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03x05 - Clean, Part 2

Posted: 04/11/24 10:47
by bunniefuu
[♪ musical swirl ♪]

[rocks clattering]

[rapid footsteps and panting]


[woman groaning]
Oh, oh, oh!

[knocking on door]

- Udi?

- I heard that.

[knocking louder]

- That doesn't
sound good.

- It's never good in
the third watch of the night.

[louder pounding on door]

[woman shrieking]
Oh! Oh!

[door squeaks open]

- There's too much blood.
[screaming in background]

The cloth is absorbing it
too fast.

- I have nothing left
to stop the flow.

- Pull the sheets
off the bed.

[heavy panting]

[muffled voices]

DASHA: Is she
going to be okay?

- I don't know.

Give her more water.

[woman crying]

[pouring water]

[woman crying]

DASHA: Stay with us,
stay with us!

- Press down
on her stomach.

Contract her womb.

[woman screaming]

There, there...
that's it.


- Did I lose
my baby?



[Eden crying]

I'm here.


[♪ somber music ♪]

♪ ♪

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

♪ ♪

♪ Oh, child,
come on in. ♪

♪ Jump in the water. ♪

♪ Got no trouble
with the mess you been. ♪

♪ Walk on the water. ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Walk on the water. ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Walk on the water. ♪

♪ Oh, child... ♪

♪ Walk on the water. ♪

♪ Got no trouble. ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Walk on the water. ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Walk on the water. ♪♪

[labored breathing]

It took everything

just to get her
breathing again.


- I'm sorry.

- What do you mean?

- Her heart
has weakened.

I don't believe I can
do anything more.

- Oh, no, no,

No, no, Nili,
my love.

Please, just breathe,
my child.

Please, just breathe...
just breathe.


Just breathe.

- Yes.

- Come with me.

- Oh, my child,
please, please.

- I know
this is painful,

but I believe arrangements
need to be made.

I'm afraid she won't
make it much longer.

- Yes,
of course.

- You know
the tradition.

Rabbi Judah said even
the poorest man in Israel

must hire
at least two flutes

and one professional
wailing woman

for his deceased.

You simply tell me
how many flutes

and how many mourners
you can afford,

and I will make
the arrangements for you.

- No.

- Jairus,
I'm sorry, but--

- Please don't do anything
unless she dies.

I'll be back soon.


[chopping continues]

- Whatever it is,
you are right,

and I'm sorry.

- Whatever it is?

- Yes.

[chopping continues]

[door squeaks open]

[slams shut]

- Mmm.

Morning, Eema.

- How did you sleep?

- Much better.

More room to stretch.

Nice not to have Thomas's feet
a handbreadth from my face.

- You could have reversed
and slept with your feet

towards the door
like Thomas and I did.

- But then I'd have to wake up
to his face and morning breath.

- Boys, don't start.

- You see?

And he still claims
that he's not jealous

of me and Thomas's trip

- Again with
this jealousy thing?

- You've been talking
about it ever since we--

- Any word
from Thomas?

- Ah, he's probably not even
made it to Tel-Dor yet, Abba.

- Oh, of course.

His intended, Ramah,
she makes wine?

- Made.

She mostly just
learns to read now.

- She's still
a vintner,

even when she's
not making wine.

Oh, that's right.

She ran a business that
required making things

that taste good.

She's got
a great palate.

Is she
an honest woman?

- What in Israel?

- You do know she's with
her abba right now, don't you?

- Oh, right.

How about Magdalene
and Tamar?

Do you find them

- They follow Jesus.

That's enough.

Is this becoming
more than just a hobby?

- You have been spending
a lot more time.

- And money.

- I sold the boat.

- What?

Why did you do that?

- It's hard work.

It was always hard.

Now the merchants
are up earlier and earlier.

- Is this
because we left?

[♪ soft guitar ♪]

- Boys...

♪ ♪

My father taught me
how to fish.

He fished his whole life,
raised six kids,

went to synagogue
two times a week,

and died...
waiting for the Messiah.

Then I took over and turned
his boat into a fleet,

raised you boys,
fed a hundred families,

went to synagogue,
and waited for the Messiah

till, uh...
I was old.

- Abba,
you're not old.

- My legacy was waiting
for the Messiah

as much as it was

I only fished
to make ends meet

until you got
your real jobs.

Your lives
led to this.

He chose you!


I'm free to try
something new, too,


- Yes.

- Wish me luck.

- Wait,
where are you going?


- I'm going to buy
an olive grove.


Can you believe it?



- Did he say
an olive grove?

- I think.

- An olive grove.


NATHANAEL: This shortcut
isn't very short, is it?

- We're almost there.


- Thad...

now that Zee's
not a zealot,

do you still think
he still feels murderous?

- You really do say anything
that's on your mind

at any time,
don't you?

- Not anything.

I say what I think other
people are already thinking.

I have strange thoughts too.

I do not share those.

- You're having one now,
aren't you?

- I don't know.

Do you ever wonder
if bats swim?

- [laughs]

So, why do you
ask about Zee?

- 'Cause I saw Simon talking
to a Roman officer yesterday.

- I thought he was
being questioned.

- No, looked like they
were having a stroll.

- Hey...

Simon would
never betray us.

- I know that,

but it was strange
to see him with a Roman,

you know, because
they attack us and tax us.

- And like Matthew used
to collect those taxes.

You've seen what Jesus
does to those who--

[♪ impending music ♪]

- Don't touch it.

- I know, I know.

It's fresh.


[♪ music gets louder ♪]

- Is she dead?

- Who are you?

- What's happened?

Did someone hurt you?

- I'm not hurt.

- You need a doctor.

Does your head
feel light?

Can you see clearly?

- Listen, you don't have
to help me.

- I'll go into town
and get the doctor.

- No!


I've wasted all my money
on doctors.

- Thad,
maybe He could help?

- The Master has not
been out to the public.

- What are you
talking about?

- We are followers of a Rabbi,
a very special one,

a different kind
of doctor.

- No, different kinds
of doctors

only make things

- She doesn't want this,

and it might not
be safe right now.

- Sorry.


- Wait!

This Rabbi of yours,
you said He was special?

- The most.

- Is He the man
who healed the paralytic

at the Pool
of Bethesda?

- And so many more.

- You know Him?!

- We're
His followers.

- Where is He now?

I won't talk to Him
until I'm clean, of course,

but I just
need a moment,

and if He's the Holy Man
they say He is,

I don't need
to waste His time.

I could just
touch His garment.

- That's a superstition.

- Maybe for other holy men,

but I'm not talking
about other holy men.

I'm talking
about Him!

I've heard what He can do,
and I saw Him give His sermon.

I'm talking about Him;
His garment!

- I understand.

- I'm unable to go
to synagogue.

My father disowned me.

I've got no one.

I've come all this way,

and I've waited so long
to meet Him.

- You could
help us look.

It's funny.

I never bought land
to use for anything--

only to sell it again.

- Were you feeling sentimental
when you negotiated the price?

- We got
a pretty good deal

for the size
and trees in the ground.

- Dying trees.

- Are they?


- They're pitiful.

- If the trees are bad,
then why are we doing this?

- It's within
the budget we set.

We're going to make
the best of it.

- Mm, it's exciting,
isn't it?

- We need answers.


- Tamar.

- Why are these trees

- It's my abba.

He's sick;
he didn't tend to it.

- Hmm, see?

The land's fine;
just needs caring for.

- Why didn't you
do it?

- I was away.

I got married.

- But you know
how to grow olives?

- I grew up
in this field.

- How much
to teach him?

- What are you doing?

PRIOR OWNER: Well, I have to
look after my father,

but I could stay on
until next harvest for 70%.

- Ha!

thanks anyway.

OWNER: Fifty...

but I will work
only one day a week for that.

- Thirty percent,
two days a week,

and we don't pay
if we have to replant

any more than five
of these trees.

- Deal.

- What just happened?

- Looks like
you have a boss.

- I have a boss?


GAIUS: Easy, easy,
easy, easy.

More, more, more.

There's a lot.
Go more.

More, more, more.


Getting closer,

Okay, now easy.

SIMON: More, more, more,
more, more.


SIMON: More, more, more.
It's about to touch.

Okay, now come inside
and help me.

I'm grabbing one side.

- Hold it.

- Okay.
- Easy.

- I will hold it.

You got my side?

- Easy, easy.


- Okay, okay,
oh, oh, ahhh!!

We got it.

- Ahh!


Oh, Styx.

Were you not supposed
to touch me?

- That may be true.

- Don't you refer to us
as dogs or something?

- But you call us dogs...

among other things:
rats, vermin--

- You wouldn't drink
from my flask last night.

You acted like I'd offered
to kiss you or something.

- Kissing or drinking
from the same vessel

is not the same as
working together

to solve
a public health crisis

that affects
both of our communities.

- All right, so,
are we allowed to--


SIMON: Blessed are you,
Lord our God,

King of the universe,

who creates the fruit
of the vine.

It didn't work,
by the way.

- What?

- Telling her
she was right.

- Why?
Did you mean it?

Or were you just saying it
to placate her?

There is an art
to this sort of thing.

- I don't even know
what I did.

How could I mean it?

I tried to make it
sound sincere.

- Simon,
it doesn't work

if you don't know
what you're conceding,

no matter how sincere.

Is there another woman?

- No.

- Are the kids
all right?

- We don't have kids yet.

Well, you shouldn't be
taking marriage advice

from me anyway,
that's for sure.

- You offered it!

- I just meant that, that line
has worked for me many times.

Come on,
let's get back to it.




- What about you?

You have kids?

- Two.

Well, two children
in the house.

My son and a servant boy
the same age.

They're friends.

- Child sl*very.

And you wonder why our people
find you distasteful.

- His mother worked for us,
and she died giving birth,

and we raised him
as our own.

Is that so barbaric?

His other options would've
been far worse, I assure you.

- Oh, your merciful
kindness is dazzling.

You deserve a medal.

It was just a joke!

- It's not funny.

Do not make light
of my situation.

- Situation?

- Just shovel.

- Fine,
I went too far.

- I don't want
a medal.

I want--


- What?

- Let's just keep going.

Maybe we can have
this cleared by lunch.

We're gonna need a mason
for reassembly.

You know one?

- Yeah, I might.

- Unh,
that's good.

[rabbis praying]

[scrolls shuffling]

are you all right?

- I don't have time
for your pity.

- What?

- It's my daughter,

She had a horrible episode
in the night.

She's dying.

I'm looking for information
on healing--

- Your daughter is--

- Yes.

- Adonai in heaven.

- Take me to Him.

You know of Whom
I speak.

[pounds desk]

I need Him now!

- I don't know
where He is.

- You have an idea.

You know people
who know.

- His men often don't know
where He is,

but I will take you
to them.

How can you be sure?

- I'm not,
but I saw him with Jesus

at Matthew's house
and the house of Zebedee.

[knocking on door]

son of Jonah.

This is an emergency.

Open up.

On Synagogue authority.

are you there?


- Andrew!

Who are you?

- I'm new here.

- I'm the Capernaum
Synagogue ruler.

I must speak
with Andrew's rabbi.

- Well,
He's my rabbi too.

- Take me to Him.

- I don't know where He is,
and even if I did,

I wouldn't be at liberty
to disclose.


[door shuts]

- My daughter's name
is Nili.

She's 12 years old,

and her eyes are closed
right now,

but not forever.

It cannot be forever;
do you hear me?

- I'm--I'm very sorry.

- If you have blood
in your veins,

you must help me!

- All I can tell you
is that you might consider

asking Andrew's brother.

[door opens]

- He's back.

- At the house?

- Just this morning.

JESUS: And now
to the breaking of my fast.

Thank you, Eden.

- Of course.

- Wait, you fasted
while you were away?

- No, just overnight,
eight hours.


Blessed are you,
Lord our God,

King of the universe,

who brings forth bread
from the earth.


Eden, these pickled cucumbers
are magnificent.

You know, Rabbi,

I've been meaning to ask you
about fasting.

- A thing I am very happy
not to be doing right now.

- John required us to fast
at regular intervals.

He said the sacrifice
of fasting

is integral to any
serious commitment to God,

and yet you've never once
asked any of us to fast.

Oh, there was the time
on Shabbat

where we ate
the head of grain,

but we were
just hungry;

that wasn't
intentional fasting.

- What are you
getting at?

- Well, the Pharisees
fast all the time.

- Make a big scene out of it,
disfiguring their faces.

PHILIP: If it's such
a big deal to them,

and they find out
we don't do it--

I don't know--

don't you think they could
possibly weaponize that

against us?

- Can the wedding guests

as long as the bridegroom
is with them?

The days are coming
when the bridegroom

will be taken away
from them.

Then they will fast.

- Taken away?

- Hold that thought.

When you fasted before,
what did you pray for?

- Your arrival.

- Right, so what
would be the point now?

- Exactly.

Eden, do you have
any wine fermenting

right at the moment?

- Uh, yes,
in the back room.

- Little James,

can you please take down
that empty wineskin?

- Sure.

- Ooh, I feel
a lesson coming.

[Jesus chuckles]

- Eden, when you last
checked on the wine,

what was it doing?

EDEN: What it always does at
this stage, sort of bubbling,

popping out little plumes
of air now and then.

- James, how does
that wineskin feel?

- Um, stiff,
not very flexible.

- So if Eden were to put her
new wine into that container,

what would happen?

- I don't know.

- The old leather
can't stretch anymore.

- The new wine
would keep expanding,

and it would explode.

- And so new wine must be
put into fresh wineskins.

- I'll be the first one
to admit I-I don't... get it.

- The ways of the kingdom
I am bringing into this world

will not fit into
old containers or frameworks.

[♪ soft music ♪]

- Being revolutionary's fun.


[market noise]

- Those are some
of His followers,

and that's
Simon's house.

So, John made you fast

as he preached a message
of repentance,

and you will again
when I'm gone,

but as I am here,

preaching a message
of salvation,

now is not the time.

- I still want to know
what You mean by "gone."

- What did we miss?

[door opens]

- Shalom, Rabbi.

This is Him.

- Shalom, Yussif.

[♪ soft music ♪]

- [shuddered breaths]

I know You.

- Do you?

Stand with Me.

- I have heard,
and I have read--

I have read accounts

from someone I trust.

You do miracles,

You are a healer?

- Of more than just
physical maladies, yes.

- Please...

my daughter
is dying.

- I'm so sorry.

- But come--

come and lay Your hands
on her,

and she will live.

♪ ♪

- You've never
met Me,

yet you have this much faith
that I can heal your daughter?

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

- I know You.

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]


- Take Me to her.

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

- You have
a religion?

- Who, me?

- No, the Romans.

You have gods,
festivals, no?

- Yeah, sure,
but not anything like you;

just parties,

- We have parties too.

- From what I can tell, they
do not look as fun as ours.

- Depends on
the definition.

Another thing we have
is prophecies.

- So I'm told.

- And I'm beginning to think
I'm living in one.

- What,
with the Preacher?

- No, this.

Our prophet,

he said "My people have
committed two evils:

"They have forsaken me,
the fountain of living waters,

"and hewed out cisterns
for themselves,

broken cisterns
that can hold no water."


- You know, that sounds
like a riddle.

- You know,
you'd make a good Jew.

We love riddles.

We call those ones

- So, have you?

- What?

- I mean, forsaken
your god of water?

It sounds like
your god identifies

as a source of water,

and the broken cisterns
are a sign

that you turned
your back on him.

- We only have one God
of water, fire, wind,

and everything else.

- That's efficient,
maybe a little boring.

- It's a lot easier
than a pantheon.

- They're not that hard
to keep track of:

Jupiter, Juno, Mars,
Mercury, Neptune,

Venus, Apollo, Diana--

- All right, all right,
all right, stop.

I'm exhausted

What, sacrifices
to all of them?

- It depends on
what you want.

I mean, safe travel?

Victory in w*r?


- A big catch of fish?

- Neptune.

- Peace in
a relationship?

- Ah, Vesta,

Goddess of hearth
and home.

[crowd commotion]

- What's going on?

Where are you going?

- The Preacher.

They say He's going
to do a miracle.

Even you
should be there.

- James, John,
what is this?

- We don't know
any more than you do.

- Come on.

Make room.

Please, people,
walk back, walk back.

Let us through,

Step back, sir.

Give us some space;
let us through.

We need a path, please.

Please, sir.

We will come back;
I promise you.

Come on.

Everyone, let us
go through, please.

- Everyone, pressing
matter up ahead.

- Please let us through.

- Everyone,
make room, please.

[loud commotion]

- Please, please.

- Stay back.

- Please everyone,
just get back.

We need to get through.

We need to get
to our Teacher.

Please, everyone,

- Little James!

- I'm okay.

- Are you sure?

- Yes.

- Oh, I got you.

- Thank you.
Thank you.

Is everyone here?

- Please have patience,

- Please.

Sir, walk back.

- What's going on?

Step back.

We need space.

- Simon's house.

We need to get through.

Step back.

PHILLIP: Our Rabbi has
a pressing matter ahead.

- It's Him;
it's your Rabbi!

- Stay here.

PHILLIP: Our Rabbi has
a pressing matter ahead.

ZEE: I promise
we'll come back.

♪ ♪


- Let us keep
going forward.

a little patience.

- Stay back,
stay back, everyone.



PHILLIP: Our Rabbi has
a pressing matter ahead, people.


PHILLIP: Please, please,
a little patience.

A little patience.

- No, no, no.

Please, no,
not now.

♪ ♪

One thread,
one thread.

Just the fringe,
one touch.

PHILLIP: Please, please,
let us through, please.

Stop resisting.

ZEE: Back!
Step back!

[loud crowd commotion]

♪ ♪

- One thread,
just the fringe.

One touch, one thread,
one thread.

Just--just the edge,
only a thread.

- You!

I know you.

Get away from Him.

- No, no,
stop it, please.

- Rabbi Yussif!
Rabbi Yussif!

This woman bleeds.

She is unclean.

We removed her--

- Please, please,
I promise I won't touch Him.

I--I just need--

- Oh, woman, please,
we can help you,

but not now.

- Sorry.

We'll try tomorrow.

- No, please,
just a moment,

just His garment!

- No, no.

[crowd commotion]

Please, please,
okay, okay.

[♪ music swells ♪]

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

JOHN: Get back,


[shuddered breaths]

SIMON: What's going on?
What's wrong?

- Who touched Me?

- Everybody back.

- I asked a question.

Who touched Me?



the crowds are pressing in
all around You like this,

and You're asking
who touched You?

They all have.

- Someone touched Me.

I felt that power
went out of Me.

♪ ♪

Whoever touched Me,
come forward.

- Teacher.

- It was me.

Just the fringe
of your garment,

only the edge,
I promise.

You are not unclean.

- Why My garment?

I'm sorry.

I know I should
have asked,

but if You touched me,

it would make you ritually
unclean according to the Law.

I was sick.

I was sick
for 12 years.

I bled,
and no one could stop it.

But I believed if I could just
touch a piece of Your garment.

[crying] I was right,
I was right.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

- Who told you
I could heal?

- A man from The Pool...

and he was right.

The blood has ceased.

- My daughter.

- I'm no one's
daughter anymore.

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

- Look up.

Yes, you are.


[♪ woman vocalizing ♪] wasn't My piece
of clothing that healed you.

- But it was instant;
I felt it right away.

- I know,
but it wasn't this.

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

It was your faith.

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

- Teacher, she was
bleeding so long,

we can take her--

- She is clean!

You have blessed Me

and I know...

My daughter, I know it has been
a fight for you for so long.

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

You must be...


[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

Go now in peace.

Your faith
has made you well.

I wish I could stay
here longer,

but I have business
to attend to.

Someone else
has faith like yours.

But I'm so glad that
we found each other.


Please, I promise I will
speak to all of you soon,

and my students and I
will care for your needs,

but right now,

there's something very important
that I must do,

and I kindly ask you
to let me go

so I can take care
of this urgent issue.

I promise
I will see you,

but right now
is not possible.

Thank you
for your understanding.


you stay back and help them
back to their tents.

And please,
be kind to them.

Nathanael, Thad,
and Philip,

make sure no one
bothers her.

Simon, Big James,

come with us.

[receding footsteps]

[crowd conversations]

MAGDALENE: Do you have
everything you need?

- I could use
a knife.

- A what?


- Oh.

Can we borrow
a knife?

- A knife?

- Thank you,
thank you.

JAIRUS: Looks like I indeed
came to the right man.

- Well, between you and her,
it's quite a big day of faith.

- It's just up ahead.

- Mm.

[flutes playing
and women wailing]

- Do you hear that?

What is this?

- Jairus, while you
were gone--

- No!

Why do I hear mourners
and flutes?

I said not to do that;
she was sick!

- Your daughter
passed away.

We had to make
arrangements quickly.

JAIRUS: No, no, I went
to find the teacher!

He was going
to heal her!

- I know who You are.

Let's not trouble Him

Michal is
with Nili's body.

- No!

I was getting Jesus!

I went as fast
as I could!

- Do not be afraid.

Only believe.

[♪ stirring strings ♪]

She will be well.


Let's go in!

Please stay here;
we will--

- She will be well.

[women wailing]

All of you,
stop it!

[flutes and wailing continue]

I said stop!

What are you doing?

- There's a girl.

- She's dead.

- Go away,

for she isn't dead,
but sleeping.


- What is all
this laughing?

FLUTIST: He said
she's only asleep.

- What a cruel thing
to say.

- Do you know Who
you're taking to?

- If you were
a member of the family,

I would invite you in
to see just how dead she is.

What are you?
A necromancer?

Shame on you for saying
such a ridiculous thing!

- Everyone out.

- You heard Him!

- Boys,
take everyone outside.

- We were paid
to play!

- You listen to me
right now!!

- Come, let's give them
a moment.

[door shuts]


- Michal.

- Where were you?!

- I was finding
this Man.

- She is dead,
and you were gone!

Why would you just
leave us like this?!

- Please trust me!

Please trust me
and trust Him!

- For what?

For what?!

- Please.

- I know.

- No.

♪ ♪


- Shh-shh-shh.

[Michal crying]

[♪ soft, stirring music ♪]


- Shh.

- What are You doing?

Just please,

- Little lamb,

- Oh!

Nili, my love!

Oh, thank you.

Are you okay?

[Michal laughing]

[joyous laughter]

You're okay!

Oh, my love.

Thank you!

She's okay.

- Everyone
in this room,

please listen to me

Simon, James, John,
Jairus, Michal, and Nili,

none of you are to say a word
about this to anyone

under any circumstances.

Do I make Myself

No one, not even
to the others.

- Yes, Rabbi.

Yes, Rabbi.

- It is not yet time for
the commotion that will result,

and none of you
need the attention.

Not all of it
will be good.

- Whatever You command,
we shall do.

- Nili,
you must be hungry.

- How can I
thank You?

I don't understand
what You did but--

- You're welcome.

Let's just get Nili something
to eat first, okay?

[Michal laughing]

- Nili,
come on, love.

Thank You.

- [choked up]

Thank You.

There are no other words
but thank You.

- Thank you
for your faith.

I pray that more
in the synagogue

will share it.


[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

♪ ♪

[breathing heavily]


♪ ♪

[spark crackles]

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

[shuddered breaths]

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

[water splashing]



[laughing and splashing]

I don't know

what may or may not have
happened in there,

but did you touch
a corpse?!

- Go see
for yourself.

- I've also
just been told

you touched a woman
who was bleeding.

- She wasn't bleeding

- How could you know
for sure?

- Are we really having
this conversation?

- You've got no right
to question Him!

anyone You have touched

are ceremonially unclean
until sundown

and must carry out
the rituals of purification.

- And what are your intentions
if that doesn't happen?

RABBI AKIVA: I will write
a letter to the Sanhedrin,

reporting You.

- [clicks teeth]
A letter.


Who among you
touched either Me

or the woman who was
formerly bleeding?

Raise your hands.

Come with Me,
and let's get the others.

You there!

- Oh, no!

Did I make you

Did the priest
send you?

- He thinks he did.

We just wanted
to go for a swim.

[all laughing]

- Joke's on him.

- We were looking
for you.

- Yes, to see how
you're doing.

- Thank You.

I--I know
I disturbed You.

- Ah, it was
a welcome disturbance.

My favorite kind.

[laughing and shouting]

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I can't miss this.

- Twelve years?

How did you survive?

- It's a long story.

- Good stories
usually are.

♪ ♪

Let's go!

- Ah!

- Ohhh!

- Ahhh!

- Whoo!

- Who's that?
Is that you?

♪ ♪

- Why are you all
so small from up here?

- Big James!
Big James!

- Make sure he doesn't
lean forward.

♪ ♪

- Hey!

[all shouting]


- Judas,
here we go.

Here we go.

- My money is
on Judas and James.

Let's go.

- Okay, here we go.

- Ready?
Here we go.

- Wait, I don't have
a good feeling about this.

- Ohhh!


- Judas and James win.

[shouting and laughing]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

♪ ♪

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

♪ ♪

[♪ man vocalizing ♪]

♪ ♪

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

♪ ♪

[♪ man vocalizing ♪]

♪ ♪

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

♪ ♪

[♪ man vocalizing ♪]

♪ ♪

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

♪ ♪

[♪ woman vocalizing ♪]

♪ ♪

[♪ man vocalizing ♪]