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01x02 - Entirely Beloved

Posted: 04/11/24 09:33
by bunniefuu

Thank you.

I can't talk about the Cardinal.

- Your Majesty...

Don't you understand?

I can't talk about him.


Here again...

- Stephen...
-Have you been waiting long?

Well, I was under the impression
I had an interview with the king.




Elusive, isn't he?

Did you think yourself
a special favourite?

WOLSEY: The cat has had her litter,
here in my rooms.

Aw, look at it.

[CHUCKLES] Black as the devil.

Born, right here, under my very bed.

How's that for a bad omen
before a journey?

Well, you shouldn't leave.

Merry Thomas,
when Norfolk threatens to bite,

it's time to be gone.

CROMWELL: You won't like the north.

I am the Archbishop of York.

Yes, but you've never been. I have.

Filthy weather, people, morals.

King wants me gone.

Wants to humiliate me.

Thinks it sends
a sharp message to the Pope.

I feel like Katherine.

Cast off.

But still, I love him.

What will we do?

Bribe people.

You still have land.

Even if the king takes everything you
have, people will ask themselves,

"Can you truly give what belongs
to the church?"

No one will be sure of their title
unless you confirm it.

So, you see my lord, you still...
You still have cards in your hand.


And, after all,

if he wants to bring a treason...

If the king meant
to charge you with treason,

you'd be in the tower now.

- Wouldn't you?

He misses you.

You'll return to favour.

New life, born under your very bed.

Well, I'd read that as a good omen.


[SCOFFS] You lawyer.


Look who's back for Christmas.

What's this, Gregory?
Some kind of beard?


I think I've seen more hair
on a side of bacon.


Gregory says we can race his dogs
up and down the hall.

- Father.
-Welcome home, Gregory.


That was a calculation.

It wasn’t just where I dropped them.



Do you remember that one Christmas
when we had the giant in the pageant?

Here in the parish, I do.

"I am a giant. My name is Marlinspike."

- Hm.

Aunt Johane says you won't have
the epiphany feast this year.

We can't.

No one would come.

Because of the cardinal's disgrace?


People in Cambridge are laughing
at my greyhounds.


Well, because they're black.

They should be white.

They say, "Only felons have dogs
you can't see at night."



- Look.

"I'm a giant.

-"My name is Marlinspike."


The dogs will k*ll it.

Do you think he's afraid of me?

Why should he be?

I don't know.

With everybody else he seems so lively.

When he sees me...

You're a kind father.

Too much so, I think. You spoil him.

That's what Liz always said.

Liz and I had nothing
when we were girls.

Not a comb, never had a mirror.

I remember when he was a baby.

I used to warm his shirt
for him in front of the fire.

Liz would say, "Don't do that!
He'll expect it every day."

Seems such a long time
since there was a baby in the house.

Don't look at me.

Does John Williamson

not do his duty by you?

His duty's not my pleasure.

There's a conversation
I shouldn't have had.

WRIOTHESLEY: Wriothesley.

It's spelt, W-R-I-O-T...


just call me Wriothesley.

Master Wriothesley, we're always
looking for bright young men.

- You worked for the Cardinal, I think?
-Yes, sir.

But then left with Stephen Gardiner.

I'm his clerk.

But it doesn't occupy all my time

and I'm keen to learn something
of business, Sir.

Well, we're all business here
at Austin Friars.

Aren't we, boys?

GREGORY: You know Gardiner will have
sent him here to spy on us.

Well, he seems obliging. Perhaps we
could send him back to spy on Gardiner.

How's he been?

CROMWELL: He's whipping himself?

The monks who come to him brought it.

Body of Christ...

Who makes these things?

Who ties a thorn to horse hair?

People ought to be found better jobs.

That settles it,
we have to get him out of here.

Oh. Oh, God...

He'd be better off in Yorkshire.

How would we pay for it?

If only you would see the king.

Take a message from me
to Wolsey, will you?

There's a Bretton merchant

who's complaining that his ship
was seized eight years ago

and he still hasn't
received compensation.

No one can find the paper work.

The Cardinal will have handled the case.
Do you think he'll remember it?

I'm sure he will. That'll be the one
with powdered pearls for ballasts

and unicorn's horns in its hold.

Yes, that'll be the one.

If the case is in doubt, Sir,
may I look into it?

I don't think you have
a locus standi in the matter.

God, let him Henry.
By the time this fellow's finished,

the Bretton will be paying you.

I'll say this for you,

you stick by your man.

I never had anything but kindness
from the Cardinal.

You have no other master?


[WHISPERING] A thousand pounds.

Don't tell anyone.

It's the best I can do.

Take it with my blessing.

And ask him to pray for me.

Every day I miss the Cardinal of York.

BONVISI: A man who can get

It's only a tenth of what is owed
the Cardinal for over a decade.

And not so much when you
have a cardinal to move.


Where will the rest come from?

How much of your own money
will you put into this?

Some debts are not to be reckoned.

I heard a rumour, recently,
about someone you know.

Thomas Wyatt.

[CHUCKLES] Wyatt and the Lady Anne.

It's an old story.

If it's such an old story,
why hasn't the king heard it?

Part of the art of ruling, perhaps.

Know when to shut your ears.

[CHUCKLING] Aren't the English odd?


Christ, aren't they?


But you understand, I think.

She interests you.

A world where Anne can be Queen
is a world where Cromwell can be...

CROMWELL: Hendon, Royston, Huntingdon,
Peterborough, sent riders on ahead

so everything will be ready for you.

This is a tactical retreat,
not a surrender.

Lady Anne is the key
to winning back Henry.


Find a way back into
her confidence, Torn.

Work a device to please her.

The only way to please that lady is
to crown her Queen of England.


- Will you come north?
-Hmm-hmm, I'll come fetch you.

As soon as he summons you back.
And he will.

God bless you, mine own
entirely beloved Cromwell.




When I'm gone...

I want the whole of the
archbishop's palace scrubbed out.

My lord will be bringing his own bed.

Drafting kitchen staff
from the king's arms

I think I should go myself.

- No, we can do it.
-Well, check the... Take this?

Check the stabling, get him musicians.

Last time I passed through there,
there were some

pigsties or something
against the palace wall.

Find the owner, pay him off,
knock them down...


It's time to let the Cardinal go.




You know, the first time we met

was when you were a young student.

- Where was this?
- Lambeth Palace.

My uncle John was a cook there,
and I worked some days in the kitchens.

I served you once.

I don't think so.

I remember one evening
we were playing football

-and I heard a recorder playing.

My other guest. Now.

You carry on.

There. Now, Henry.

Leave Master Gardiner alone.
You come along to the house. Come on.

Come on.

- Let's go. Let's go to the house. There.

About Master Wriothesley...

And a good evening to you too, Stephen.

Remind me, is he working for me,
or for you?

For you, I would have thought.

Then why is he always at your house?

Well, he's not a bound apprentice.
He can come and go as he pleases.

He can still make his fortune,
I suppose.

Everyone knows money
sticks to your hands.

He wants to know what
he can learn from...

Whatever it is you call
yourself these days.

A person.

The Duke of Norfolk says I'm a person.

Is that his fool?

STEPHEN: He's supposed to have
fallen off a church roof

and landed on his head.

Supposed to?

It'd be just like More
to keep a fool who wasn't.

Just to embarrass people.


Henry Patterson's excitable tonight.

I hope his diet has not been too rich.

No anxieties on that score.


has been sighted in Hamburg, they say.

You'd know him if you saw him,
I suppose.

So would you, I suppose.

I hope to get the means
to proceed against him

for sedition in his writing.

Have you found sedition
in Tyndale's writing?

That's very good.

You hear that, Stephen?
A lesser lawyer would have said,

"I have read Tyndale
and find no fault there."

But Thomas will not be tripped, will he?

Well, I admit I have read Tyndale.

I have picked apart
his so-ca [led translations.

I have also read Luther.


You have such a pretty way with Latin.

"So, he that toucheth pitch
shall be defiled,"

unless his name is Thomas More.

There you are, Wolsey always told me
you were a man of the Bible.

Thomas Cromwell,
why don't you marry again?

No one will have me, Lady Alice.

Nonsense, your master may be down
but you're not poor

and you've got everything below
in good working order, haven't you?

Alice, what have I told you
about drinking wine?

Your nose is glowing.

Why am I bringing you to Westminster?

I'm off to see Lady Anne.

You didn't say so.

I can't tell you all my plans, Stephen.

What would young
Wriothesley have to do, then?

Oh, dear God, I'm starving.

I wish I'd lain hands
on the white rabbit. I'd eat it raw.

Did you know that More
goes to bed at 9:00 every night?

- With Alice?
-Apparently not.

You keep spies in his house too?

Don't you ever think of
getting married, Stephen?

I'm in holy orders.

Oh, come on, you must have women.

Don't you?

What kind of a Putney inquiry is that?




Oh, it's you.

I like your grey velvet.


Where did you get it?


Can you get me some?

It's been so long
since I had new clothes.

If you're waiting for her, I should
warn you, she's in a temper.


Nothing happens quickly
enough for Anne.

You'd think she'd be happy.

You know, when the king first
turned his attention to her, he thought

knowing how things are done in France,

that she might accept
a certain position at court.

But that wasn't enough for Anne.

You know what she said to me, she said,

"This isn't France and I am not
a fool like you, Mary."


-Because she knew...

[WHISPERING] Because she knows
I was Henry's mistress.

- Hmm...
-And she sees how I am left.

And she takes a lesson from it.

She's vowed that she'll marry him
and what Anne wants, she'll have.


- And you?
- Me?

I am to be swept out after supper,
like the old rushes.

My father says I'm a mouth to feed
and my uncle Norfolk says I'm a whore.

I need a husband to stop
them calling me names.


You should ask for someone
young and handsome.


Don't ask, don't get.

No, what I want is
a husband who upsets them.

And who won't die.

Don't ask, don't get.

- They'd k*ll you.

You're right, they would.

If she sent for you,

she means to flatter you.

She's going to ask you to do
some little thing for her

and then she'll make you hers.

Take my advice,

before she does,

turn around and walk the other way.



Cheer it up, can't you?

- What did you just do?
-I hit Mark Smeaton.

Only with one finger.


Oh! Is that his name?

- Where have you been?

Oh, what was the talk?

The vices and follies of women.

I suppose you joined in.

My chaplain, Doctor Cranmer.

Hiding, because there's no good news.

He’s just back from Rome.

I hear that Rome will issue a decree
telling the king to part from me.

That would be a mistake on Rome's part.

ANNE: Yes, it would.

Because he won't be told.

What is he, some child?

I've read Tyndale.

"The subject must obey his king,
as he would God."

Do I have the sense of it?

The Pope will learn his place.

Why did you send for me?

I've something to show you.

- Oh, please, don't give it currency.
-Give it!

This was in my bed.

The sickly milk-faced creeper
had turned down the sheet.

Of course I can't
get any sense out of her.

She cries if you look at her sideways.

So, I don't know who put it there.

That's the queen, Katherine, you see?

And that's me.

"Anne sans tête."

I'm told that Wolsey kept you because
you always knew the London gossip.

If you find out
who's responsible for this

I want you to tell me.

I have a new motto, did you know?

"Ainsi sera, grogne qui grogne."

"Never mind who grudges it,
this will happen."

I mean to have him.

CRANMER: I think this
is the one that cries, so, er...

Don't look at her sideways.

- Master Cromwell.
-I haven't seen you for a long time.

What have you been doing?
Where have you been?


Where I'm sent.


And spying too, I think.

I'm not very good at it.
I don't speak French.

So, please don't you,
it gives me nothing to report.

You know Doctor Cranmer?

- No.
-No? The... [CHUCKLES]

This is Doctor Cranmer.


Now you're supposed to say who you are.

John Seymour's daughter,
from Wolf Hall.

Well, good luck.

I'll try to keep the conversations
in English.

I would be obliged.

Going back to Cambridge now?

Sadly, not today.

The Boleyn family
likes to have me close.

How is the Duke of Norfolk?

He's in a fury.

About what?

He's heard your cardinal
has reached Southwell

and the crowds come flocking
from far and wide just to see him.

As if it were a triumphal procession.

He should, perhaps, be more cautious.

If the King is offended once,
he can be offended again.

So, what's she like, the Lady Anne?

Tall or short?


They say she dances well.

We didn't dance.

Are her teeth good?

When she sinks them into me,

I'll let you know.

Sounds like you got close enough.

Why does God test us?

I don't think we'll pass.

The conditions could be better, erm...

He wondered if you could send quails.


- The food is deplorable up there.
-I did warn him.

Everywhere he goes, Thomas,
they flock to see him.

Thousands of them.

You can see his old spirit returning.

He's called a convocation
of the northern church.

Without informing the king?

He said, "Ah, George,
why do they need to know?"


It's a signal of independence,
that's all.

Some might say a signal of pride.

I kn ow.

I know what people are saying.

That I'm working for myself now.

That I've been bought out.

If you came and spoke to him,
any doubts that he had...

I'm needed here.

To protect him, to persuade the king.

He likes me, George.

I feel it.

And when I have his ear, the Cardinal
will be recalled. I promise you.

DUKE OF NORFOLK: What if he dies?

What if he falls off his horse
and breaks his neck?

Few years ago, this fellow here
charged the king in the lists.

Runs his lance into
the king's headpiece, bam!

Lance shatters, an inch,
just an inch from his eye.

Year later, the King's
out with his hawk.

Comes to a ditch, drives a pole in
to help him cross

damn thing breaks, and there he is

face down in a foot of mud, drowning.

If a servant hadn't pulled him out...

Who would reign then?

He has one child born in wedlock.

What, Mary, the talking shrimp?

- She'll grow up.
-I'm still waiting.

Head's the size of my fingernail.

And a woman on the English throne
flies in the face of nature.

A woman can't lead an army.

Her grandmother did.

Cromwell, what are you doing, listening
to the conversations of gentlemen?

The servant who dragged
the King out of the ditch

what was his name?

Oh, Master Cromwell likes to hear
of the deeds of those of low birth.

His name was Edmund Mody.

Muddy, more like.


You've a good eye.

A good arm.

Well, at this distance...

We have a match every Sunday,
my household.

We meet up with our fellow guildsmen,

and we destroy the butchers
and the grocers.


What if I came down with you, one week?

In disguise.

A king should show himself sometimes.
Don't you think?

I could sh**t for you.

Well, we'd win for sure.


- MAN: Quite a surprise.

Wolsey told me once that you had
a loathing of those in religious life.

That's why he found you so diligent
in your inspection of the monasteries.

That was not the reason.

- May I speak?
-God, I wish someone would.


Well, if you ask me about the monks,
I speak from experience, not prejudice.

And my experiences,
well, largely, have been

one of corruption and waste.

I've seen monks who live like great
lords on the offerings of the poor.

Take children in, and rather than
educating them as they promised,

use them as servants.

For hundreds of years, the monks have
written what we take to be our history.

I think they have suppressed
our true history

and written one
that's favourable to Rome.

God, I could make good use of the money
that flows from them to Rome each year.

King Francois is richer than I am.

He taxes his subjects as he pleases.

I have to call Parliament,
or there are riots.

Well, Sir, with respect, Francois
likes w*r too much and trade too little.

There are more taxes to be raised
when trade is good

and if taxes are resisted even by
the church, other ways can be found.

All right.

Sit down with my lawyers to discuss it.


Begin with the monasteries.

Some say that I should
consider my marriage dissolved.

I should remarry as I please, and soon.

- But there are others who say...
-I am one of the others.

Dear Christ, I shall be unmanned by it.

How long am I supposed to wait?

Anne says she'll leave me.

Says there are other men.

Says she's wasting her youth.


[MAN YELLING] Open up!

-We're under King's orders, open up!


What is it? Is it an arrest?

Good morning, William Brereton.

Here if you need me.

Are you up early or down late, sir?
Take the girls to bed.


The King is in Greenwich,
you are to come now.

Well, then everybody back to bed.

King wouldn't invite me to Greenwich
in order to arrest me.

It doesn't happen that way.

What does he want me for?

I really can't enlighten you.

Harry Norris.

Master Cromwell.

We do meet under
the strangest circumstances.

You only, to come in.

He's waiting.

You stay here.

My dead brother came to me.

How did he look?

As I remember him, but he was pale,

and thin.

There was a white fire around him.

He died in Ludlow, in winter.

The roads were impenetrable. They had
to put his coffin on an ox cart.

I never saw him dead.

Until tonight.

The dead don't come back

to complain of their burial.

He was so sad.

He's come back to make me ashamed.

For taking his kingdom.

Using his wife.

If Your Majesty's brother died
before he could reign

then that was God's will.

And as for your supposed marriage,
well, we all know

that that was clean contrary
to the scriptures but...

With God,

there's mercy enough...

Not for me!

When I come to my judgement
he will plead against me.

He has come to make me ashamed.

And I alone must bear it.


I alone.

Did your brother speak to you?

Make any Sign?


Then you read into his face
something that wasn't there.

Listen to me.

You know what's written
on Arthur's tomb?

Rex quondam, rexque futurus.

"King once. King to be."

Your father made it sure.
He came back from exile,

claimed his ancient rite

but it's not enough to claim a country.
You have to hold it.

It has to be made secure,
in every generation.

If your brother comes back
and seems to say that

you've taken his kingdom,
taken his place,

it's because he wants you to become
the king he would have been.

He can't fulfill the prophecy,

a prince come out of Wales.

But he wills you to do it.

Why does he come back now?

I have been king for 20 years.

Because now is the vital time.

Now is the time for you to
become the king you should be.

The sole and supreme head
of your kingdom.

Ask Anne, she'll say the same.

She does.

She says we should not bow to Rome.

And if your father should
come to you in a dream,

you take it the same way
as you take this one.

They come to strengthen your hand.

I see.

I understand it all, now.


I knew who to send for.

I always do.

What happened?

The King had a dream.

A dream?

He got us out of bed for a dream?

Believe me, he gets one out
of bed for far less than that.

Was it a bad dream?

"Was it a bad dream?"

He thought it was.

It isn't, now.


Your children love you.

We can't do without the man in charge.

Doctor Cranmer,

tell the Lady Anne we did
a good night's work for her tonight.

Quietly, now.

Don't wake the house a second time.

Well done.

- Oh.



I thought...


I thought it was
going to be a reckoning.

A reckoning?

For what?

I don't know. All the things.

Paintings, and books, and lutes...

I don't know what.
All the things we have now.


# La la la la la #

- You sir, are a Roman pauper.

Sir, you are a fat Flemming,
and spread butter on your bread.

Well, sir, may your
offspring eat snails.

Call me Wriothesley.

You look fit to be painted,
Master Wriothesley.

- What are you about?
-Waiting on the children.

You're in high spirits this morning.


What's that?

It's a tune from my days in Italy.

I remember...


No, he never tells
stories about himself.

Well, I, erm...

Well, it was in Italy, me and...


Me and the Portinari boys,
the Portinari boys.

We had a statue made,
a little smirking god with wings.

We beat it with hammers and chains,

hired a mule team, drove it to Rome,
sold it to a cardinal as an antique

from the reign of Augustus.

And that's it.

I remember, he, uh...

He had tears in his eyes
when he paid us

and when the Portinari boys went
back to Florence, they were staggering

under the weight of their purses.

- What did you do?

Took my cut, stayed on to sell
the mules. What do you think?


GEORGE: We hadn't finished dinner.

They came in.

They had taken keys from the porter.

They had already set sentries
on the stairs.

Who was it?

GEORGE: Harry Percy.

He was shaking.

I thought, "Why send him?

"Why Harry Percy?"

And then I thought,
Lady Anne, you remember?

She was just a girl.
She wanted to marry him.

Gardiner stopped it.


She waited her time.



If I had known I would have
waited dinner for you.

I fear we've almost finished the fish.

Shall I pray for a miracle?

My lord, I arrest you for high treason.

Your warrant?

There are items in my instructions
you may not see.


If you won't show it,

I won't surrender to you.



here's a state of affairs.


Come, George.


Look at me, George.

I'm not afraid of any man alive.



They took us from the house, rode south.

There were crowds waiting to see him,

holding candles.

We thought they'd disperse, but they
just stood all night in the road.

He stopped eating.


I don't know.

Some said he...

Some said he wanted to destroy himself.

It all happened so fast.

And then Kingston came.

I had to tell him, Thomas.

I had to tell our lord

that the constable of the tower
had come to fetch him.

He just kept saying "William Kingston?"

Over and over, as if
he couldn't believe it.

By the time we reached Leicester,

he was too ill to stand.

He voided black blood.

I thought poison.



He's coming, my lord.


- Where is he?
-You know Cromwell, my lord.

If he says he'll come, he'll be here.

GEORGE: I'm sorry, Thomas.

He died the next day.

They... They gave him

a coffin of plain boards.

And the city officials came to view
his body so there couldn't be

any false rumours
that he'd escaped to France.

[CRYING] They... They made jokes.

They made jokes about his low birth.


Count Wolsey, we are fetching
you to hell

where our master Beelzebub
is expecting you to suffer!


Beelzebub will have you
joint his venison.

He's heard of your skill as a butcher!


"I swear to be a true and faithful
councillor to the king's majesty

"as one of His Highness' Privy Council."

I swear to be a true and faithful
councillor to the king's majesty

as one of His Highness' Privy Council.

"I shall not know or understand
of any manner of thing

"to be attempted, done or spoken
against His Majesty's person."

I shall not know or understand

of any manner of thing
to be attempted, done or spoken

against His Majesty...

MORE: "I swear to uphold
the king's authorities.

"I swear to uphold
the king's jurisdictions."

CROMWELL: "I swear to uphold
the king's authorities.

"I swear to uphold
the king's jurisdictions."

MORE:! "I swear to uphold
the king's heirs and lawful successors."

I swear to uphold
the king's heirs and lawful successors.

I knelt by his body and I wept.

And I prayed to God to send
vengeance upon them all.

There's no need to trouble God, George.

I'll take it in hand.