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02x61 - Truth and Consequences, Part 2

Posted: 04/11/24 20:51
by bunniefuu
Yuseinow let's get up to speed with yu-gi-oh d's!

Akizawhere are you, misty?

Mistyglad you could make it, black rose.

Come on in.

Welcome to my hall of mirrors.

I was hoping we could reflect on the past.


There's no going back, akiza.

If you really want to seal the control tower

So that you can play goodie-two-shoes and save the world,

Then you're going to have to make your way through my little maze.

You don't scare me, misty. Bring it!

Bothlet's duel!

Akiza! Mina! Huh?


Mina, can you hear me?!


Psychic sword!

No way!

You're a psychic duelist?


And I can see that your future is gonna get cut short.

Ha ha!

You see every sad story needs a gut-wrenching climax

Full of heartbreak and loss.

So I'm activating the atrocious day spell card from my hand.

Remember when you lost control and tore up downtown domino?

Toby went to see you duel that day...

And I never saw him again.


Uh! Argh!

Agentakiza is destined for greatness.

She can't be wasting her time with you.

Hope you can swim.

This is bad.

I can't believe that sayer would lie to me,

But if it's true...

If I hurt her brother...

Who else could I have hurt?




It's me, akiza.


When you first came to me,

I could sense that your true power

Was too much for you to handle.

But your true power can be awoken with one little sentence.

Akiza, did you hear?

"The entrance to the netherworld

Is on the witch's island."


Ha ha!

That's my girl, right there!

Now duel this pathetic cretin and show the world your real power!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Leohey, luna, what's with the dome?

Akiza's duel must have started.

I hope she's winning... For all our sakes.

Ha ha!

Black rose dragon...

Take out misty's dragon queen of tragic endings!



Uh-oh, that attack was like real.

And that means akiza's using her psychic powers again!

It's your move misty.

That power you possess,

That's why my brother went looking for you...

And I'm sure that's why he went missing.

Its time for you to pay for what you did!

Come forth ancient seal!

There is no escape for you now!


Oh! Oh!

Ha ha!

When will these dark signers learn

That they cannot control the uncontrollable?

Now educate them, akiza!

Ha ha!

Trudge! We're not getting any drier down here!

Stop your yapping, yusei, its not helping!

Ah! Jack! If you can hear me, help!

Did she say jack?!


Ha ha. I knew you could do it!

I gotta find akiza!

Yusei, hold up!

Misty thinks that akiza has something to do with her missing brother.

Missing brother? That can't be true.

I know what you mean, but akiza said misty's out to get her.

It's my move akiza. I draw.

But due to the effect of my sad story spell combo,

The card I picked is returned to my deck and then reshuffled.

But who needs to draw a card

In order to call a monster to the field

When I can simply send my sorrowful memories spell to the graveyard

And bring out my dragon queen of tragic endings.

And now that I have the power of my dragon queen in play,

I think I'll give her a little makeover!

So I play the equip spell reptilanne rage!

This gives my dragon a whole new look

To the tune of , attack points!

Now attack and take out black rose dragon!

Not so fast, misty!

I activate my trap, rose blizzard!

And since my monster was the target of your dragon,

Not only does the attack get blocked

But your beast gets switched into defense mode!

You may have managed to elude my attack,

But trust me, black rose, next time you won't be so lucky.

This duel's super intense.

Yuseileo, luna!

Yusei! Akiza's dueling.

But not the nice akiza, the mean scary akiza.

What do you mean?

Look at her--

It's like the black rose is trying to make a comeback or something...

Akiza, what happened to the friend I knew?

Ha ha! Now akiza, finish her!

Use the powers I unleashed. Ha ha!


Wait a second.

It's ok. You tried.

I'm with the public security bureau. See?

How could I have let that disguise fool me?

You two stay right here.

Hey, where you goin'?

It's my move, misty.

I draw!

And next I remove rose fairy in my graveyard from play,

So that I can activate black rose dragon's special ability.


Now, not only is your dragon queen of tragic endings

Forced into attack mode, but its attack points become zero!

You'll pay for that!

On the contrary.

Now that I have unlocked akiza's true powers,

The only one paying will be you, dark signer!

And pay you shall.



How did you manage to escape my trap?

Ha ha!

Black rose dragon, attack!

That was quite the tragic ending for your dragon,

Looks like you're about to lose.

The only one losing anything around here is your black rose dragon.

You see, by removing my reptillianne anger from the game,

Your beast loses attack points.

Well, then, I had better plant myself a little defense!

And now that I have my dark verger in place,

I'll turn it over to you.

Come on, akiza.

You have to focus and end this before...

Before the sun sets.

Why are you here, sayer? What do you want with akiza?

It's quite simple. I want revenge

For what the dark signers did to me

And the arcadia movement.

And akiza's going to make that revenge possible.

But she's not that person anymore!

She's who I say she is, and right now

I say she's a one woman army who will obey my every order

Until my w*r with the dark signers is over.

Leave akiza out of this, sayer!

She's through with the arcadia movement!

Did you say "through," yusei?

She's through with nothing until I say she is.

And I'm never letting her go!

We'll see about that!


Don't you see that controlling people is wrong?

Some people need direction

So they don't hurt others or themselves,

And akiza has always needed someone to guide her

To help keep calm and focused...

So even though she is under my control,

It is because of me that she will finally be free

To unleash all her true powers,

And that is something which you could never give her.

You're pathetic.

No, but this one over here is.

This misty individual has let the hate she has for akiza

Cloud her ability to think clearly.

Why else would she enter into a shadow duel

With a psychic duelist where the outcome is certain defeat?

And all of this to find out the truth

About her little brother's disappearance.


There aren't many solid leads

On the whereabouts of misty's brother.

In fact, there is wide speculation

That the arcadia movement may have been providing false information

To the investigators.

So it was your lies that drove misty to become a dark signer.

Misty chose to believe what she wanted to believe.

She wanted an answer, any answer.

And in the end the answer she chose to believe

Was that akiza was to blame.

To blame?

I think we know who's to blame.

Or are you going to continue to live a life of lies?


You're the one responsible

For misty's brother's disappearance.

If so, what are you going to do about it?

It's my move, akiza!

And I summon reptilianne gardna in defense mode!

Next I'll remove the continuous spell sad story

Unwavering truth from the field

So that I can bring back dragon queen of tragic endings

From my graveyard!

Now as long as I have a continuous spell on my field,

If my dragon queen gets destroyed,

I can bring it back over and over again.

Too bad your black rose dragon won't be around

To witness its amazing ability!

Go tragedy stream!

And since I successfully destroyed your pathetic beast,

I can now activate my dragon queen's special ability

Which forces you to select one card in your hand

And send it to the graveyard.

Now that that's done, I get to draw one card from my deck.

Hmm. You're up akiza.

Yes, I am.

And I'll bet this next move's gonna blow you away.

By destroying my dark verger

While fragrance storm is in play, I can draw a card from my deck.

Now if I'm lucky enough to actually pick another plant-type monster,

All I need to do is show you the card I selected

And I get a bonus draw.


So I guess I'll pick a card.

And next I'm summoning copy plant

To the field in defense mode.

And since I played a plant-type tuner monster,

I get to bring back my dark verger from the graveyard!

Play all the weeds you want, akiza,

Because I'm gonna mow them down

Along with the rest of your life points.

Leo! Luna!

Are you ok?


So how's the duel going?

Akiza's winning right now.

But she's not acting like her normal self.

I place two cards facedown

And end my turn.

Then it's my move, akiza.

I draw.

This duel is over!

From my hand, I activate the spell advance force!

Due to the effect of this card,

Dragon queen of tragic endings

Counts as two monsters when it's sacrificed!

And that lets me summon out this little guy!

Prepare yourself for the netherworld, akiza!

Come forth, earthbound immortal ccarayhua!

That can't be good, can it?

No, leo, it can't.


Aah! Ah!




I want to know the truth about misty's brother, sayer!


Why are you keeping him hidden from misty

And why did you tell the investigators that akiza was responsible?

I couldn't jeopardize my work with the movement.

And akiza's troubled past made her the perfect scapegoat.

I remember it like it was yesterday!

Sayer, the boys' electro-static force field

Is not reaching the levels you requested.

Give him some time!

But, sir, we've been at this for hours.

You're right. I guess that toby's potential

Isn't quite what we thought it would be now, is it?

Ship the subject off with the other failures.


Toby's telekinetic abilities were pathetic.

He didn't even come close to meeting the high standards

The arcadia movement required.

Akiza, however, was one of my greatest finds.

Her powers were as strong as she was naive.

You won't get away with this!

You're through ruining lives!


I'm just getting started.

Huh? Ah! Oh!


Ha ha. Still hanging, on are we?

Well, its time I put an end to that!

If you thought akiza was powerful,

Wait till you see what I can do!

Ha ha!

Huh? What are you laughing at?

I'm laughing at your psychic powers

And how they never picked up on the fact

That our entire conversation is being broadcast to misty.

How's that possible?

Before you started blabbing to me,

I enabled the live feed function on our duel disks.


Now that I know the truth...

Now that I know it was you...

I want to know where my brother is!

Your brother's been sent to a secret location,

The coordinates of which are ever changing.

In fact, even I don't know where he is.

In that case, you're not worth anything to me.

So prepare yourself for the netherworld.

Do you really think you're strong enough

To send me to the netherworld, misty?

No, but my earthbound immortal is.



Ah! Ah!

Um, guys, sayer, just, like, disappeared into that thing?

Dear brother, I know you're out there somewhere.

Forgive me, akiza.

It wasn't your fault.

I am so sorry for blaming you for everything that happened.


Perhaps by forfeiting this duel,

You will see that I am sincere.

And then maybe you will find it in your heart

To continue my quest to find my brother.

Evil godi will not allow you to end this duel.

Ah! Ah!

The darkness...

The darkness controlling me is too powerful...

Evil godyou must defeat her, you must defeat the signer.


You have to fight the darkness inside of you!

Akiza, sayer's no longer controlling you.


I know that voice.

That's yusei calling out to me.


I can no longer stop this duel with my own will.

The darkness is too strong.

Don't give in!

Fight it, misty. You've got to fight it for toby!

It's too powerful.

Ah! Akiza, you have to defeat me.

I can't fight it any longer.

So instead I think I'll fight you, signer,

And send you to the netherworld!

Oh, no, the darkness has taken over her.


You have no choice.

You have to finish this duel!

I'll do it.

You'll do nothing but lose!

Now attack!

I activate the trap ground capture!

With this in play, the damage that I would have taken is halved.


Akiza, no!

Don't worry, yusei.

I might be down, but due to the effect of my trap card,

I am definitely not out.

In fact, I get to draw a new card!

With only life points left,

It doesn't matter what card you drew, akiza.

In fact, I'm so sure of that

Fact that I'll end my turn with a facedown.

If I win this duel,

Then misty will be sent to the netherworld.

But if can I destroy that earthbound immortal,

Maybe I can destroy the darkness and free her.

I'm up!

Due to copy plant's special ability,

It becomes the same level as my dark verger

Until the round's over!

Next I'm summoning hedge guard to the field in attack mode!

Duel runner computerhedge guard is a level

Earth attribute plant type monster

With zero attack points and , defense points.

Now that my guard's in place,

I activate the trap shining rebirth!

With this in play,

By sending the required monsters on the field to the graveyard,

I can synchro summon a synchro monster in my graveyard!

So I send level dark verger,

Level hedge guard, and the now level copy plant

To the graveyard in order to synchro summon

Your immortal's destruction!

Now come forth, black rose dragon!

When black rose dragon is successfully summoned,

It can destroy all cards on the field.

And due to the effect of shining rebirth,

Black rose dragon cannot be destroyed this turn.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Because by defeating me, you're defeating misty.

I'm not going after misty's life points!

I activate my dragons special ability!

Now take out earthbound immortal ccarayhua!

You seem to think that you've outsmarted me.

Well, nothing can be further from the truth

And you're about to see why.

I activate the trap card doom gazer!

With this card, when an effect that destroys a card on the field is activated,

For every card destroyed and sent to the graveyard,

You take points of damage.

So with cards destroyed, akiza,

You're about to lose the last of your life points!

This match is over!

Akiza, listen. You owe it to the signers.

You must keep fighting.

Are you sure?

Save yourself. It's ok.

I activate my trap card, nature's reflection,

And with it I can reflect your cards effect.

This cannot be! Ah!

If you ever find my brother, then tell him...

His big sister loves him.


Are you all right?


Please say something!

Akiza, where are you going?


I'm sorry I brushed you off when we first met.

I promise to make up for it.


Hey everybody, check out the sun.

We're too late!

Its setting, and the last tower hasn't been sealed.

At least all the people that were absorbed

By that earthbound immortal have been returned right?

Whoa! Are we back home?!

Sure looks like it.

I can't believe we made it.


What's happening? Why is the earth shaking?

Look over there, everyone.

Its coming from new domino city!

Another dark signer? But who could it be?

I don't know, yusei,

But I have a feeling we're about to find out.