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01x07 - That Fragile Hour

Posted: 04/09/24 19:59
by bunniefuu
Hey. I got this,
all right?

No, I'm fine, Glenn.

You just had surgery.
Stop it.

Look. I wouldn't be here
if I couldn't handle it.

And you wouldn't be hurt
if I hadn't screwed up.

So let me get it.

That's true.


I'm fine.

Yo, Carnahan.
I want to see
the scar.

You have to take me
out to dinner first.

Oh, I think my wife
would hate that.

How long you been back?

Couple of days.

Pretty good. Pretty good.
Yeah. How's your back?

Well, there's bad days
and worse days.

But, you know,
it beats the alternative.
Who the hell are you?

Oh. This is
my new partner.

Glenn, Lyons.
Lyons, Glenn.

Nice to meet you.

Take good care of her.
She's good people.

Okay, boys.
Some of us
have work to do.


Hey, wear
your vest.
Yes, Mom.

See you, Lyons.

I think Dirty Harry
has a crush on you.

Oh, Lyons is
all right.

He took two in the back
during a raid on a crack house
a couple of years back.

I helped him out.
He's pretty standard.
For a cop.

All right.
Thanks, Jaclyn.

Hey. Could you lean on
somebody else's car?


Hey. It's flygirl.

No way! Oh!


They let you
have a leave?

They told me it was
my God-given right.
So, yeah.

God, you look great.

You don't look bad yourself.


So I have a few days
to get into
some real trouble.

I want to know
what we're doing.

Oh, what are we
going to do?

Well, I don't know
what you're going to do,
but I'm working.

Yeah, I heard. You...
Is it a meat bird?

A meat...

Oh, my God.
I just fell asleep.
It's so weird.

Stop it.

Can you blow it off?

Why don't you come
take a fly-along?

Can I do that?
Yes, you can.

Just sign a release.

All right. No problem.

No, actually,
I've got
a better idea.

What's that?

How about we blow it off
completely and then
we go on a fly-along?

Why don't you
get in the car?

Ah, yes.

You want
a chocolate croissant?

Oh. My favorite.

Dad, stop staring.

I can't help it.

You haven't been
home for a while.

Well, it's embarrassing.

No. Singing
You Are My Sunshine
would be embarrassing.

Dad, please.

It's just good
to see you, creep.

You too, jerkwad.

Hey, so how are
your classes going?


Are you managing to
get some studying in
with all the fun?

Yeah, here and there.

You sounded
pretty hungover
last time I called.

I had a few beers.
No big deal.

It can be.

I know, Dad.
I got that.

Look. You're a big boy.
You're going to make
your own choices.


Just be smart.
Remember you're there
to get a degree,

not set a pattern
for binge drinking.

I know, Dad.



What happened?
What happened?





Yeah, my...
My dad's been shot.

Medic 114,

respond to corner
of Harrison and 21st
for g*nsh*t victim.

NANCY: So this
is a crime scene.
All right?

GLENN: I know.
Ask before
I touch anything.

Right. Hi, Ray.

Nancy, GSW to the upper chest.
Found a casing to a 9
across the street.

Collateral damage from
a banger sh**t-out.

His name is Dan.

Okay. Stay right behind me.

ZACK: It's okay, Dad.
Help's here.

Did the cops get the guy?
I got a pretty good look
at him.

Well, we're going to take care
of your dad right now.

How are you feeling?
Thank you.

I've been better.

I'm sure.
Trachea is midline.

Jugular vein is normal.
There's no
cervical spine deformities.

I think they got him.
It's okay, Zack.

Someone just shot you.

Let's not worry
about it right now.

Let's let the police
do their thing.

Okay. Entrance wound to
the anterior right deltoid.
Exit through the trapezius.

Can I get
some gauze?


NANCY: I want you
to prep a line of NS.

Is he...
Is he going
to be okay?

He needs surgery,
but he should be.

Are you doing okay?
DAN: I'm good.

ZACK: Well,
you don't look good.

Don't sweat it.
I'm good.

Hop in.

LYONS: Hold up.

It's not me, man. No.

This your guy?

Come on, man.
It ain't me.

Yeah, that's him.

Thank you very much.

You're screwed, Popeye.

I think I hear
Chino calling.

Get up. I ain't pulling
my back out for you.
Get up.

POPEYE: You're a piece
of crap, Lyons. Someone
should cap your ass.


POPEYE: Kiss my ass.

You've been in uniform
a billion years
because you're stupid.


What did you say?

Get in. Come on.

Glenn. Glenn?
Get in the rig.

RAY: John!


What did you say? Huh?

Get in the rig. Now!
What did you say?

What are you doing?


RAY: What are you doing?

Huh? You're not talking
so much now, are you,
you little prick?

Get a hold of yourself.

Get up. Get up.

All right. All right.
RAY: Get up.

RAY: For God's sakes,

All right.

Nancy. Nancy. I think this
guy fell down some stairs
trying to resist.

Can you fix him up
and write up a sheet
about what happened?

NANCY: I have a victim
who needs transportation.
I'm sorry. I can't.

Come on, Glenn.
We're going.


What the hell
are you looking at?

Glenn, come on.


What the hell
are you looking at?


You know, if you're not
going to help, just get
in the rig, huh?

What's wrong
with you?

You don't want to know.

No. Yeah, I do.

You do? Okay.
I broke up with a guy,
and I'm pissed.


That face. That.
That's why I don't talk to
you about these things.

There was no face.

There was. What are you...
It's the only face you got.

What? There was
a little bit
of a face.

Yeah, there was
a little bit of face.

What happened?

Not here.

What? He works
in the hospital?
It's a nurse?

That's so cliche.

What? Is he a doctor?
I mean, what?
DeLuca? Owens.

Dude, your gaydar
is way off.

[SIGHS] Hey, man.
I'm trying.

You're trying?
You're just
curious, right?

No, I'm not

No. You're curious.
Don't help me, though.
I think I've got it.

You've got it.
You've got it stuck
on that pole.

If you're not going to help,
get in the rig.

Hey, man. I'm just
trying to talk to you
in your language, bro.

You got me stuck on
the pole? Yeah, you're right.
I am stuck on a pole.

Whoa! Sorry I'm late.

Man, you wouldn't believe
what happened this morning.

I come downstairs
to a knock on my door.

And you wouldn't
believe it.
My neighbor...

Hey, Rabbit.

I don't know
if I told you
about her, but...

Rabbit? That's Casey.

Casey, Rabbit.


Good morning.

What is he doing in...
In my copter?

He's going for
a ride-along.

Ah. All right.

Shut up, Rabbit. You're not
the only one that got
some breakfast this morning.

MARISA: Angel Rescue 2,
departing to Marin County.

Copy, AR 2.

Is this our g*nsh*t?

Yeah. This is Dan, 45,
GSW. Single b*llet
to the right shoulder.

Nine millimeter.
One entrance,
one exit wound.

BP 118 over 88.
Pulse 94. No ectopy.

Breath sounds
bilaterally clear.

Patient ready
in the east wing...

Hi, Dan.
I'm Dr. Van Dine.

Medic 114.

Medic 114.

Return to Station 4
to see the Captain.


What's that all about?

The family of the banger
that shot your victim

is filing a police
brutality report against
the arresting officer.

Since you were on the scene,
you're going to be questioned
by the OCC tonight.

From this point on,

you are officially forbidden
to discuss what happened
today with anyone.

Especially each other.
Are we clear, probie?

Yes, sir.

BASRA: You can go.

Geez, this thing's
a granny wagon.

You know what you need
are some M60s.


Ah, yeah. So, you kids,
what, you hooked up in
the sandpit over in Iraq?

Casey and I flew together.
A couple of times.

He'd come in on bad runs.


I'm a gunner.
I k*ll people.

It's kind of a growth
industry over there.

RABBIT: Uh-huh.

Here's to the MBA,
and by that, I mean,
"My Bank Account."

Seven hundred and fifty
million dollar merger.

It's our freaking dream
come true, man.

In this total crap
economy. MBA!

Man, you have got to
stop saying that.

It's like turning
your polo collar up.

So? I've done that.

I know.
Man, you're loaded.
I'm driving.

Well, what about
your car?

We'll get it tomorrow.


You know. You've been
driving my ass around
since high school.

Remember the Malibu?

White boat with the radiator
that spewed red coolant
all over the fenders?

How could I forget?

Total babe bait,
that one.

We were dorks.

I got news for you, buddy.
I think we're always
going to be dorks.



CAMERON: Here you go.
Hey. Hey.
What's his name?

Passenger said Daryl.
When we got here,
he was talking.

Said his chest hurt.

No airbag. Hey.
Grab C-spine.

All right.

Okay. Hey, Daryl.
Hey, Daryl. Daryl.

Hey, Boone. He's got
a depression on
this side of his head.


Perfect timing,

Yeah. I'm good like that.

All right. I'm getting
an uneven radial pulse.

Pupils are 4 millimeters.

TYLER: All right.

Let's get that board.

Let's get out.

TYLER: What's up, Rabbit?
What have we got?

Okay. We've got a head-on MVA.
Car versus truck. High speed.
No airbag deployment.

No airbag.

Lacerated scalp with
palpable depression.

That's bad.
Pulse is uneven.

Any uncal herniation?

Responsive to pain.
No abnormal posturing.

Okay. Got it.

Hey, Rabbit.
Can you take one more?

What's his story?
He's got a left radiating...

Whoa, whoa. Hey.

And a right tib-fib fracture.
And he's drunk. Sir. Sir.

Is Daryl going to
be okay? Daryl!

Is he?
Is he gonna be okay?

Your friend's going
to be fine. He's going
to be fine. Okay?

Get him out of here.
Boone. Tyler.
Got no room.

So Daryl's going
to be okay?

He's going to be fine.
He's good.


Hey, you ever been
questioned by the OCC?


I'm freaked.

Just keep your answers
short, okay?

Yes and no. That's it.

Considering what
happened, I mean...

Glenn? This is
just a formality.

Nobody wants to hang
anybody here. Okay?


We're ready.

You're with me.

Love it.
Still got St. Joe
flying with you, huh?

Yeah. Always.

You know, I can't help but
feel a little bit useless.

Do not even
think about it.

He's not looking
so good, huh?

Hey, bud.
Shut up for a sec.

Angel Rescue 2 to City.

City. How's he
doing, Rabbit?

Signs of decorticate

He's starting
to herniate?

RABBIT: Yes, he is.

Give 50 grams of mannitol,
IV push stat.

Fifty grams.
And we're in.


He stopped breathing.
No pulse.

JOE: What's on the monitor?

Sinus rhythms.

He's in PEA.

Yeah. Both valves
wide open.
Starting CPR.

Come on, Daryl. Damn.
He's in V-fib.

All right. I'm going
to shock at 120.

Getting epi
And boom.

Epi 1 mg. IVP.

Talk to me, Rabbit.


Everything's headed south,
Joe. It's not looking good.
He's in asystole.

You said he had a bruise
on his chest?

Yeah, I did.
Come on.

High-speed MVA, the bruise,
atypical chest pain,

vitals crashing,
sudden arrest,

adds up to
aortic transection.

Yeah, but I can't crack
his chest open. Come on.

I know, Rabbit. I know.

Come on. Give me
something, then, Joe.

There's got to
be something.

No. There is not.

Tell me about
feeling useless.


Well, we received a call
near the Mission District
for a 45-year-old male

with a g*nsh*t wound.

We arrived on scene
where we were met
by Sergeant Ray.

Sergeant Ray led my partner
and I to the victim
of the sh**ting.

I viewed and treated him
for a g*nsh*t wound
to the right shoulder.

My partner and I then
placed the victim and his
son into our ambulance.

And then we transported
him to San Francisco
City Hospital.


Do you remember
seeing this man?


Did he have these wounds
when you saw him?


Now, the hospital
admitting report said
he had a broken nose,

lacerations to the cheek
and forehead that required
suturing to close.

Does that sound accurate?

I didn't treat him, so I
wouldn't be able to testify
to the extent of his injuries.

You'd have to
ask the medics
that treated him.

The arresting officer,
Officer Lyons,

said that these injuries
were the result of a fall,

but our complainant
said he was beaten.

Those injuries would be
consistent with a fall.


Did you see
the officer as*ault him?

No. No, I did not.

Did Officer Lyons
strike this man?

Look, probie, nothing
that you tell me is
going to surprise me.

We've been keeping an eye
on Lyons for a long time
for a reason.

So I'm going to ask
you again. Did you see
Officer Lyons hit him?

Ugly building.

And it smells.

Do not tell me.

But you... Just...

I don't want to
know anything, okay?

DIANA: I really hope
he doesn't wake up
when I'm here.

Where's Daryl?

Well, aren't you

Thank you.
I think.

Although you're more
my friend Daryl's type.

He's, like,
a geek chic
kind of guy.


Where is he?

Can you tell Dr. Saviano
to come in?

Oh, you met him,
didn't you?

What did he say about me?
Because he lies.


I'm Dr. Saviano.

Nice to meet you.

He's asking
about his friend.

Where's Daryl at?

Daryl suffered severe
injuries as a result
of the accident.

Daryl died.
I'm sorry.

That is excellent.

How much is Daryl
paying you to punk me?

I mean, it's kind of
a sick joke, though.

You're way too good-Iooking
to be a real doctor, but...

It's not a joke.
Your friend died.

Oh, look. I know it's a joke.
The paramedic told me
he was going to be fine.

If you're not going
to help me,
I'll find him myself.

Please, please.
You need to lie down.

Why are you
lying to me, man?

No one is lying.

I don't know
why you're lying!

No one's lying to you.
Haloperidol, IV push.

Just let me
talk to him.
I know he's...

Wow. That's...
That's pretty good.

Good night, Nancy.
Good night.

Come here.

Shut the door.

How bad is it?

Your probie did a lot
of talking at the OCC.

As a result, there's talk
of the cop being
put on suspension.

And the case is going
to the Chief of Police
for further investigation.

Lyons has it coming.

That is not the point.
And you know it.


I'm already getting
a lot of heat from
on high because of this.

Because he told
the truth.

Yeah. Besides which,

this is going to cause
a lot of ill will with
our brothers in blue.

Yeah, I know.
I know.

Now, I understand
you have some affection
for this probie, but...

But what?

All I'm saying is
he might not make it.

If my partner has problems
with his career path
because of this,

because he told the truth,
I am telling you, Baz,

I am going to feel it
necessary to go and explain
this to interested parties.

Hey. What was
that about?

Your big mouth.

Look, man.
I'm trying, okay?

Just tell me
what happened.

He's pissed
about my car.

Is that, like,
a gay thing?

No, you're,
like, a gay thing.

No, it's
a green thing.

All right?

He's just really into
preserving the environment.

And amongst other things,
he's really upset that
I drive such a dinosaur.

Because it spews
carbon dioxide,

Well, whatever.
It's exhausting, the car
and the situation.

And you said?

I looked him right
in the face,
and I said, "Hey, man.

"It's a '72 El Camino."


Yeah, exactly.

Then he just started
calling me selfish.

And then...
I don't know.
Things just blew up.

Yeah, well,
he's got a point.

No. No, no, no, no. You...
You either agree with me,
or you don't say anything.

No, I'm saying it's good.
We have to take care
of our planet.

No more talking.

Hey, listen.

Global warming is real.
Yeah? You know what?

The sex was fantastic.
Okay, I mean...

I'm not having
this conversation
with you.

He's tender.
He takes his
time with me.

But with authority.
He, like, dunks on me.

Hey. Well,
good for you.

Medic 78, respond to 2300 Oak.

Cross street Shrader.

Abdominal laceration.

All right. Medic 78.
We are en route
to 2300 Oak.

I'm telling you,
you haven't been touched

until you've been
touched by a doctor.

I'm telling you.

TYLER: Like Liberace.

You called 911?

Hi, I'm Boone.
This is Tyler.
What's your name?



Can I take a look?
All right?

Hey, Valencia.
I'm going to go ahead
and take a listen here.

I'm just going to
check out your
heart rate, okay?

You know what?
That's pretty deep.
Can you tell me what happened?

She cut herself.

She cut herself.

Seems like you need to
be a little more careful.

You know,
I need some gauze.


I think we...
That's what we need.
Right now.

Okay. All right.
You know what?

Her pulse is 128.
It's weak, but regular.

I'm going to go
get that gauze.

All right.

I'm going to move this.
Let me see. I'm going
to take a look.

Let's see where else
you're bleeding.

Medic 78 to Control.

78, go ahead.

Request SFPD
on location.

Possible domestic v*olence.

Let me take care of you.

Copy that.
SFPD coming to you.

What's all this
stuff for?

Well, you know what?

She's lost a lot of blood.
She needs fluids or she's
going to go into shock.

Well, just
patch her up
and leave.

I can't do that.
She needs to get
to a hospital.

She's not
going anywhere.

Look, man.
MAN: Get up.


Whoa. Whoa, whoa.

What? What?


Get in the car,


Hey, listen. Look, man.
I don't care what happened.

We just want to take care
of your girlfriend.

Oh, you just want to take
care of my girlfriend.

You want to help her?

Don't be stupid.

Or she's dead.

Yo. Let's go.

Get in the car.
Get in the car.

Go, go, go, go.


CAMERON: All right.
If we lose her, man,
she dies.

Not going to happen.

Medic 78 to Control.

Medic 78. SFPD is
on their way to you.

Copy that. But the victim
and the perpetrator
have left the scene.

They are going south
on Clayton.

They are approaching
We are in pursuit.

Copy that.
Will relay to SFPD.

Hey, can you try to keep
the rig on two wheels?

Whoa. That sounded
like criticism.

Hey. Hey, hey.
Don't lose them.

Car, man.


Come on, man.
We're losing them.

Where did they go?

I don't know.

Oh, man, we lost them.
Damn it.

SFPD has intercepted suspect.
Medic 114 already on scene.

Sorry, Boone.
This one's mine.


How we doing?

Get ready to move.

COP: Driver!
Get the gurney.

Throw the knife
out the window.
Let me see your hands.

Get out of the car slowly.

Turn around.
Keep your hands
in the air.

Step back towards me.

Step back. Stop.
Get down
on your knees.

Get your hands
behind your head.





Okay. I got you.
One, two, three.

Oh, hi.

Let's swing, Nance.

NANCY: I got her.

Okay. I need
a pressure dressing.

Okay. Just try
and hold that tight.

Let's do the IV on the way.
Let's just get going.

GLENN: All right.

Let me ask you a question,
you little prick.

Who saved her?
You or the cops?

Are you surprised
to see me?

I figured on my last shift,
I'd pay you a little visit.

I got suspended,
pending review.

I don't want any drama
with you.

I've got a patient
in the back here.

It's a little late
for that, probie.
Let me do my job.

I don't know what
you think you saw,

but your being green
just cost me my livelihood.

Hey, hey. This is not
about me being green.

Okay, Lyons?

What I saw was an out
of control cop beating
on a defenseless man.

That's what I saw.

Defenseless man?

Popeye Vasquez got
his first m*rder when
he was 15 years old.

He walked from that.

We got him on an
aggravated r*pe. He only
did two and a half years.

And, now, he nearly kills a
man trying to have lunch with
his son. Is that defenseless?

Lyons, I get it.

He's a bad guy.
I get it.

But that doesn't justify what
you did. You can't go around
hitting people.

You lost it.

I did. I did.

v*olence is a tool.

It's necessary
on the job.

And when you saw me coming,
you thought I was going to
work you over, didn't you?

It crossed my mind.

Yeah. And Popeye's boys
are going to think

the same thing
every time they see me.

Is that right?

I don't know.
Probably not.

Is it effective?


You tell me.




I can't believe
you're still this a**l
over this stuff.

Well, copters don't
mess around.

Do you know that rescue birds
crash just as much as combat?

That's crap.

It's true.

Your partner's a trip.

And then some.

No, I like him.

I'm not surprised.

He reminds me
of one of those

thousand-yard stare
guys back in it.

Do not tell him that.

Tell him what?

That you remind Casey
of the psycho burnouts
back at the sandpit.

Oh, cool.

Not really.

The guys that didn't
k*ll themselves were,
well, they were dicks.



We'll meet you at...
We'll meet you.

Yeah, right, okay.
See you there.

You know this is just
going to take longer.

[MIMICS expl*si*n]



Safety first.


MARISA: This guy. Rabbit,
you would have loved looking
at him. Three nubs.

Three nubs
or two nubs?

I'll take care
of those drinks.

Three nubs. And he was
the best sh**t
out of everybody.

RABBIT: Three nubs.
That's fascinating.

MARISA: Nubby Ned.
RABBIT: Nubby Ned.

And he was the best
sh**t out of everybody.

RABBIT: Sounds delightful.

It was really...
RABBIT: Glenn?

What's up, Glenn?

We have a problem, Rabbit.

Much as I'm a fan
of all things
reckless, Glenn,

this bar is not
the best bar
for you tonight.

I'll deal with it.

Okay. You sure?

Toby. When you get the chance,
can I get a round of beers

for those four gentlemen
over there?

TOBY: Sure thing, bud.
MARISA: Here we go.

Gasoline meets fire.

Hey, Rabbit.
Oh, Kev. Hey.

I'm disappointed
in your choice of
drinking buddies.

You know,
they put Lyons
on suspension.

Oh, yeah?

FD should never mess
with PD livelihood.

Give me a break, man.
You can't blame the Fire
Department for what he did.

You know what?
If I were you,
I'd shut my mouth.

Whoa. Whoa.
Step back.
Step back.

Come on, Kev.
You made your point.
All right?

We've got no beef
with you, Rabbit.

I appreciate that.
But, come on, man.

Glenn, here, is a good friend
of my old partner, Nancy.

And, you know, hell,
he's a probie. Come on.

I don't know him that well.
I might not even agree
with what he did.

Hell, I don't even
like him that much.

But, guys, if you
all get stupid, then
I've got to get stupid.

That would just be stupid.

Come on. Look at that
face. I can't afford
to get any uglier.

I don't like the odds.
Come on. It's a probie.
It's not worth it.

All right?

All right.

All right.


I said I didn't
need your help.

Yeah, you did.
Come on.

MARISA: Awww. Bye, Glenn.

Yeah. You're welcome, bud.

You're all right, Rabbit.

You, too, Case.

There's a really
nice motel next door
if you two need a room.

I would, but I've got to go.
It's getting late.

MARISA: Mmm-hmm.
It's early.

He's talking about
shift change
at the hospital.

Hey. I'm just an ambassador
of goodwill to our health
care providers. All right?


Take care, you two.
And, Case, have fun back
in that sandbox, all right?

Say hi to Diana.
Appreciate it.

Shut up.

Here you go, guys. On me.
FD to the PD, all right.

Love you guys.

Love. Much love.
I'm a lover,
not a fighter.

Have you seen the patient
in 112? Raleigh?

No. He was there
last time I checked.

RALEIGH: Where are you?

Where are you?
I know you're here.

This isn't funny anymore.
Come on!

DIANA: Nurse?
Call security.


RALEIGH: Daryl. Daryl.

I need you to come...


The paramedic said
that he was okay.

He's okay.
That's what
he told me.

Calm down, man.

"He's okay," he said.

He would.

That's what he told me.

Not now, Rabbit.

Can't you get this guy
some grief counseling
or something?

We did, Rabbit.

You're the one who told
his friend he was
going to be all right.

I tell them all that.

So I've heard.

Yeah. It keeps them out
of my hair, keeps them
quiet so I can do my job.

I mean, look, I got these guys
in my copter for 12 minutes.
I can't do more than that.

It's called life support.
Not long-term care.

Sounds like
you're embracing
your limitations.

Hey. You know,
I'm really sorry this guy
can't handle reality.

But people die.
This happens.
It's not my problem.

Sorry to hear that.

I have to get back to work
and fill out new orders
for what's not your problem.

You know,
four-point restraints?

Take care of yourself,



So how long
before Uncle Sam
takes you away?

I don't know.

My leave ended
three days ago.

Crap, Casey.

I knew it.
You're AWOL.

I'm not going back.

You have to go back.

Marisa, I'm sick
of k*lling people.

Well, then stop
being a gunner.

And go for

It's w*r.
It's not some joke.

You knew what you were
getting yourself into,

And so do they.
Do they?



I'm just here to
have a good time.

And if you're in,
that's great.

But if you're not...
God, I guess I'll
just have to leave.

You know you're sleeping
on the floor, right?

You were the best thing
I've ever had.

You are
so full of crap.

You know that
you have to go back.

Not tonight.

Not tonight.


You said Daryl was
going to be okay.

Yeah. Yeah, I did.

Look. Things are getting
out of hand here, bud.

You're all tied up.
People in the hospital
are getting upset.

You want to
cut all the BS?

Yeah. Yeah.

You want to see
your friend, Daryl?

Oh. It's about time.

Let's get you
in that chair.

They've been
lying to me.

This is the morgue.

Oh, come on, man.
This is bull.
Come on.

Whoa. Hey, hey, hey.
I wish it were, bud.

Daryl died in my copter.
I did everything I could.

He had an aortic transection,
which means
he tore his main line.

And without being able
to crack open his chest,
there was nothing I could do.

There was nothing
anyone could do.

This is all a lie, man.
You said he was okay.
I know. I know.

That's what
you said to me.

Okay. I told you
he was fine. I lied.

Okay? I wanted to
make you feel better.

I wanted you to shut up.
I wanted to do my job.

So that I could get on
to trying to help Daryl.
That's what I did.

That's the truth.


Look. I know
a little bit about this.

You are going to have
to deal with reality now.

And let it go.

I know you want to try
and make sense out of this,

and I know you want
some kind of cause and effect.

But this world
isn't like that.

I see people die every day
for no reason.


I don't know
what to do, man.

Do what we all do.

Just live.

As hard and as
easy as that is.

I'll be outside.

I'll take it
from here.

Yeah. Thanks.


This is much nicer
than the Green Zone.

And the coffee's better,

Thank you.
You're welcome.

Marisa, I'm not trying to
get you in trouble here.

I'm not trying to pull you
into any of my stuff.

I just came to see you.

I know.

But you know
you have to go back.

Mmm. No, I know. I know.

No, no, no. Casey.
I know.

Look at me.

You're going back.


Oh, you can't be serious.

He'll be right out.
He's just getting his stuff.



You can't be serious
right now.

Come on. You know
as well as I do that
turning yourself in

is better than
getting caught.

You want to get put up
on desertion?

You don't want that.
You want to be,
what, a fugitive?

Run from the law?
Your whole life?

I am doing you a favor.

I can't believe you.

You don't want to quit.

You sure about that?

And I'm giving you St. Joey.
One of a kind. Exclusive.

No one has ever
gotten St. Joey.

Hey. You be careful
out there, okay?

I'll bring him back soon.


You mess me up, flygirl.

It's just a rental.
That's it.

I'm just trying it out.

It's incredibly quiet.

It's, like, opposite of
a Magic Johnson movie
theater, actually.

Extremely quiet.
Just say something,
all right?

It's more fun
watching you
beat yourself up.

Oh, that's fun?
You know what's
even funner

is you won't hear it coming
when I hit you with it.


GLENN: This should
be interesting.

You got that right.

GLENN: Tell me something.
Do you know every
transient in this city?

Oh, he is not a transient.
Do not call him that.
Naz is old school, man.

He is, like, a bum
and proud of it.

Are you ready to meet
one of The Incredibles?

The what?
The Incredibles.

In San Francisco,
there are three bums, okay,
who are invulnerable.

This guy has been shot,
stabbed, burned
and hit by a bus.

And he's still
taking over.

That's genetics.

Okay. And he's
a schizophrenic

So stay alert.

Hey, Naz.


This is my partner,

What's up?

So Dispatch tells me
you have a bad leg.

Oh, my leg.
It's infected.

NANCY: Yikes.

Can I have
a look at it?

Not him.

Okay. Stay back.
But get me the gauze.

That a new sweater?
It's nice. It's good.

I mean, not many men
can rock a cardigan,
but you...

You have that professor
thing going on.

So, how are you feeling,
other than...
Other than this?

Is he your boyfriend?

Glenn? No.

You whore!


Cheaters never prosper.

Cheaters never prosper.
Cheaters never prosper.

Cheaters never prosper.
Cheaters never prosper.

Glenn! Glenn!

What are you doing?


Okay, Naz. Okay.
Okay, okay, okay.
Talk to me.

Yeah. Hi.

I'm... Oh, I'm sorry.

It's okay.
I'm sorry.

It's okay.
You're okay.
You're okay.

NAZ: Yeah.

NANCY: Open your mouth.

You're okay.

Nancy. Hey, I didn't mean
for things to get out of hand.

Nobody ever does.

It's okay, Glenn.
It's okay.
