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03x65 - A New Threat, Part 1 / A New Threat

Posted: 04/11/24 20:54
by bunniefuu
Yusei, voice-overit had been months

Since our battle with the dark signers

And in that time, new domino city had received

A bit of a facelift.

The divide between city and satellite was no more--

And even more importantly, so was the tension

Between the people from each of those districts.

For the first time in a long time,

The future was finally beginning to look up,

If only I had known the horror of what was to come.

We've saved the world once before...

But now I wonder if our decks are strong enough

To withstand this mysterious new threat...

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

I can't stand the pressure!

It's too much to take! I'm gonna crack!

After all--it's not everyday you meet your new boss!

The boss of the whole city!

The new director!!!

[Telephone ringing]

I told you--no calls!

Actually--you said no calls except for emergencies

And we have one--a meteor has struck the city!

You call that an emergency?!

Wait--a meteor?!

Oh dear--now that's what I call an emergency!


It has arrived in one piece.

Lesteryes-- and already left quite the impression, I'd say.


What else would you expect?

It's my card.

That it is.

So I guess you'll be first.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Remember, there's a plan.

And we must follow it.

Primoof course I remember--

I came up with it!

And it's perfect.

I've arranged it so that

No one can stand in our way!

Hey! Who are you ?

What are you doing here?!

I order you to vacate these premises now!

And I order you to watch your tongue, worm!

My friend...all is fine.

There's no cause for alarm.

No cause?! Just who do you

Think you're talking to--[gasp]

Now, now. Is this really

How you want to start things off...

With your new directors?

New...directors-- you mean...

Yes. You see, the of us will be sharing the job.


The of you-- oh my word!

I'm sorry--no one told me!

I beg your forgiveness!

What are you buffoons standing around for,

These are the new directors--salute them!

Security guardsten hut! That's better!

And from now on you're to do whatever they say--understood?

Security guardsyes sir!

[Thinking] this will be even easier than I imagined...

[Cries out]

We got company.

Security guardtime to see who headquarters sent us.

Mina simington, sector chief of special investigations.

Officer trudge, vice-chief.

Minahow's the victim?

Pretty banged up-- can't stay conscious

For more than a few minutes or so.

Guess we'll have to wait for his testimony then. [Gasp]

And from the looks of that runner... It'll be some story.

That's of these accidents in a week.

These are no accidents, trudge.

The city is under attack.

Yuseishe's purring like a kitten.

A few more tweaks and we should be able

To test this new engine at full throttle.

Forget a few more tweaks, yusei,

I say test it now!

Jackwhy not--with jack atlas in the driver's seat--

What could possibly go wrong?!

Yuseia lot...

Jack, lay off the accelerator!

Accelerate more? Ok!


Girlwhat was that?

Second girlthat didn't sound good.

Manwhat just happened?

[Yusei and crow coughing]

Hey. Is everybody ok?

Yeah, we're alright...

The duel runner on the other hand...

We pushed it too hard.

Whadaya mean "we"? That was all jack!

I beg your pardon-- you were the one

Who told me to go full throttle!

Please. Since when does jack atlas,

The so-called master of faster,

The sultan of speed, do what

Someone else tells him to do?

Clearly, I was just testing your judgment--

A test you failed I might add.

Why you--!! Bring it on!

Zorathat's enough!

Uh-oh, our landlord!

Aw, she doesn't scare me!

Oh, is that so, mister tough guy?

Well does living on the streets with the rats scare ya?

Cuz I'm this close to tossing you bums out!

Wait--no, you don't understand!

That expl*si*n, it was just--

Zorajust nothing!

I'm sick and tired of all your excuses

So don't even bother with them!

Sorry, zora--we've been working on that new engine again.

Ohh. Yusei, dear! Say no more!

You go ahead and make all the noise you want!

After all, you did save the world

From those dark signers!

I know you say it was all of you...

But you really just ought to quit being so modest.

Sure...whatever you say.

Mansector security?

Boywhat are they doing here?

Oh dear...please... Accept my apology.

I know my tenants can be a bit noisy

But they really mean no harm--

Well, maybe out of the do, but yusei--

Heh. Relax, that's not why we're here.

No, I'm afraid... There are even bigger issues at hand.

Oh my. It sounds serious!

Gentlemen, if you don't mind...

Let's talk inside.

Trudgedon't tell me you guys are still working

On that new duel engine prototype.

We sure are-- and if we can ever

Get the thing to work right,

It will really take our game to the next level.

And that's what it's gonna take to win the grand prix--

The toughest, roughest duel contest

Ever to hit new domino city.

It'll be here before we know it!

Right--and since it's duelists to a team,

Creating one new engine design that we can all use

Is the best way to 'sup up all our runners at once

And guarantee that victory and dueling immortality

Will be ours!

What more do you guys have to prove--

You already saved the world!

If ya ask me, it's all right for ya

To rest on your laurels a bit.

Crowno way! A true duelist never rests!

He's always training and getting better!

Isn't that right, yusei?

Yuseithat's right, crow.

But winning the grand prix isn't what I'm training for.

True, we may have saved the world...

But it was close-- too close for comfort.

We nearly lost everything that we care for.

Crow, I know you and jack came out of it

More sure of your duel skills than ever...

But as for me... I've never been more uncertain.

[Clears throat]

Speaking of uncertainty...

Sector security has its fair share these days.

Let me guess-- that's why you're here.

Have you heard the rumors? About the ghost?

The ghost?

Yeah, I think so.

He's that guy who's supposed to appear at night,

Challenge you to a duel

And then force you into a crash, right?

Yeah. As you know, when new domino city

And satellite were linked up,

Turbo duels were legalized.

It didn't take long before all types

Of special courses were being built.

But it wasn't until the grand prix was announced

And they came out with that new speed world card

That things really went into overdrive.

Duelists from all over were battling

On side streets and highways, day and night.

Crowof course they were-- there's no better way

To sharpen your skills for the grand prix

Than with a free wheelin' turbo duel.

I agree.

Because there are supposed to be safety measures in place

To make sure that no one gets injured.

Wait, are you saying the ghost's not a rumor--

That he's real and he's found a way

To bypass the safety measures?

Minathat's correct, mr. Atlas.

You're quite astute.

Don't tell him that, chief, it'll go to his head!

So what's this gotta do with us?

I mean, it's clear what has to be done...

Someone's gotta go out late at night,

Take him on in a turbo duel and beat him!

Exactly right. So how about it?

Uh, so how about what?

Oh no!

I know where you're going with this, trudge,

And you can just forget it!

Don't get me wrong--i hate that people are getting hurt

But we've got the grand prix to prepare for

And we don't have any time to spare!

You guys are security, you take care of it!

Thanks for dropping in! Great seeing you! Bye!

Now...let's get back to work, shall we?



You take rejection pretty well, trudge.

How else should I take it, what crow said was right.

Just because they saved the city once

Shouldn't mean they have to step up

Every time there's a problem.

They should be allowed to live their lives

However they like.

We're security, so we should catch this guy.

But how?

[Thinking] by doing exactly what crow suggested...

Trudgealright, men, you see any sign of the ghost

And you radio to me!

[Thinking] it's my turn to be the hero.

After all, how hard could it be?

Feels good to have a duel disk strapped on.

[Thinking] in fact, I don't think I've had

A turbo duel in the line of duty

Since the good old days with yusei.

And if he had the chops to save the city then so do i.

And tonight, I'm gonna prove it to everyone!

Duel runner computerunidentified duelist approaching.

Whadaya know--an unregistered duel runner...

Jackpot--it must be the ghost!

And he's forcing me into a turbo duel--perfect!

Let's do this!

I activate the field spell...

Speed world !

Duel runner computerduel mode engaged.

Auto-pilot activated.

Hope you can keep up!

My move!

And I summon samurai sword baron!

But since I went first, I can't attack with him.

So I'll end my turn there.

Then it's to me!

And I summon wise core in defense mode!

Also, I'll place cards facedown!

This is the duelist that everyone is so afraid of?

He plays a monster with zero attack points? Ha.

Beating him and locking him up will be easier than I thought.

I'm gonna put you in cuffs, ghost!

My turn.

I summon jutte fighter!

And now I'm going to tune him

With my samurai sword baron

For a synchro summon!

Say hello to... Goyo guardian!

And say good-bye to your monster

Because when goyo guardian

Takes down that wise core,

He steals it to my side of the field!

Do your thing, goyo!

Not so fast, I activate negate attack!

So that's how you wanna play it, eh, ghost?

Fine, you may have stopped his attack

But his attack points are still

Locked and loaded for next round!

But before we get to that, take this!

I activate the speed spell, count up!

It lets me gain speed counters

For every card I send to the graveyard!

Next, I activate the effect of speed world !

Now, by removing speed counters,

I deal points of damage

For each speed spell in my hand!

And since I currently hold speed spells...

You take points of damage!

Feel the heat!


Hey, look on the bright side--

Since you took damage from speed world ,

You don't lose any of your speed counters.

Your turn now!

And I'll make you pay with it!

I activate the trap spark breaker.

It destroys all the monsters on my field!


Why would you want to destroy your own monsters?

Because when wise core is destroyed due to a card effect,

I'm allowed to summon machine emperor wisel

From my deck or hand.

[Grunting] [gasp]

No! Goyo guardian!

No way! What's happening?!

[Cries out]

[Yawns] another night shift in the books!

Holding down a job and being a full time duelist

Sure takes it outta you...

[Groan] crowtrudge!

I gotta tell the guys.

Crow, mina!

Crowhey fellas...

Where's trudge?!

The er.

Will he make it?

The doctors aren't sure yet.


Doctornurse-- prep the o.r. Stat!

[Groans] what happened! Who did this?

The ghost... Watch out...

Synchro's are useless...

What do you mean?

Doctorthere's no time to lose--let's move!

Jackso trudge took on the ghost all alone?

I'm afraid so...

He really took what you guys said to heart...

That this was something security should fix.

But I guess it was a bit more than he could handle...

Man! This is all my fault--

I'm the one who turned him down!

He's all banged up because of me!

Stop it, crow. That's not true.

And playing the blame game isn't gonna solve a thing.

It certainly isn't going to stop the ghost.

Then what?

Should we all just sit around here and pout?

Yuseiactually... I have a better idea.

We go find the ghost... And we take him down!

Right, no one hurts one of our pals

And gets away with it!

Alright! Let's go! Yeah!

Lovely night for a duel!

I'll say--and for some major payback!

This is gonna be fun!

Looks like the sun is starting to come up.

We've been riding around all night long

And there hasn't been one sign of the ghost!

Duel runner computerunidentified duelist approaching from the rear.

The ghost! It's just gotta be!

Alright! Get him!

Setting speed world !

Duel runner computerduel mode engaged.

Auto-pilot activated.

A turbo duel is about to commence.

All non-dueling vehicles

Must vacate the combat lane immediately.

Yuseiit's go time!

Duel runner computerformulating cross-town duel course

And awaiting central grid authority's official authorization...

Authorization granted.

Combat lane transfiguration underway.

Combat lane transfiguration underway.

Let's rev it up!

Me first!

And I think I'll summon wise core from my hand!

Duel runner computerwise core is a level one

Dark attribute machine type monster

With zero attack points and zero defense points.

Then, I'll place one card facedown to end my turn.

A monster with zero attack points...?

My turn now!

You may not care for attack points,

But I tend to like them-- come on out max warrior!


Now max warrior attack wise core!

Oh and by the way, when max warrior att*cks,

He gains points to help with his as*ault!

Now let him have it!

No, he'll keep it because I activate

The trap labyrinth of kline!

This makes all battle damage for the turn become zero

And keeps any monsters from getting destroyed!

But there's more--the monster that waged the attack

Now has his original attack points

Swapped with his original defense points!

He's protecting that wise core...

But the question is, why?

Oh well. If I destroy it, it won't matter,

Which is why I'm gonna special summon turbo booster!

Ya see, since I successfully summoned a monster this turn,

I'm now allowed to special summon turbo booster

From my hand.

He won't hang around for long

But long enough for me to take down your wise core!

That's right, since he mixed it up with max warrior--

He's fair game to take down!

Why thank you.

Fool, don't you know?

When wise core is destroyed due to an effect,

All monsters on my field are destroyed

But I then get to summon

Machine emperor wisel infinity,

Wisel top, wisel attack,

Wisel guard and wisel carrier

From my deck or my hand!

Impossible-- monsters summoned at once?!

That depends on how you look at it!

I activate the special ability

Of machine emperor wisel infinity!

[Ghost laughs]

From comes one-- and now you're done!

Uh-oh... So much for payback!