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03x72 - French Twist, Part 2

Posted: 04/11/24 21:02
by bunniefuu
Yuseinow let's get up to speed

With "yu-gi-oh d's"!

Yuseiwhere? Where am i?

Mystery mana reasonable question.

You're an incredible turbo duelist, yusei.

So I'm sure you're already aware that the world racing

Grand prix is fast approaching.

I'm putting together a team to compete and I want you on it.

Well, thanks, but I'm afraid I'm not available.

You will be joining my team one way or another, kid.

Listen, buddy--i'm getting a little tired of your jokes.

You really don't wanna mess with me, my friend!

I am not exactly what you would call

A "well-balanced person."

Ha ha ha!

What's goin' on?

There's an interference signal.

Like someone's trying to hack into the transmission.

Manthe vehicle carrying yusei is a soda delivery truck

Traveling north on blue hill ave in crescent valley.

[Gasp] [gasp]

You need to stop that vehicle and rescue him before it

Reaches its destination.

[Tires screech]

Akizai'm gettin' him outta there.

Time to break yusei out!


Yusei! Uh!



Oh, well, there goes our ride.

Hold on as tight as you can.

Yuseiwhat's up with this? Reinforcements?

[Deep voice] you have sprang from the frying pan

Only to land in le flambe, yusei fudo!

I have come to duel you.

Let's duel! Let's duel!

Fleur de chevalier! Attack junk warrior!

Go, scrap-iron scarecrow!

I was hoping you would try that again--

For not only can chevalier negate

Your little scarecrow's effect...

It can send it to the great cornfield in the sky.


And with your little scarecrow out of the picture,

Chevalier can vanquish junk warrior.

I activate my trap card-- miracle's wake.

With this card, I can resurrect a monster

That was destroyed this turn.

So I'm bringing back...junk warrior!

Tres bon, monsieur fudo.

Yuseiwho are you?

[Normal voice] my name is sherry leblanc.

Akizayou're a... Woman turbo duelist?

Sherryi have sought you out

So that I might steal you for my own.

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win only if I lose? ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Yuseiyou came to steal me?

What does that mean?

Sherrylike those vicious brutes who abducted you,

I want you on my team.

You and I will ride together in the world grand prix...

And win it all.

Oh, yeah?

I am not asking you to answer me today.

This is a sort of meet and greet.

Let us have fun.

You're on!

So you up for finishing this duel?

Akizayou better believe it!

Akizai've never seen a turbo duel

From this point of view.

I wanna see how it ends.

That and I don't trust this girl,

And if she tries to pull

Something, I wanna be there to help.

So let's move it!

Alrighty then...

Just hang on tight.

Let us continue our duel.

It's my move!

I summon the tuner

Monster--turbo synchron!

And now I'll tune it with my junk warrior

In order to synchro summon...

Turbo warrior!

Let's rev it up!

But before attacking, I'm going to activate

My turbo warrior's special ability, which

Will slash the twenty-seven hundred

Attack points of your fleur de chevalier in half

Because your monster's level is greater than .

[Thinking] amazing. He just turned the advantage

Of having a high-level monster into a disadvantage.

Now turbo warrior--attack!!


Why wasn't it destroyed?

Sherrybecause it is protected

By the trap for our dreams.

By sending one monster on my field to the graveyard,

I can spare another monster

Its inevitable destruction.


And since fleur de chevalier has emerged from the battle

Unscathed, she regains her full strength.

[Thinking] now she has the power

To take out turbo warrior on her next turn.


I reveal my trap!

Synchro out!

Now I can de-tune my synchro monster and bring junk warrior

And turbo synchron back to the field until my end phase.

[Thinking] but why do that?

Her chevalier could wipe the walls n' scrub the floor

With both of those guys.

Sherry, thinkingit seems yusei's committed

Quite the faux pas...

Unless of course that face down card happens to be

Urgent tuning.

And if my hunch is correct, then you could use that card

To resurrect turbo warrior so that it can attack my fleur de

Chevalier again.

But then my chevalier's special ability would activate

And negate the effect of your trap card and destroy it.

I, however, believe that one with your knowledge would know

That, so 'zair must be something else...

Something very clever.

Talk to me--what is your strategy here?


Yuseisherry, you can use chevalier's ability

Once per turn.

You gonna do it?

And prevent you from getting rid of turbo warrior?

Now why would I go and do something as foolish as that?

No, yusei fudo, I want to see what it is you are hoping

To accomplish.

Adieu, turbo warrior!

Well, then, I'll show you by summoning turbo synchron

And junk warrior.

And with them on the field,

I reveal...the urgent tuning trap card!


That is what I was waiting for.

With chevalier's special ability, I can prevent your

Tuning and obliterate your trap card!

Now you are without traps, yusei fudo.

But I imagine you expected this would happen and so you

Prepared yourself...

With a spell.

Which is why I am now, at this point,

Revealing my trap card.

Chain close!

This trap will prevent you from activating whatever spell

You may have been planning on using.

[Thinking] she just shut yusei down completely.

With no traps and no spells, there's nothing stopping her

From using fleur de chevalier to take out one of his

Monsters on her next turn.

Yuseiyou're right, sherry.

I did prepare myself with a spell...

But I also prepared for your trap.

I'm going to attack fleur de chevalier

With turbo synchron!

Ah! But it won't win.

It doesn't have enough attack points.

Then I'll activate its special ability and force your

Chevalier into defense mode.

That does nothing for you.

That little synchron has no hope

Of crashing through fleur de chevalier's defense.

And with defeat comes damage.

Akizaonly a hundred life points left.

Yusei, do you realize what you just did?


Sherryyou only have one hundred life points remaining,

Yusei fudo!

What will you do?

I activate my turbo's ability.

See, when it att*cks and loses,

Its ability lets me summon

A monster from my hand

As long as its attack points aren't

Greater than the damage I took.

So I'm summoning junk collector!

And now, I activate

Junk collector's special ability.

This forces me to remove

A trap card in my graveyard

From play entirely...

But in doing so, it lets me activate it!

See, I had a feeling

You'd send urgent tuning

To the graveyard when you had the chance.

Sherrynice move.

Oh, yeah?

If you thought that was nice,

Then this next move is totally

Going to blow you away.

Yuseithat's right, sherry!

Now I tune junk warrior with my turbo synchron in order to

Syncro summon turbo warrior!

Let's rev it up!

Sherryso much sacrifice for one monster...

It seems you're not afraid of flying too close to the sun.

Go, turbo warrior! Take out sherry's fleur de chevalier!

It's your move.

[Thinking] yusei's so close to losing...

But he seems to be having fun.

And her.

The way he duels with her is different than the way he

Duels with me.

It's like when he duels jack and crow.

He's full of spirit.

He's dueling from the heart.

Why isn't he like that with me?

Sherryyou may have vanquished fleur de chevalier...

But in order to do so, you drove yourself to the

Brink of defeat, where you are now hanging on by a thread.

With speed world in play, as long as I have or more

Speed counters...

I can deal points of damage for every speed spell

In my hand.

And--as it so happens--

I currently have speed counters...

But no cards in my hand.

So your fate today depends on my next draw.

Should I draw a speed spell from my hand, it will be all

Over for you.

But this is what you live for, is it not?

You feel most alive when you are at the edge.

Yet somewhere in your heart, you know that such

Recklessness will be your undoing one day.

[Thinking] how does she know what's in his heart?

I guess as turbo duelists, they understand each other.

The speed, the wind, the rush--

It must create a bond between duelists that

I've never really known.

Sherrylet us see if you will fall from your edge.

I draw my card!

I summon sacred knight's shield-bearer in defense mode!

[Thinking] she didn't draw a speed spell.

Sherrynext, I activate shield-bearer's special ability!

By removing one sacred knight card from my graveyard...

I am able to draw another card from my deck!

So--she gets to draw again?

Sherryha ha ha!

I place one card facedown and end my turn.

I had two chances, but fate was on your side both times.

I simply must have you on my team.

Tell me, yusei fudo, what is it you are

Dueling for?

Why are you entering the world racing grand prix

With your friends?

I dunno.

I mean, why do mountain climbers climb mountains?

It's because they're there. Isn't that what they say?

So in other words, you have no reason.

There is nothing driving you but thrill, ambition...

Perhaps boredom...

So tell me, what are you driven by?

If you must know, monsieur fudo,

I am driven by my hunger for revenge.

And I will stop at nothing until I have finally

Achieved it.

So, sherry, you're out for revenge?

Against who?

I will tell you.

I was born into the leblanc family.

My parents were extremely wealthy--

My father the head of a card company he inherited from

His father.

My childhood was a happy one.

Winters in the mountains, summers at our estate

In the country,

Horseback riding lessons, piano lessons, croquet games

On cool afternoons...

And my parents--they were carefree and kind.

But things started to change.

Fatherno, you listen to me!

You're never getting my company.

We are not selling.

And if you ever thr*aten me and my family again,

Things are going to get really ugly.

You don't think they'd really hurt us, do you?


Sherry, voice-overmy parents tried to shield me

From all that was going on.

One afternoon, my father gave me the most adorable

Little teddy bear, and then, that night,

I was torn out of my sleep by noises--

Screaming, shouting.

Frightened, I went to my parents' room.


The room was a mess, things thrown everywhere.

My parents were nowhere to be seen.

Our butler, elsworth, found me, told me not to

Be scared.

Together, we fled the estate.


Elsworth explained the situation to me.

A corporation had been trying to purchase my father's business.

When my father refused, strange men began coming

Around, making threats...

And then...

He told me--we could never again return to the estate.

I was just a child at the time.

I understood so little of what was going on.

Elsworth explained that we had to keep moving, that

The people who had come for my parents would be

Looking for me.

And so we journeyed from country to country...

City to city...

Relentlessly pursued by the monsters who had taken my

Parents from me.

Along the way, I learned that the corporation

Was just a front.

The real organization pursuing me is known as illiaster.


I think I heard that name

From goodwin's brother, roman.

Sayer used to tell me about them.

He'd say they were evil and out to destroy

The arcadia movement.

Sherryfrom what little I have gathered,

They are a secret society with wild ideas about the universe.

They operate from the shadows and they will do anything to

Get rid of those who stand in their way.

Which is why they came for my family.

I'm so sorry, sherry.

Eventually, I discovered the real reason they are

So desperate to find me.

In the teddy bear my father gave me,

He hid something...

Akizawhat was it?

Until I am certain I can trust you, that will remain

My secret.

I want you to help me, yusei fudo.

Iliaster is pulling the strings behind the upcoming

World racing grand prix.

Wait. Are you sure?


This is why I want more than anything to win...

To get closer to them!

Even more than revenge, I need answers, yusei fudo.

I must know what illiaster did with my parents and what

They're planning to do.

I must win this race.

And I know I can do so with you on my team.

Yusei's already got teammates, frenchy.

He's racing with his friends.

He's not just gonna--

No one is talking to you.

Hang on a sec.

First of all, you don't know

The first thing about yusei.

I know plenty.

In just a few turns, we have come to know each

Other's spirits.

As turbo duelists we have come to understand the winds that

Stir us from within.

During the grand prix, I will be riding full throttle

On the cutting edge with everything to lose

And everything to gain!

Is that not the kind of duel you want in on, yusei fudo?

If you race with me,

You will find the drive you seek.

Look, i, uh...

I do not require an answer at this point in time.

Just think it over.

It is your turn now, no?


Make your move.

Yuseialrighty, then...

Let's finish this!

I activate the effect

Of the speed world field spell.

By removing of my speed counters,

I can draw another card.

I summon the drill synchron tuner monster in attack mode!

And now turbo warrior, take out sacred knight's


Time to drill this maneuver home!

Even though shield-bearer was in defense mode, drill

Synchron can drive forward and deal the point difference to

You as damage.


And when you take damage from drill synchron's special

Ability, I can draw another card from my deck!

I reveal the freedom release trap card!

Computerwhen a monster on your field

Is destroyed in battle,

The trap freedom release returns all monsters

On the field to their owner's decks.

Sherrynow your monsters must abandon you,

Leaving you to fend

For yourself, something I promise will never happen if

You join my team, yusei.

Thanks, but I wont be alone for long.

[Thinking] how can yusei be so confident?

His field's wide open.

If she draws a speed spell or monster on the next turn,

He's done for...

Unless those facedowns are game changers.

Ha ha ha! It is my turn now!

I summon sacred knight joan in attack mode!

Akiza, thinkingthis is it.

Sherryunfortunately, sacred knight joan must sacrifice

Attack points in order to attack.

But that isn't going to stop her!

Sacred knight joan, take him out!!

Yuseii reveal my synchro spirits trap card!

Now if I remove a synchro monster in my graveyard from

Play, I can bring back the monsters I tuned to

Summon it!

So by removing junk warrior...

I can summon junk synchron and speed warrior in defense mode.

Sherryan interesting twist.

I wonder what's next.

I cannot wait.

It's your move.

[Thinking] I've never experienced a duel like this...

The speed of their att*cks, their defenses...

And the way they just go back and forth, perfectly

Anticipating each other, constantly outthinking

Each other...

Is what sherry said true?

Do turbo duelists get each other in ways that other

Duelists don't?

Does--does she really already know and understand things

About yusei that I can't because I'm not

A turbo duelist?

And the others--trudge, kalin, jack, crow...

Are they all connected by something I'll never be

A part of?

It's my move!

And from my hand, I activate the high speed crash

Speed spell!

With two speed counters, I can use this spell to send

One card on my field crashing into any other card in order

To destroy them both.

So you're looking to sacrifice your facedown card

In order to vanquish joan.

However, due to joan's special ability...

When she is destroyed, I can move one spell card from

My graveyard to my hand.

A speed spell.

Yuseii'm destroying my facedown card

Along with my speed warrior!

You are destroying your own monster!?

Sure am, but not before activating

The starlight road trap.

Ca ne me plait pas!

I'll assume that means you're not too happy

Since my starlight road's effect

Saves my speed warrior and allows me

To summon stardust dragon!


Yusei and akizawatch out!!!

Oh, no!


Hello again!

I told you I wasn't a well-balanced person

And that it would not be smart to mess around with me!

Ha ha ha!

Leave this to me--gimme!

Whoa, hang on. What are you doing? We need to--

I'm gonna summon this monster!


[Thinking] this is the only way...

Come forth, stardust dragon!

Sherryyou are a psychic duelist!?


Duel mode disengaged.


Mystery manmove it.

Elsworthoh, I'll move it, all right.


Uh! Uh! Uh!

Yuseisherry, are you okay?

Sherryi am, thanks to your...


Did you take care of those thugs, elsworth?

But of course.

So this is yusei.

A pleasure to finally meet you.

Well, yusei fudo...

Had our duel continued on its proper course...

I imagine stardust dragon would have vanquished sacred

Knight joan...

And then speed warrior would have att*cked me directly.

But that would have left me with life points

And another opportunity to defeat you.

Yuseiyup. That's right.

And so the whole thing

Would've come down to your next draw.

I won't draw.

Perhaps on another day.

There is a long road ahead, mon ami.

Until next time, yusei fudo.

And you--i am in your debt.

I hope to ride against you one day...

Or with you.

Au revoir et salut!

[Thinking] that duel was incredible.

I want more.

I want to be a part of what they're already a part of.

I wanna become a turbo duelist.

[Thinking] that sherry got me thinking...

Sherry's voicetell me, yusei fudo--

What is it you are dueling for?

[Thinking] what am I dueling for?

I think it's time I try and find out.