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02x58 - Shadows of Doubt, Part 1

Posted: 04/11/24 20:47
by bunniefuu
Now let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh d's!"

Hey, akiza, you in here?

It's jack. Akiza!


I know these.

They look like--carly!

What just happened?

What's with this duel disk?

What's this mark on my arm?!

What's going on?

Carly, don't be afraid of your destiny.

When the life you once knew was taken away,

You had unfinished business, something you

Needed to say or do.

The immortals gave you their power so that you

Could, well, stick around.

That's a lie!

Don't worry.

You will understand soon,

But before you can do that, you have to figure

Out what is your unfinished business?

And how can it benefit the dark signers.

Jackhey, you!

Yeah, you.

Why you look so familiar?

I don't believe it.

Carly, is that you?


What's going on here?

You can't really be a dark signer.

If it's answers that you want, you'll have to

Come find me tomorrow.

Till then, jack.

[Thinking] I'm coming to help you, carly.

'Cause when I was hurt, you took care of me,

And when I was down, you picked me up.

Now it's my chance to return the favor.

You can bring that beast back again?

That's right, roman, and now he's going

To attack with cosmic flare!

You really think it's over, don't you?

Well unless you seal all the towers by sunset,

The king of the netherworld will resurrect!

Unh! Aah! Aah!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Huh? Huh?

What in the--

I'm alright, we're all alright.

Wait a minute!

Where's yusei?!

Oh dear.

[Thinking] don't you worry, carly,

If you're out there...

Nothing will stop me from finding you.

Well, well.

What have we here?

Yes, this must be it.

Where you've been hiding

And where I'll save you, carly.




I don't know how you became a dark signer,

But if I have anything to say about it,

You won't be one for long.

Carly, I know you're in there!

I've come here to help you!

If only you'll let me.


No, it can't be.

But it is.

I've been waiting for you, jackie!

Carly, who did this to you?

Tell me!

Who, jack?

You must be joking--the answer is so obvious--

You are the one responsible!

No, you're mistaken.

I'm the one who's trying to save you!

Please, in the end you chose to cut me off

Because you thought I was one

Of the paparazzi.


That's right.

That's not true!

Oh yes it is, if only you had been

A little nicer, jackie.

Don't you see, I was just trying to protect you.

That's why I always kept you at a distance.


I didn't want you to get involved--

I didn't want you to get hurt!

Well, you failed.

And now, it's my turn to even the score!

Face it, jackie, I'm a dark signer

Because of you!

Wrong, carly!

But it will be because of me

That you're rid of this dark scourge.

I will do whatever I must to release you of it!


Well, I'm afraid there's only one way

To do that, jackie.

And in case you're in the dark as to what

Way that is, allow me to enlighten you.

The stage is set.

And now, only one thing remains--we duel.

But I should warn you,

This goes both ways.

You win, I return to how I was.

However, should I win, you become

A dark signer like me!

So? What do you say?

I say, bring it!

Check it out!

Someone's dueling.

Must be jack!

I'm so pleased you accepted

My challenge, jackie.

A big shot pro duelist like you facing

An amateur like me?

For a minute there I was afraid facing me

Would be beneath you.

Who says it's not?

Ah, that's the jack I know,

Arrogant until the very end.

And this will be your end.

Now then, allow me to get things started.

I activate the speed world field spell!

My, my, aren't you in a hurry to lose!

Very well. Let's do this!

Ah, the irony.

Before I was chasing after you and hanging

Off your every word but now things have

Gone full circle.

Now, you're the desperate one.

That's right, desperate to get

The old carly back.

And there's no way I'll be denied!

Let's duel! Let's duel!

Whoever's first to turn the corner coming up

Gets to make the first move.

[Thinking] if that's how you want to play it, fine.

Time to take this into overdrive!


Ha ha ha!


Looks like the honor's mine.

Here goes!

First I'll summon fortune lady light!

Computerfortune lady light's level increases very turn,

And its attack and defense points are equal

To its level multiplied by .

So, jackie boy, it looks like the first move has been made.

Time to see what my deck's got planned for you next.

[Thinking] this card?

How long are they going to keep me all alone

And locked up in this room?

What is it that they want with me?

Romansince you asked, I will tell you--

The answer is in the cards.

The cards?

Sweet, innocent carly.

You need only but look and you will see

What I speak of.

What in the world?

Ha ha ha!

Finally, I'll place one card facedown!

That's it for my turn.

Now show me what you got, jackie!

With pleasure!

I think that'll do for now.

That'll do?

But you didn't summon a monster or even

Place a facedown!

Oh, wait.

I get it--you're still racked with guilt,

Aren't you, jackie?

For what you did, for how you gave me

The cold shoulder when I needed you the most.

Well, that's too bad.

Don't you see?

Just because you won't attack me, doesn't mean

That I won't attack you!

And now I'll sacrifice fortune lady light

To bring out a pair of monsters

That'll do just that!

You see, when lady light leaves the field,

I'm allowed to summon any monsters

From my deck just so long as they have fortune lady

In their name.

So come on out, fortune lady earth

And fortune lady dark!

In case you were wondering--their

Attack points are equal to their levels

Multiplied by !

And since earth's level is six and dark's level

Is five that means their attack points are,

Well, you do the math.

And ?

But that means if I take a direct hit

From both of them, my life points will be...

Heh heh. Quite diminished.

Too bad for you!

This is gonna hurt.

Oh, I'm counting on it!

Let him have it!

Go cursed thorn!


But the fun's not over yet.

Round two!

Go get him, lady dark!

Do what you will.

There you go, all bandaged up!

You'll be fine.

But I believe in my heart the carly I know

Is still somewhere deep inside you!

And I'm going to do whatever I must to find

Her, bring her back out, and do away with you!

So I'll start by summoning crying ogre!

Unfortunately for you, crying ogre's

Attack points are equal to the amount of damage

I took from that last attack.

And since you att*cked me twice, he gets to

Automatically battle the second monster

That struck me-- so go to it!


Well, well, jackie.

Guess you're going to be putting up a fight

After all, eh?

In that case, I think I play this facedown

And end my turn.

You know, it's best this way.

After all we've been through, it would be

Such a shame to take you down without

Some resistance.

This way I can really savor watching

You squirm.

And believe me, with what I have planned,

You're about to squirm big time!

[Thinking] jack atlas may be one of the best duelists

In the world, but if he really is

Facing a dark signer that may not be enough.

Dark signers play by a whole different set

Of rules, and they play for keeps.

I hope jack knows what he's doing.

Of course he knows what he's doing.

As long as he plays his game he'll come out on top.

[Thinking] I just hope he can stay focused.


After all, I know he's had a lot on his mind lately.

Alright, it's my turn!

[Thinking] crying ogre and fortune lady earth

Have the same number of attack points,

Which means if they battle,

They'll only destroy each other.

But that's about to change!

I summon power supplier in defense mode!

Due to power supplier's special ability,

Crying ogre gains attack points!

Not so fast, jackie.

I play a trap!

It's called bending destiny, and it returns

Power supplier to your hand!

No way!

Yes, and I'm afraid there's more.

It negates supplier's effect, as well!

[Thinking] not good--now not only will crying ogre be

Useless for this turn, next turn, when carly's

Fortune lady earth's attack points increase,

He'll be a sitting duck for her--and he'll

No doubt shed some real tears after her as*ault.

I can't let that happen.

I place one card facedown

And end my turn.

Another lame move.

I expected so much more.

Here, let me show you how it's done.

I hope you're ready!


On second thought, no one could be ready

For what I'm about to play!

Quit your yapping and duel!

Hmm. Alright, if you insist, but you asked for it.

First things first, fortune lady's level increases!

And when her level increases, so do her

Attack points--to !

And did I mention fortune lady's special ability?

Oh, wait, I forgot-- you're sick of my yapping

So why don't you just look down

At your life points and see for yourself--

Because there's about to be less of them!

Aah! Aah!

And now to deal with that ogre!

Go, cursed thorn!


Ha ha ha!

That's right, laugh...

While you can.

Oh, don't tell me, jackie, you've already

Lost your sense of humor-- we've just begun.

Indeed we have and don't you forget it.

There's a long way to go!

And it's going to be rough going for you!

You still don't get it, do you?

The question of who wins and who loses this duel

Has already been answered by the cards

Just as the question of why I was chosen to be

A dark signer was answered by the cards.

But you don't have to take my word for it.

The cards will speak for themselves.

You've gone daft.

Don't believe me?

Here take a look.

I activate my trap!

Leoooh, yusei, he's, he's--

He's gone.



Yusei's just gotta be alright!

And he is!

Yusei's a survivor, that much we know!

Of course what we don't know is where

This glowing lake of light took him.

Where in the world?

What is this place?

Well, I'm still in one piece.


Where are all those things coming from?


Aah! Let go of me!

Beat it!

Stay back!

Stay back!!!

Wait a sec.

Could these be the spirits of the people

Who disappeared when the original ener-d reactor

Had its melt down?

Well, if they are, they don't seem to be

Very big fans of me, that's for sure.

Aah! Help!!!


Wakey, wakey, jackie, jackie.

Don't worry if you feel a bit groggy.

I know I did after.

What? After what?

After I became a dark signer, of course.

No, no. This can't be.

But it is.

I welcome you to the shadows, jackie.

What have you done to me?

My eyes, they're--

They're as black as the night.

An improvement, I'd say.

I did try to warn you, or don't you remember?

Once I att*cked with fortune lady earth,

It was all over.

The mystical power of the dark signers

Had infected you.

You're one of us now.

Your transformation is complete now, jack.

And so is the world's.

How does me becoming a dark signer affect the world?

In every way you can imagine.

Your allegiance to the shadows has shifted

The balance of nature.

Now the oceans boil and the skies are forever dark.

Dear me. It's--it's...


Of course, the signers might disagree but since

They can only challenge our reign once every

Five thousand years, they'll just have to deal with it.

Or pay the price like their monsters already have.

And it's a steep price indeed.

Ha ha ha!

Yes, I think it's all coming back to me.

All the destruction, all the devastation,

All paving the way to this delightful new paradise.

Paradise, indeed, because in this

New world you are the supreme ruler-- the dark king,

All that you see before you is yours!

As it should be.

What a fool I was before as my former self.

Counting on friends, fighting for what is good--what a joke!

This is where I belong.

This is what destiny had planned for jack atlas!

How right you are.

And it was in the cards the whole time

Like I always said.

Actually, it was in one card to be exact.


It changed everything, remember?

That's right, jack, this was the same card

That made me realize why, why I was chosen

To become one of the dark signers.

And the reason was so I could face you

In a duel, face you and defeat you so that

You could become what you were destined to be--

The dark king!

And how fitting it is that this is the card

I do with it!

When activated it allows the monster that

Destroyed your monster to attack a second time!

It's over, jack.

You've lost the duel.

Destiny has been fulfilled!

My destiny... Fulfilled.

But enough about the past, it's all ancient history now

And as you can see all traces

Of that wretched time are no more.

Indeed. Struck from the earth

As soon as our duel ended.


Wait, those are carly's.

But how, unless...

We're still in the present

And this has all been one big trick.

Meaning our duel isn't over yet!

Meaning I can play this--

Changing destiny!

This trap card negates your monster's attack!

No, wait.

Sure, maybe that was all an illusion but, jack,

It could be a reality.

Don't you see, that's what the future holds

For you if you give into the darkness!

I'm not giving anything to the darkness,

In fact, I'm taking something back.

Carly, the real carly, you got that?

So get ready!

[Spirits moaning]

Aah! Aah! Aah!

Stand down, oh, lost spirits of the netherworld.

It is not yet this one's time.

Yusei, there is still much for you to do back

In the satellite sector.

Hey, who are you?

Someone not to be questioned.
