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01x03 - Bad Day at Work

Posted: 04/09/24 19:56
by bunniefuu


Control, this is
Marisa Benez.
I've got an MVA.

Two autos on the Embarcadero.

I'm off duty
and first on scene.

DISPATCHER: Copy that, Marisa.
Engine and paramedics are
on their way.

Do what you can.
Okay. Copy that.

Ma'am, are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay.

Sir? Sir.

Does your neck hurt?
No, it doesn't.

Okay. Are you okay?
Uh, I think so.

You know what? Hang in there.
Paramedics are on their way,
all right?

All right, sir.
Don't worry. I know.
It's your seat belt.


Sorry. Sorry.
Don't worry, sir.

Damn it!


All right, sir.
Just hang in there, okay?

We're going
to get this...

There we go.

How's your breathing?
I didn't see him.
I didn't.

Sir, just stay
put, okay?
Don't move.

Paramedics are
on their way.

It's going to be okay, sir.
Just hang in there.

Paramedics are
on their way, okay?

Crap! Okay. Sir?

I'm gonna put pressure
on your chest wound

to make sure that
your breathing doesn't
get worse, all right?

There you go.
Just breathe
as normally as possible.

MAN: My eyes!

Your eyes? Okay.

My eyes.

Help me!


All right, buddy.
Here we go.

You ready?
Just relax, okay?



You all right?
Oh, I gotta tell you,
that was nasty!

Oh, sorry.

Okay, there you go.

Just keep breathing
normally, okay?

Okay. Just keep
breathing normally.

Help is
right here, okay?

You're gonna be okay.
You're gonna be fine.
Very good.

All right.
What have we got?

He's got a sucking
chest wound under there.

Okay. Okay, gotcha.
He needs pressure
to stay sealed.

Are you a medic?
EMT. Helicopter pilot.

You fly Rabbit?

Yeah, I fly Rabbit.

You have
my sympathy.


What the hell are
you still doing here?


I mean, usually
it's just an empty space.

Sometimes a little
mascara on the pillow.

Nice touch.

I gotta go to work
in an hour.

And you're stealing
my shirt?

Yeah, well, you'll
get it back.

Well, I can't wait.

That's sweet.

No, I mean,
I can't wait.

What is it with
guys in the morning?





You want to
stick around?

You know,
the kids is not gonna
get up for a while.



I'm just saying, we're...

We're here.
Didn't the counselor say,
you know,

it would help us out?

It'd bring us
closer together?

She said intimate moments,
not necessarily sex.

Oh, okay. I mean,
this is kind of intimate.

Come on.
I'm just saying this is,
you know, the obvious.

All right.

But you're going to
wear a condom.


I don't know
who you've been with.

Don't know why
I was trying to do that.

Hey, Marisa.

Hey, uh, I heard
about the eyes.

You did?
Yeah. Hell, yeah,
I heard about it.

Ocular distension?
Are you kidding me?
That's a cool one.

I guess.
Usually happens when a moving
car hits a solid object.

The impact, the inertia,
it pulls the eyes straight
from the sockets.

Oh, they were
pretty out of the sockets.

Yeah, it can
be tricky.

Yeah, I know.
I could've
kinked a nerve.

Oh, does Rabbit
know what happened?

I don't think so, no.

Do me a favor
and don't tell him, okay?

GLENN: Yeah, sure.


You're late.

I got stuck
in traffic.

Oh, yeah, I was wondering,
can you help me with these?



CAMERON: Hey, you
know what? We need
to remember to pack...

A couple more
oxygen tanks. I'm on it.

Man, you're finishing
my sentences.
We should get married.

Nah, you'll just
cheat on me.
What, is that too soon?

Let me know
if it's too soon.
I'm just saying.

Hey, boys.


Calm before
the storm?
Yes, ma'am.

Oh, you haven't been
to my house lately.
This job is the calm.

Yeah, tropical storms
have been a lot worse

since they started
naming them after
black women.

Hurricane Sela.

You know,
like Hurricane Katrina?
Hurricane Sela?

NANCY: What is
wrong with him?

CAMERON: I think
we need to talk.
Hey, partner.

Do you have to
say that every day?

Hey, uh, partner, um,

how long have you
been partnered
with Glenn over here?

Thirty-four days, Tyler.
Thirty-four days.

I told you, I am
a good girl these days.

At work.
At work, she said.
At work.

Nothing. Carry on.

You want
another bet?


MOM: Dinner's ready.
Turn off the TV, please.

Where's your brother?

Oh, I don't know.
Um, in his room
spacing out or something.

You want to
go grab Todd?
Not really, no.

Fine. Want to
cut the chicken?




Okay, sir,
are you okay?

Okay, ma'am,
are you okay?
You're okay?

So we're just
dealing with this.

You don't call a cab?
You crash into my house?

Sir, let's keep it
in perspective.
At least nobody's dead.

NANCY: You go around
and pull a C-spine.

Okay, sir,
we're gonna
stabilize your neck,

just as
a precaution, okay?
Great. Thanks.

Nodding kind of
defeats the purpose.

NANCY: Okay, does that
hurt there?

And how about there?

Sir, have you
been drinking?

Uh, I don't think so.

You know what, guys?
I think maybe we should
get you outside, just in case.

We don't know how much
damage has been done here.

Where's Todd?

He's still in his room,
spacing out.

No, he's not spacing.
Let's go get him now.
Go, go, go!

GLENN: Sir, we'll
have you out of here
in just a bit, okay?

Are you still
feeling all right?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Wow. I messed up.

Todd won't wake up!

GLENN: Are you
going up, Nance?
Yeah. I've got it.

MOM: Oh, my God,
Todd. Todd! Todd!

DAD: Todd.

MOM: Get up!
Come on.
DAD: Come on, man!

NANCY: Okay, help me
flip him. Tell me,
what's his name? Todd?

Hey, Todd, buddy!
Can you hear me?

Todd! Glenn,
I need you up here now.

Come on.
MOM: What's
wrong with him?

I'm not sure. Glenn!

MOM: Come on.
NANCY: Okay, I need
two megs Narcan IM,

and you need to
check blood sugar
and I need your ears.

DAD: Todd, come on, man.
Give me your ears!
What dr*gs is he into?


What dr*gs is he into?

Come on,
what dr*gs is he into?
You've gotta save him.

DAD: Shelley!
What dr*gs is he into?

MOM: Tell her!
Special K, weed,
GHB, Tramal...

Tramal, what is that?
Tramal? Tramal?

Tramadol, it's
a synthetic opioid.
Is he epileptic?

Is he on

DAD: Yes.

It's interacting
with the Tramadol.

The Narcan can
only do so much.

Is he gonna be okay?

Yeah, he's gonna
be fine, but we need
to get him to a hospital.

You know, if we hadn't
gotten to your boy
when we did,

things could have
been a lot worse.

That guy driving through
your front room might well
have saved your boy's life.

We got anything?

Oh, Nancy and Glenn got
a car crash into a house.

That's cool.
But no copter required.

And Angel 1 got
an organ transfer.

That's lame.


Seriously, we don't
have anything?


Wait a second.
You're jonesing.

No, I'm not.
Yeah, you are.

You got your hands dirty
and you liked it,
didn't you?


Yeah, maybe, okay?

It was kind of cool
helping out that guy and,

you know,
just doing it right.

Yeah? Even if
you didn't know
what you were doing?

Oh, I heard.
Oh, well, total ignorance
never stopped you, Rabbit.

I'll be in the copter.

DRIVER: Son of a bitch!



Angel Rescue 2,

require immediate medevac
for a 17-year-old male.

Potrero Hill,
Wisconsin and 18th Street.
Multiple trauma.

God, I love that sound.

Finally! We've been
waiting here all day.

Possible spinal cord injury.

Gimme a sec.
You have one second.


Come on, man!
Let's go!

Weird time for a beer.

Ah, it's never
a weird time for a beer.

Could you walk any slower?


It freaking hurts, man!

TYLER: I know, buddy.

CAMERON: Now, buddy,
we've got a copter coming.
Just hold on.

That's it.
Okay. All right.

CAMERON: I wanna
check something.

Squeeze my hand.

All right.
Good, good, good.

You're doing good.
Wiggle your toes.

They're kind of tingling.

Rabbit, we need you here
right now, man. We got
a possible spinal cord injury.

Hey, hell of a hill
to skate down, kid.

I dig the rush, man.

Yeah, I hear you.

CAMERON: Good luck, kid.

Grab the door!

Okay, Joey, I got
a 17-year-old male.

Looks like a spinal injury
with a broken tib-fib.

What's your name?

Yeah, Rabbit.

Yo, Rabbit,
I can't feel my feet.

I can't feel my feet!

Damn! Can you feel that?

It's numb.

How about that?

Am I gonna be paralyzed,

Not if I've got anything
to do with it, dude.

Look, Cory, I'm gonna
have to put you
into hypothermia, okay?


It's gonna help stop
the swelling of
your spinal cord

until we get you
to the hospital.
All right.

Oh, damn, that's cold!

That's cold, right?

Okay, I'm gonna
give you a little something,
a little pop.

And that's gonna help
with the pain
and the shaking.

It's gonna get a lot worse
before it gets better.

What do you mean?

I am literally putting
ice water in your veins.

Now tell me if you
start getting sleepy.

That would be bad.

That means
your heart's stopping.

Okay, we made it.

You just keep breathing.
Everything's gonna
be fine, okay?


What have we got?

Paresthesia with rapidly
increasing weakness until
I cooled him down.

For God's sake, Rabbit,
you're running
ice-cold saline?

Yeah, for a few minutes,
until we get him intubated.

Hypothermia is
not paramedic protocol
for spinal injuries.

You know that.
Yeah, I thought that,
you know, we'd try and...

You thought?
Last I checked,

that was neither
your job nor your forte.

You realize you could get
your certificate pulled?

That I could be
held accountable?

This hospital could be...
Dr. Hanover is
ready in surgery.


How the hell do you even
know about hypothermic
treatment, anyway?

Well, I read it in
a medical journal, okay?

You're right.
I'm sorry,

but how many
of these kids
do we have to save

from being paralyzed
before this treatment
becomes protocol?

Well, let's
start with one.

Not bad.

Not bad, Rabbit.


I love you! Baby!

I never wanna
see you again!
Don't you know
that I love you?

Go to hell!

MAN: I love you!
WOMAN: Go to hell!

I love you, baby!
I never wanna
see you again.

Listen. Listen.
Come here. Come here.
What's your name?

What's your name?

Valencia? Let me know
if this hurts, okay?


Okay. Well, it's
not broken, okay?
You're gonna live.

You're a good guy.

[CHUCKLES] Thanks.

Marry me!
GLENN: No, thanks.

All the guys I know,
they're bastards!

You know you love me!
Come on, baby!

but I don't think I can...

You're taken.

Of course.

Okay, miss,
so nothing is broken.

But you do know that they're
arresting your boyfriend
for battery, right?

He is a jerk!

They're all jerks!
My picker is broken!

Okay, well,
we can't help you
fix that,

but you're obviously drunk,
so we have to
take you to the ER.

I just wanna go home.

Yeah, I thought so.
So, look,
if you sign this,

it says that you declined
transportation, okay?

Just go home, rest up
and you can work on
that picker.

Thank you.
Oh. Oh, okay.
Just sleep
this one off, okay?


Sucks to be a single
girl in San Francisco,
doesn't it?

Nancy, I didn't
mean it like that.

Yeah, I know.
Don't sweat it.

Hey, would it be cool
with you if we grabbed
a beer after work sometime?

How exactly does
treating a drunk girl

who got punched
by her boyfriend lead
to you asking me out?

It doesn't. I just...

I mean,
you have an interesting
take on the job.

I just want to hear
more about it, that's all.

That's nice.

But I have turned
over a new leaf.
No more beers after work.

And that interesting
take on the job?

That's what
they call jaded.

Still quiet. Looks like
we're holding the wall.

How's the kid?

Uh, don't know.
He's still in surgery.

Okay, copy that, Marisa.
I'll be right up.

Oh, hey.

You waiting to see
about the spinal case?

Me? No. Um...

Actually, I...
I gotta take off.

How is he?

They'll know more
when he's conscious,

but Dr. Hanover
seems optimistic.

Okay. Thanks.

What you did
was amazing.

If he walks again
it's because of you.

If I take credit,
I've gotta take blame,

and I dodge both.
Yeah, I saw
the blame part.

Aren't you afraid of
Dr. Joe pulling
your certificate?


I've had worse
happen to me.

So I've heard.

Now, that story only comes
with a bottle of wine.

Oh. I see.

I gotta go.
Take it easy, DVD.

You too.
You know, I've heard
that DVD thing before.

Well, you can't beat
the classics, right?

Guess not.


Rivergreen Consulting,
how may I help you?

Sure. All right.
hold one moment, please.

What time for lunch?
Got it. Okay.


Rivergreen Consulting,
how may I help you?


I need to see
Mr. Gardener.

Will he know
what it's about?

It's about this.


[g*n FIRES]

MAN: Hey!


[g*n FIRING]

MAN 2: Go, go, go!



[COCKS g*n]



OFFICER: Get 'em over there.
Put those people back
a little further.


Sir. How bad?
Pretty bad.

sh**t's still
in the building.

People coming out
report multiple g*nshots,
multiple casualties.

Very likely we're
going to have fatalities.

Needless to say,
you people don't go in until
we've secured the building.

Sure. Are you sending in
a tactical medical team?

Haven't heard.
Will you let me know
when you do?

Will do.
And is this a good place
for us to set up triage?

Right along there.

Control, this is
Medic 114.

We're at
the Folsom incident.

I have multiple

I'm requesting,
as medical command,

an additional

Sir, what's
your name?

Bob Barnes.

Can you tell me
what year it is, Bob?

Who's president
right now?

Can you walk?

Make your way over
to the yellow tarp
right up here, okay?

Sir. Sir, you've
been shot?

Okay, what's
your name, please?

NANCY: John. John, tell me,
what year is it, John?

OFFICER 2: Take it
all the way down
to the right.

NANCY: And, John,
what city are we in
right now?

JOHN: San Francisco.

OFFICER 3: Keep them down
over there, all right?

All right,
move them back, let's go.


in the field,

Red Alert declared
at the incident on Folsom.

All available
units respond.

All units in hospitals,
expedite and get in service.


GLENN: Easy, easy.


I'm shot!

He's sh**ting everyone!

All right, listen,
I want you to go over here
to that yellow tarp.

Come on.
He's just
k*lling everyone.

Someone'll be there
to treat you.
Right there.

Come on.

how are you doing?

CAMERON: All right, ma'am.
TYLER: I guess
I don't need to ask.

Angel Rescue 2 on scene.

Standing by for orders.

DISPATCHER: Angel Rescue 2,
stand by for medevac
as necessary.

Copy that.

Oh, I can't
believe it.

All that action down there
and we're sitting around here
waiting to play taxi.


Copter envy?

That is badass.

DISPATCHER: All paramedics,

SFPD is requesting anyone
with tactical certification
to meet at the staging area.

Oh, yes!

Of course you are.

Another reason to keep up
the medicine studies.

Better gigs, more fun.

I think I hate you.

It's a special kind
of hate, though, right?

No, pretty normal hate.

TYLER: Can you tell me
where you're feeling any pain?

CAMERON: I'll right.
I'm just gonna
wrap this here.

This will just
stop the bleeding.

TYLER: Is this your blood?
Is this your blood on you?

Is that all
you can do?

CAMERON: Put pressure
on that wound while
I check some other

areas, all right? Okay?

[DISTANT g*nshots]

That's my girl.
Back in action.

Yeah. You taken your
meds today, Rabbit?

Oh, play nice.

Hey, guys.

TAC SERGEANT: You a medic?
Just stay behind
the TAC officers.

No, I'm good.

TAC SERGEANT: You won't cross
the perimeter without us.
I'm fine. I'm cool.

You'll go nowhere
without an escort.
You understand?

Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.

We've got an injured
person here

in the front of
the building. I need a medic.

Thirty-year-old female,
multiple GSW.

Captain, may I?

Go with him.
Yes, sir.

All right, her too.


I got her.
All right.

Distended neck pain.

Entry in anterior
left chest.

Exit wound, good.

Okay, we don't want
any slug fragments
floating around,

messing up your day.

NANCY: Not any
further, anyway.

Looks like we got
cardiac tamponade.
Okay, it's all you.

Okay, she's stable
and ready for

[SIGHING] Just like
old times, huh, Nancy?

Shut up.

units, report to TAC Sergeant
Munoz for assignment.

NANCY: Okay.
You'll be good.

All right.

No downtime today.


I have the wrong tag.
I have a head wound.

I think you're going
to be okay, sir.

I was shot in the head.
I should be going
to a hospital.

Sir, you just
got a nick.
That was it.

Look at all this blood.

TYLER: Yeah, well,
that's the thing
about head wounds,

is sometimes
they look a lot worse
than they actually are.


You learn
something new every day.

Cameron, tell this man
how lucky he was today.

Sir, you were
very, very fortunate.
I've seen worse.

Yeah, I feel lucky.
I came to work,
almost got my head blown off.

I should go to the track.

TYLER: Track? The ponies?
I love little ponies!

Which one's your favorite?
I love the pink one.

MAN: I don't want
to go to the track.

I was shot.

TYLER: What's going on?

[SIGHS] It's just Sela.

TYLER: There we go.
All right, I'm just gonna
go ahead and do this.


MAN: You sure I don't
need to go to the hospital?

TYLER: You can let go now.
Let's give it a test.



Baby. Baby,
can you hear me?

Babe, are you okay?

No, I'm not all right.
I'm really...

I'm really, really,
really scared.

[STAMMERING] I don't know...
Do you know anything?
Can I get out of here?

I just wanna go home.
I just wanna get out of here.

I don't...
I don't know what to do.
I don't know...

They haven't told us
much of anything,
but the TAC squad,

they're gonna be coming
in the building to secure
it soon, okay?

Cameron, please!
Come get me!

Please, you have to
come get me!
I don't wanna be...

There's people running
down the halls. Oh, my God.
He's on the stairs.

We've gotta hide.

[STAMMERING] I gotta go.
I gotta go.

Sela! Sela!

TYLER: Hey. Hey.
What's going on?

Boone, talk to me!

We're setting
a perimeter...

Captain. Captain!
I just found out that
my wife is in that building.

I'm sorry about that.
I really am.

No, sir, I need
a little more than
"I'm sorry" right now.

The best I can do is make sure
you're first in after
TAC clears the scene.

You tactical

Sir, if I was tactical
I would be over there
with those guys right now.

I'm sorry.
It's the best
I can do right now.

I'm sorry.

That's my wife in there.
CAPTAIN: I understand.

TYLER: Let's go,
we'll get you in there.
We'll get you in. Go.

We've got the security
cameras patched through.

NANCY: That guy's dying.

Team 1, you're
through the main doors.

Team 2, you're airborne,
through the roof.

Medics, triage and treat.

By the time
we meet in the middle,
we'll have him.

Let's go!
Let's go!
Let's go!

Hey, Control.
You got anything for me?

DISPATCHER: Angel Rescue 2,
just hold tight.

Oh, I'm holding tight.


Set? Go!

Is there anyone
injured in there?

Yeah, there were
people shot in here.

Come up the stairs!


Got a man down.

RABBIT: Dead, he's gone.

TAC OFFICER: Floor's clear.
Send up the medics.


First floor secured.

Notify all medics
they are cleared to enter.

Hey. Come on.
Come on. Come on.



Sir, are you having
chest pains?

Huh? No? Asthma?

Yeah, it's asthma.
All right.

Where is the Albuterol?
Here, I'll get it.

No, I got it. I got it.
Go. Go get your wife.

RABBIT: These guys,
they usually k*ll
themselves, right?

When they're out of b*ll*ts.

A woman down.


MAN: Hey, hey! Hey!

Help. Help me.
Help. Help me.

It's okay.


Come on, sir.

No, sorry,
she's gone.

But you're gonna
make it, okay?


[g*n FIRING]



We've got sh*ts fired
on the fourth floor.

You guys stay
on this floor.
Don't go anywhere.

Cops on the stairs.

It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.



SELA: It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.

Hey. Hey.
It's gonna be okay.

Sela. Sela! Hey.

Baby. Cameron. Cameron!
Hey, hey.

Cameron, Cameron, Cameron!


I love you.
Are you okay?
Are you okay?

No, how do I get
out of here?
Are you okay? Huh?

Is he gonna be...
Is he...

What's this blood?
He got shot!

Who? Who?
He got shot!
He got shot!

Help me. Help me.
Come here.

All right. What...


CAMERON: All right. Sir?

Okay. Yes, baby.
Cameron. Cameron.

Is he gonna be okay?

Baby, listen to me.
Please tell me he's
gonna be okay.

Yeah, he's gonna be okay.
You know what?
But I need you.

I need you.
Come on, baby. Come on.

Come on, come on,
come on, I need you.

I need you.
All right? I need you.

This time I need you.

Okay? I need your help.
All right?
Okay, okay, okay, okay.

All right.
All right. Okay.
Oh, God. Oh, God.

It's gonna be okay, baby.
He's gonna be okay.
Oh, God.

Sela, come here!

I need you to put
the pressure

on this wound, okay?

All right?
Are you okay?

I'm okay.
All right.

Here, you hold that pressure.
He'll be all right.
Okay. Okay. Okay.

Okay. Okay.


RABBIT: Nancy, no.
[SOFTLY] I'll be
right there, okay?

Just... Don't you...


It hurts.

It hurts.
Okay. I know.
I know.

MAN: Get away from her.

Move away.

I'm sorry.
I can't do that.

You did what you did.
Now I do what I do.

Suit yourself.




He's down.
Secure the suspect.

sh**t is down.

I'm okay. I'm okay.
I'm okay.

Kevlar. I got a vest.
But you've been...



Hey, I thought
I told you guys
to stay put.

Her fault.



to check for other victims.

Pete, take this floor.
John, you're with me.

Don't you die.
Don't you die on me.

Come on. You're
gonna live and see
what you did.

You're gonna live.

Come on. Don't you die.

Come on. Don't you die.

Let's do it.
sh**t's dead.

I'm glad
your wife's okay.

Hey, I got it. Go to her.



I know.

You don't have to say it.
You don't have to say it.

It's okay.
It's okay, baby. It's okay.

Okay. I'm so
glad you came.

I'm so glad you...



What were you
doing here anyway?



Ma, nothing
to worry about.

I spent the day
sitting on a rooftop playing
Sudoku on my phone.

You can do that?

I need a new phone.

Um, I gotta go, Mom.
Call you later.

Well, well, well.
I heard you took a b*llet.

Do you know how pissed
I am that I wasn't
there to see that?


Well, a bunch of us
are dropping by the Cove.

Try and wipe
the day away.
Are you gonna come?

Nah. The thing about
a drink after the battle is
you gotta be in the battle.

So I'm gonna go home,
take a hot bath,

and play the most
violent video game
I can find.


Hey, I'm glad you're
not dead, butthead.

Me, too.

REPORTER: The rampage left
12 dead, 23 wounded,

and many still in
critical condition.

The alleged gunman,
a former IT adviser
at the company,

was evidently embittered
over being recently let go
due to company downsizing.

He apparently entered
the building...

GLENN: That was insane.

Yes, Glenn,

a man walking into
a building and sh**ting
people in the head is

the definition of insane.

They give you
a nickname over
at the station yet?

We'll call you Dictionary.
You walking around here
defining things.


I'm just dicking
with you, man.

That was a thick one
out there.

You think that was insane,

you should have been
at Katrina.

You were there?

You know, before
I touched down here,
I moved around a lot.

New Orleans,
New York, Chicago.

Been here
the longest.

Ah! Hold on one second.
Hold on a second.


I'm stripes. Uh, what?
GLENN: All right.

You're kidding me.

No. No, I can't switch
shifts with you.

I've been drinking.
Oh, you could tell?

All right, all right.
Thank you very much.
All right.

I've never seen
anything like that, Tyler.
That's all I'm saying.

No, you're right.
It was insane.



All right, Cory.


Tony, please.

Just keep them coming.

You know,
I could be wrong.

But I think they call
that self-medicating.

I'm a trained

I'll have what
he's having, Tony.

You don't want
what he's having.
Just pour it, Tony.

Come on, Tony.
Come on, come on,
come on.

Okay, okay.


I thought you were
turning over a new leaf?

Yeah, I nearly died
today, Rabbit.

And you saved my life.

[LAUGHS] I guess, um...

We're even.

Is that what
you want to be? Even?

All accounts closed.
Everything tied up.
Nothing complicated.


I don't know.

Yeah, neither do I.

Thank you.
