite a run.
What's your name?


Tell you what, Reuben.
You can run like that,
they ought to call you Rabbit.

The medic's name
was Johnny.

He was...

I had to wait an hour
before I could go to
my grandmother's.

So then, um, you know,
they took me
down to the station

and, uh, they gave me
Otter Pops.
As many as I wanted.

the trucks were there.

All the chrome
was all shiny,

and I don't know,
it was the coolest place
I've ever been. Still is.

How long has it been
since you told anybody this?

Never. I don't
talk about it.

No, I say my dad
d*ed from smoking.

You lose your father at 13.

In many ways you feel
that it's your fault.

Let's go back to...

Well, it was my fault.

No. Hold that
for a second.

Okay? Let's go
back to that day.

The paramedics,
the fire fighters...

When you looked at them,
what did you see?

Um, I saw uniform,
badge, um,

just some guys trying
to make things right.

And you try to follow
their path, their lead.


Riding in, saving the day,
saving a life. Saving...

Yeah. Sure.

You know, whatever you can.
You want to be that man,
that uniform.

There's a name
for that guy, you know.

What, the hero?

Jung called the archetype
the hero complex,
which is not a disorder.

It's not even a problem.

For a lot of people
in medicine or law
enforcement, it works.

But, Reuben, it's not
working for you, is it?

Well, it did.
It did work, you know.

But, um, I suppose...
I don't know what happened.

I just started screwing up
at work and...

And screwing up
on my relationship.

I don't... I don't even
have a relationship.

Why do you think that is?

Come on, I'm like
the poster child
for PTSD.

Who told you that?

Everybody, man.
Everybody since I got
back from the crash.

Everyone at work,
they're all like,
"You know, you got PTSD.

"You got
Post Traumatic Stress... "

You don't have Post
Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

I don't?

You have post-traumatic issues
from the helicopter crash.

What's the difference?

Well, the crash
just ripped open issues
from earlier material.

Let me ask you a question.
Was there a fire
when you crashed?

Oh, yeah. Lots of fire.

Were you scared?

Yeah, I was scared.
I thought I was gonna
get b*rned alive.

Did you feel powerless?

Yeah. I couldn't
do anything.

They were dying,
and I couldn't stop the...
They were all dead.

And there was nothing
that I could do to stop it
and I... And I should.

So you can bring
back your father?
You can't.

Oh, wow.

You can't.
That's a simple fact.

Oh, wow,

That's fresh.

After your father d*ed...

... you saw what you wanted
to be, who you wanted to be.


You should revel in that.

our time's up, but I...

I want to take another
step further with you.

Doc, I...
Last thing I need
is dr*gs, okay?

tell me about it.

Nope. This is not
a prescription.

Well, not the kind
that you think.

I want you to go
back to work.

Are you serious?

Well, that's it?
That's it, I'm cured?

Oh, God, no.
You're a mess.

Well, that's not
a clinical term,
but it works.

However, you can go back.

Okay. Okay.

Come on. Let's go
call your grandma.

I was here first.

Come here.

Get your coats.

Oh, thank you. Thank you.

There you go.
Put your coat on.

All right.
And your hat.

Bills, huh?

Yeah. Two of our credit cards
raised their interest rates,

so it's making things
very, very difficult.

Well, I'll just take some
extra shifts. That's easy.

Please. I do not want you
to take more shifts.

Mommy made some lunch.
You guys should go get
your lunchbox, okay?

Peanut butter
and jelly.


I don't know.

Can you talk to Basra
about the captain's job?

I mean, I can talk to him,
but he's still out, so...

They're rotating
acting captains.

You know they got
that guy, Captain...
You remember Captain Cal?

Those old commercials.

Really? He's there?

Yeah, he's there.
He's there.

Do you think he could
make you captain?

No. He...
I don't think so,
you know?

Hey, Gina.

Hey. Running late?

Yeah. A little.

You're missing an earring.

Oh, well, I guess I can
be tragically hip today.

Yeah. Good luck with that.

Oh, jeez, Glenn,
this coffee is God awful.

Sorry. I was just running
a little late.

What's going on?

Nothing. I was
just running late.

You're seeing somebody.

You sound like me,
you know that?

Who is she?

No one.

You can't squirrel out
of this one, Glenn.
I've got you.

Well, maybe I could just
look you in the eye and lie,
like you did about Rabbit.

That was very different.

No, it's not.

How is he doing anyway?
How are you guys?
What's he like on suspension?

Okay. We are not talking
about me and Rabbit.

This is a change of subject.
And besides, I'm not dealing
with him right now,

because he needs
to sort his head out.
Is that a hickey?


What is with you?
Are you in junior high?

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

Hey, Boone, he cannot
even concentrate on
making decent coffee

because he's too distracted
with his special
little somebody.

The coffee's fine.

And he has a hickey.
The coffee is fine.

A hickey. See?

I don't have a hickey
on my neck. I'm going.

I'll make some coffee
in about 10 minutes.

Do you see that?
Did you see that hickey?

It's not a hickey!
Did you see it?

I will get it out of you!


It's only a matter of time.

So, who do I got today?

Me, all day.



Hey, man.

Yo, yo, yo, hey, hey,
let's get out of here
right now.

For what?
For what? Captain Cal,
that's what.

He got rid of all
the Stay-Awake.
You should see this guy...

Damn straight I did,
Okay. Here you go.

I'll tell you something,
in my day we didn't need
or have energy drinks.

They're chock full
of taurine, caffeine,

They dehydrate you,
they make you shaky.

We had good old coffee,
which, by the way,
where the hell is it?

This way.

This way.

How are you?
Cal Channing.

Oh, pleasure to meet you.
I know who you are.

Grew up watching
all your commercials.

Oh. You medic or EMT?

Uh, I'm a medic.
He's an EMT.

Yeah, I'm down here.
See? This is a man
who knows what's what.

Oh, why? Because he
watches a lot of TV,
makes him wise?

Let me ask you
something, sideburns.

Are you one of those
counter-culture type guys?

As a matter of fact,
Cal, you know, I've got...

I burn my candle on both ends,
is what some people call it.

I'll tell you something,
ever since they combined
fire and EMS,

things have just gone
crazy as hell,
you know what I mean?

I mean, you kids,
you play hell with protocol.
It makes us all look bad.

Yeah, I'm sorry about that.

Here's looking at you, kid.

Ah. Hot and nasty.

Yeah. Just like my men.

Sir, we have to go.

And it was a pleasure
meeting you.
We got a shift.

Hey, Reno.
Hey, man. What's up, bro?

How's it going?
How're you doing, man?

How's it going for you?

Yeah, good.

Take 'em out,
a little dancing.

All right.
Gotta go to work.

Hello? How are you
doing, buddy?
How are you doing?

You know?

Angel Rescue 2
coordinate with Fire Rescue
on Burlington junkyard.

Man trapped under wreckage,
possible crush injuries.

Benny, let's go.

Sit down, Benny.
Finish your food.
I got it.

What the hell
are you doing here?

Hi, Marisa,
good to see you, too.
Look, I'm cleared to work.

We've got to go.

Okay. So what do we got?

Uh, we got a junkyard
rescue and medevac.

Rescue and medevac.
See, that's what
I'm talking about.

Full on mass hero action.
Just what the doctor ordered.

Yeah, but it's
a balls out call, Rabbit.

So, you're glad
to see me? Come on.

Can we just cut the crap
for one second?
Just one little second?

Yeah, will you grab that?

Okay. Rabbit, I really like
working with you, I do.

I thoroughly enjoy it, okay?
But I need to know, no BS,
please, can you do this?

I don't know.
Is that okay?

That's probably the most
honest thing you've ever
said to me.

Good, let's do it.

Come on, my friend
is really hurt.

He's been stuck
under the hood.

I'll show you where he is.


Hey, hey, hey, hey.
What's your name?


Can you feel your hand?

All right, CJ, I need
you to be very quiet.

As quiet as you can, okay?
I need to think. I cannot
think if you're screaming.

That's good, that's good,
nice and quiet. Quiet.
Okay, nice and tight.

All right, okay.
Give me your arm.

That's good. One and two.
This is just a
little morphine, okay?

It's going to help a lot.

Hang in there, bud.
We're nearly there. Okay.

Let me do this, okay?
Don't move.

Yeah, that's good.
It's still attached.
That's good.

Oh, God!

Oh, look at that?
Ain't that pretty?

Quiet, quiet. Please,
I can't think. Come on.
Give me your hand.

Jokes keep rolling.

Am I going to
be crippled?

Crippled? Uh, maybe we should
talk about that later.

Twenty-five-year-old male
having multiple seizures.

I put him on 10 megs
of diazapan on the way over,
but he's not responding.

He's been having
intermittent seizures
for the last 24 hours.

Well, I'll work him up
and draw some stat levels.
Thanks, Nancy.

You got it.

See you tonight.

Oh, you little liar.

What the hell are you
talking about?

You lied straight to my face.
I knew that she was
your special somebody.

You're crazy.
You're high,
you know that?

Why do you even care?
You jealous?

Not even a little?

No. No, Glenn,
I'm not jealous.
I'm just curious.

You're just curious?

Why are you curious?

You really want to know?

Not now.

I thought he was suspended.

So did I.

I'll let you
talk to him.



When were you going to
tell me you were coming
back to work?

Um, now? I only just
found out today.

I wasn't expecting it,
and then she cleared me.

Can you believe it?

Look, we haven't
been talking.


I thought that
I'd give you some space.

Sure as hell looked
like you needed it.

Yeah. Yeah,
I did, I did.

Okay, I don't really want to
do this right here, right now.

I do want to talk
to you. All right?

I've got some things
that I want to say

that I think would
help both of us,

but I really got
to work right now.
Okay? I mean...

Yeah. Do I have a choice?

Not right now, but...

You know, nobody should be
forced to watch you eat.

Nobody's forcing you.

Please, let's get
back to business.

All right. Can I just...
Can I just savor it
for two seconds?

It's my jam...

Seriously, why do you
keep blowing off
the paramedic exam?

You want to be
a lowly EMT forever?

That's EMT Two,
and I've been busy.

You gotta study.
This test is no joke, bro.

No joke.

You just watched
Stand and Deliver,
didn't you?

I love that movie, too.
It's a little preachy
for me, but...

You should just get your
EMT-P Certificate, okay?

You don't have to do
all this overtime.
You'll make much more money.

No, see, I don't do it
for the money.


No, look.
I'll pull more cash,

but then we won't
get to ride together
anymore, you know?

No more Boone
and Tyler Show.
Or did you forget that?

Station Four runs one medic,
one EMT in all the rigs.
No dual medic.

Is that what this is?

No. It's not that, bro.
It's about that...
You want to get rid of me.

You're trying to get
rid of me, aren't you?

Huh? So you can take
the captain's job.
I get it.

Medic 78,
request assistance
at 540 Broward.

Fifty-five-year-old male,
weakness and shortness
of breath.

Over here, guys.

Okay. Hey, sir,
how are you?

Okay, I'm Boone
this is Tyler,
we're medics.

Okay, can you walk?
Can you get up?

I don't think so.

Sir, I'm going to ask you
a couple of questions.

I'm not an alcoholic
or an IV drug user.

That'd be the first question
I'd ask in this neighborhood.

Yeah, do the pressure.
See what's going on.

It's been a while,
but I usually run
150 over 90.

Like you wouldn't believe.

Wow. Well, you b*at
your record.
160 over 100.

That's stage two.
Pulse is 100 and what?

Ten. What, are you,
a doctor?

I wish.

It's uremic frost.
This man's in renal failure.

Sir, we need to get you
to the hospital. All right?

Yeah, you do.

Look, tell me you're taking
me to City. I can't afford
a private hospital.

Well, you know
the drill pretty well.

You been working
the system a while?

Buddy, I used to
be the system.
I was a paramedic.

Hey, come by
and visit sometime,
all of you.

See you, Chas.
Make it kind of quick,
you know?


If he's right about
his condition,

he'll need either
regular dialysis
or a transplant to survive.

I doubt if he's wrong.

I doubt he'll be able
to pay for either one.

You want me to keep
you posted on it?

Yeah, please do.

Sure. Take it easy, boys.

Later, Dr. Bro-sif.

What's up, dawg?
What's up, man?

Hey, Tyler.

How many 55-year-old
paramedics do you know?


I mean, still on
the box? Right.

It's a young man's job.

Well, then what are you
still doing here, Grandpa?

No, seriously. You ever
think about what's next?

Uh, what's next?
I don't know,
let me take a s*ab.

We get in the rig,
I drive.
We hold the wall.

Something nasty
happens to somebody,
we deal with it,

we go get noodles,
then we do it
all over again

'cause that's
what we do.

No, no, no, no, no.
See it's easy for you

not to think about
the future.
I have responsibilities.

I have kids, bro.
It could be us,

55 years old alone in a room,
dying of renal failure.
You know what I mean?

I think you're taking
it a little far.

Hello, kids.
Captain Cal here.

when you're in trouble,

there's only one
thing to be done.

Dial 9-1-1.

That's great.
That's you, huh? That's cool.

And who the hell
are you?

Rabbit Palchuk,
flight medic.

A man named Rabbit?

Yeah, just about as weird
as a man in California

Cal, yeah.

All right. Here, sit.

So, they got you
covering for Basra?

Well, I asked for it.

So what can I
do you for, Rabbit?

Ah, yeah, right.
So, I got this

for the captain
or acting captain.

It's a note from the doctor
saying that I'm fit
to return to work.

I meant to drop it off
this morning, but, uh...

You hurt yourself
out there, huh?

Yeah. A while ago now, so...

You're him.

you're the medic
from the Montgomery crash.

I'll be damned. Well...

It's an honor
to meet you.


Thank you.
You bet. Thank you.

where the hell are you?

We've got an organ
transfer. Let's go!

All right, there it is.
I've got to go.

So if you'll just
pass that along.
Good to meet you.

Of course.
Good to see you.

Take care.

My God.

This place is a madhouse.

Oh, good,
they sent you.

What's going on?
Dispatch said it was
a domestic v*olence call.

Yeah, it is,
but it's not the black eye
and broken bones kind.

God, you are dead,
bitch. You are dead,
you are so dead!

I'm going to k*ll you!
Go to hell!

I'm going to k*ll you!
I'm going to k*ll you!

I want you to die.
You are so dead.

I'm going to k*ll you.
I'm going to come back

and I'm going to
cut you with a Kn*fe.

Oh, no. We've
treated her before.

I'll take him,
you take her.

Prince Charming
over there sh*t her.

Can you feel your legs?

Does it hurt
when you breathe?
Yes, yes. Yes, it hurts.

You've got to move your hands,
you've got to move your hands.

Hey, Valencia,
do you remember me?

Yeah, I remember.
You're the nice one.

Give me some
space with your hands.

Yeah, listen.
Can I take a look?
Can I take a look?

You're dead!
He sh*t me.

I wasn't going to
take it anymore.

Just shut up! You see this?
You see what she did to me?

Yes. Yes, sir, I see
what she did to you.

Am I... Am I in trouble?

Lift your head?
Can you lift your head?

The cops will take care
of that, but, no,
I don't think so.

Nancy, through and through.
I got... Blood loss
is manageable.

Okay. I want you to clean it,
dress it, start a line.

Hold this for me.

Take it out,
take it out!

I can't take it out.
Believe me, you do not want
me to do that right now.

Glenn, I need you over here.

Listen, I'm going to go over
and help Nancy, okay?

I'll see you
at the hospital, okay?

You promise?

Yeah, I promise. Yeah?
This is a load and go.
Get the board.

Hey, Nancy, what's up?

Hey, Diana,
I need Dr. Joe
as soon as possible.

He's not here.
What's going on?

I've got a 32-year-old
white male who's got

a penetrating Kn*fe wound
to his abdomen.

He's actively bleeding.
I think the Kn*fe must
have cut or nicked

his superior
mesenteric artery.

I need to go in
and shut down the bleeding.

No, just bring the patient
here as quickly as you can

and we'll handle it
in surgery.

It's fine, Diana.
I've done it once before.
Dr. Joe talked me through.

He's not here right now,
and you won't do this
on my watch.

It's out of your scope
and I won't be liable.

Just manage fluid replacement
and bring him here ASAP.

I'll have a team
ready for you.

He crashed.
Estimated blood loss
1000 ccs.

He was tachycardic,
hypotensive en route.

Now he's gone into
hemmorhagic shock.

Yeah, he's flatlined
on arrival.

All right,
we got it.

Someone going to
take over on this?

Yeah, we're on it.
Thank you, Nancy.

Thank you.

All right.

Okay, let's change gurneys.
On my count, one, two, three.

Let's get
that gurney out of here.


Get two units of blood
in here stat.

I got it.

Starting CPR.

Where's that blood?

Go ahead, ask me.

Ask you?

Yeah, go on. I know you want
to know what happened
with the therapy.

Go on, ask me.
Whatever you want.

Uh, no. I really don't want
to know what's going on
in your therapy.

Oh. Oh, really?

You don't want to know?

I don't need to know
the details of what goes on

in that man-child
head of yours.

Okay, fantastic.
We're done then.

Great, wonderful.
Good. Great.

I mean, it's not like
I tell you everything.

Oh, oil pressure's low.
Not a biggie.
She's an old burner.

It's the bypass valves.

I don't think so.
You better check that out.
Let's go back.

Oh. Nice one.

No, I'm serious. Come on.

Contrary to popular belief,
I love my life
and I want to stay alive.

Are you serious?

Yes, I'm serious.
Come on, call it.

Okay. Control, this
is Angel Rescue 2.

I got a warning light
on oil pressure

and I'm heading back
to Angel Rescue to have
that checked out.

Copy that, Angel 2.

We lost him, Nancy.

No, Diana. You lost him.

If you had let me
follow my instincts

and let me do what I do best,
then that man would still
be alive.

Oh, I hate to burst this
entitled bubble you like
to live in, but

that was not your call.

The decision was a doctor's,
the procedure was a doctor's,

the responsibility
was a doctor's.

Graduating from medical school
does not qualify you
to practice medicine.

I sucked it up,
took a residency,
did the work.

And I'm not
going to risk it all

for some paramedic
who wants to play it
both ways.

Now, Dr. Joe might
turn a blind eye or,
worse, encourage you,

but he's 20 years my senior
and has a history here.

I don't.

Yeah, you might want
to think about that.

I'm not going to back down
personally or professionally

because you grew up
in this hospital

and have Dr. Joe
wrapped around your finger.

Your job ends at those doors
and if you've got a problem
with that,

you can take up a residency,
put on some scrubs
and show us how it's done.

I got work to do.

I guess third time's
a charm for our girl,
Valencia, huh, Nance?

It was a bad call.

Yeah, but I could
have handled it.

Well, I hate to say it,
but I think that guy finally
got what he deserves.

According to Dr. Van Dine,
it is no longer
my responsibility

to make calls
on my patients.

Real ego on that one, Glenn.

She's right.
You're not a doctor,
you're a paramedic.

And I'm sorry, Nance,
but this awesome guy
who just sh*t his girlfriend,

no paramedic could
have saved him.

So, that's the limits
to the gig, right?

I do not need to
hear this from you.

I don't know who
you're hearing it from,

but apparently
you're not listening.

Medic 114, request
assistance at 568 Barham.

Chest pains,
shortness of breath.

Sixty-four-year-old female
with cardiac history.

Control, this is Medic 114.
We're on it.

And there's no more
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Am I right?

You don't get down there
and do the old
mouth-to-mouth anymore.

There isn't any pre-cordial
thump. None of that.

You just sort of
maintain the pressure.

It's different. I'll tell you
something else, GPS.
We didn't have any GPS.

You poached, you wildcatted,
you'd jump on a run.

Am I right, Rabbit?

That is right, Captain.
You tell 'em.

You would jump on them,
all right. It didn't matter.


I guess you're pretty lucky
you slipped back in with
Captain Cal on the job.

Yeah, I'm surprised he didn't
bust your balls a little more.

No, no, we go back,
me and Captain Cal.
We're buds.

Yeah, you think?

You guys are lucky
you came in.

You had three cracked
bypass valves.

You could have gotten
in serious trouble up there.

Probably won't have it
fixed until tomorrow.

All right. Thanks, Rich.


Please. Oh, God, no,
you're going to drop me.
We got you. Ready?

you're going to drop me.
Oh, with your legs.

Okay, here we go. Ready?

Ready? Okay.
I'm ready. Yeah.

You're right there.
Come on.
How is it? Okay.

I got it, I got it, I got it.

All right. Lean her back,
lean her back.

Yeah. You got that corner?
Don't drop me.

He's not going
to make it!

Ma'am please, all right?

No, no, no.

Oh, you're going to drop me.

It's okay.
All right, here's the sequel,
part two.

No, no.

You're nice, but this
isn't going to work.

What perfume are you wearing?
It smells really nice.

Please, please,
I don't want to be here.

Hey, guys, this is
Janet, 43 years old.

I don't want to be here.

Bedbound, type 2 diabetes.
She's having trouble

We have her on O2.

That's mine,
that's my sandwich.

Please. That's my sandwich.

This is her sandwich.
Boone, don't eat that...
That was her sandwich.

Here you go, ma'am.

Don't eat it.
Thank you. Oh.

Ah. That's my hand.

What is going on
around here?

What do you mean,
what's going on around here?

We are helping a very scared
and sick woman who happens
to have brought her own lunch.

Dude, we're getting
too old for this.

Too old? Okay, Danny Glover,
why don't you just admit it
to me, huh?

Just come out and say it.
You want off the rig.

You want to ride a desk
into your golden years,
I get it.

I have not even made up
my mind yet.

You have... Yes, you have.
Come on, look,
I'm your partner

and, more importantly,
I'm your friend.

And, look, you don't
have to hold back
your career for me.

Just like I don't have to
hold mine back for you.

What are you talking about?

I took the paramedic's exam.
I passed.

Why are you looking
at me like that?

You didn't think I could pass,
did you? I can pass a test.

I'm happy for you.

So, look, they're going
to put me with an EMT
when Basra gets back.

Sorry I didn't say
anything before,

but it's kind of hectic
if you hadn't noticed.

So, do your thing, man.
What's right for you and Sela.

You do you,
I do me, right?
What else is new?


All right.

Hey, Boone.

Good to see you.

Yeah. Good to see you, too.

How are you doing?

Ah, you know, I need
a kidney transplant.

But this'll do till
they kick me out.

You mind if I ask you
a question?

No. sh**t.

What happened?

Didn't plan.
Didn't stay any place long
enough to pension out.

I just worked.
Double, triple shifts.
Balls out 24l7.

Yeah, I know
a guy like that.


Does he save his money?

He's like a Scrooge with it.

Well, that's good. I didn't.
I was having too much fun.

Man, I was made for speed.
I just wasn't made to last.

Dying just never
freaks me out. Ever.

See, I'm one of those guys
who always wants to know
what's next. You know?


I thought you might.

Yeah? Well, listen, the next
time you find somebody who's
in trouble,

you give our home team a call,
all right? Yes, I know.

I sound a lot like him.
All right. Goodbye.

Hey, Cal.

Hey, Baz. What?
You come here to
ruin my fun.

How are you feeling?

Better. Ready to come back.
You having a good time?

Oh, yeah. I'm having
a great time.

Yeah, it's been good
being in the mix.

I know, I know.

In case you haven't noticed,
I've been kind of out
to pasture these days.


I don't really know what
to do with myself, you know?


Maybe I'm just holding
on to those glory days.

I don't know. But just...
What the hell do you do?
You know?

These kids,
they don't have a clue
as to who we are

or what we did in the day.

I wouldn't be
so sure about that.

Come on, follow me.
I want to show you
something. Come on.

I got something for this man.
Captain Cal, I usually
freebase these,

but I hear
you can drink them.

And, yes, they do
make you weird.



Boone, you got a second?
I want to talk to you.

All right, Cal,
don't be a stranger.

Thanks, Rabbit.

So, how you feeling?

Oh, I still got
a few miles left in me,

but it's time I start to
think about retirement.

Why don't you
talk to Captain Cal?

No, I don't know about that.
But he did have
a recommendation

for who would make
an outstanding captain.

He recommended Rabbit.

Cal's a little better
at PR than he is

All right.

But seriously,
Cameron it's a career path
that's open to you.

It's not the box,

but your friends out there
in the department could
always use a good leader.

You know Tyler
made paramedic?

Mmm-hmm, I know.

And I know splitting
you two up probably
affects your decision.

You guys are my best team,
but you know, just like me,
nothing lasts forever.

So, what's next?

You know, I got
an idea about that.


I'm sorry about earlier. I...

I was pissed
that you didn't tell me

you were coming back to work
and it was selfish.

When I was 13 years old,
I b*rned down my home

accidentally, and my father,
who was very drunk
at the time,

d*ed in that fire.

So, I've been spending
my whole life

trying to save my dad,

who probably was never
really worth saving.

I've never told
anyone that.
Ever. Anyone.

Not even someone
I'm seeing.

That's what we're
doing here?

Seeing each other?

Yep, that's what
we're doing.

Oh, Rabbit.
I was...

I screwed up
so badly today.

What? Welcome to my world.

I'm not used to it,
okay? You might be.

I totally flipped
out on Diana.

Sorry, on Dr. Van Dine.

Oh, yeah, yeah.
Tell me, tell me.

Well, she called me
out on this patient.


And she was totally right.

She was, she was right.

Mommy's up! Mommy!
Oh, well, well, well.

Hey, Mom.

Yay, what's going on?

Sit down. I made you
a royal breakfast.

You sure did. What's...
What's the occasion?

Well, I wanted to
talk to everybody
before I headed out.

I got offered
the captain's job.

Oh! Congratulations!

I know.
Oh, honey.

That's great.

Congratulations. Honey?


What's going on?

You look like you lost
your best friend.

What do you think
I should do?

I'll do whatever
you want me to do.

Cameron, I think you should
do what you love.

Just do what you love.

What time is it?

Oh, I got to go.

Why didn't you... Why...
Isn't there an alarm?

I didn't know
when you had to go.

Don't you have to get ready?
You're going to be late, too.

I have the day off.

I think I hate you.

Really? It didn't feel
that way last night.

Or this morning?

All right, I've got to go.
I've got to do all the...
Where's my shoes?

I've got to do all
the probie stuff.

Coffee and papers
and all that. So...

Shoes, yeah. See you.

I'll see you.



Nice work, probie.

Did I get fired?

No, Glenn. Congratulations,
you are no longer
on probation.

I know you had two weeks,
but we pushed it up.

There's a new probie.

Where is he?
I want to meet
the poor bastard.

I think he's getting
plates and napkins.

For what?


Probie cake.

You knew about this?

Nancy told me.

All right, now
I'm really confused.

That is what
we're here for, buddy.



Oh, you guys are sick.

I think it's the job.
It breeds sickness.

I love frosting.

I want some of that.

You guys look
like you're
having fun, though.

Yeah, you guys
look so pretty.

So, a little action?

Yeah. I'll b*at you anyway.

You know, I just
wanted to tell you

that it's been an honor
to ride with you and to be
your friend

these last three years.

Me, too.

When do you start,
Captain Boone?

I don't. I asked Basra
to let us ride as dual
medics for a while.

You mean, you and me.

Two paramedics in a rig?

One on one, man.

That's badass. That's like...
Like we're equal. Right?

Like ebony and ivory.

Like, you drive every
once in a while.

Okay, let my hand go, bro.

No, man, I'm not driving
and that's that.

It's like a white thing,
isn't it?


Probie! More coffee!

All right, all right.

Wait a minute.

I'm on disciplinary probation,

so anyone else here
calls me probie, except her,
I'm going to kick your ass.


A warehouse
fire in South San Francisco.

All available rigs provide
back up to SFFD.

Got our name
written all over it.


So why don't you
take a piece to go?

I wanted to.

Hey. Thank you.
Good job.

Thanks, Baz.
Congratulations, Glenn.

Thanks, probie.

Don't eat it all.
Save some for later.

See you, Rabbit.