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03x68 - Trash Talk

Posted: 04/11/24 20:58
by bunniefuu
Crowwhat happened to this place?!

I mean, look at this!

Cleaner streets, nice buildings...


The satellite we all grew up in is gone, that's for sure.

What do you lads say to a high-speed race

Through the streets for the old time's sake?

You're on.

Crowwhat's up, little runts?

Spikecrow! Yusei!

Long time no see!

Jack, will you duel me later today?!

Well, look who's decided to return to their old stomping grounds.

Good to see you guys.

Did you set up shop full time here, blister?

You've tasted martha's cooking.

How could I walk away from that?

Have you nerds been behaving?

Been practicing every day.

And we help martha take care of all the old people.

They causin' you any trouble, martha?

Nothin' like the trouble you caused me when you were their age.


Now go look around you three,

And meet us back in the house.

Marthaso what did he say?


He just launched a trash can lid at me.

That sounds painful.

Marthaoh, hey, you three.

Maybe you can help us out, crow.

With what?

Mister bashford.

An elderly fellow who lives by himself

Out in the grogan district.

We've been worried about him

And we wanted to offer him the chance to relocate

And live here at martha's place.

But he's a little hard-headed

And he won't even listen to what we have to say.

You should go and convince him to move here, crow.

Wait, what, why me?

Old people make me kinda nervous.

Hear that, you guys, crow's not up for the challenge.

Say what?

Yeah--he can't pull it off.

He's not clever enough.

Oh, yes I am!

You just set an extra plate tonight

'Cause this old-fossil's gonna be living here by sundown.

Wait a minute, crow.

I'm on this like pop on corn.

So talk to me, where do I find this old crock pot?

Heh! He has no idea what he's getting into.

Should we go ahead and call the ambulance now?

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

I miss the old times, son.

Hey, there, dad...

Still too busy to duel me?

No, adam, I'm not...

Not anymore.

Huh? Trespassers.

Somebody lives here?!

It's a mountain of junk.

Yuseiit's more like a mountain range of junk.

Are you certain this is the right place?

This is it.

Alright, guys, I'm on it.

Bashfordthat's close enough, punk!

Blisterand that is mister bashford.

What's up, you old-timer!

Ya' wanna ditch this trash heap n' come live at martha's place?

Yuseigood, crow. Nice and direct.

Bashfordthis "trash heap" is my home!

But you're all alone.

What if you fall down and can't get up?

The only way I'm leavin's if you drag me out.

Well, you heard him.

Guess I gotta infiltrate the fortress.

He's gonna regret that.


You're coming with me, old man!


I'm not going anywhere,

But I can't say the same for you!


This means w*r, old timer!


Keep comin', squirt.

Ha! Ha ha!


Okay, now this is my idea of a good time, boys.

We should do stuff like this more often.

Crafty use of the double trap, grampa...

Thing is... I do not give up easily.

Thank you for flyin' air bashford!


I'd give that dive an eight-point three.


Whoa! Easy big fella!


This is a duel arena.

So that was a hologram just now.

Hey, crow!

That was a doozy.

You alright?

I'm good. But forget me.

Look at this! It's a duel arena!

Like a real one!

Look at those supporting rods, they're made of tire rims.


I'm thinking this is a homemade job.


No one's allowed up there. Get down!

Easy there, grandpa...

I'm only up here because you flung me up here

With your lil' booby-trap.

I don't care how you got up there.

Just get down.

I got a better idea--

Why don't you get on up here and duel me, century man?

What did you say?

If I lose, I will quietly leave.

But if I win, you have to come and check out

What life is like at martha's place.

Come on, you have this incredible arena just standing here!

You gotta duel me, grandpa!

I have always wanted to throw down

In a real duel arena like this one!

Uh, you, uh...

You really like my duel arena, do ya now?

Yeah! Of course I like it!

What's not to like?

Well, then--

Let's see how you like losing on it!

Are they serious about this?

You and I've dueled for sillier reasons.

Let's duel!

Seniority first!

I draw!

I summon maternal junk in defense mode!

Alright, ya' whippersnapper--

Show me what you're made of.

Don't worry-- I'm planning on it!

I'm not goin' easy on you,

Just 'cause you're old.

I draw!

I summon blackwing vayu!

And since birds of a feather flock together,

I can summon another blackwing from my hand

To join vayu on the field.

Say hello to bora the spear!

When this blackwing att*cks a monster in defense mode,

And it's rockin' more attack points

Than your monster has defense points...

It slams you with the difference!

Duck and cover, ya old fogey!

'Cause bora's attacking with spiralling spear!

I activate a trap-- scrap-iron scarecrow!


Looks like bashford's using a junk deck like mine.

After scrap-iron scarecrow scraps your monster's attack,

I can once again place it facedown on my field!



I'm thinkin' I might've underestimated you, gramps.

And by underestimating me, you've walked headfirst into a certain defeat.

It's my turn. I draw!

Adam... Is that you?

Wow! This is incredible!

It's like a real duel arena, dad!

Built it just for you.

Let's break it in with a little father-son duel?

Ha ha!

I can't right now, I gotta go.


Hey, grandpa-- somethin' wrong?

It's nothin', just... Just never you mind!

Alright, alright! So make a move already.

I summon paternal junk in attack mode!

And when maternal junk is on my field...

Paternal junk gains an additional attack points!

And now from my hand, I activate the junk factory field spell!

What's this about?

It's about winning, sonny boy!

And don't you forget it!

See, here in the junk factory,

Every junk monster on the field gains attack points.

Pretty good, old dude!

You nearly doubled that monster's power

Without having to sacrifice anything.

Bashford's got a good pair.

And if he summons what I think he's gonna summon,

He'll have a full house.

What does that mean, "he'll have a full house?"

You saying crow's done for?

Yuseino way. I'm pretty sure crow's

Got a few feathers up his sleeve.

Let's battle!

Go, paternal junk, attack!!

You just helped me out, ya' goofey geezer.

Because blackwing vayu the emblem of honor

Only has the power to synchro summon from the graveyard.

My comeback'll be starting right now.

It's hard to make a comeback in the junk factory, sonny.

Whaddya mean?

In the junk factory--

When one of my junk monsters destroys one of your monsters...

I can snag it from your graveyard

And send it packin' back to your deck.

Aah! Aw, man!

Not bad.

I gotta hand it to ya', ya old dog.

You still know a lot of tricks.

Ha!... Well, for my next trick,

I place three cards facedown and end my turn!

Why won't he summon it?

Summon what?

It's my move!...


I activate the black winged strafe spell card,

Which wipes out one o' your monsters in defense mode

By sending a blackwing from my hand to my graveyard!

Let's say goodbye to my shura the blue flame...

And then say goodbye to your maternal junk!

Not so fast! Go scrap-iron barricade!

During this turn, you can't destroy the monster

Protected by this barricade with card effects!


And just like scrap-iron scarecrow--

After being activated, scrap-iron barricade

Can return to its facedown position on the field.


Pretty good, old timer!

But let's see how you handle blackwing blizzard the far north.

When blizzard the far north is successfully summoned,

I can then special summon

One level -or-below blackwing from my graveyard

To come and join him on the field.

So I special summon--

Blackwing shura the blue flame in defense mode!


Then I'll just activate another trap!

Scrap-iron pitfall!

Huh? You gotta be kidding me!

Afraid not, sparky!

When you use a special summoning

To bring a monster to the field,

It falls right into my scrap-iron pitfall,

And returns to your hand.

Aw, man!

And now just like my other traps--

This card returns to its facedown position.


This whacky old timer sets up his field

Like he set up his house--

Surrounded by junk traps.

If I can't figure out a way through,

I don't have a chance.

The old man's starting to rattle our easily rattled friend.

Crow just needs to find a way around all those traps.

From my hand, I activate the cards for black feathers spell

Which gives me the power to draw two new cards from my deck

In exchange for sending a blackwing from my hand to the graveyard.

So by shipping off my shura the blue flame, I can draw!

When there's another blackwing on my field,

I can summon gale the whirlwind

From my hand in attack mode!

Now I activate whirlwind's special ability!

This blackwing can halve

One of your monsters' attack and defense points!

With that done--

Now bora the spear can attack paternal junk!

I activate my trap!

Scrap-iron scarecrow!

I was afraid you'd do that.

You're never gettin' to me, sonny boy.

Heh! Never say "never," ya' old jibber jabberr.

'Cause ya' never know.

Gale the whirlwind recycle that paternal junk!

Crow realizes that blackwing and paternal junk

Both have thirteen-hundred attack points,

Doesn't he?

Does he wanna destroy the both of 'em?

Before attackin', I activate

The moon shadow's special ability from my hand!

By sending this card to the graveyard,

I can increase gale the whirlwind's attack points

By fourteen-hundred.

Ah, so he's not crazy!

Gale the whirlwind attack!

How do ya' like that?

Never count me out!

Let's see if you're still doin' your little happy dance

After I activate my trap card!


You've got another one?

With the trap junk spirit in play--

When a junk monster is destroyed in battle

And sent to my graveyard...

I can re-summon that monster

During the end phase!

How do you like that?

No way!!

I place one card facedown and end my turn!

And now paternal junk returns to the field!

And once again, because of maternal junk and paternal junk's special abilities,

Paternal junk gains a thousand attack points!

Aw, great...

So we're back to where we were.

Yuseiokay, now I'm confused--

What's the old guy waiting for?

I know.

He seems into that family structure tactic,

So why hasn't he completed it yet?

So you're saying--

If paternal junk's the father

And maternal junk's the mother,

Then that means...

That means there's a third card

Missing from that family.

Yuseiyup--kid junk.

If he'd summon it to the field,

Paternal junk'd gain another thousand attack points

In order to protect the kid from any harm.


And if that happened--

The old man would have this in the bag, is that it?

Well, if that was part of his plan, he'd have done it already.

With paternal junk and maternal junk both on the field,

Gramps could've used their abilities to summon kid junk straight from his hand.

So why wouldn't that be part of the old man's plan?

Who knows.

What's goin' on, yusei? Where are you off to?

Goin' to poke around in the old man's house.

I've got a hunch about something.

What kinda hunch?

Let's just say that if it turns out I'm right,

Then crow has nothing to worry about.

What is he talking about? What is his hunch?

Bashfordmy turn, sonny.

I draw! Huh.

I activate the junk barrage spell card.

Duel runner computerwhen the monster equipped with the spell card

Junk barrage destroys a monster,

You deal damage equal to half the destroyed monster's attack points.

Bashfordand I equip it on to paternal junk!

And with that boost...

Now, paternal junk, attack blackwing gale the whirlwind!

Looks like that birdbrain of a monster you have

Is about to be destroyed

And your life points are about to fly the coop, crow.

It's over!


Get ready for a thrashin', scooter!


This funny old guy's not so funny anymore.

Whoa, what is that?

Feels like the commotion from the duel's

Gonna bring these mountains of junk crashing down on us.

Crow! Stop the duel! We gotta get outta here!

Huh? You heard 'em, gramps. Let's go!

What's a matter, sonny boy?

You're not scared of losin' to me, are ya?

Alright, if that's how it's gonna be--

I'm activating the black thunder trap card!

When a blackwing on my field is destroyed in battle--

Black thunder crashes down on you for points of damage--

For every card on your field!

And since you've got seven cards on your field, well...

Heh! Let's just say this might sting a little.




Hey look out!

Crow! Bashford!

Where are you guys?!


Were you lookin' for us?

Oh, good, you're safe.


Adam's duel arena, this can't be. Ah!

Ah! Stay back.

Let go of me, squirt.

I have to get into my house.

Yuseii'm afraid there's not much left of it.

Yusei! What were you doing?

I'm sorry.

Your house was buried in the rubble,

But I was able to get out in time with this.

I thought you might want it.

Aaw, look at that! A nice family moment.


We figured you didn't have a family.

I don't, i... Well, i...

I did.

You didn't summon kid junk.

I'm guessing that's because it's not part of your deck, right?


That's right. I used to have it, but...

I gave it to my son...

I was a sculpture artist.

And I was so focused on my work

That I neglected what was really most important to me...

When I realized how I'd been acting,

I built this duel arena to try to make amends, was too late.

I have woken up every day since

Thinking "maybe this'll be the day my son comes back home for a duel."

So that's why you don't want to leave this place, you're waiting.

Is that right?

Yes. I've--i've spent an entire lifetime waiting.


Ya' know what?...

You got yourself a new son right here!


In fact, you've got four, four giant little boys!

He's right.

I would love to hang out

And learn a thing or two from you about junk decks.


I, too, would like to come around and duel with you.

And if you live at martha's,

You'll be surrounded by more grandkids

Than you can shake a cane at.

That sounds nice.

Crowwell, then, what are we waiting for?

Childoh! So cool!

I can't believe it!

It's like the real stardust dragon!

No, it's even better!

Ha ha!

Well, I don't know if I'd go that far.

It seems like he'll be happy here.

You've done your good deed for the day, crow.

Ya' think so?

Hey, crow, get over here.

My shoulders are killin' me.

Come here and rub 'em for me, would ya?

Huh? Why do I have to?

Quit whinin' and help a tired old man out, crow.

Don't you wanna get in your good deed for the day?

I did that!

Go on, crow!

You're his new son, remember?

Oh, yeah.

That's the stuff right there.

Don't be weak, put some strength into it.

Oh, like this?

Ow, ow, ow, ow!

You said to put some strength into it!

I did not!

Don't you know you're supposed to be gentle with your elders?

I can't win with you.


Blisterguys, now that the old man's happy, we need to talk.

Yuseitalk about what?

Did you guys see the report about that meteor that hit outside the city?


We didn't need a news report, we heard the impact.

I've been picking up some weird chatter about it

On the psb channels.

What sort of chatter?

Cryptic stuff...

From what I can gather, it seems like it wasn't a rock that fell...

I've heard a few references to "the stone tablet."

This was two weeks ago, right?

That was the same time that duel bot ghost started showing up.

Think there might be a connection there?

I don't know, but whatever it is that fell,

It seems the public security bureau got hold of it

And is keeping it very hush-hush.

A stone tablet. A duel bot.

What exactly is going on around here?

Well, whatever it is, one thing is clear--

Someone doesn't want anyone to know.