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01x16 - Frequent Fliers

Posted: 04/09/24 14:24
by bunniefuu
How do
you want it?

You know
how I like it.

Hey, Marisa,
come on, it's...


Come on, we got
a call. Jeez!


You all right?

Let's go, then.
Come on. Jeez.
Okay, yeah.

Nancy did not get Joe fired.
He brought it on himself,
you know?


And Joe was always
lax with the rules,

so, God love him,
this time
he got caught.


What, you think
I'm wrong?


Hey, hey, Marisa.

Earth to Marisa.
Come in, Marisa.

Oh, hey, no touching!

Oh, okay.
Got my gloves on.

You stay over there.

All right.

Glenn, come on, eyes.

Oh, my bad.
Here, you're good.

Diana just texted me.
She said the new trauma
chief's a real hard ass.

Oh, yeah?

"Dismissive, condescending,
manipulative. I want to die. "

Sounds about right.

You know who it is.

This is Helen Seiger,
she's 35,
had some bad seafood.

Suffering from nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea,

treated with nasal
cannula and NS.

is it a secret?

Give up.

You guys
see the new guy?

No, he's in

Guys, wouldn't it be
cool if the new guy was
Dr. Joe's twin brother

and they were
completely opposite,

but then later, we reveal
that it's actually Dr. Joe?

He doesn't have a twin.
Does that make sense?

Played by Al Pacino.

Or Nancy could tell us.
She knows who it is.

What? Nance?


Come on, Nance.
Don't be holding out.

You told Glenn?
I did not tell...

Nancy, a word.

Hi, Dad!


You okay?

Yeah. You know
what? I'm excited.

You're all gonna see,
firsthand, why I'm so
completely screwed up.

Not that I needed
to see why, but...

Why didn't you...
This is your...

Unbelievable, guys.

Have a seat.

New look.

It's very, uh, formal.

Thank you.

It wasn't exactly
a compliment, Dad.

Nancy, in the ward,
you need to refer to me
as Dr. Carnahan.

Yes, I'm sorry. Okay?

I couldn't resist it,
that's all.

Of course.

So, how's it going?

Well, you know,
emergency medicine
is not my specialty,

and it's been a while
since I've been this, um...
This hands-on, but...

Yeah, it feels...
Feels good.


Listen, uh...

Dr. Joe left a lot
of slack for me to
pick up.


Yeah, well, this trauma
center's become like flypaper
to adverse legal action.

So, the board's
asked me to fix it.


And I was hoping
the paramedics
would respect that.


Okay. Good.

That it?
Yes, that's it.


Listen, Nance, uh...

I always hoped that one
of my kids would actually
work in this hospital.

Of course I thought
it would be Peter
or Troy,

but I must say
that I'm glad it's you.

Thanks, Dad.
Uh, Nancy.

"Dad. "
I'm sorry.

You got it.
Dr. Carnahan.

This is Christine Vanderos
reporting live

in front of yet another
medical marijuana facility

shut down by the
federal government.

The battle between
federal and state laws

continues to play out
in the most unlikely
of ways.

Okay, let's
go grab that.

If it speeds,
it leads.

I'll get 'em
on the scanner.

They're taking a right
on Lincoln.

All right. You ready?


Here we are live,
in hot pursuit
of a police chase.

Sorry, we
have to cut.

We're getting
some beeping sound.

Doug, what's beeping?

Oh, damn it!

Hold up.

All right,
let's make sure we set that

perimeter up on
the curb, all right?

Yeah, yeah, I'm good.

Grab this reducer,
and I'm all set.

Hey, wait! Wait!

Wait until the
scene is secure.

Rule number one,
never become the

Rule number two,
refer to rule
number one.

Yeah, we call
those "Nancy-isms. "

I know.

Power's off. I repeat,
power's off.

Okay, we're good?
Okay, scene's
secure, let's go.

Let's go, guys.
All right.

Okay, Glenn,
take his vitals.
Yeah, yeah.

Sir, how many
people are in the car?

Can you hear me?

You got to
please help her.


Help him on
a C-spine,

Hey, he's in
pretty bad shape.

You got his head?

Miss, can
you hear me?

Hey, boss. Hey.
Okay, we need to
get her out of here.

Can you hear me?

What's your name?

How we doing, Doug?

Are you in any pain?
No, I'm not in any. No.

What happened, Doug?
I don't know.

I screwed up.
I wrecked the van.

Where the hell
is Rabbit?

Do I have great
timing or what?

What do we got?

You take the
guy on the windshield.

Hey, guys.

Hey, miss?
Hey, Nancy,
need a hand?

Yeah, we need
to get her
out of here.

Hey, Doug,
hang in tight, all right?

Awesome, guys.
down here. That's it.

All right,
I think we
got a pulse.

On three.
One, two, three.

Okay, we're good.

Watch your step.
Got it.

Oh, wow, welcome back.
Aren't you the cameraman?


I hope you
got all this.

One, two, three!


Good morning,
Mrs. Garber.


Hey, guys.
Hey, George,
how you doing?

Can't complain.

Hey, you been
losing weight?

I'm trying, man.
What are you doing?

Pilates? Nude Pilates?

Hey, you guys
know the way.
I hate Pilates.

Ah, yes, we do.
Yeah. You wish
it was nude.

Yo, did they repaint?

They did repaint.

This used to be purple.

Is that new?

Hurry. There's
not much time.

I'm dying,
I know it. 100%.

This is it.

Kaputt. I'm
absolutely sure.

Absolutely sure?
You said that
last time, Ira.

And the time
before that.

No, no, no, but this
time I'm feeling it
on the inside.

It's like...
Like I'm breathing
through a straw.

I've got some Stay Awake
in the fridge.

My energy drink?

Yeah, I saw you
drinking it last time,
so I stocked up.

Ira, you are
awesome, man.

Ira, I hate to disappoint
you, but I don't think
you're dying today.

I'm not?

At least not from
natural causes.

Now, if you want to
speed up the process,

we could take you down
to the Tenderloin.

No, but I'm having
trouble breathing.

It's like I got
a golden retriever
on my chest.

Golden retriever.
That's very
descriptive, Ira.

Let's see...

Huh? Better?


that's better.

All right.

Can I still have
a ride to the hospital
with you guys?

You know the
magic words.

Ask and you
shall receive.

Ah, I gotta say, Ira,

you have got to be
our most frequent,
frequent flier.

"Frequent flier"?

A frequent flier is
the guy who knows my
favorite energy drink.

All righty. Oh!

Hey, why are you
walking so fast?

I'm not walking fast.
You're just walking slow.

Oh, right, so I just
need a jolt then, huh?

Coffee, yes, perfect.
I'll get some.
How do you want it?

Uh, you know
how I like it.



Hey, what's up?

Hey, getting
a jolt?

Already heard
that one.
Oh, damn.

Hey, you mind
if I ask you
a weird question?

Yeah, that's
my favorite kind.

Has Boone ever been
in your dreams?

Oh, yeah.

Like, in what way?

Um, well...

I had the body of a sheep,
and my head was the same,

and then Boone
was off to the side

as this Bo Peep figure
in a pink dress...

Have you ever had
a sex dream
about Boone?

Wait a minute.

You had a sex dream
about Rabbit.

Shut up, you idiot!

Okay, I'll use
my inside voice.

Look at me.
Look at me in the eye.

You had a sex dream
about Rabbit.

It's freaking me
out, okay?

I'm messing up
my call today.

I can't do this.
It's totally unprofessional...
Okay, okay.

...and I don't know
what to do.
Okay, I'm sorry.

Look, look, sweetheart,
honestly, these dreams,

okay, they're up
for interpretation.

It's symbolism.
It's about intimacy.

You're getting closer
as partners.
You're bonding.



Yeah, no,
I guess that
makes sense.

I mean, and while
we're at it, I mean,

how big would you say
the symbolism was?

Stop me when... Ow!
That's tender.
The same spot you hit me...

Ow! Same...

Hey, this is
Christine Vanderos, 31.

She's got second-degree
electrical burns to
the face and right arm,

third-degree burns
to her right upper chest.

Burn scale
estimate, 18%.

Two liters saline and
10 milligrams morphine
prior to airway management.

Where are we going?
Right there.

Thank you.

Got it?
Okay, ready to transfer.

On three.
One, two, three.


Get back to Station 4,
restock the rig.


Hold on, hold on.
This run report's

Well, we filled out
all the information that
we had available to us.

Well, it's lacking
a full set of vitals.

The patient's personal
information is not on here.

It's kind of hard to get
all that when she's got
an endo-trach down her throat.

Well, you can
get it now.

Call her workplace
and see what you
can find out. Okay?

Call her workplace?
Are you serious?

Yeah, I take my job
very seriously. Do you?

Look, Dr. Carnahan,
we're very tight on rigs.

So, if you keep us
back from a call
to do paperwork...

Then I will have done
my job, as I expect
you guys to do yours.

So, just don't
leave the hospital
until it's done.

What have
we got here, folks?


You know you
got to take your
shoes off, right?

What? Why I got
to take my shoes off?

You cannot go in there
with your shoes on.

I... Dude, no.

I'm not taking
my steel toes off.
Those are my steel toes.

What if one of
those Buddha heads

falls off the altar
thingies when
they're praying,

fall on my crushed toes, man.
I got crushed toes all day.

Do you have any idea how
many things you got wrong
in that one sentence?

Uh, no, but I'm
sure you'll tell me.

Anybody call for help?

Yes, I did.
For my mother.

I'm sorry, sir,
I don't...

Dad, please.

What's going on?


My wife,
you cannot touch.

Not when
jum'ah prayers.



He says she has
these fainting
spells all the time.

How often?

She's had them twice
already during prayers,

but she wants
to keep praying.

Okay, but we should
still examine her.




I'm sorry.
They're very

After she's done praying,
can we check her out?

Yes, yes.


So, what?
We're supposed
to sit here

and wait for them
to finish a prayer?

Yeah. She doesn't
look critical.

Let's just
wait in the rig.

When was the
last time we filled out
paperwork like this?

It's ridiculous.
It's insulting
is what it is.

And you're just gonna
let him treat you
like this?

Hey, you ever play
Little League?


Your dad
ever coach you?


Did he ever ride you harder
than he did anybody else?

And what did you do?

I shut up
and took it.


Dr. Carnahan.

Your timeline's
inconsistent with
the injuries sustained.

Yeah. Try it again.

Thank you, Doctor.

Oh, hello, Nurse Gina.

Yeah, thanks
for the warning.

Oh, what?
What did I do
wrong now?

You could've told us
Nancy's dad was the
prince of darkness.

Is that Ira?


My favorite frequent flier.
How are you, man?

I'm dying.

Yeah. Well, when you
got to go, you got
to go, right?

You eating those?

No, no, help yourself.

I got no appetite.

I can't keep anything down.
Everything keeps coming up.

Let me have a look.

Like I'm
bungee jumping.

You seem fine.
I missed you, man.


You had to become
some hotshot
flight medic.

Well, you know,
the times,
they are a-changing.

You and Nancy
made a nice team.

We still are, if you
know what I mean.

No! I knew it.

I knew there was something
going on with you two.

Oh, yeah? What
do you know?

The way you used
to look at her,

like she was a bright
window in a dark,
dark room.

Stop it!

Oh, it's a shame
you're dying.

I mean, how about
we catch up later on?

I'll take you out
for a drink.

Sadly, I will have to
decline the invitation.

Because, uh,
I'll be dead.

Oh, Ira. Come on.

Mr. Palchuck?

Mr. Palchuck, a word.

Look, if you find yourself
alive, 10:00 at The Cove.

All right?
You got it.



How do I say
this, Reuben?

This is not gonna
be good, is it?

I don't want to
see you in this ward

unless you're
bringing in a patient

or you're unfortunate enough
to actually be a patient.

Wow, laying down
the law, huh?

Yeah, well,
somebody's got to.

All right.

Oh, and Dr. Joe
gave me the same speech.

Yeah, well, Dr. Joe didn't
have the board behind him,

nor the balls to
back it up, and I do.

Goodbye, Reuben.

Man, if this is about
throwing the book at me,
okay, I get it.

But if this is about
my relationship with Nancy
and you not approving,

come on, we got to
have a whole different
conversation here.

Okay, by the look
on your face,

you have no idea
about me and Nancy.

I'm going to go.

Come on, man!
This isn't
a vacation!

Pick it up! It's Friday!
I wanna get out of here!

Yeah, I bet you
haven't picked it up

in, like, 20 years.

Hey, why don't you come
over here and help me
with this pipe?

Angel Rescue 2,
respond to a 48-year-old male,

two-story fall victim,
Richmond District.

Today's the day.
You could have called
in sick, huh?

You're telling me.

All right, so got
any neck or back pain?

No, just my legs.

Okay, so on a scale of
one to 10, what's your
pain level?


Tell everyone
I said four?
You got it.

Okay, he's satting at 94.
Pulse, 110.

Okay, good. Get
him some oxygen.

You want something
for that pain?

Does anyone ever say no?

All right, pinch
the tube off for me.

Good. Here we go.
Come on.

Look, I don't know
what I did to you, but don't
bring it here, all right?

Let's just kiss and
hug and make up,

and try to rock this
thing the right way.


Let's get out of here.

And we're good to go.

I had a sex dream
about you.

This is Angel Rescue 2,
departing Richmond
en route to City. Over.

Angel Rescue 2.

No, seriously,
how long does
a prayer take?

I don't know.
Do I look like
Malcolm X to you?

No, seriously,
why are we
humoring them?

I mean, we're not living
in the Stone Ages anymore,

That woman actually
could be in trouble.

Yeah, but this is
a holy place, man.

You gotta just chill.
Holy place.

Let me see,
last time I was
in church,

I pretty much acted
this way, if not worse.

You know?

There's nothing
sacred to you,

Yeah, my
steel-toed boots,

my rabbit's foot,
and the New Orleans Saints.

Seriously, man,
you should give church...

No, no, no, no.

I gave up on church
the second the church
gave up on me.

She fainted again.
Please, come quickly,

Tyler, your
shoes, man.

No, no, I'm not playing
that game anymore.

Excuse me, ladies.
No, please,
you cannot.


All right,
she's unresponsive.

Tell him to stop.
Please, tell him
to stop.

Listen, sir,
I'm a man of faith, too.

Please, let me
help your wife.

I promise to respect
your beliefs.

Abbu, let him pass.
Ammi needs their help.

He'll be respectful.

Okay, go, go.

Seriously, huh?
You're actually putting
the leads on blind?

We've done enough damage.
I don't wanna make it
any worse.

Hey, I'm impressed.

Okay, you got it?
All right, she's brady.

0.5 milligrams atropine.

Okay, no go, no go.

The IV's clotted.
All right, I'm gonna...

What does that mean?
What's it...

I'm gonna push
a Heparin flush.

No, you can't.

Look on the bottle.

Okay, it's Porcine Heparin.

It's made out of pig.

No, saline flush.
Thank you.

See, Abbu?

All right, we're clear.
I'm pushing atropine.

What's happening?
Why is she shaking?

All right,
she hasn't been fainting.
She's having a seizure.

Hey, Ms. Schoenfeld.

That man should be
ashamed of himself.

You want us to take
your blood pressure
on the way out?

Well, that would be
very nice, Nancy.

Thank you.

I'm running a fever.
Orally, I'm 100.2.

Under the arm, 98.9.

But rectally, it's 101.

Please tell me
he's using three
different thermometers.

At least two.

Ira, those numbers
really aren't so bad.

I know, but...
I know you're dying.

Yeah. Oh, I got you
some of those biscotti

from Cavalli in North Beach,
the kind you like so much.

Ira, you're
spoiling me.

You gotta be
kidding me.

What? Tell me, what?
What is it? Is it serious?

When was the last
time you had an

Jeez, I don't know. What...
What time is it?

Glenn, just
put them on.

I heard about
you and Rabbit.

Oh, God.
Insane news travels
fast, huh?


Well, thank you.

It's ridiculous. It's like
he's being vandalized
by the medical community.

What's the heart
rate, Glenn?

It's fine.
He's fine.

Okay, good, then
we're all doing
our job properly.

So, I'm not dying?

Ira, no,
you're not dying.

Listen, when you call us,
you're taking our help

from someone who actually
might be dying.

So the next time
you get the inclination
to call, just...

Just think
about it, okay?

I'm sorry.
Ira, it's fine.

It's okay.
You called us,
we came.

Do you still want to
go to the hospital?


You know, I just want
to be sure.


Okay, give me your
best potshots. I want
to get this over with.

You know what?
The whole dream thing,

it's getting in
the way of the work.
Let's forget it.

Okay? We're done.
Forget it.

Let it go,
move on.

I'll never mention
it again, okay?
I promise.


You're not
messing with me?

Cool. Thanks, man.

All right.

All right.

So, was I good?

Was I good?


You were the worst lay
I've ever had,
real or imagined.

She was
just dreaming.


You know the drill.

Welcome back, Ira.

Bye, Nan.

Bye, Ira.

Did you look
at the chart, Diana?

Because that's why
we have them.

I looked at the chart,
and I saw that he was

Then it was either
carelessness or willful
negligence. Which was it?

He was
given three doses.

I know what was on
the chart. The question is,
why didn't you?

And then I dosed him
with amiodarone.

or willful negligence?

I was careless.

Thank you
for clearing
that up for us.

People, carelessness
is actually worse
than willful negligence

because by definition,
it can happen at any time,
and it does.

So, be careful. Read
the chart. All right?

Now, does anybody
want to give me the protocol
for cardiogenic shock?

Maybe you can
shut up and
take it,

but the rest of us
shouldn't have to.

All right, we got
a 53-year-old female,

hypertensive crisis
with reoccurring seizures.

BP 210 over 130.

GCS started at eight
en route,
deteriorated to five.

One, two, three.

Cover her, please!

Guys, guys, guys, she's a
devout Muslim, all right?
Hey, we got this.

Hey, hey, hey.

Please. Please.
I am, I'm trying.

I'm sorry...
I'm sorry, sir.


Farooq, come on.

She's fine.
She's gonna be good,

but, Farooq, you need to
wait out here, okay?


Go away.

It's okay.
It's just me.

I know. I don't
want you to see
me like this.

Like what?

I don't know.



Come on, Di,
that's absurd.

He's an
incredible surgeon.

He's on the board
at this hospital,

and he can make or break
my career with a phone call.

I know.

But he's a d*ck.

Glenn, I'm serious.

I am, too. The guy's
a total douche bag.

So, what am
I supposed to do?

You stand up to him.

I can't.
I'm not that strong.

Yes, you are.
I know you are.

What do you mean?

I know that when you
don't like a movie,
you walk out.

Don't you?

I know that when I mess up,
I do something stupid,

you call me out
on it, right?

And I know that
when you're backed
into a corner

or even the supply
closet at the hospital,

you come out swinging.

Don't make me
start crying again.

Come here.

It's okay.

Hold me.

It's okay.
Take it easy, boy.

Can't you just hold him still?
Easy, boy, easy.

Keep your horse
under control.
Come on.

All right, boy.


Take it easy, baby.

Now stand still.

Easy. Hold.
All right.

Come on, boy. Oh.

Oh, my God.
Are you all right?

Angel Rescue 2,
please respond to
a 40-year-old male

with severe facial
trauma in Marin.

Hey, what do
we got, Mark?

Blood pressure 134 over 84.
Respirations are at 10.

He's currently
satting at 77%.

Okay. Let's get him
out of here.

Yeah, I got
a 45-year-old male,

250 pounds,
multiple facial fractures.

BP dropping.
Got him on blow-by.

Yeah, suction and pressure
to control the bleeding.

Put him in
a MAST suit.

Ah, well,
no disrespect, Doc,

but we stopped using
MAST suits a few years back.

It was causing
major complications.

Yeah, a bolus of saline
and monitor the airway.
Get him in here.

Okay. Copy that.

MAST suit? Yikes.

Oh, you talking
to me now?


Can I help you?

Yes, sir, if
it's all right,

we'd like to talk to
you about a patient
we brought in.

You know,
from what
I understand,

you bring 'em in,
drop 'em off,
job done.


Sir, listen. Okay,
our patient is Muslim.

The treatment that
she received here is not
consistent with her beliefs.

My doctors gave her
the best possible

That's the problem.
It may not be good

I don't
understand exactly what
you're trying to say here.

Oh, God, what he...

What we are trying to say
is that if we were you,

we would hook her up
with a private room,

a Muslim or female
doctor, and make sure

all her meals are...
It's Halal.

Halal. 'Cause if the
hospital doesn't do that,

it is quite possible that
she'll file a complaint
alleging discrimination.

And then you'd have
a lawsuit on
your hands, so...


It's just the
right thing.

911, what is
your emergency?

Hi, this is Ira Finkle
at 121 North Piedmont,

And I'd like to...

I'd like to, um...

Mr. Finkle?

Ira, do you need help?


No, thank you.
No, I'm fine.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

All right,
the guy's a farrier,

got kicked in the face
by a huge freaking horse.

Positive LOC,
labored breathing,
O2 sat's 90.

And his face
was too rearranged

for us to get any
tubing done in the field.

Got it.
Thank you, Rabbit.


Let's get some
fresh vitals.
Yes, Doctor.

Dr. Van Dine,
what does one
do here?

Check the airway
before resuscitation

and treatment
of facial injuries.

On three.
One, two, three.

Good. Let's get him
into imaging and see
what's going on.

He's not breathing, Doctor.
Let's tube him.

Sat's 97.

7.5 ET tube and
prep both a Mac 3
and Miller 4.

Sat's 92.

Sat's 89.

Silence the alarm
and call respiratory for
a vent, stat. ABG.

I can't visualize
the vocal cords.
Suction, please.

Sat's 87.

Tachy at 140,
BP 90 palp.

That's good.

All right,
I need imaging here.
There's no time.

Call anesthesia
and prep for a cric.

That's the wrong procedure.
I can't do that.

Excuse me?
That's the
wrong procedure.

Dr. Van Dine...

There's not enough time,
and she knows it.

Stay out of this, Nancy.

If you wait for
an anesthesiologist,
he'll die.

He needs
a retrograde

She's right.

Stay out of
this, Nancy.

Dr. Carnahan.

Dr. Carnahan!


Dr. Carnahan.

He needs a retrograde
intubation now.

I've never done one.

I have.

You have?

On a cadaver.

Just give me
the okay.

Do it.

Get me
a central line kit.
And some gloves.

Nancy, get out of here.


Sterile needle
on a 10 cc syringe.

How's the O2 sat?

Palpating landmarks.

Puncturing the
cricothyroid membrane.

Prep for
Seldinger technique.

O2 sat's holding at 89%.

Still tachy at 140.

Hold the needle.

Got it. I'm gonna
start feeding it in.

Can you see it?


Okay, I can't
go any further.

Air bubble.

I see it.



the guide wire,
piercing the air bubble.

Securing the tip.

Advancing the wire
with gentle traction.

ET tube.

I can feel the tube
passing through the cords.

Removing the J-wire.
Bag him.



Good job, Diana.

And this thing
you've got here.

Hey, guys. Excuse me.

You're a good man.

Hey. Anyone dial 911?

I got... Brought these
in case you wanted to
pray or something.

Here. There you go.

You got it.

What? The hospital
floors are filthy.


Come on, Rabbit,
it was a dream.

Yeah, I know.

But what if
it gets out?

I think you're taking
this way too seriously.



Okay, so what if there
were a whole bunch of men
in the hospital

dreaming about
you having sex,

and they were saying
that you were no good?

How about that?

first of all,
that would never,
ever happen.

But yes,
that would
be a bummer.

Okay, fine,
you know what?

My Catholic guilt
is getting to me.

You were amazing.

You were 100%
out of this world.

My body and loins
were vibrating,

You happy?

Okay. That's better.

All right, guys,
hitting The Cove.

Ah, I wish.
Oh, rain check, man.

I'm gonna change your name
to rain check, sir.


Uh, I'm gonna
turn in early, I think.

Yo, Mike.
One of ours?

Ira Finkle.

What happened?

They suspect
Legionnaire's Disease.

Doc says there
was no way to know.

Huh. It looks like he got
his frequent flier card.


I'll take that drink.

All right,
I'm buying.
Yeah. Me, too.

I'm in. Bye, guys.

I'll see you
guys down there.


I've got it right here
in front of me.



Come in.


Have a seat.

No, I don't
think so, Dad.

Robert, uh, I'm gonna
need to call you
right back. Yep.

You're upset.

I think everyone who
works for you is, uh,

upset, to say the least.

Well, so long
as the hospital's

and the patients
are treated,

that's a tradeoff
I can live with.

You're treading
on everybody's toes.

And you are
your bounds.

Admit it,
you froze in there.

Nancy, you do not assist
doctors with procedures.

That man was gonna die.

He needed
a retrograde intubation.
You couldn't do it.

Well, thank goodness
we have a doctor in
this hospital who could.

We should not
get into this.

Look, there's
something else...

There's something else
we need to talk about.

I heard that you
and Rabbit are seeing
each other again.

And I have to say,
I'm very disappointed

in your choice of...
Of mate.

And I thought
you should know.

No, you don't
get to do that.

What, I can't have an opinion
about my little daughter,
my only daughter?

No, you do not get to
treat me like
an employee one minute

and then your
little girl the next.

Oh, Nancy, come on.

I kept my mouth shut
all day out of respect
for you.

I see, so now you, uh...
Now you no longer respect me.

Okay, when I was
a little girl,

and I needed you,
I needed my dad,

you hid behind
this hospital.
No, that's not fair.

Now when all I'm expecting
is to be treated
like a professional,

you can't help
but act like
my disappointed father.

Yeah, but, honey...
Honey, I care for you.

Oh, you keep
saying that.

No, no, no.
What do you
mean by that?

Tell me.
Forget it. It's fine.

No, please.
No, it...

Dad, it's fine.
Tell me.




When Mom was alive,
she would put me to bed
at night and she would say,

"Your father loves you
very much. "

She had to say it,
because she had to
convince me.

Otherwise I'd never
have known it was true.

You know,
this is not the time,

nor the place
for this discussion.

I agree.
So, either you treat me

like the damn good
paramedic that I am,

or we cannot
work together.

I don't think
that we can
work together.

'Cause you're always
gonna be my little girl.

I can't help it.