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03x91 - Clash at Crash Town, Part 1

Posted: 04/11/24 21:15
by bunniefuu
Yuseinow let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's!"

Are we gonna duel or what?!

With pleasure!

It's my turn! Go, drill warrior!


Kalinanybody mind if I cut in?


Kalin, you made it!

Let's go!

Huh? Huh?

Nobody escapes this mountain!

You wanna get outta here?

Let me help you.

This way, you can really go out with a bang!


[Evil laughter]

Hey! What's this-!?

We tied you up while you were snoring away.

Ha ha! Ha ha!

And why did ya' do that?

Remember last night when you signed the deed of the town over to me?

Well, I may have forgotten to mention that I was married to your brother.

You're married to lawton?

She sure is!

So whatever belongs to barbara...

Well, it belongs to me as well.

You betrayed me!

Kalini will fight for those who have lost their freedom

And as for those who take advantage of the lost and the desperate...

I will show them that justice has a name and a face!

Let's go save those kids.

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind

♪ It's blowing me around

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind

♪ It's blowing me around

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Minion ayou got it upside down!

Minion bno, I don't, knucklehead.

You're looking at it from above.

Just keep hammering!


[Devilish laughter]


Barbarayour services are no longer required, gentlemen.

Now which one of you wants to go work in the mines?

You're booting us out of the g*ng?

That ain't right, barb, we didn't do nothin'!

Lawton said if we joined his crew, we could stick around.

That's right!

Lawtonyes, indeed, I did say that!

But I'm afraid this is the end for you.

Man b but...why!?

Because now that lawton is in charge this town...

We have to do a little bit of

What they call "managerial restructuring."

Which means that you deadbeats are gonna have to duel each other...

Winner gets to kick his feet up

And enjoy the good life here in lawton town.

Loser gets a one-way ticket to the mines.

Red scarvesno way.

Uh...i'm outta here!



Where do you think you're going, buttercup?

Take out your duel disk!

Aargh... Come on, help me!

Do something so we can get outta here together.

Gimme a--aaargh!


Alls I have to do is win, yeah?

Alright, I'm in! I can beat him!


Why you two-faced back stabbing traitor!

You're going to regret this!

Don't worry, you two.

You won't be goin' to the mines.

You're gonna be barbara's personal assistants.

And don't even think about running away.

You're gonna learn to learn to live with

The hand you've been dealt.

Nuh-uh! Hm?

Kalin's gonna come for us and he's gonna save us.

And he is gonna take you down!

I'm afraid I got bad news for you, lad.

Your pal kalin went bye-bye.


My dad would clobber you! If he were here...

Ain't that sweet...

You wanna know why your old man's not here?

Because he didn't know how to live with

The hand he was dealt.

Just like those two over there.


You think we'll have to duel each other?

[Harmonica playing]

Huh? Where's that music coming from?



No. No way...

Ha ha! Ha!

So sorry I'm late, kids...

The traffic here was horrible.


I knew he'd come!

How? I saw him fall.

So this is the deal?

Now he's turning you guys against each other...

Are you guys so broken and desperate

That you'll let these two call all the sh*ts?

You outnumber them, you know.

He's got a good point.

There's more of us than there are of you.

Don't be absurd.

You dolts can barely tie your shoes.

You need a man like me running this joint!

But listen, you wanna leave, go ahead!

Good luck finding a place that'll put up with you.

Maybe you should be the one to leave, lawton.

And maybe I should be the one to make you leave.


You might wanna change your attitude.

We've got ourselves something you might want.

Yuseinot for long!

[Engine whirring]

You hear that noise?

I hear something.

What's goin' on?


What is he doing!?

You guys wanna get outta here!?

You bet we do!

I don't think so! Ha!



Yusei! Are you okay?!

Well, if he is, he won't be soon enough!

Well, well, well.

I never expected you two to crawl out of that canyon.

What do you boys say that we just finish things right here and right now?

I'll duel both of you at the same time, how about it?

Yeah, that's pretty much what we came here for.

Yup. And then, once we've won,

You and barbara are gonna leave this town.

Grr... Don't do it.

Just get out of here while you can, you guys!

I promised your dad I'd keep you safe and sound.

And that's exactly what I intend to do.

So just hang tight for a bit.

This won't take too long.


This duel disk belongs to someone stuck in those mines.

I'm here to honor his name and everyone else

Who came here and gave up on hope.

And on themselves.

He's so cool...

To anyone who's been kicked around and made to feel small...

I'm here to help you rise up and fight back!

Wow, he sure knows how to talk pretty

And give a rousing speech.

He sure does.

What a joke.

He sure likes the sound of his own voice, doesn't he?

Let him have his little dramatic moment.

After all...

A man's entitled to his last words.

Since this is a two-on-one situation we're in...

I'm starting with a small handicap.

So to even things up, I'll begin the duel with cards.

[Thinking] cards in his hand right at the start...

He's probably hoping to go first

And take us both out with some kind of amazing combo.

What do you say?

Kalin, we can't. He's gonna--

Alright, you're on, lawton.

Huh. Okay, then.

Ha ha!

That's the spirit!

Now you boys know how things work around here, don't ya?

He who draws fastest goes first.

Let's do it!

I'm nervous.

Those two can beat him.

I know they can.

[Horse neighs]

Let's duel! Let's duel!

Huh. Okay, that was fast.

Looks like I'll be going first, gentlemen.

This is it, kalin. You ready?

Of course.

And when the dust settles...

We'll be the last men standing.

It's my move!

I summon gatling ogre to the field!

And with that done...

Victory will soon be mine.

See, thanks to gatling ogre's special ability,

For every facedown spell or trap card

That I send to the graveyard,

One of you will get served with points of damage.

[Thinking] and with cards,

He can take us both out.

Howeve, by activating this card,

I can shut gatling ogre down.

Don't make a move, yusei.


Bring it on.

Really now?

This is your only chance to stop me.

Goin' once... Goin' twice...

Alright, if you want it...

I'll give it to ya'!


Play something!

What's he doing? This looks bad!


Ah! Uh!

Kalin, no!

No way.

He lost already?


Now that was easier than stealin' candy form a baby. for--wha...

[Collective gasp]

Are you guys seeing this?

How is he standing!?

Lawtonwhat is this?

What's goin' on?...

You're done!

Now lie down like the loser you are!

I don't think so.

It'll take more than that gatling ogre of yours

To keep me down...

I'd like you to meet a friend of mine.

What in the world is that thing?

When my life points become zero

Due to damage from an effect...

I can summon infernity zero in defense mode

By discarding every other card in my hand.

And with infernity zero on my field, I can't lose...

Even if my life points drop all the way to zero.

But for every points of damage I take,

I gain a doom counter.

And when I've got doom counters,

Infernity zero is destroyed.

And then so am i.

You mean you--

You can keep on dueling after I've beaten you!?

He's so awesome.


You are one creepy little punk...

You know that, right?


But this creepy little punk

Is gonna be the end of you, lawton.

We'll just see about that.

I still have plenty of power left.

Just you watch!

Kalin! This'll put you down for good.

Ah! Finish him!

Not so fast!

I can take infernity doom slinger from my graveyard

And remove it entirely from play to negate your attack.

As for what happens after that, well...

That's entirely up to you, lawton.

I'm gonna draw the top card on my deck,

And if this card ends up being a monster card,

You'll get slammed with , points of damage.

And I'm afraid that's going to be all she wrote for you, lawton.

However, if this card isn't a monster card,

Then I take , points of damage,

Which would slap me with doom counters

Required to finish me off.

Or you could choose not to risk it,

In which case you can't dish out any more damage this turn.

So...what'll it be?

[Thinking] he can't attack on his first turn...

So there's no reason for me to flirt with an all-or-nothing risk.

I'm gonna end my turn.

What's wrong, lawton? I thought you had guts.

I do have guts.

But you see, I've also got brains, kalin.

I stood to lose more than I stood to gain.

If you say so.

[Thinking] what is that card?

What did he draw?

That was a bad call.

I place one card facedown and end my turn.

[Thinking] so it wasn't a monster card.

If I'd taken the chance, I woulda had him.

It's my turn!

I summon justice bringer to the field in attack mode!

Duel runner computerduring your opponent's turn,

Justice bringer negates the special abilities

Of your opponent's special summoned monsters.

[Thinking] now, on lawton's next turn,

I can seal away gatling ogre by using this trap.

I know you're sittin' on the effect veiler trap card!

Which is why I'm activatin' a trap card of my own.

Pinpoint shot!

By correctly guessing a card that's in your hand,

I send that card to the graveyard.

I place one card facedown and end my turn.

[Thinking] this guy's smart,

And he knows how to adapt.

If we don't figure out a way to get ahead of him,

He's gonna finish us.

It's my turn! Yeah!

First, I'm putting gatling ogre in defense mode.

Next, I'm activating an equip spell from my hand--

Double arms!

Now gatling ogre can dole out

Twice as much damage as it could before.

So we're talking , points of damage.

I am not liking the sound of that.

I wouldn't worry, yusei, you'll be fine.

He's after me.

You got that right!

It's over for you, kalin!

Now finish him!

I reveal the dodge roll trap card!

This card protects me from damage for one time only.

Good thing I can't just attack one time only!


I activate my trap!

Half shield!

This trap cuts damage from one of your monsters in half!

A doom counter. Just one, though.

Ha ha! I gotta say,

For someone who gave up living their dreams,

You don't know when to give up on a duel.

You're holding on with everything you've got.

But you can't hold on forever.

Hmph! Yeah...

You're probably right about that.

So why not go ahead n' finish me off?

Huh? You can, right?

So go on, do it.

[Thinking] I've only got enough right now

To give him one more doom counter.

I might as well, but...ah.

C'mon, lawton. I'm right here.

What are you waiting for? Attack.

[Thinking] is kalin leaving everything

Up to fate again?

Or is he baiting him?

What are you waiting for, tough guy?

Let me have it.

[Thinking] I know what he's doing.

He's trying to sucker me into runnin' out of my a*mo.

Forget it. I end my turn.

It's your move, kalin.

Hey, uh...

You did expect me to use half shield just now, didn't you?

You're not trying to lose on purpose, are you?

Of course I'm not.

I've got way too much to fight for

To just roll over, yusei.

The sorrow and pain of those I sent to the mines,

The promise I made to the father of those kids.

When I convinced myself that you betrayed me, yusei...

I let myself go off the deep end.

I became self-absorbed, thinking only of me.

Living and dueling only for me.

I didn't care who I hurt.

And then afterwards, when you defeated me,

I saw what I had become. I was so lost.

I just.... I gave up.

But I get it now.

I was looking within, trying to find something worth saving,

But it never occurred to me to look out, to help others.

What do you mean?

I don't care about myself.

But by letting myself care about other people,

I have found a new purpose.

And I've got something to fight for!

Let's do this!

I summon infernity archfiend to the field in attack mode!

When I draw this monster card

And I've got no other cards in my hand,

I can instantly summon it.

And when it's been successfully summoned

And I'm once again holding no cards,

I can add one infernity monster from my deck to my hand.

So now I summon the monster card infernity mirage to the field.

My hand is empty again,

Which means I can release infernity mirage

And summon two infernity monsters

From my graveyard to take its place.

So I'm summoning infernity beetle

And infernity beast in attack mode!

Now, I activate my beetle's ability!

By sacrificing one infernity beetle,

I can summon two more infernity beetles

From my deck, hand, or graveyard.

Pretty good.

I may've underestimated this punk.

Great job, kalin!

If all those att*cks succeed,

This duel is ours!

Lawton, you-- you better not let those boys beat you!

Is it bad that I like seeing her get upset?

Not at all.

Now I'll use infernity beetle number

To attack gatling ogre!

Not so fast, I reveal the back attack ambush trap!

And with this in play, the battle phase ends,

And then for every monster you have on your field in attack mode,

I can summon an ambush token to my field.

And here's the thing I just love about ambush tokens--

For every one that I release,

Guess who's gonna take points of damage.


That'll give him doom counters.

He'll be out of the duel.

Oh, no!

You show 'em how it's done, sweetie-pie!

You just don't get it.

Punks like you don't get to take down men like me, kalin.

Men like me eat punks like you for breakfast!

You're finished!

I activate justice bringer's special ability!

Looks like your ambush token's

Aren't going to be ambushing anyone's life points now.

You're going to pay for that.

Ha ha! He saved him.

Go, yusei!


Thanks, pal.

Nice try, lawton.

But me and kalin are taking you out.