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01x09 - Coming Home

Posted: 04/09/24 20:00
by bunniefuu
TYLER: This is not right.

How? It's like a lobster
at a restaurant.

Lobster at a rest...
This is not like
a restaurant.

Lobsters don't run. Okay?

CAMERON: Okay. I want
a good turkey this year.

I want it fresh, not frozen,
with all that chemical
and junk on the inside.

You don't know that.

This is like a
crack house for birds.
Where are we even at?

CAMERON: It should be
perfect this year. Okay?

You know, I wasn't
really there those
other years.

And even when I
was there, it was like
I wasn't really there.

No, I know. I get it.
I understand.

You hate yourself,
so you're working it out
at a turkey slaughterhouse.

I get it, man.
I get it. I get it.

And shouldn't you be
on a plane to Baton Rouge
or somewhere, man?

No, I pushed
my flight back.
Took another shift.

Oh, See-See, I couldn't.
The turkeys, they were
looking at me.

And I looked back
at them...

SELA: I do not understand
why you're making such
a big deal out of this.

I'll just pick up
a free range turkey
from the market.

I know, but I just want
today to be perfect.

Cameron, all I need
is you here.

All right. Love you.

SELA: Bye.



Tur... You want
to impress her?

Get some culture
in your life, and
make her a Turducken.

De-boned turkey,
you stuff it with
a de-boned chicken,

and then, you stuff
that with a de-boned duck.

[WHOOPING] That's how
we do it on the bayou.
Aye, monsieur!

That's what we do.

That sounds like
chicken incest, man.

What do you mean?
That's Cajun, man.

[HUMMING] Well, well, well.

You guys look bright,
breezy and thankful
this morning.

Oh. They broke
into the 25-year-old

and talked
medicine all night.

I am heartbroken
that I missed that.

Morning, sweetie.

Morning, Daddy.

And when can
we expect you?

My shift is over at 3:00,
so I guess I will come
down right after.

Will you be
bringing anyone?

No, not this year, Marcy.

You're really going
to come visit?


Oh, girl, we are
going to tear it up.


Oh, yeah.
He's here.


Oh, yeah. I'm sure
he's into that stuff.
For sure.



That was my cousin,
Vivian. She is awesome.

Man! I haven't had
a family Thanksgiving
in three years.


You would like her.
She would like you.


Well, I know what conejo
means. And I'm 6'1",
by the way.

Rabbit, come to
dinner tonight.

Seriously, it's like
nothing you've ever
seen before.

You want to be thankful?
This is the place.

No. Sounds cool,
but I've got my
own traditions.

You sure?
This is Vivian.


But I've got plans.

Really? Someone
I don't know about?

[LAUGHS] You don't know
about any of them.

How's it going
out there?

Just about.

It's looking good
in here.

All right.

Turkey fryer
is good to go.

MAN: Ow!
Oh, God. Be careful.

I will. I will.

You sure about this?

Look, I've been
on the Internet.

I've gone over every
turkey recipe on every

And I'm telling you.
This year is going to be
the perfect bird.

All right.

The deep-fried turkey.
Supposed to be
out of this world.

Okay. Just please
be careful.

I will. I will.

Oh, my God!


He's all yours.

All right, thanks.

All right. Well,
it looks like we've got

partial thickness burns
to the face, neck.

CAMERON: Full thickness
burns on hands and arms.
Check the airway.

Got it.

Medic 78
requesting medevac
to City Hospital.

Full thickness burns.
Third degree, possible
fourth degree

involving muscle,
bone and tendons.

His airway's burned.

You take the airway
nasally. And I'll take...

You've got
the burns.
Got it.

All right. Okay.
All right.
Airway is clear.

Okay. All right.
IV is in. Give me

All right. It's going
to have to be you,
Mr. Medic.

Oh, you're following
protocol now, huh?

Well, I like to keep
you guessing.

Hey. Rescue 2,
this is Medic 78.
What's your ETA?

Right about now.

Is he going to be okay?

Ma'am, ma'am,
I know it looks bad,

but your husband is
going to be okay.

Ma'am, I'm sorry this is not
the Thanksgiving you planned.

TYLER: Just breathe
normally, okay?

TYLER: Did you see
what happened back there?
Did you notice that?

We rocked that call.

Oh, yeah. I did, man.


Hey, man, I can't
take you to the airport.


What? Man, I promised
Sela that, you know...

Hey, I'm gonna do it right.
I've got food back at the
station and everything.

So, I've got to make
this year right, man.


What time is your flight?

Shift's over at 3:00.
You're cutting it
kind of close.

You're not even going
to make it for dinner.

Yeah, well...

If I didn't know you right,
I would say you were
trying not to go home.

What's that all about?

No, it's just...

This happens to be
the year I promised myself
I would tell my parents.

Tell them what?

Oh. Dude, I'm sorry.

"Mom, Dad, I'm gay.
Please pass the carrots."



Pass the carrots?

That's going to make
for an interesting

All right. Fourth degree
burns, both full thickness
and partial.

Two large bore
IV's of NS, NPA.

Pulse 95, BP 130 over 70.
And a trauma score of six.

DIANA: Let me guess.
Turkey fryer.

Yeah, you got it.

Third one today.

Hey, his wife's
on her way.

Yeah, I'll keep
an eye out for her.

Hey. Thanks.


Game ain't working
with that one anymore.

She's busy.

Yeah. Keep telling
yourself that.

Why don't you get that?

Hey, Ma.

Hi. He's going
to be okay.

They're treating his burns
now. He will have to stay
here for a few days.

Oh. What a way to spend

Yeah, I know. I'll come and
get you as soon as
you can go up and see him.

Thank you so much.

RABBIT: Hey, thanks
for doing that.

So, where are you
spending your
Turkey Day?

Same place
as your fryer dude.
Right here.

Intern. Remember?

Can't forget it.
So, the whole night?

Is that an offer?

Might be.

Yeah. I will be here
all night.

And, heads up, I'm
really not in the mood
for banter today.

Well, fair enough.
You okay?

Yeah, I just... I'm tired.
And I miss my family.

And I'd rather be
with them than here.

And flirting with
you is just...

Yeah, look, Rabbit.
You live alone. You're going
to die alone. And I just...

I'm not in the mood to be
the entertainment in between


Too heavy?

Not exactly cheery.

Yeah. Look, like I said.
I'm tired. I'm sorry.

Happy Thanksgiving Day.

Now, you just
look desperate.
Let's go.

RABBIT: Thanks.

Okay. Who wants
to give him a bath?

I've got one
for you, Gina.

What's his DBI?

I would say
about a seven.

That's being generous.

Yeah, here you go, guys.
He's all yours.

GINA: Thank you, Nancy.
Embrace it.

Hey. What's DBI?

"Dirtbag Index."
It's the number
of tattoos,

divided by the number
of missing teeth

added to the
estimated number
of days without a bath.

Wow. That's gross.

Yeah. You've got to
love the nurses, hey?

Hey. Do not put
that in your report.
You'll get written up.

[LAUGHS] All right.
Come on.


What's up, Rabbit?


You okay?

Just peachy.
Gobble, gobble.



So, what are doing...
Hey, what are you...


I'm at my dad's.



Football game.
Lyndon, Troy and Peter
drinking too much.

Discussing the
New England Journal
of Medicine.

That happened last night,
so I hear.

But Peter isn't even
coming home this year.

But I bet you've still got
that video of your granddad's

[LAUGHS] Please, no.

Not this year.

You remember
a lot, huh?

I try to forget.

[LAUGHS] Sounds like
you know the drill.

What about you?

You know me.
I've always got options.

But you're going
to blow them all off

and go and have sh*ts
at Lefty O'Douls and
some turkey buffet.

If I don't see you,
happy Turkey Day.

You, too.

TYLER: Perfect. Middle seats.
Three hours from now.

Okay. All right.
Oakland Airport.


Okay, I got it. I got it.
Okay. Hour before it takes
off. All right. Happy T Day.

Dude, if you don't want
to go home, you don't
have to go home.

But eventually, you're
going to have to tell them.

No, I'm not.
I don't have to.

Trust me.
I'm protecting them.

This is the humanitarian
way to go about this, okay?

So, you're going
to live a lie?

Trust me. That ain't
the way to go.

Eventually, it's going to
catch up to you. Your family
is going to figure it out.

It's going to eat you up on
the inside. It's going to be
like a lose-Iose situation.

Those are my choices?
I guess I'll lose, then,

because, trust me, it is
better than sending my parents
into cardiac arrest.

So, how are you going
to tell them?

I was thinking about
texting them.
Facebook, maybe? No?

Okay. You know what?
Maybe it will be a little
something like this, huh?

Tell me what you think.

Mom? Dad?

I need to tell you guys that

I like guys.

Like Elton John.
Full frontal, like...

That's terrible.
That's whack.

[STAMMERING] Don't talk.
Don't tell me I'm whack.

I can come out of
the closet better than that.
Oh, you can come...

You can come out
of the closet better
than me. All right.

Let's see what you've got,
Mr. On the Down Low.
Let's hear it.

All right.
Mom and Dad.

Have a seat.

That's good so far.

I love you, and I know
you love me.

I'm your son.
I'll always be your son.

I have something
I want to tell you.

I'm gay.


That was good.
Can I use that?

Yeah, you can
have it, man.

I mean,
that's really good.

I'm not going
to use it, so...

You're not going to use it?
Are you sure? Because that
was a little too good.

It's kind of convincing.
Are you sure you're not...


Put your fingers
over here.

I'll put my hands
in my pocket.


Eat that, sissy!

MAN 1: Come on!

MAN 2: First down!

You got lucky,
little bro.

You just got
a little older,
big bro.

MAN 1: Come on. Come on!

Hike, hike, hike!


MAN 1: Yeah!

MAN 3: Hike!

MAN 4: Monkey!

MAN 5: Watch it!


[WHOOPING] Ah! Nice.


MAN 1: Yeah!

MAN 1: Oh, come on.

I think we better call
somebody, man.

Come on. I didn't even
hit you that hard.

You're 10 years
younger than me.


Seen this one before.

No, you haven't.
Not with me.

I'm not talking
about the job.

You haven't met
my brothers.

Oh, really?


NANCY: Hey, you guys.
GLENN: What's up, guys?

So, what's up?
Oh, it's his leg?

Yeah, look.
Sorry to call you guys.
He's being a wuss.

It's this leg
here, right?

[EXCLAIMS] Actually,
I would say he has
dislocated his kneecap.

Looks like he might have
torn his ACL, probably the
MCL and meniscus, too.

I'll go grab a board.
All right.
And some ice.



Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Okay, I'm going to
pop it back into place.
On three.

One, two...


Okay, okay, okay.
You're good.


GLENN: Brotherly love, huh?

I have two of them.
One older, one younger.
How about you?

Yeah. Three. All older.

How can you even sit
up straight and take
solid foods?

They weren't that bad.

Yeah, they were.

But I don't know.
You get older, and all that
rivalry and testosterone

just kind of mellows into...

Mild emotional abuse?

Yeah, I guess.
Right now, they're
sitting on the couch

with their hands down
their Steelers sweatpants,
watching the game.

Drinking beer.

That is hot.

Did you speak to
them this morning?

No. But I know
they're there. Just...

Okay. So, this is
how it goes, right?

When you're a probie,
all you want to do is get
home for the holidays.

When you've
worked this job
for a few years...

You sign up
to work them.

[LAUGHING] Exactly.

Look. If I had to be
with my family all day,

I swear they'd have to send
a rig out for me.

Or for them.


That bad?
I'm not joking.

Control, this is
Angel Rescue 2.

We are one minute out.
Requesting LZ, over.

Unit 283. Landing zone
in Portsmouth Square.

It's going to be
tight, Marisa.

What do we got?

True love and
a heart attack, Rabbit. True
love and a heart attack.

And a heart attack.

That sound like a song?

Sounds like a song.

WOMAN: Listen, honey.


Hey. What have we got?

Premature ventricular
contractions. Probably
too much green tea.

BP dropped.
We administered O2, and
he's stable for transport.

I don't...
No, he's not.
Check it.

in succession.

That's ventricular

Drop one mig lidocaine,
and give us a large bore IV.


What's he saying?
He says he feels
his heart stopped.

Okay, guys. You might
want to hurry this up.

MARISA: SF City, this is
Angel Rescue 2.

We are five minutes out.
I got two souls on board.

A V-tach
with deteriorating BP.

MAN ON RADIO: Copy that.

He's going to be okay.

Oh, yeah?


What's that?

Chinese legend.

Can't say I'm
too familiar.

When each child is born,
the gods tie an invisible red
string around their ankle.

On the other end of this
string is the person they're
destined to marry.

Their soul mate.

We have not married, yet.
So, I know he is going
to be okay.


Oh! Oh, hang on,
there, cowboy.


All right. He's stable.

The thread may stretch
or tangle, but it will
never break.

You sure you want to spend
Thanksgiving alone?


Excuse me. Could you put your
seat up a little bit? Please?

WOMAN 1: Oh, sure.

WOMAN 2: Are you excited?

MAN: For what?
Your mother's cooking?




We're currently at our
cruising altitude of

We'll be arriving in the Los
Angeles area on time at 4:00
p.m. Pacific Standard.





Fasten your seatbelts.
Fasten your seatbelts.

Calm down.
It will be over
in a minute.



My cousin wants me
to ask you one more time
to please come to dinner.

And she just sent
you another photo.

Is that whipped cream?

It looks like it.

Okay, sure.

Okay, sure?



Yeah, why not?

Wow. Yeah.






I'm proud of you.

For taking advantage
of your relatives?

No. For getting
out of your own way.

Yeah. You're welcome.

And it's up in the air
who's taking advantage
of who.

Whipped cream?

I don't know. No, what I'm
asking is do you have any
red-eyes left.

No, sweetheart,
just give me a second.
Okay? Let me talk.

Do you have
any red-eyes left?

Yeah. No, I figured
if I go home after

Hey. What are you doing?

I'm taking you
to the airport
on the way home.

Come on, man.
Help me out.

You would like that,
wouldn't you?

Just break my mom's
heart, right?

Make her cry grandchild-less
tears. You're a mother hater.
You know that?

I'm trying to get
out of here, okay?

Look, I thought about it.
I can't do it.

You are coming out of the
closet this Thanksgiving
whether you like it or not.

You can't make me.

I can put you
on that plane.


Why? What you coming
around here for?

Let me tell you
something, bro.

I am not going to be late
for dinner because you can't

be honest with yourself
and your family.





Ladies and gentlemen, we're
experiencing what's called
clear air turbulence.

The fasten seatbelt sign
has been illuminated.


It's okay.

Whoo. It's okay.

The captain has turned on
the seatbelt sign.

Please return to your seats.



We're getting shaken
pretty bad up here.

Causing some
system trouble.

alternate landing.

Copy that, Flight 65.

Divert to Oakland


Sorry, everyone, but we've
been diverted to land at
Oakland Airport.

Connecting flights
will be available.

Maybe we should have stayed
home for the holiday.

Oh, come on.
It will be
an adventure.

We'll stay in
San Francisco.


It's okay.

Baa baa black sheep,
have you any wool?

Yes, sir, yes, sir,
three bags full!



Ladies and gentlemen,
the oxygen masks have been
lowered for your safety.

Please refer to the...


We've got a fire
on engine one.

We need to shut down
and land now.

Will not make Oakland. Repeat.
Will not make Oakland.

MAN ON RADIO: Flight 65,
copy. Divert to
Alameda Runway.

Emergency crews
are being alerted.
Copy that, Control.

Captain, the landing gear
hydraulics are failing.

We're not going to
have time to lower
it manually.


Ladies and gentlemen,
this is your captain speaking.

Due to the severe
turbulence, we have
dropped the landing gear

and will be forced to make
an emergency landing.

The flight crew will now
begin reviewing the
safety procedures.


Please, please, please,
please, please.

All right, dude.
I'm going, I'm going.

Let's get out of here.

Hey, man.
Happy Thanksgiving.

WOMAN: You be good.

MARISA: She's a nice lady.

Everybody, wait! We've got
a problem! Turkey dinners
are going to have to wait.

We've got a passenger jet
with only one engine and
no landing gear

making a belly landing
at Alameda! Get dressed!
Get the rigs ready!

Let's get moving!
Let's go to work!
Come on!





It will be okay.
It's okay.
Let me massage you.




CAMERON: This is Medic 78,
en route to Alameda Naval
Station. Five minutes out.

WOMAN ON RADIO: Copy that.
Man, take it easy.

I am.
Guess you got your wish.

You don't have to go home.

Control, this is Angel
Rescue 2 en route to
Alameda Naval Air Station

for immediate
medevac and transport.


Hell of a way
to start a holiday.

MAN 1: Get some water!

MAN 2: Get those people
behind you!


PILOT: I got you.

Can you guys... Can you walk?
If you can, you can move over
to the green tarp. All right?

If you can walk, to the green.
If you can walk, to the green.


Okay? I'm going to get you
to safety, all right?

And you let me know
if we're going too fast.

I'm okay. I'm okay.

CAMERON: I'll get you
to a safe place.

CAMERON: Let's get you
right over here.

Ma'am? Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?

Let go of me.
NANCY: Yeah?

They took my husband.
They took him.
Who took him?

Paramedics. You did. They took
him over there to that tarp.
That black tarp.

Okay, ma'am. Let me help you.
All right? Can you tell me how
you're feeling right now?

There's kind of a tunnel
vision, and I've got
a ringing in my ears.

Okay. She's brady.
Take her down.

All right.
No, no, no.

What are you doing?
I need my husband!
I need my...

GLENN: Hold on.
There we go.

There we go. Okay.
Put her on O2.

Nancy, what happened?

She had a vasovagal episode.
Nerve over-stimulation. Stress
is overwhelming her system.

I can put her on diazepam
when she becomes conscious,
but that should calm her down.

Well, you still have
to tell her she lost
her husband.


Here we go.

Are you okay? Now, ma'am,
I want to just start with
some questions.

Now, what's your name?

Margaret Dennard.

Margaret Dennard.

All right. Do you know
what year it is?


Okay. Do you know
what's happening?
What's going on?

Come on. I'm not an
Alzheimer's patient or

Not at all, ma'am.

These are the questions
that we ask everyone

to determine if they're
alert and oriented.

Okay. I'm alert.
I'm oriented.
Just get on with it.

Okay. Here we go.
Fractured ribs. About three
of them on the left.


We also have some
fractured ribs here
on the right.

She's a tough lady.
You have no idea.

Okay. Now, ma'am.

I want to give you
something for the pain.
All right?

But I'm not in any pain.

Well, ma'am,
I think that's because
you're in shock.


Okay. She's going again.
She's going again.

You've got her head?
Yeah. Yeah.

RABBIT: Is she all right?

Yeah. Recurring
vasovagal episodes.
She'll be fine, but...

[EXHALES] She lost
her husband in there.

You all right?

Yeah, I have to be.

Attention! Does anybody
know whose baby this is?


Got no parents yet?
GLENN: Not yet.

Captain, according
to flight manifests,
we're short one.

Someone's still
on the plane.

Is the scene secure?

Yes, sir. There's a lot of
smoke. It's hard to see
in there.

All right. We're going to
go in. I'm going to need
two medics.

All right.

We'll go.

Can you get them
some suits?


NANCY: Rabbit,
I've got someone!

All right, we've
got to lift this.

RABBIT: Okay, look out.


ALL: Two, three.

NANCY: Okay. Got it.

NANCY: Lift this. Yeah.
I've got a pulse. She's alive.
RABBIT: All right.

Let's get her
out of here. Go!

FIREMAN 1: Okay.
We've got her.
Let's move!

FIREMAN 2: We've got her.
We got her.

Can you get this off?

RABBIT: No burns.

Partial smoke inhalation.
Miss, can you hear me?

Miss, were you traveling
with a baby?


She's altered.
Yeah, and tachy.

Yup. Hypoxic from
smoke inhalation.

And we'll call
that unstable tachy.

Yeah, very unstable.
I am not letting the
mother of this baby die.

All right. Me, neither.

NANCY: Synchronized

So, I'll make that slow
IVP of...

BOTH: Diazepam.

RABBIT: Ten migs.
Forget the morphine.
NANCY: Hold the morphine.

Okay. Charging to 100.

Everybody clear!

And shocking!

Still V-tach. Come on.
Go again.


Come on, come on, come on.
Lady, you can do this.

Everyone clear!



Yes! Sinus. Okay.

Hi. Hi.
Let's take those off.

It's okay.


Here we go. Here we go.
Hey, where's that baby?

Okay. Okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.

RABBIT: It's okay.
Here she is.
Here she is.


NANCY: It's okay.
It's okay.
Oh, there you go.

Have you got her?
She's right here.
Yup. There she is.

I know.


Good work.

You're absolutely fine.
You're both fine.

TYLER: You're going
to be all right.

You mean I'm going to live.

[CHUCKLES] That's not
necessarily all right.

Worse than crash landing
an airplane in
a fiery expl*si*n?

I was going to see my
daughter. I haven't talked
to her in six years.

And I was heading to LA
to mend a fence.

Well, hey, you still can.

Oh, yeah.
If I don't lose my nerve.

Six years missing out
on my grandkids.

Nice working with you.

It's what I do.

That meant a lot to you,
that save, huh?

Yeah. Thank you
for your help.


GLENN: What's up, Rabbit?

Here you go.

TYLER: So, what happened?

A plane crashed. Boy, you
haven't been paying attention.

No. I mean, what happened
with your daughter?

Oh, I didn't approve
of the guy she was
going with,

and then, they went
and got married.

And now, they're
having an anniversary.

It turns out
he is a good man.

What got me all
wound up was just some stupid
little thing. You know?

It usually is
some stupid little thing.

Yeah. It is.




Don't get all
mushy on me.

Thirty-three, from
the plane crash, suffering
recurrent vasovagal episodes.

Heart rate is brady,
between 45, 50 BPM.

I have administered
high flow O2 and NS.

Here's her EKG
from the past

So, basically,
she's fainted.

Yeah. Pretty much.
Got it.

Hey, Diana.

Look, Rabbit.
I'm really sorry about
what I said earlier.

No, I don't care
about that.

That woman's husband
is in the morgue.

Yeah, I know.
So, I got his stuff
for her when she wakes up.

Do you mind
keeping an eye on her?

Yeah. I will.

Happy Thanksgiving.

You, too.
Take it easy.

Oh. Hell, yes,
I was scared.

The damn plane
was crashing.
I don't know.

As soon as they finish with
me here, I will find a way
down there to see you.

Yes. Yes. I promise.

NANCY: This is Nicole
and Alana. Nicole has
smoke inhalation.

Unstable tachycardia.
She's on twin lines of NS.

We cardioverted
on the scene.

Nice work, Nance.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

NANCY: Is there anything
else you need before
I leave?

I have everything I need.
Thank you.




MAN: Let's go grab
a cup of coffee.

MAN ON TV: Absolutely.
And, of course,
leading that float is...

Hey, man.

And Rudolph
with that red nose.


So, what's your plan?

They don't have any flights
out until tomorrow.

And I gotta work
on Monday, so...

How much vacation time
you got left?

Two months.

So, why don't you
tell them then?

I don't know. I just...

[SIGHS] I was just ready
to tell them tonight,
you know.

I built myself up and just...

Where are you eating?

I don't know.

Yeah, I do. Help me grab
some of these groceries.


Yeah, really, man.
You're family.


Man, stop looking
at me like that.

So, I'm family, huh?

So, I'm, like,
the black sheep
of the family.

White sheep
of the family.
Gay white sheep.

I think I'm liking that.



My cousin saw you on
the news, and she thinks
you're super hot.

And Mexican.

I'm not Mexican.
He's not Mexican.


Okay. So,
what are you, then?

I'm not going tonight.

I'll see you in
a little bit, okay?
All right.


Why aren't you going?

It's not my thing.

What, did you find
another hook up
or something?


That's not cool, man.
Viviana's going to be
super pissed.

It's not that. I just...
I don't know.

I don't feel like being
in a crowd tonight.

You know, my family's
not a crowd.

You know what I mean.

Not really.

But enjoy whatever
you've got going on.
Happy Thanksgiving.


TYLER: I'm very thankful
for you guys.


Happy Thanksgiving, Rabbit.



TYLER: Let's do it.

Where are you
spending Thanksgiving?


BASRA: Happy Thanksgiving,
CAMERON: Happy Thanksgiving,

NANCY AND TYLER: Bye, Captain.


My parents are
on their way up from LA.

Flights were all booked,
so they had to drive.

That's good.

I thought you
might want this.

Thank you.

You ever lose someone?

I still haven't
found someone.

I don't know if that's
better or worse.

I'm sorry.

Will you stay
with me for a while?



God, thank you
for my beautiful family
and my guest.

Thank you for the hands
that prepared this meal.

ALL: Amen.


Oh, Tyler, we're just
so glad that you're here.


You know, that means
a lot to me.

And to be here,
sharing this with you guys.

You know, Boone family,
I love you, and I know that
you guys love me.

SELA: Mmm.

And I'm part of the family.
And I'll always be
a part of the family.

And I just wanted you
to know that

I am gay.

That was a lot easier
than I thought.

Could you get
those potatoes
over there?

LYNDON: This is good.

Well, that's quite
an adventure today.


I just can't stop
thinking about all
those people

who couldn't
make it home.

Marcy, I feel
exactly the same way.

It's very hard.

I have this video of
Shireen Razack's
arthroscopic knee surgeries.

It's pretty
doggone fascinating.

Sounds cool. You know, I did
my first knee this past week.

And why didn't you tell me?
What was it, a meniscus?

Actually, it was an ACL.

You did an ACL?
TROY: Yes, sir.

LYNDON: How did it go?

TROY: It was hard. You know,
like Billy Dugan says, "The
hard is what makes it great."

MARISA: And I put blood
on my face. You totally
bought it.

I'm so glad
you're home, mija.

Me, too, Ma.

I made those tamales
just for you.

The green chili
and chicken?

ALL: Aw.


These are so good.



I figure we've got to
work all night.
It's kind of slow.


Turkey sandwiches.
You want one?


That would be amazing.

Come on.


Rough night?


Hey. What?

Dad is going to
kick your ass when
he sees you.

Who do you think
I stole it from?


You are so smug.

Jeez. When you think
you know someone.



So, are you going
to stick around?

I'll probably
stay the weekend.

You going to
stay tonight?


It's weird,
Peter not being here.

Yeah. I guess
he's starting up
his own tradition.

What? This is
a tradition?


Yeah, I don't know
if I remember this right,

or if I made it up,
but Mom's stuffing,
way better, right?

Way better!
What? Radishes?


TROY: You think Dad
and Marcy are happy?

I don't know. I mean,
they're not miserable.

You remember how he was?


But I don't know.
It just seems like
something's missing.

The older I get, the
more it seems that way.

Yeah, I know
how you feel.

RABBIT: Hey, Nance.



So, uh...

So, Lefty's was
closed, huh?

No. No, it wasn't closed.

I, um...


I don't know.

Nowhere seemed to feel
like the right place.

So, you came here.

Yeah, I did, didn't I?

Here I am.


You want to come inside?
I'll make you some food.

No, no, no, no.
I feel weird.

That's kind of standard
around here.

Come on. The turkey is
actually pretty good.

Come on.


What? What? What was
your favorite show?

TYLER: Webster.

Why? It's funny.



Cheers me with
your sandwich.


Happy Thanksgiving.

You, too.
Happy Thanksgiving.

So, here it is.

The stuffing is not great,
but the turkey beats the hell
out of Lefty's.



Happy Thanksgiving, Rabbit.