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03x79 - Putting It All Together

Posted: 04/11/24 21:07
by bunniefuu



Huh? What looks different in here?

What's with the table n' chairs? Is this new?

Indeed. I made all this using spare parts.

So the days of eating on the floor are over?

Whoa, and we're making our own coffee now, too?

Aw, sweet.

Ha! We're high-class now.

This is some smart thinkin'.

This way, we won't waste money hitting up

The cafe across the street times a day.

[Stephanie sobbing]

Where's jack?

Why isn't yusei here?

I think he's out testing the new engine prototype.

He finished it?

I guess so.

By the time I woke up, he was already gone,

And the old engine is sitting over there.

So he pulled another all-nighter all by himself.

That's the third one this week.

Why is he pressuring himself so much lately?

Why do you think?

The world racing grand prix is coming up.

He wants to make sure that we're going in

With the best duel runners we can make.

He should let us help out more.

I mean, we're smart guys.

We know how to use our hands and our heads

And how to put stuff together and--


Did you hear that?


♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind

♪ It's blowing me around

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind

♪ It's blowing me around

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Crowok, ok. Don't move a muscle, jack.

One wrong move, and we could be paralyzed for life.

What are you going on about? Don't be a such baby.

I'm serious, man. We could've snapped something.

One wrong move and, bam, paralysis.

Well, then we should just lie here and wait for help.

So, while we're waiting here,

Do you think yusei is hiding something big from us?

What are you talking about?

I mean, we're a team, right?

We all worked together to build the daedelus bridge,

To reconnect the city with satellite,

And when he was fighting goodwin, we were right there, remember?

No fair. I was the chosen one.

I had the markings of both the light and the darkness.

Perhaps, and yet beneath them, the crimson dragon saw

That you still honor your brother's memory.

So now the crimson dragon is a part of me.


Yuseiyou did your part, goodwin,

And now I'll do mine.

My turn.

First, since stardust dragon is on my field,

I'm allowed to summon the stardust xiaolong that's sleeping in my graveyard...


And then I summon majestic dragon.

Not that. No.

Yuseinext, I tune level majestic dragon

With level stardust dragon and level stardust xiaolong.

I harness all the power of the stars.

I channel all the might of the dragons.

I synchro summon the majestic star dragon.

Majestic star dragon gains , attack points,

And he gains the distinction of being the toughest monster on the field.

You know what that means.

Earthbound immortal rasca is going down.

Go, majestic star dragon. Star shine shred.


We were all there for him,

And I just wish you were there when he battled roman,

'Cause he said all this heavy stuff that he'd never said to any of us.

I understand that life is a long series of chain reactions.

If my father had never discovered those planetary particle things,

Then zero reverse never would've happened.

Satellite would still be part of domino city.

My friends, like crow and jack,

Wouldn't have had to grow up alone on the streets,

But my dad was my dad.

He wasn't some cosmic chess piece,

And as for my friends and all the bad stuff they've had to go through,

Don't tell me that's fate.

Don't tell me everything happened 'cause it was meant to.


That's a lie.

It happened because of you and choices you made.

If only you knew how wrong you are.

Crowdon't listen to that wingnut, yusei.

I heard what you just said about your dad, man,

And you're right.

It wasn't his fault.

There's no way he coulda known roman was gonna do what he did.

I guess so.

Look at it this way.

If zero reverse had never happened,

You and me and all the others might not've met up

And become best friends.

Good things lead to bad things,

Leading to more good things, and that's just life,

And at the end of the day, we all have choices.

We aren't destined to make them.

This guy's just using destiny as an excuse to be a jerk,

Or--who knows?-- Maybe it was my destiny to say that,

But either way, finish this guy, would ya?

I'm on it.

Yusei's an interesting lad.

He's always been a tad standoffish, crow.

You know that.

Yeah. I guess you're right,

But I'm just saying, if there's something going on

And he thinks he's up against something he can't handle

And he's not telling us about it--

I dunno, jack--

I guess I just don't want our friend

Thinking that he's gotta go it alone

'Cause then he might actually go it alone.

Well, that's very sweet, but there's no reason to worry about yusei.

He's an incredible duelist.

Hey, I'm not denying that, but if he thinks--

Of all the lesser-thens I've dueled, he's the best, hands-down.

He's the only one who ever gave me a real challenge.

Hey, what do you mean, "only real challenge"?

What about this guy? Oh, you're up.

Guess that means it's safe for us to move.

You didn't answer the question, jack.

What about me? Hey!

What're you doing? Where're you going?

I've decided that I think you're right for once.

There's some sort of danger approaching,

And I think yusei is on to it.

So I'm going to find out what it is,

And to make sure he knows he can count on me.

Crowwait. What? You just said that--hey, wait!

You're not having a special moment without me.


[Thinking] this isn't fast enough.

At this speed, I won't be able to beat the ghost.

I barely defeated it last time.

You'll soon be going down like all the rest, yusei.

The moment you lose is the moment you crash.

So is that what this is all about for you,

Bullying random duelists you find on the road?

Ha! Bullying? Of course not.

That's just an added bonus,

Dessert for after I achieve what I've really set out to accomplish.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about useless little things called synchro monsters,

And now it's time to rid the world of yours.

Watch the synchro slayer at work.

You're out of your mind. Oh, am i?

Machine emperor infinity, demonstrate.

I activate your special ability.


Stardust dragon!

It's too late, yusei. There's nothing you can do.

Your dragon is about to become just another gear in my machine.



Did you see that? His monster has been--

Has been trapped.

Stardust dragon, no!

Trudge tried to warn me. This is what he meant.

Synchros are useless because the ghost can capture them.

Oh, they're not useless, at least not to me,

Because now that your stardust dragon is mine,

His attack points are mine, too.

Oh, no.

It absorbed all of stardust dragon's strength?

This is not good.

Hmm, all right, then, machine emperor.

Attack his life points directly.

Tell me how it feels, yusei, to have

Your own monster play a part in your demise.


Why are our marks glowing?

The mark of the crimson dragon.

It's lending me its power for this one last draw.

Now watch.

I summon the majestic dragon...

And next I activate synchro material.

Thanks to this trap, I can now synchro summon with monsters

That are on your side of the field,

Monsters like the stardust dragon.

What? That's right.

Return, stardust.


He got him back.

And that's just the start.

Hmm. Now, stardust dragon,

Tune with unicycular and majestic dragon.

Ghost, you called synchro monsters

Wretched little things that the world should be rid of.

Well, now it's their turn to respond,

And they'll respond. With all their might.

I'm afraid your machine emperor's greatest strength

Is also his greatest weakness.

Ah, no. You're wrong.

Attack him, and you'll only destroy one part,

But if it's the right part, all the others will go with it.

Majestic star dragon, attack.

[Thinking] if I hadn't been able to activate crimson dragon's powers,

I would've been done for, and next time, I might not be so lucky.

There's some major danger on the way,

So I gotta can the minor league stuff and step it up.

The whole world could depend on it.

[Thinking] what if I can't do it?

What if the fight ahead is out of my reach?

What if I'm not ready for this?

Jacki thought I'd find you here.

Huh? Hey, guys, what's goin' on?

Man, this really is the best view of the city.

Hard to believe how much the city has changed in the last months, isn't it?

You guys need something?

Can't friends just check in on their friends?

Yeah. Sorry. I'm just a little on edge.

What, 'cause of the new engine?

Fess up. It's not just that, is it?

No. It's--

I can't stop thinking about that stolen duel bot thing.

What about it, yusei?

I still can't believe how powerful it was.

I don't get it.

That thing was just a machine, right? What's the big deal?

Yuseimachine or not, someone was controlling it.

Someone was giving it power, and I think I might know who.

Jackwhat? Who?


You're gonna have to remind me what that means, pal.

I've got kind of a short-term memory sometimes.

During my battle with roman, he said that he met some guy

From a group called iliaster at the nazca lines.

That meeting is what made him betray my father.

I'd heard goodwin mention that group every now and then

Back when I was his lackey, but I don't know, yusei.

In my opinion, it all sounded like

A bunch of secret society mumbo jumbo.

It's not mumbo jumbo, jack. This group is real.

They're out there, and they used goodwin

And roman to cause zero reverse,

But goodwin and roman were just their pawns.

Defeating them didn't defeat illiaster.

In fact, I heard their name mentioned again recently.

Sherrytell me, yusei fudo, what is it you are dueling for?

Why are you entering the world racing grand prix with your friends?

I dunno.

I mean, why do mountain climbers climb mountains?

It's because they're there.

Isn't that what they say?

So in other words, you have no reason.

There is nothing driving you but thrill,

Ambition, perhaps boredom.

So tell me, what are you driven by?

If you must know, monsieur fudo,

I am driven by my hunger for revenge.

Against who? I will tell you.

I was born into the leblanc family.

My parents were extremely wealthy,

My father the head of a card company he inherited from his father.

My childhood was a happy one-- winters in the mountains,

Summers at our estate in the country,

Horseback riding lessons, piano lessons,

Croquet games on cool afternoons,

And my parents, they were carefree and kind,

But things started to change.

My parents tried to shield me from all that was going on.

One afternoon, my father gave me the most adorable little teddy bear,

And then that night, I was torn out of my sleep by noises--

Screaming, shouting.

Frightened, I went to my parents' room.

Our butler elsworth found me, told me not to be scared.

Together, we fled the estate.


Elsworth explained the situation to me.

A corporation had been trying to purchase my father's business.

When my father refused, strange men began coming around,

Making threats, and then he told me

We could never again return to the estate,

And so we journeyed from country to country,

City to city, relentlessly pursued

By the monsters who had taken my parents from me.

Along the way, I learned that the corporation was just a front.

The real organization pursuing me is known as illiaster.


From what little I have gathered,

They are a secret society with wild ideas about the universe.

They operate from the shadows,

And they will do anything to get rid of those who stand in their way,

Which is why they came for my family.

I'm so sorry, sherry.

I want you to help me, yusei fudo.

Iliaster is pulling the strings

Behind the upcoming world racing grand prix.

So what did these illiaster g*ons want with this girl's parents,

And why have they been chasing her across the globe?

She wouldn't tell me, but either way, I'm certain

Illiaster is somehow involved with the world racing grand prix.

Something is going to happen there.

You're basing all of this on something

Some girl you don't know said to you?

There's more.

Remember what blister was saying to us

When we went out to martha's place a couple of weeks ago?

Did you guys see the report

About that meteor that hit outside the city?


We didn't need a news report.

We heard the impact.

I've been picking up some weird chatter about it

On the psb channels.

What sort of chatter?

Cryptic stuff.

From what I can gather, it seems like it wasn't a rock that fell.

I've heard a few references to "the stone tablet."

This was two weeks ago, right?

That was the same time that duel bot ghost started showing up.

Think there might be a connection there?

I don't know, but whatever it is that fell,

It seems, the public security bureau got hold of it

And is keeping it very hush-hush.

This is how all that drama with the dark signers started,

A whisper here and there.

Well, I wanna be ready this time.

Ok, but ready for what?

For pretty much anything.

Hmm, so the grand prix could be some kind of trap,

And the of us are just gonna stroll right into it.

That's how we roll. We're not scared of nothin'.

I mean, you're not afraid, are ya', jack?

Please. You might as well ask the ocean if it's thirsty.

Jack atlas knows no fear.

I don't even know what the word means,

And if anyone tries to intimidate me,

They will experience a world of hurt.

Great. So we've got the enthusiasm part covered.

That's good to know 'cause we're gonna need that and a whole lot more.

If I'm right about illiaster,

Then we're gonna need to learn some new moves, my friends.

Remember the trick that visor guy busted out?

You're not ready to face the ghost again.


You must first find what you're looking for.

Looking for?

That's right. The synchro solution.

[Tire screeches]

Now prepare to step out of the shadows and into the light.

Go, accel synchro.

Accel synchro?


Uh! Uh!

Uh! Uh!

I didn't see anything at that point.

There was this blinding white light,

And I spent the next minutes stumbling around trying to see.

You didn't stumble about.

You were hugging on to me and saying,

"Protect me, jack. Protect me."

What visor did, I'd never seen it before.


Where did he go?

Where'd that monster come from,

And what in the world is it?

It's an accel synchro monster tech genus blade gunner.

Wait, an accel synchro monster?

What's that, and how were you able to summon it

Right in the middle of my turn?

An accel synchro summon uses a synchro tuner monster

And a synchro monster, and it's done with lightning-fast speed.

Accel synchro? Accel synchro?

That's right, and we need to learn how to pull it off.

So, yusei, by mastering this accel synchro method,

You think we'll be able to counteract that capture ability

That nuts n' bolts used on you?

How are we supposed to do that?

What does it even mean? How does it work?

Too many questions. Brain overwhelmed.

I don't know, crow, but there's a world beyond the one we know,

Beyond the breaking point, past our limits,

Where time acts differently,

Where things aren't like they are here.

We've gotta find a way to get there.

So we gotta find a way to bend time and space.

Sounds like a plan. Go ahead, illiaster.

Ask for a piece o' crow.

I'll serve ya' the whole pie, losers.

A world beyond my limits, you say?

Hmm, that's impossible.

There is nothing beyond my limits.

Just one thing.

I'm definitely gonna need a better engine for my duel runner.

Don't you mean, we'll need better engines for our duel runners?

Yeah. That's right. We're in this together.

One for all and all for one and all that junk.

Great. Then let's do this, you guys.

The enforcers are gonna ride again.

[Bruno moaning]