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03x86 - Duelist for Hire

Posted: 04/11/24 21:12
by bunniefuu
Yusei, thinkingwell, this looks like the place.

I hope you know what you're doing, yusei.

After all...

From the looks of things here, it doesn't seem very hospitable.

But then, maybe that's why this barb person wrote me that letter.

I only wish they were more specific as to why they needed my help.


Stop right there, you disobedient worms!

Big mistake trying to escape.

[Sinister laughter]

Wait. No, please!


Yuseiwhat's going on down there?

Huh? Huh?

Mind your business.

These workers made a run for it,

And now we're gonna make 'em pay!

And just who are you to make 'em?

You ask an awful lot of questions, stranger...

From the looks of it, I'd say you were a duelist.

So why not just stick to what you know.

If you're any good, ya might actually make a few bucks here.

If you're not, then you'll be joinin' these three!

Ha ha!

I don't know what's going on here...

But if I'm going to get to the bottom of it,

I'm gonna need to head into town...

And make sure everyone knows I'm there.

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Yusei, thinkingi can't get that letter out of my head.

What did it mean?

Who was this mysterious barb talking about?

Dear yusei, I'm writing you because I've heard about your friendship with him.

I want you to take him away from crash town.

If things don't change, then he'll surely meet his doom here.

I'm counting on you and only you.


Well, I wonder where this barb person is.

[Amused laughing]

Manhey punk! You ain't from around here, is ya?

Nah, he ain't, so he needs a proper welcome!

That's right. Prepare to duel!

No thanks.

I generally make it a rule to not duel amateurs.

Say what!

We gotta wise guy here! This is our town, mack...

And nobody but nobody talks to us that way, you got it?

Is that so?

Sure is! So shuffle up your cards

And get ready to throwdown!


Cuz a duel here ain't like any kind 'a duel

You've ever had before!


There will be a time to duel...

But that time is not now, so lay off!

Besides, you're supposed to welcome a guest with flowers, not threats.

And he is a guest... Because he was invited by me.

I was?

Yes, I'm barb-- I'm the one who wrote you.


So you're barb--

The one who wrote me the letter about saving my old friend?



He needs you.

And I'm only trying to help.

Who is he?

And just what does he need saving from?

You'll see from what in just a moment, yusei.

For as the sun sets,

The dangers in this town begin to rise.

Watch. It won't be long now.


The group wearing the red scarves

Is known as the malcolm crew.

That fellow with the creepy grin out in front

Is their leader... Malcolm.

The group facing them is the radley bunch.

That rascally looking man

At the head of the pack is radley--

Their leader.

Looks like they're squaring off, but why?

You'll see why soon enough.

Just keep watching.

Well, let's get to it, gentlemen.

Time to show those radley bunch babies

Why we were head and shoulders above 'em.

Alright, which of you punks do I get the pleasure of detroyin' in a duel?

The rumors about you are true, giant,

You're as big as a dino...

And I'm sure that you have an itty-bitty pea-sized brain

To match, as well.

[Amused snickering]


And now to meet your foe.


[Harmonica playing]


Ah! Is that kalin?!

The law of the land is that duels can only be waged during dusk.

It's oddly appropriate, too.

Because those that lose vanish just as the sun does.

What do you mean vanish?

Are you saying that kalin's in some kind of danger?

Most definitely. That's why I wrote you.

But for now all we can do is watch.

Because the duel's about to start!



[Sinister laughter]

[Sinister laughter]



Too slow, giant. My move.


Here we go..

Let's get down to business.

For my first move I summon infernity mirage.

Then I'll place one card facedown.

And end my turn.

What is kalin doing here?

Why is he dueling for these people?

Barbarai'll tell you why.


He came to this town to punish himself

For something he did in the past.

I'm not sure what, but it must've been bad.

But why here?

Because of the mountain.


You see, deep inside that treacherous peak

Is a mineral called dyne.

Dyne is used in the construction of duel runners.

When it was discovered, all sorts of people rushed here

To mine this valuable mineral

And make their fortune.

When all the dust settled,

Only malcolm and radley were the ones left standing.

They muscled all the other miners into working for them

But still, they wanted more manpower.

So now...

Instead of fighting for new labor,

They duel to decide who gets it.

That's crazy.

That's business as usual around here.

If you duel well, you can make a lot of money.

After all, radley and malcolm pay handsomely

For someone who can win.

And a lot of winners have come here for just that reason.

But if you lose, it's off to the mountain for you.


Kalin knows that. It's why he's here.

It's my turn! And I'm summoning illegal keeper!

[Thinking] what have we here? Card of destruction.

If I play this, we'll both have to discard our hands

And redraw the same number of cards we just got rid off.

But since illegal keeper's on the field,

Whenever kalin draws cards at a time other than the draw phase,

Those cards gotta be returned to the deck,

And , points of damage is dealt.

I activate the spell card card of destruction!

And it'll lead to your destruction!

Now get rid 'a your cards and redraw!

I don't think so! I play the trap...full salvo!

Now I send all the cards in my hand to the graveyard

And you take points of damage for each and every one of them.

Guess this round's destruction belongs to you.

Oh, and in case you were wondering--

Your spell doesn't affect me.

After all, I'm cardless.

Huh. Cardless. That's when kalin's at his best!

Now, giant, since I'm without cards,

I'm allowed to release infernity mirage

And in exchange,

Summon two infernity monsters from my graveyard.


Rise infernity archfiend and infernity destroyer.

Whoa...i guess I won't be waging an attack this round.

I end my turn.

It's my move... And I'll play...

The spell infernity burst.

Now for every infernity monster on my field,

You take points of damage!


And next...

I'll have infernity destroyer attack illegal keeper!


And since my destroyer won that battle

While I had no cards in my hand...

You now take , points of damage.

No fair. I barely had one turn!

[Horses neigh]


No! Stop! Don't! Please!

Heh heh.

[Horses neigh]


Well, that's that.

The giant will now be shipped off to the mountain,

And that's where he'll stay for the rest of his life.

Mining dyne morning, noon, and night.

All under the watchful eye of radley's men.

Ah. So that's what those were trying to escape from--

The mines.

They must've been duelists who'd lost.

But if kalin is trying to punish himself,

Why wouldn't he just lose on purpose?

I don't know.

React) there are a lot of questions right now

That I simply have no answers for.

Hopefully we can find some.

And soon.

I agree.

Well done, kalin.

That giant couldn't duel worth a lick,

But I'm sure he'll be a solid worker.

How many wins is that?

Something like in a row?

Curse you, radley, you rat!

I'll beat you and that lucky duelist a' yours

Next time for sure!

Yeah, I've heard that before. Ha ha!

Grr... Let's roll.


It's me!


It's yusei. Let's talk!

No! Kalin, wait! I'm here to help!

Let him go.

I know a better way to help.

I just hope you're up for it.

Curses! That rat radley always wins with that duelist of his!

And the more that he wins... The more he earns!

If only my baby brother lawton

Was hanging his hat in town right now,

He'd take that creep, kalin--rarh!

And duel him down into the dirt!

Yuseihey! Huh?

Who are you?

Hey it's that guy!

From back in town!

That's right. And I'm here for some work.

A duelist, huh?

Well, bring it on!

Ha ha!

Not a bad idea. If you want us to hire you,

You'll have to prove ya got skills worth payin' for!

And prove it in a duel.

It'd be my pleasure. Let's do this.


Get your game on!

If ya don't mind, I'll move first.

Ok then, now get ready!

I summon the tuner monster changer synchron in defense mode.

I'll then end my turn with a facedown.

I guess I'm up!

And fuse ray blaster's the monster I'll be playin'!

Lucky for you since it's three on one,

I'm not allowed to attack. Not officially.

My turn now!

And I'm summonin' out another fuse ray blaster!

Blast away!


Aw, I'm awfully sorry there, stranger.

Didn't ya know that when there's one ray blaster out

And a second is summoned, you take points of damage?


That's it for me!

Then it's my move! Heh!

And I summon another fuse ray blaster!

Blast away! Blast away!


Heh heh.

I end my turn.


Are you ready to give up?

Ya can't win!


I will win!

You have to beat malcolm's stooges.

Only then will malcolm trust you enough

To let you duel for his crew.

Then, if you can beat kalin, we'll make our move.

Before they drag him off to work forever in those mountains,

We'll take him.

It's my move, and first I'll send

One monster card in my hand to the grave

Which allows me to summon the tuner monster quickdraw from my hand!

And now since a tuner monster is on my field,

I can summon quillbolt hedgehog from the graveyard!

But I'm not done yet--

Next I'll tune level quickdraw synchron

With level quillbolt hedgehog

To create a creature than can really give me a boost!

I synchro summon... Nitro warrior!

And next...i'll bring out gauntlet warrior!

But he won't be around for long

Because I'm now going to tune

Level changer synchron with him

To create another synchro monster!

How about giving me a hand. Armory arm!

Duel runner computeronce per turn,

You can equip armory arm on to a synchro monster

And increase the equipped monster's attack points by ,.

And now since changer synchron

Was sent to the grave...

His effect activates

And your monster switches to defense mode!


Next I'll use armory arm's ability...

And with it I can add a little more muscle

To my nitro warrior's attack points.

Oh, no, ,?!

Oh, yeah, and I'm not done yet

Cuz I'm also equipping him with junk barrage!

And since I activated a spell card this turn,

Nitro warrior gains , attack points for this round's attack!


Which means you three are in some serious trouble.

[Scared react]

Go, nitro warrior! Attack with dynamite crunch!



Uh! How?!

Its simple, see when nitro warrior destroys a monster,

He can then switch another monster into attack mode

And then strike again.

Then, since an equipped monster destroyed a monster in battle,

Armory arm's ability deals damage

Equal to fuse ray blaster's attack points.

But there's more. Since junk barrage is in play,

Half of your ray blaster's attack points

Are dealt, erasing the rest of your life points!

Now to deal with you.

I activate the trap synchro overlimit!

With this, since my synchro monster

Successfully destroyed a monster in battle,

He's allowed to battle again this turn!

What?! No way!

Go dynamite crunch!

And now the effects of armory arm and junk barrage activate!




He just beat three of my men.

And all in just one single turn!

This guy is really something! Ha ha!

I like how ya duel stranger.

Think you can do that again against kalin?

I was hoping that you'd ask that

Cause' I'm you're man.