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01x04 - The First Snow

Posted: 04/10/24 21:05
by bunniefuu

That robber's daughter.
I see her in the forest sometimes.

Stay away from her.

They have to go.

Winter is getting close.

Instead of throwing them out,

maybe you should shut them in.

The entrance's collapsed.
We can't get in or out.

I'd like to see them carry
anything bigger than berries and mushrooms

up that ladder.

It'll be
a long winter in Borka Keep.

- So we'll never see them again?
- Never again.

We need the merchants
and their carts untouched.

I'll take charge of the soldiers.
It's an order from Valdir.

Or rather, I demanded it,
she agreed to it.

You will fail here.

We'll see.

I know, Flit, you're hungry.

Uncle will find food today.

Do you want to be one of us?


Tell me, what goes on in Mattis Fortress?

Prepare yourselves.

Let's head out.

Do you want to come with us?

I won't go robbing, I told you.

We're not going robbing,
we're going hunting.

What are we hunting?

I woke up this morning
with a craving for elk!

Get dressed.

They're mostly
out at dawn and dusk.

And after the summer,
there are so many calves,

they just wander around,
all over the place.

Not right at this moment.

But you just wait...



I'm looking forward to this.

The most tender parts are
for the toothless, everyone knows that.

So they've got elk
cooking in the Mattis Fortress?

Why am I not cooking elk?

Why have I got grain
and barley and peas and beans,

while they're eating the best meat?

I think you know why.

Yes, it was a long time
since an elk run through this hall.

That's what it would take
with you lazing around here all day.

It was a long time
since I saw an elk climb a rope ladder.

Yeah? Mm. What if
there were other animals?

What if there were fish,
hares, squirrels, boars,

pheasants, beavers, foxes,

lynx, deers, badgers...

Your mother isn't wrong.

We need to fill our stores.

There's snow in the air.

Soldiers! Get down.

Be careful when
you're alone in the forest.

Where are the horses?

What happened?

They came and they took the horses.

Those scoundrels.

He left a message.

What message?

What message?

He said that Mattis,

the mightiest robbers' chief
in all the mountains and forests,

has taken your horses, you...

"You" what?'s ass.

Those scoundrels.

Oh, that was good.




- Good morning, Chegge.
- Are you going out today too?

Every day, as long as I can.

Maybe you should stay
in the fortress a few days.

Why would I do that?

It's autumn.

A lot can happen.

I'm not afraid of anything in the forest.

It gets dark early, wile-wings
and other wild things are out prowling.

One eye to the sky.

Maybe one to the bushes and brambles too.

Mattis has a daughter
who spends a lot of time in the forest.

Alone, out in the forest.

The fortress is impenetrable,

but if we take her,
Mattis will come to us.

How old is she?

Not old. Still a child.

Why send three of us for one girl?

She knows the forest. You do not.

We'll return soon.

One child.

Here you are again.

I thought you'd want to watch out
for Borka robbers again today.

You know what?

That's just what I wanted.

I thought I'd catch a horse today.

Maybe we can help each other?

I'm sure you'll be a big help.

It might be easier if we work together.

Then you need something to catch one with.

Lucky you just happened
to bring leather straps to the forest.

Yeah, lucky.

It's almost as if you're being nice to me.

Don't get any ideas, Birk Borkason.

I'm teaching you this
so you won't be completely useless.

If you say so.

I do.

The smooth part should face out.

What about of those two?

- Get the human!
- Get the human!



There are the humans!

We will scratch!

Where are the humans?


They weren't just chasing us.

- What do you mean?
- The wile-wings.

They were herding us forward.


I don't know.

But if a wile-wing wants something
you should always do the opposite.

- Do you know where we are?
- No.

So we're lost?


But only until we find the right path.

- Have we found the right path yet?
- I don't think so.

Let's try this way.

Are you never scared?

In the forest?


I mean of... everything.

You can't be scared of everything.

But you know, not being good enough?

No, never.

Why, are you?


Is it because I said you were useless?

Because that was only
about catching horses.

I haven't watched out for you enough

to know about anything else.

Goodbye then,

robber's daughter.


Birk Borkason.

What are you doing?

I was just going to check
how Oros is doing by the other path.

Hurry up, then. Don't just stand there!

If she comes now, she'll see us.


Sorva. Sorva!

Are you lost?

Are you lost?


There you are. I was worried.

Is anyone else in the forest?

No, just you. Everyone else is here.

- I heard someone screaming out there.
- Well, we're all here.


Maybe it was a Borka robber.

Yeah, or soldiers, if we're lucky.

Maybe you should stay in
a few days after all?


We'll see.

- Are they new horses?
- Yeah.

Where are they from?

Well, they, uh...

You know...

You don't have to tell me.
I know, and I don't want to know.

So here you are, thinking.

Here I am, thinking.

What's it like in the forest these days?

It's wild and free

and lovely.


The wile-wings chased me today.

They're at their most dangerous in autumn.

Their young ones
have to learn how to hunt,

so they take what they've caught,
let it loose,

and let their young chase it
through the dark tunnels.

What do they do when they catch you?

Oh, what a wile-wing does.


Lots of hungry little teeth

and sharp claws, scratching and tearing.

I think that they were
trying to herd me somewhere today.

If a wile-wing wants something,
you should always do the opposite.

That's what I said.

To who?

To... to myself.

I thought maybe you'd made friends
with some friendly fox out there.

Why did you think that?

You've got a hair on your shoulder.

From a fox tail, perhaps, I thought...

Your old eyes cannot be trusted.

They see more than you might think.

Have they returned?

Maybe she wasn't in the forest today.

Wouldn't they have returned without her?

They were very cocky.

Maybe they're embarrassed
to come back empty-handed.


Something happened to them.

We'll send three more,
first thing tomorrow.

- We've done this a while now.
- Mm-hmm.

What's different about this time?


They're just a little smarter.

Harder to catch.

But it's still just an assignment?

What else would it be?

I don't know.

It's just an assignment, like all others.

- Where are you going?
- To check on the horses.


What is your horse's name?

Tell me your horse's name,
then you can ride home.

I'm starting to lose my patience.
Tell me the horse's name.

This was Skidas'.

What happened?

Who knows?

Wile-wings, gray dwarves,
the underearthers...

All kinds of creatures
are out before winter.

Someone from here would have known that.

Skidas, Sorva or Oros,
were none of them from here?

All three of them.

Well, they laughed
and said how easy it would be.

They thought it was
unnecessary to send three.

Someone from here
would've known that was all talk.

Is that what soldiers from here are?

All talk?

How many of you does it take
to get a child from the forest?

I don't think anyone will do it now.

- You don't think so?
- No.

Then you are of no use to me, are you?

Away with you.

Have you heard?

Skidas and the others, yes.

- Is that what they're talking about?
- Mm.

Was she with them in the forest,
our new bailiff?

- No.
- No. So she sent them to die.

You're welcome to spread that.

It might remind people
that all she's done so far

is catch a simple thief, who she released.

Who knows, maybe he
k*lled Skidas and the others.


Whatever did, it wasn't human.

Look, we know that. They don't.

I just think we'd all be happier
if she spent the winter somewhere else.

Just being considerate?

Just being considerate.

What would you've done
if the Mattis robbers

hadn't come to the village
and seen Chegge?

He would have had to sit there for longer.

How long?

Until they saw him.

I don't know what it is,
but this place is not good for us.

For you.

We haven't been paid,
we can just leave, take some easy--

No. No, I have to finish this first.

But why?

I've known my entire life
that I'd end up back here.

"Back here?"

I want to be alone.

I don't know if you heard,

but your overrated bailiff
has failed again.

She can't even get the soldiers
to go to the forest anymore.

She's costing us.
Food and money that we need.

I can't just cancel our agreement.

What do we really know about her?

Those robber bands she's caught,

who were they?

She has an excellent reputation.

Yes, but how do you know it's true?

This is just because she took your place.

No, you gave her my place.

It was given to her.

Halvert, I have complete trust in her.

Three soldiers died yesterday.

People are talking.

She's caught no robbers,
but she's to live here,

burning our wood, eating our food.

Winter is on its way.

People will starve, we know that.

Then they'll be angry.

At her, but also at the one
who brought her here.

So what do you suggest?

I'll deal with at least one of the robber
bands to become lawman again.

She goes. Without pay.

You'll deal with one of the robber bands?

Before winter.


Where is she?

In the fortress.

I need her out. We're short on time.

It's not my fault you didn't get her.

You're not trying to trick me?

No. She won't go anywhere with me.

Why not?

I'm new, no one trusts me yet.

Here's a little reminder.

Help me, and I'll make sure
your sister and nephew get through winter.

s*ab me in the back,
and I'll exile them too.

Get the girl out before winter.



It's snowing!


It's snowing.

Where are my skis?

My hat and my gloves?

What are you saying?

It's snowing.

Winter is here.

My winter clothes, where are they?

The first snow
can disappear as fast as it came.

But it can also be a fathom deep,
and then I have to be ready.

Calm down.
First you're eating some soup.

You can't trust any of them.

They pretend to be your friend
so they can s*ab you in the back.

- Not Borka.
- All of them!

You won't see him again.
And if you do you'll be sorry.

It's snowing.

It's snowing.


No. No. Please.


No, please.


Ronja, be careful.

Skis have a will of their own.

Is that right?

And the snow is cold.

And... and the cold,

the cold is also cold.

Bye, Mattis.

One eye to the sky.

One eye to the sky.

She'd better take care.
If anything happens to her...

She can look after herself
better than any robber.

But snow is snow.

She's never been in the forest
with the snow before.

Is that all you bring home?

It's hard with horses.

Without horses it's hopeless.

Winter has just begun.

I know.

I know that.


There was a hump
in the middle of the slope

and I jumped it!

A long way. It was as if I was flying!

Why don't you like the snow?

I have bad memories of the first snow.

What memories?

Just memories.

From when?

From when I was your age.

What happened?

Bad memories should be kept to oneself.

I want to know.

Maybe when you're older.

They're already collecting
from the communal stores.

Yes, they're already collecting.

I haven't seen Halvert in a while.

He went after the robbers.

To catch them and then kick me out?

Yes, that was the idea.

Did you know he was hiding food
and stolen goods from the Borka cave?

He gave it to the merchant who was here,
and they split the profits.

No, I didn't know that.

I have a feeling he won't be coming back.

We'll get them in spring.

Before then we have
a long, hard winter ahead of us.

Why are you doing this?

- You don't think we should help her?
- Yes...

It's just unlike you.

Take it to her.

Good day.

- My name is Smavis and I'm--
- I know who you are.

What do you want?

Why are you giving us this?

You need it.

Because your sister exiled my brother.

My sister doesn't write the rules,
she just enforces them.

He stole.

To give us food.

I think she sees herself in you.

Looking after a child, alone.

- She has children?
- No.

But she raised me alone,
since we were children.

- What happened to your parents?
- They died.

When I was three.

Give her my thanks.

I'll be back.

You're welcome.


Oh! Oh!





Why... why is she doing that?

Breaking the roof. Uh, why?

I couldn't help it.
It... it was an accident.

Shoe right through the roof. Why?

Roof is broken, in with the snow.

Why is she doing this?

If you help me get free,
I'll help you fix the roof.

She's stuck in the roof.

Why is she doing that?

Are you going to help me?


Little boy, into the cradle.

That's a good spot for him to hang.

Can you...

Little boy. She's rocking him.

Why? Why? Why

- Why? Why? Why?
- Why? Why? Why?

Stop why-ing!

Just help me.



Help me!

Can anyone help me?

Pretty little human.