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03x75 - Acceleration

Posted: 04/11/24 21:05
by bunniefuu
Crowdid that cooling rod work?

We in business?


Thanks for tracking it down.

Akizatracking what down?

Crowlookin' good!

Jackyou almost look like a turbo duelist.

Is that what I think it is?

This is your membership card.

Akizaso I wanna join the club.

I want a piece of the action.

I wanna speak your language.

I just--i wanna be a part of your world, yusei.

What are you saying?

I wanna become a turbo duelist.

We built this bad boy

Using parts we scraped together

From a couple of scrap yards.

It's no zx-,

But it'll treat you good enough,

For now.

I don't know what to say, fellas.

Yuseiwell, how 'bout "nothing can stop me

From getting my license"?

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win only if I lose? ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Teacherwell, enrollment certainly has gone up

Since the announcement of the grand prix.

I used to teach this class in the basement.

Quick warning for all you dreamers out there, though--

Getting your turbo license is hard.

Qualifying for the grand prix is even harder.

Leoso does this mean you're gonna be taking

The grand prix by storm?



Let's not get ahead of ourselves or anything.

I'm not even thinking about the grand prix right now.

I'm just hoping I can qualify for a license.

Don't worry, akiza, you're gonna be great.

Studentexcuse me, but, um, are you sure you're

In the right place?

Yeah, shouldn't you be at home,

Playing with your dolls?

Or pretending to cook

In a little plastic oven while

Watching boy bands on tv?

Uh, akiza's a senior at duel academy.

And she's the best in her class.

Oh, oh, I am so scared.

This ain't duel school.

Turbo duels are the toughest duels ever.

And it takes a real man to handle a duel runner.

So when are these "real men" supposed to show up?

Huh? Uh.

Teacherhey, you four, enough dawdlin'!

The track's not walkin' over to you!

Move it!

It's time for the training wheels to come off,

Boys and girl.

No more autopilot from here on out.

It's just you, your runner,

And the cruel, cruel pavement.

Now get on your rides

'N show me what you're made of!

What'd I miss?

This is cake.

I'm gonna fly around this track faster than

A bolt of lightning.


Well, even lightning crashes.


Ya went too fast!


Uh. Okay!

Just stay upright.

Just stay upright.

I made it!

Teachertoo slow, granny pants!

I coulda lapped ya times already!

Who's next?!

Akizai am!

Go, akiza, rip it up!

This speed.

The whole world just flying at me like this--


It's so incredible!

Woooooo hooooo!!


Slow down! You won't be able to--


Akizai'm okay!

She's gettin' better 'n better every day.


You're mine, sharp curve!


Akiza, you okay?

Oh, man! Easy does it.

I almost had it. I just--

That's it!

If more I drift at the turn of the beginning, then g*n it

When I bend the round

And hold the torque,

That oughta do it.

I think she's crashed one too many times.

Uh! Hold it.


Yuseiyou're pushing too hard.

Okay, I think I've got the hang of it.


Just keep trusting your instincts.

Angle of entry is good.

And the bike is gripping the track right.

Now just let it drift with the curve.

Just let it drift.

I did it!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Very nice.

Yuseithis should help stabilize the handling, akiza.

[Thinking] it's so nice of yusei to help me like this.

Time to rev it up.

Oh, man, just--wow!

That's her best time yet!

Teacheryou qualify!

You bet I do!

Oh, akiza.

[Thinking] she may have qualified.

But there's no way she's passing the final exam.

I'll see to that.

Teacherwell, it's been a grueling two weeks!

But akiza's the only one of you sorry punks that even

Qualified for the final exam!

The rest of ya'll are little failure baby men!

You gotta be kidding me.

This is bunk.

I can't believe how lame we are.


Yuseiall you gotta do now is pass the final exam.

You can do it, akiza.

You think?

Of course, though there's one trick

You might wanna learn.

You need to know how to drift backwards.

I'm guessing it's harder than it looks?

At first.

But once you know you can pull it off, you're ready

For almost anything that might come your way.

Right. Let me try.


This looks bad.

Huh? Huh?

Anyone get the license plate on that rhino?


Um, do you feel like a third wheel?

This isn't a date, leo.

It's all about remembering what was

Behind you and relaxing.


You have, uh...

Skated before, right?

I've watched people skating in the park.

See? This is totally a date.

Leo, he's trying to teach her

Something about turbo dueling.

It's all about anticipation.

Maybe I should learn how to go forward first.

You have to just trust yourself and let go.

Just for the record, I meant to do that!

You got it! Now spin around and coast!

Still thinkin' it's not a date?

Okay, yeah, it's totally a date.

I know you can do this, akiza.

Just trust yourself.



Jackabout time you showed up.

What is this?!

Yuseiyour practice bike wasn't cutting it anymore,

So we made a few adjustments.

Crowi installed the brake system and the deck interface.

Yuseii added to the frame and reconfigured the engine.

Jacki provided verbal encouragement.

It's awesome!

It's a real runner.

I guess all it needs is a real rider.

Are you ready?

Looks like we just made it.

Leohere goes the first guy.

Aah! Oh!

Crowooh, wipe-out!

Jackpoor sap never drew a card.


Another wannabe bites the dust.

Huh? Huh? Huh?

Is that trudge!?

Well! If it isn't the peanut gallery!

You're up, akiza.

Congrats for getting this far.

Now there's just one thing standing between you and your

Turbo license.

And that thing is handsome, wears a sharp uniform,

And answers to "officer trudge."

And it's planning on wiping the road with you, kid.

Aw, come on. He's really gonna trash talk after all

We've been through together?

There's no way she can defeat him.

You ever head of schadenfreude?

You mean "pleasure derived from

The misfortune of others?"

Sure have. Hee hee hee!

Sorry, akiza, but I can't go easy on ya.

Wouldn't want you to.

It's now time to begin the turbo registration final exam.

On your marks.

Get set.


[Tires squeal]

First, I activate the speed world field spell!

Let's ride!

Computerduel mode engaged.

Autopilot activated.

[Thinking] if I take the first curve before trudge,

I'll be able to make the first move.

[Thinking] let's find out what she's got.


She took that corner perfectly!

What are you waiting for? The first move's yours!

You're not scared, are ya, kid?

Look, no one'll blame ya' if you wanna quit now.

I mean, nobody expects you to pass, anyway.

Man, trudge is doin' everything he can to shake her up, isn't he?

Why is he being like that?

He's just making sure that she can take it,

'Cause if a little pressure throws her off,

Then her game'll never pass this test.

The first move's mine. I draw!

[Thinking] a speed spell. Perfect.

Come on, kid, show me that you've got what it takes

To prove all the doubters wrong.

I summon revival rose in defense mode.

And next, I activate the summon speeder speed spell!

Computeraction prohibited. Akizahuh!?

Huh? Did she just do what I think she just did?

Mm-hmm. I guess she forgot that speed spells require some actual speed.

She's more nervous than I thought.

[Thinking] oh, that's right. The whole speed counter thing.

Stop stalling! Make your next move!

I--i end my turn!

My move then!

I summon stygian street patrol in attack mode!

Let's rumble! Go, street patrol,

Send her rose to the slammer!

And now, stygian street patrol's special ability activates.

After destroying your monster in battle, it can knock you

With damage equal to the level of your defeated monster

Multiplied by points!

I slap one card facedown and end my turn!

[Thinking] if I don't get it together, I'm done for.

Are you feelin' the pressure yet, akiza?

Ha ha! How 'bout now? Uhh!

It's my turn.

I draw!

And I summon twilight rose knight!

And when twilight rose knight is successfully summoned,

It can immediately grant me the ability to summon a level-four

Or below plant-type monster from my hand!

So I'm summoning lord poison in attack mode.

Now that's what I'm talkin' about! She's finding her groove.

Akizaand now lord poison gets a tuning

From twilight rose knight.

I synchro summon black rose dragon!

Heh! Pretty good, akiza.

But if you think some overgrown flower lizard's gonna put the fear in me,

Then you need to get real and get serious.

Yeah, well, let's see if you're still saying that

After black rose dragon att*cks stygian street patrol!

Not a good move, akiza.

Not with my final penalty trap card on the field! Huh?

See, when you destroy one of my monsters in battle,

You take damage equal to half its attack points,

And then final penalty obliterates your attacking monster.

Aah! Oh!

Well, so much for the dragon.

Don't let him get to you.

Come right back at him.

Since you destroyed one of my monsters,

I can summon revival rose from my graveyard.

Next, I place two cards facedown and end my turn.

Let the good times roll!

By yanking stygian street patrol from my graveyard

And removing it entirely from play,

I can radio for back-up and summon a fiend monster from my hand!

And look who's arriving on the scene--

Another stygian street patrol!

Next, I summon stygian security in attack mode!

And since these two just love working together,

I think I'll tune my stygian security with my stygian street patrol

In order to synchro summon the stygian sergeants!


Time for some brutality!

Stygian sergeants, uproot that revival rose!

But I'm not done there!

I'm sure you've heard about officers teaming up

To play good-cop, bad-cop, right?

Well, stygian sergeants prefer to play bad-cop bad-cop.

When they successfully destroy your monster in battle,

They gain attack points and then attack you again.

Oh, no. She's got life points.

If he lands this attack, then it's all over.

Ha ha ha!

Now I attack you directly!

I activate the offensive guard trap card!

When you attack me directly, I can use the power

Of offensive guard to halve the attack points

Of your monster until the end phase of this turn.

And then I can draw another card from my deck!

Come on! You survived that attack?!

Well, my turn's not over yet!

And I'm activating the speed spell speed demon!

When I have speed counters, I can use speed demon

To knock you with a thousand points of damage!

Well, she's still hanging on, but not by very much.

Stupid trudge.

This is your last chance to turn things around.

Well, in that case, I will.

I summon witch of the black rose!

When I successfully summon this monster to my field,

I get to draw another card from my deck.

But if the card I draw's not a monster card,

Then witch of the black rose'll be destroyed.

I draw! And it's dark verger, so my witch is safe!

Hmm! Safe, but useless. Huh?

I play climactic barricade!

This trap can activate when you summon a monster,

And once it does, I can seal that monster away for the rest of this turn!

But that's not the only piece of bad news I have for you, akiza.

For every level-four or below monster you have on your field,

Climactic barricade dishes out points of damage.

So like I said earlier, this is your last chance to turn things around.

I've got speed counters.

Let's see if I can turn things around

With the summon speeder speed spell.

This spell allows me to summon another monster from my hand.

I think I like where this duel is going, akiza.

You may have stopped witch of the black rose from attacking,

But I can still use it to synchro summon,

So now it gives dark verger a tune-up.

I synchro summon splendid rose!

Next, I activate splendid rose's special ability!

By taking a plant monster from my graveyard

And removing it entirely from play,

I can cut back the attack points

Of a monster on the field by half!

Your stygian sergeants just got a little weaker.


And with that, splendid rose att*cks stygian sergeants!

Whip it!

Too little too late!

I'm not done. There's more where that came from.

There is?

I reveal my trap card!

Blossom bombardment!

Computerwhen your plant-type monster destroys a monster in battle,


Now get ready for my splendid rose

To prune your life points down to size.

Very clever.

Dude, what if this girl actually wins this?

Not gonna happen. Huh?

Time for the demolition derby.

Oh! Akiza!

Heh, heh! Take that, loser!

Oh! Oh!

Well that's not good, but if she can't react fast enough,

Then she's not cut out to be turbo duelist.

Oh! Oh!

Oh! I can't do this.

It's all about anticipation.

I know you can do this, akiza. Just trust yourself.

[Thinking] yusei's right!

And it's time I prove it.

Look at her go!

I knew she could do it.

Where did she learn how to ride like that?

Trudge, you're going down.

I activate splendid rose's special ability!

By removing a plant monster in my graveyard from play,

I can empower splendid rose to attack again

With half its attack points!

And since you don't have any monsters out on your field, trudge,

Splendid rose att*cks you! Go, aerial twist!

Good job, akiza!

You passed the test. Ha ha!

Ha ha ha! Nice.

That's our girl!

Next time, leave my friend alone.

[All groaning]

It would seem that all the pieces are gathering on the board.

Hey, you, how does it feel to be an official turbo duelist?

Great. Just great.