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01x11 - Tunnel Vision

Posted: 04/09/24 20:01
by bunniefuu
GLENN: Previously on Trauma...

We gotta go.
It's a big one. MCI.

Yeah, awesome.

Hey, I'm glad you're
not dead, butthead.
Me, too.

I'm gonna
have to put you
into hypothermia, okay?


It's going to help stop
the swelling of
your spinal cord

until we get you
to the hospital.

How the hell do you even
know about hypothermic
treatment, anyway?

Well, I read it in
a medical journal, okay?

How is he?
If he walks again
it's because of you.

That bastard stole
my helicopter.

And when we find him,
I am going to mess him up.

And we are
going to find him.

Hey, partner.

Do you have to
say that every day?

Glenn, I need gauze.



I'll see if I can't put
him with somebody else.

Actually, I was coming
by to say, "Can I keep him?"

It turns out
I've got a big heart.

All right.
Airway is clear.

IV is in. Give me


Dude, what are
you doing, man?

What do you mean,
what am I doing?

This Captain thing?
Going right to your head.
I don't like it.

Doesn't look
good on you.

I'm muting you.


GLENN: You are seeing someone,
aren't you?

Just drop it, okay?

Hey, I won't eat
the hot dogs from the car
at 2:00 a.m.

Krys, have you
ever had one?
I'm a vegan.

How can you be a vegan
and a total drunk?

I am not a total drunk.

Come on.
HEIDl: You totally would.

There's meat
and there's Satan food.

And your body is
a temple, right?




Medic 78, Medic 114.

Bay Bridge on-ramp two
for single vehicle accident.

Fire Rescue is behind you.

You're gonna be okay.
Help is on the way.


Okay. I've got it
from here.

Thank you.
Help me.

Yeah. That's what
I'm here for.
[CRYING] Help me.

Okay, please,
just try to relax.

I'll try and get someone
to get you out of here.

NANCY: Her leg's pinned.
Grab C spine.

GLENN: Yeah, I got it.

NANCY: I'm here.
I'm here.
HEIDl: Help!

Okay, does anything hurt?
Can you tell me?

Sir? Sir, can you hear me?
Sir, can you hear me, sir?

Does it hurt anywhere?
What do we got?

Driver's DRT.
Dead right there.

Passenger is trapped.

NANCY: The girl back here
in the back seat is fine,

but she needs
a neck brace.

And the guy needs
your help real fast.

TYLER: Okay.
I'm here. I'm here.

Hey, Nance,
we can't wait on Fire Rescue.

We've got to wait
for Fire Rescue.

Rabbit ain't going to
wait for Fire Rescue.

Damn right I'm not.

Hey, Tyler, Boone,
you got the back
seat there?

Got it.

Hey, hey, hey! Grab her.
Hey, hey, hey! Listen.

Hey, Boone.
Got a head injury?

No, no, no.
I think it's shock.

Okay, listen to me.
You were in a car accident.

I think you're okay,
but we need to get you to
the hospital to make sure.

All right?
Got his legs?
All right. One, two, three.

Straight ahead.
Please try and not move
your head, okay?

Just breathe deep.

Okay. Can we get
the board in here?

TYLER: Hey, Nance,
I think I've got a crushed
larynx here, okay?

I've gotta get an airway.
Okay. Bag him until you
get him out of the car

and then you intubate.
Yes, ma'am.

All right.
NANCY: We need
the board in here.

Rescue 11,
where are you?

got the address crossed.
We're still 10 minutes.

Okay, we're extricating
without you, okay?

Yeah. Big surprise, there.
Go with God, Rabbit.

Stand back.
Her leg's stuck.

All right.
On my count.
One, two, three.

can you wiggle your toes?
Can you feel them?

No! I can't feel my toes!
Okay, don't panic.
Don't panic.

That's just fine.

Get her on a line.

Push some saline.


what are you thinking?
Crush syndrome?

I want to be prepared.
What's crush syndrome?
What is that?

That's if something has
gotten crushed,
and this load comes off,

your system suddenly
gets flooded with potassium,
myoglobin, phosphorous.

And that can shut down
your kidneys, your heart,
all sorts of things.

And we're being
a little cautious.

Okay. All right.
That's good. Get that
board under there.

Get that under there.
Hang in there, buddy.

CAMERON: All right, Tyler.
There we go. There we go.

Okay. Deep breath.
This is going to hurt.

That's it. Good girl.


I know. I know.
You're doing just great.

Okay, short,
sharp breaths, okay?
You want to hyperventilate.

You want your system
to get alkaline.

Right now,
you're all acidic.

Get some of that
in your system.
How is that leg coming?

It's looking good.

What's she doing?
What is she doing?

[CRYING] No! Danny! No!

Sweetie, please.
You've got to try
and stay calm.

Keep your neck straight.
You've lost a lot of blood.

Okay, you need
to calm down.
You need to calm down.

Breathe out. Breathe out.
Keep breathing.

Breathe out. Great.
That's good. That's it.

Great. Great.
That's better.


You've got it.
RABBIT: We're ready to load.

Let's load and go!

We're loading them now.
We should be
about three minutes away.

How are you doing,



Why don't you go home?

Why? It's not like
I'm going to sleep.

I hear you.

Hey, 11 calls in 10 hours?
That was a crazy day, man.

That's right.

Have a seat, my friend.


Sela and the kids are in bed.
They're sleeping.
What are you going to do?

I'm in.

There is something
seriously wrong with us,
you know that?

Yeah, there is.
With the two of you.

Oh, no. Uh-uh.
Not tonight.

Why don't you come here
and go where the love is?

What's up, man?
I think I hate my job.

You're too new
to hate your job.

Next time
I hear someone say that,
I'm just going to punch them.

You're too new
to hate your job.

I'm too tired
to punch you.

Hey, hey, hey.



Hey. Hey.

You okay, Rabbit?

Yeah. Great. Awesome.

Couldn't be better.
So, you've got
a game going, huh?

TYLER: Yeah.
Oh, man.

BASRA: All right.
Who wants to make
some overtime?

You're kidding me.

I'm way short
on the graveyard shift.
I'll take anybody I can get.

Look, this is
totally voluntary.

GLENN: Hey, Nance.
You want to drive?

Thanks, guys.
TYLER: You got it.

That's what
I'm talking about.

San Francisco's finest.

MARISA: All right.


Here, let me
see your eyes.

We're going
to get caught.

Don't worry. My parents
are out all night.


Is this how you want people
to find out about us?


[LAUGHING] Oh, my God.

I want a better visual
than that.

Oh, baby.


Hey. Can I stash
my lunch in your fridge?

Cool. Thanks.

Rabbit eats anything
I put in ours.

I swear it's like
flying with a goat.

That is both hurtful
and untrue.

How did you get in here?

Same way
I swipe your lunch.

Basra wants us
in the gym.


I'm not leaving
my lunch alone with you.

Okay. Geez.

Shut the door.

[SIGHS] Look, I'm going in
for a stress test today.

They're going to
put me on a treadmill

and get an ultrasound
of my heart.

You going to be okay?

Well, the doctor's
not really sure.
That's why I'm going in.

Okay. Well, I can
take care of the desk
if you need me.

Okay. Let's keep this
between us, okay?




What's with
all the happiness?

[LAUGHS] I'm high on life.
Ain't it nice?

Actually, it's kind of
creeping me out.

You're broken inside.
That's sad.

No. I just want to make sure
this isn't some manic stage,

before you shave your head
and start sh**ting at planes.

Not today.

Why are you so happy?

You're really not
going to tell me?


Is it a girl?

Two girls?
Cheerleading squad?

Even better.

Swedish volleyball team?

Hey, Denny.
Have a good weekend?

Drank too much.
Ate too much.

Spent too much. You?

You know me.
Got drunk,

woke up
in a stranger's bed,
staggered home,

husband and kids
wondering where I was.

You volunteered
at the soup kitchen,
didn't you?

What gave me away?
The imaginary
husband and kids?

I appreciate the effort
not to make me look bad.

Don't mention it.

You should come
with me sometime.

The economy gets any worse,
you'll be serving me.


L. J!

Medic 114, respond
to fall victim.

31-year-old female,
1 Waterway Drive.


Hey, one of my workers
is down here.

She's unresponsive.

What's her name?

Laura Jean.

Hey, we were waiting
for you to get here
before we moved her.

Is she conscious?

You're the medic, right?

Yeah, but Glenn
will go down.

Glenn will come
and help you out.

Really? Can I?
Okay, but, listen.

Yeah. Uh-huh.
You look her
over carefully.

You tell me
exactly what you see.

You know enough.
You can be my eyes.

I don't know about that.
But I'll do my best.

All right, miss.
Can you tell me
your name?

Laura Jean.

Laura Jean.

Nancy, I've got
a weak pulse.

Can you tell me
if this hurts?

It stings.

More of a sting
or a tingling?

I don't...
I don't know, both.

Can you feel that?
Does that hurt?

Is that my foot?

Okay. Great.

Hey, Nancy, I'm going
to need you down here.

You've got
a firefighter
down there.

He can board her
and bring her up.

No, I need you.

What's going on?

Severe back pain, numbness,
tingling in extremities.

Crap. Do not
let her move
a millimeter.

Wait. Is she going
to be all right?

It's a pretty bad fall,
but we will do our best.


Hey, hurry up!

I'm trying.


You all right?

[SIGHS] Not really.

I am really bad
with small spaces.


Possible tenderness
on palpations.

It could be a burst fracture.
I know. Two broken ribs.

Possible fracture of the
left tibia and right fibula.

Put her on a pulse
and start an IV.

Send down a line
and a stokes basket.

It's on its way.

You cannot
send her up this way.
Why not?

you take her vertical,

you're going
to paralyze her
or k*ll her.

So, how do we
get her out of here?

Hey, guys?
What's going on?

Look. If this is
a burst fracture,

the compression could
send bone fragments
into her spinal cord.

So, we need somewhere
that's bigger, that's wider,

so I can take her out

Yeah, look.
We need a larger opening.

We'll check on that.

Are you sure
we can't just
hoist her up?

Sure? No.

Believe me,
I wish it were different.

The iron Nancy
Carnahan has a flaw.



Excuse me.
Do you have a pen
I could borrow?

No, I don't.

Maybe you should have
filled that out earlier.

Yeah. I'm sorry.

My head's
a little off today.
This is a nice pen.

Just hurry up, okay?

The teller is
ready for you.


Done. Thanks.

Look, all I want
is the money.

No dye packs, and don't
push any buttons.
Get on the ground!

Get on the ground! Now!
Drop the cell phone now!

Get on the ground!
Get on the ground!

You! Out from
behind the desk!
Let's go!

Put the 100s in a bag,
and I'm gone, all right?


Hands behind your head!
Put your hands
behind your head now!

You be quiet,
and you be calm.

You do something stupid,
and I swear to God,

I will sh**t you
right in the head.

Shut up.
I don't want to hear it.

How do we know
you won't k*ll us
all anyway?

That's kind of the point.
You don't.



Back up!


MAN: What are you doing?
Stay down!

Baby, are you okay?

Yeah. sh**t him.

sh**t him.

[SIGHS] It just
got a little worse
after the accident.

Being trapped
in the rig for an hour
kind of flipped me out.

Hey, Nancy,
listen to me.
You'll be okay.

All right, but I can't
say the same about her.

Vitals and repeat neuro exam
are unchanged.

All right, no deterioration,
but she's in a lot of pain.

Well, push morphine.
Four milligrams, slow IVP.

Narcotics are all you.

GLOWMAN: I looked
at some schematics.

Do you see
this tunnel to your left?

Yeah. Roger that.

That leads to
an air duct that's part
of the BART system.

You get to that,
and there's an opening
to the street.

How big?

About eight by eight.

How far?

Not far, 1,000 yards.

JAKE: All right, then.

Oh, sorry. Geez.

LEO: Hey!

Sorry, Leo. Emergency.


Hey, is that
today's paper?



What the hell, Rabbit?

I told you.
It's an emergency.

MARISA: Come on, man!

You went back
to get a lawn chair?

MARISA: Rabbit, we're late.

Yeah, well,
I get the crossword
and the cartoons.

We're going to
a bank robbery,
not jury duty.

we're going on stand-by
at a bank robbery.

Now, last time
I got called to
do standby,

we held the wall
for about 10 hours

before the guy finally
surrendered peacefully.

Control, this is
Angel Rescue 2 en route
to Bayside Mutual.

We're five minutes out.

Copy, Angel Rescue 2.


Got that?

Hey, Captain.
The Feds here yet?

On their way.
Anything I can do to help?

Let's hope not.

See? Nothing is happening.
Feds ain't even here yet.

Here's a good spot.

So, really,
we just sit here
and wait?

That's right.

And the emergency chair.


All right,
well, in that case, I guess,
give me the health section.

Hey, guys.

They start
negotiating yet?

We know
how many hostages?

Can I get
the sports page?

What... What is this?

lose the damn chair.

Yes, Captain.


Don't answer that.


No. No, don't. Don't.

Oh, God.
You're bleeding.
Oh, God.

Hello? I need you
to send in a medic.




Just try not to
sweat it, all right?

You're in a stupid
sewer tunnel

with your stupid
probie partner.

That's what
I keep telling myself.

Yeah, how's
that working?

Not so great.

I'm Special Agent Reynolds.
Let's go.

One of you has worked
a hostage situation before,

Well, if you call
sitting around waiting,

Great. You're in.
You're not.

Hey. What? I need
an extra pair of hands.
You will have it.

Special Agent Rader will
be going in with you
as a paramedic.

You go in there,
keep your head down,
do your job,

and let Agent Rader
do his.

Now, get the hell in there.

Okay. Get your dress on.

How you doing?

Mind if I check out
your helicopter?

I don't know.

I spent a full-on day
chasing it around the city.

Want to see
what's so cool about it.
Check out its guts.

Yeah, knock yourself out.


[EXCLAIMING] Oh, cool.

You've got
an infusion pump.

You've got a handheld
blood analyzer.

How did you even
get all this stuff?

Okay, you know what, Tyler,
please, okay?


TYLER: This is what
I'm talking about.
Breaker, breaker.

Okay, yeah.
No, no, no. Yeah.
No, no, no touching.

No, I'm not touching.
I'm just looking.

Yeah, well,
look with your eyes.

I was looking with my eyes.
What are you...

No. No, no, no.
See, you were looking
with your hands.

And us grownups,
we call that touching.

Okay. No, no...
All right, I get it.

I'm 800 hours into
my paramedic training,

Don't patronize me.
Okay, fine. Well...

I know you look
with your eyes and...
Okay, well... touch with your hands.
Thank you.
Now, you can get out.

Good day.
Thank you.
That's fine.

All right.

I'm not touching anything.

I saw that.


JASON: Throw the bags down
and put your hands
on your head.

No, we're here to help.

Yeah, and I'm here
to get out alive.

Now, put your hands
on your head.


Check the bags, babe.
Check the bags.


JASON: Good.
What am I looking for?

g*ns. Knives.
Anything weird.

What's that?

A scalpel.
I'm going to need that.

Look, do you want me
to check out that wound?

Hold on to that.

I just want
to take a look, okay?

The pen's right on top
of your lung there.

You're probably finding it
hard to breathe.

They clean?

This one is good.

So, try not to move
too much, okay?

I'm just taking a look.

Okay. Crap. This...
Oh, that is brutal.

[EXCLAIMS] That's good.

I'm going to take
your pulse now, okay?

All right, now. Don't move.
are you looking at?

No, no, no, you're looking
all around the bank.

He's over here helping me.
You're over there
looking at them.

What's going on?

Just making sure
everyone's okay.

Are you cops?

No, no, hey, hey.
You got to calm down, sir.

I'm serious.
You keep moving
around like that,

you've lost blood,
you're getting dizzy,
it's uneasy.

If you just sit down,
it will get better.

You keep moving around,
it's going to get worse.

That would be good for you,
wouldn't it?

Come on.
People dying on me
is never good.

They're lying, Christine.
They're cops.
This is a set-up.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey.

Hold on. Hold on.

Come on.
You don't want
to hurt anyone.

We're not cops.
We're just here
to help you.

Yeah, you're just
a couple of medics

here to take care
of the injured.
Is that it?

Right. Yeah.
Pretty much.

All right. All right.


Take care of him.



It's okay. Cavitation.
Find the exit wound.

Yeah. Right here.

You're going
to be okay, sir.

This is falling
straight to hell.

You're not very good
at this, are you? Huh?

He's just, uh, not as
experienced as I am.
That's all.

That ought to do it.

You, you're real good.
You pass the test.

You, not so much.

Maybe you need
another patient, huh?

Maybe, I'll put a b*llet
in her knee, huh?

Please don't!

JASON: You think
you can handle that?

I mean, you don't have
to be too experienced
for that, right?

You're right.
I'm not a paramedic.

You a cop?


And you do not want
to sh**t a federal agent.


What makes you
so special?


But there are 40
of my co-workers
outside with g*ns.

Think about it.

sh**ting him
is not going
to help anyone.

Baby, he's right. He's right.
You do not want to k*ll a cop.

Okay? I'm going
to tie him up.

Get down on your stomach
and put your hands
behind your back.

CHRISTINE: Do it now
and don't move.

You got anything
like handcuffs in there?

No, I don't. I've got, what,
bandages and, um...

Here, I have gauze cuffs.
Try them.

They've made
our man in there.

I don't know what the hell
that paramedic is doing.

It's Rabbit. I know him.
He's a good man.

Would you really trust
a cowboy paramedic
with their lives?

Stop worrying with him
and fix me.

He's got no time.
You do.

Yeah. But
I've got a g*n.

Okay. Okay, bud.
I hear you. I'll cut you
a deal, all right?

You're in no position
to make a deal.

Oh, and you are?

I'm listening.

You let me get him
outside and treated,

I can patch you up
and get you ready to go.

Look, if he's dying,
I can't think straight.

But he's okay,
I can focus on you.
Sound fair?

Listen to me.
He has no authority to
make deals with you!

Shut up! Shut up.
Sounds fair.

All right.

RABBIT: All right.

JASON: Christine.

Tell them
we've got one
coming out.


It's all right.
We've got you.
Clear! Clear!

CAMERON: All right!
On me! Come on!

TYLER: One, two, three. Go!


How's Rabbit?

I don't know.

Things are starting
to get hectic, though.
Even for Rabbit.

Damn it.

Okay, this is different.

And cool.

this is Angel Rescue 2
en route to City.

We're five minutes out.

CAMERON: All right,
here we go.

All right, give me
two large bore IVs,

wide open,
four milligrams
of morphine.

Okay. Uh...
Maybe it's here.
Let me...

Hey. Hey.

Hey, whoa.
Like I definitely
know where this is.

Okay, how are we
supposed to work
like this?

you can start by putting
your seatbelts on.

Where are the bags?
Where's the saline?

Okay. Bags, saline,
all that stuff is by
the patient's arms.

And we've got
endotracheal tubes by
the patient's head

and trauma dressing
by his feet.

TYLER: Oh, wow.
You're actually paying
attention up there?

You have no idea
the things I've seen.

Whoa! Hey!
Oh, man!

I thought it was hard
working while you drove.

I heard that, Boone.


Oh, you think
this is funny, Tyler?

Sharps away.


I don't want to
lose him, guys.
Come on.

NANCY: Guys,
this is just going on
forever and ever.

I think we're going
around in circles.

JAKE: Hey, can we
just keep moving?

We're going to have
to turn around.
It stops here.

Damn it, Fred.
A dead end.

NANCY: Oh, no.

Oh, what the hell?


NANCY: Oh, no.

JAKE: Hey, we've got us
a blocked passage here.

GLENN: Yo. All right.

I can't do this.
I'm not seeing that
on the map.

Listen to me.
The passage is blocked!

Roger that.
We'll find you
another way out.


GLENN: Wait! Wait!

Jake, down, down, down.
Go down. Hey, Jake,
I need you here, man.

Yeah, I got it.
I need you here.

Hey! Nancy!
Nancy! Hey. Hey.

We're going
to get out of here.

I can't!
Listen, we're
getting out of here.

We will. We will.

We'll get out of here.
Just let me go.

I need your help.
Please, just let me go.

No, I need your help, okay?
You can do this.

We're gonna get out
of here. We are gonna
get out of here, all right?

Hey, I've got an abnormal
respiration here!

She's not breathing.

GLENN: Okay.
Look at me, Nance.
Look at me.

Nancy? Just
tell me what to do.


Okay, that pen
is between your jugular vein
and the top of your lung.

Then take it out.

Can't do that.

It's the only thing
stopping that vein
from bleeding freely.

Big vein bleeding freely?
Very, very bad.

I take out the pen,
you'd be dead
in about two minutes.

JASON: Really?

You could have been
a hero. Save the day.

Well, not too heroic
if I k*ll my patient,
is it?


He probably doesn't
agree with you.

RABBIT: Yeah, well...
Listen to me.

The most important thing
is that everybody
gets out okay.

You and everyone else.

Yeah, well...


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


you better lie down.



Take the g*n.

Be careful.

RABBIT: Now, stop moving.

I don't want you
to get hypotensive
and tachycardic.

What's that mean?
It means I need surgery

and a hospital right now.

I thought you said
he'd be okay if you
just left the pen in.

Well, he's been moving
around too much, okay?

He's starting to bleed out.
Hang in there, bud.

JASON: I'm not going out.

You need a hospital.
Can you make him understand?

[CRYING] Baby.

Baby, no.

Don't lower the g*n!
Put the g*n back up!

I'm not going to stand
here and watch you die.
Put the g*n back up.

I'm not going to die.

I'm not going to die.
Put the g*ns up.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Look, guys,
I am not joking around.

You need to see a surgeon
in the next 15 minutes

or you're going to die
from blood loss. It's death.

Fix him. Please! Please.

Here. Nancy.
She's brady.

Hey, Laura Jean's
BP is 80 over 50.

Pulse is low.
Just tell me what to do.

[CRYING] I can't.
Yes, you can.

I can't.
Nancy. Nancy, come on.

Look at me.
Look at me.

Nancy, come back to me.
This girl is going to die,
okay? Just talk to me.

All right? Just
talk me through it.


Bradycardic, hypotensive.

[STUTTERS] Bradycardic,
GLENN: What do I...

Good. What else?
Keep going.

No, no. It's not good.
It's not good.

She's going into
neurogenic shock.

You need to
give NS bolus.

Okay. NS bolus.
NS bolus. Okay,
how much?

Uh... 500 ccs IVP.

Okay, I've got it.
Good. Now, what?
Now, what?

Now, what do I do?
Is she stabilizing?

Let me see.
Her heart rate is normalizing.
BP is still low.

What do I do now?

Push dopamine.
of weight.

Nancy, I can't do that.
I'm an EMT.

NANCY: You have to.

Hey, I didn't
see anything.
Go for it.

All right.
She's about 125.

How much is that,

I can't do math right now.

All right, 125.
Two kilograms.
That's like 250.

Okay. Okay.
Back off. Back off.

All right, respirations
are decreasing.

She's still
in respiratory

What's causing that?

[GASPING] Oh, God.
I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.

What? Neither can she,
and she's the one dying here.

Just tell me what to do!


Okay, if it's
a burst fracture, I...

GLENN: Talk to me.

It means that it could be...
That it could be interfering
with the phrenic nerve.

Okay, she's losing control
of her diaphragm.

You have to intubate, Nance.
You have to intubate.

I can't.


CAMERON: He's in
decompensated shock

and suspected

We've got to stop
the bleeding.
How much longer?

We're one minute out.
Trauma team is standing by.


Whoa. Hey, Marisa,
I can't do this with
all the movement, huh?

Tyler, it's a helicopter.

I can't just pull it over
to smooth things out.

CAMERON: Unbuckle.
Got him? All right.
Okay. Yeah?

All right. Roll him.

Oh! Whoa! Whoa!

Okay, okay. Whoa!

Hey, hey, hey!
It's not stopping!
It's not stopping!

I know.
Stick your finger
in the exit wound.

Okay, uh... Whoa!


There you go.
There you go.

Okay. I got it.
I got it. I got it.

All right. Come on,
buddy. Come on, buddy.

MARISA: What's going on?

How is he doing?
All right, hold on.

MARISA: What's happening?


He's stabilizing.


All right.
Here we are, boys.


That was freaking
awesome, huh?

Come on.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.


Take a breath.
You can do this.


I know you can do it.
Come on.

Okay, give it to me.

Here. There you go.
Back up, back up, Jake.
She's coming in.

[CHUCKLES] Come on.

I am shaking.
Glenn, I can't do this.

It would be
irresponsible of me.

You're good enough.
You can do this.


NANCY: Okay. Go in.
GLENN: All right.

And at the roof
of her mouth,
imagine a half moon.

Okay. Be very, very gentle.

Okay. Okay.
She's awake, Nance.

She's not awake.
It's a reflex.


Here we go.
Yeah. Go in and
flick your wrist.

Remember, flick your wrist.
Okay. There we go.
There we go.

I'm in, I'm in,
I'm in, I'm in.

I'm in. Okay.

Okay, but make sure
you've just got airways.
No esophagus.

I'm in. I'm in.

Okay, good.
I'm in.

You got it?




You got it?
I've got it.

[LAUGHS] You got it.

GLOWMAN: Okay, guys.
We found you a way out.

If you backtrack
about 100 yards,

we can lift you out
of a maintenance hatch.

All right, all right,
all right. Let's go.
You and me together.


Hey. He is really
running out of time.

He needs a doctor.
You need a doctor
and a surgeon.

Baby, you have to
go to a hospital.

We have to get
you out of here.

No hospital.

Hey, look.
No hospitals.

If you give up now
he's got a chance, okay?

We'll go to jail.

You had a big problem
with me coming in here
as a paramedic,

and now you're
a hostage negotiator.

Shut up. Okay?

If I can get you
out of here and
into an ambulance,

we'll work the rest out later.
Come on. Just put down
the g*ns.

You stop talking to her.
Shut up. You don't
tell her what to do.

Baby, listen to me.

I've got a shot.

How close
is that paramedic?

sn*per: Close.

Shut up!
Just stop talking to her.
Baby, baby, baby.

Be quiet.
Stop it.

No. Just don't
listen to him.

Be quiet.
Hey. You are going
to die, Jason.

I don't want to die.
I'm not going to die.

It's over.

Let me think, okay?

No. No need...
Let me think.

There's nothing
to think about,

We're not going
to give up, okay?

What should I do?

Don't listen to him.
Christine, no.

Give me the g*ns.

Just give me the g*ns, okay?

Trust me, okay?

Give me the g*n.

That's it. Just...

JASON: We don't give up.

It's all right.
That's right. Just...

[g*n FIRES]



[g*n FIRES]

SWAT AGENT 1: Stay down.

this one's DOA.

What the hell
are you doing?
SWAT AGENT 2: She's down, too.

My job.

Did you see me there?
You might want
to try it sometime.

Did you see me there?

You ran a little off
the reservation here.

Hey, I had her, okay?
Oh, you had her?

Yeah, she gave me
the g*ns.
You had her.

Who in the hell
do you think you are?

Hey, you sent
that clown in here.

Backed us all
into a corner.
That's what you did.

And they're fine.
So are you.

This is fine?
Yeah. But I will be
talking to your supervisor.

Oh, like I give a damn.

Yeah. That seems
to be the problem,
doesn't it?

Yeah, well,
get your hands off me.

Oh, you've got a problem
with authority, don't you?

Get your hands off me.

Here's my problem
right here. See that?

Their blood.
It's on you.

Hey. Leave him.

This isn't over.

Okay, fine. Whatever.

Thank you, guys.


Sela, I know. I know.

I should be home soon.
Soon! Yeah. I promise.

How's Griff?

[WHOOPS] I've got you.
I'll help you clean.

Oh, yeah.

Wow. Usually,
I do this myself.

[LAUGHS] Funny, so do I.

I've got you.
Least I can do.

You let me dance
with your date.

Oh, it's Rabbit's date.


I thought it was
your copter.

Shut up and spray.

Shut up and spray?

Did I get any on you?
Did I get... Come on.


Seriously, Tyler.
Looks like a Pollock
painting in there.

You've got to get
your elbow in there.
Get some grease, man.

Well, usually, I don't
have to clean this much.

Hey, this is Laura Jean.
She's got two broken ankles,

a possible fractured pelvis

and what looks like
a burst fracture
to the cervical spine.

Were you able to keep her
horizontal during transport?

you have no idea.



I'm so embarrassed.
I'm so ashamed.

Don't be.

[SIGHS] I'm sorry.


You've had my back
since I started,
every day.

It felt good to finally
be there for you.

You're going to put
this in your book,
aren't you?


No, I'm not.

The book's
on hold for a while.


I don't know.

It seems the more time
I spend doing the job,

the less I feel like
writing about it.

If that makes any sense.

[LAUGHS] Glenn,
that makes a lot of sense.

Though I might still
put the intubation
in there.

Because that's a little
too good to let go.


You did really good
down there.




Hey. We had a tough one
at the bank.

Yeah, so I heard.

Look, uh, Boone,
the stress test
didn't go so well.

The doc says he's going
to have to put a stent in.

Well, it's good
they caught it.

Your bedside manner sucks.

[LAUGHS] Could be worse.
It could be Rabbit.


Look, I'm going
to be in here
a minimum of two weeks.

So, I need you to, uh,

do something for me.

Oh, you don't
even have to ask.

I'm ready
to ride a desk.

Well, you may not feel
that way after you do
what I need you to do.


Hey, you know that woman
you brought in earlier?
The burst fracture?

She was in
pretty bad shape.
She made it, though, right?

Yeah. No.
She's stable and has
sensation in her feet.

Who did the intubation?

Why? Is there
something wrong
with it?

No, it's perfect.
No chipped teeth,
no mucosal abrasions.

She probably won't even
have a sore throat.


Nancy is a pro.

Yeah, Nancy is a pro.
But she does have
a heavy hand.

Her intubations always
have some sort
of laryngeal trauma.


Maybe she got lucky.

Yeah. I guess she did.

Nice work, probie.




Bas. Oh.

Yeah. I didn't dodge
any b*ll*ts, man.
Have a seat.


Just as a friend,

I think you did
a great job today.

A save,
no hostage casualties.


As a friend.

But as acting captain,

I need you
to hand over your card.

What's the charge?

Assaulting a FBI agent.

You know,
he had that woman shot
in the back of the head

after she surrendered.
She gave me the g*ns.

Rabbit, that is
not our call, bro.

No, but I was right...

No, no, no, no.
No, listen, man.

You've been running
on the edge
for a while now.

You know me, Boone.


Yeah, I do know you.

And so does Basra.

But this time,
it went to the guys
above us.

You had to know
you had it coming.

Yeah, I had it coming.
I know.


You're also being suspended
without pay pending review.


I'm sorry. All right?

You don't have
to be sorry, man.

You're just doing
your job, right?

You're a good captain.