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04x95 - Keeping a Promise, Part 2

Posted: 04/11/24 21:18
by bunniefuu
Yuseinow let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh d's"!

[Thinking] I can't believe how time flies.

It's already been years since

You disappeared in that mysterious purple glow, pearson...

I still can't believe that all sector security found that night

Was a digital recording chip with a message from you

Asking me to watch over the kids you took care of

And to keep your duel disk and runner safe.

Crowso what's this about, trudge?

It's about an old friend of yours--robert pearson.

We just recently discovered that

Before that purple glow appeared,

Pearson was dueling someone...

And...this is the card his opponent was using.

You see, a few years back,

They tried developing cards that had

More than just visual effects.

It worked...

It was also rumored that these cards

Had the ability to send people to the netherworld.

The netherworld? Whoa...

There were a few prototypes

Already released to the dueling public

That are still unaccounted for.

Crimson mefist is one of them.

The sooner we know who the owner

Of this highly dangerous and one of a kind card is...

The sooner we'll know what happened

To your friend robert pearson.

Crow, thinkingi gotta find out who pearson

Was duelin' on that fateful day--

Which means I gotta talk to those who were closest to him...

Crowyou've really done well for yourself, bolton.

Just check out all these awards!

No wonder you're the world's number one duel runner maker.

I'm really proud of ya.

Enough about me, what have you been up to?

Oh, plenty. I mean, it's been years.

The last time I saw you was on

That terrible, terrible day...

Actually, that's kind of why I'm here.

I'm trying to find out who caused pearson to disappear.

I was hopin' that maybe you would know

Somethin' about that card.


You know somethin'. Tell me!

Who was it that used this card on pearson!


My time is valuable but I do have information.

So if you want it you'll have to duel me for it!

Duel you? That's right.

If you beat me I'll tell you what I know...

However, if I win...

You have to hand over the black-winged dragon to me!

Well?! What's it's gonna be?!

What took you so long to agree?

Let's just say I had to make sure

That what I was doing was right.


Boltonwhite warrior-- hail the iron hammer attack!

Your move!

And I would make it count if I were you...

That is, if you want the truth

About what happened to pearson!

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Boltoncome at me, crow! Let's see what you got!

I got plenty!

[Thinking] question is can I use any of it.

After all, I can't play any of

My blackwings' special abilities

So long as that whiteout trap

Is sittin' on the field.

It's clear what I've gotta do...

Get rid of whiteout with a trap of my own!

I place one facedown! And then...

I'll summon the tuner...

Blackwing--mistral the silver shield...

In defense mode!

And that's my turn!

Then it's my move!

And with it, I'll summon the tuner monster,

White warrior-- snow the rope dart!


And for every card on the field,

Rope dart ropes in additional attack points!

So since there are , he powers up by !

Now, snow the rope dart,

Attack crow's life points directly!




Now, since that direct attack was successful,

I can use the ability of fog the treasure shield...

And destroy one spell or trap card on your field!

Do your thing, treasure shield!

Nuts! My trap stun card is kaput!

Don't tell me you didn't think

I knew what you were planning, crow.

I know your duel strategies all too well!


Crow's gotta mix it up more--especially since

He's dueling an old friend.

You're up, crow...

Here goes!

I summon blackwing-- shura the blue flame!

Now, level mistral the silver shield

Tunes with level shura the blue flame...

Go and let your wings give flight

To a new and even mightier bird of prey...

I summon out... Blackwing armor master!

Yes! A synchro monster is just what crow needs!

Crowblackwing armor master now att*cks snow the rope dart!

I play rope dart's ability!

It lets me return him to my hand

Whenever he's the target of an attack!


Then I'll just attack treasure shield...!

And when blackwing armor master

att*cks a monster in defense mode,

He gains attack points!

[Cries out]

And since armor master's attack points

Were more than your monster's defense points,

You now take the difference as damage!


Bolton's tuner monster escaped harm

But at least crow took out something.

Right because since sacred arrow is still on the field--

Come this turn's end phase,

Bolton will now take an extra points of damage.

I place one card facedown and end my turn.

Sorry, bolton... You're a friend...

But I just gotta win this duel!

I gotta find out what happened to pearson!

And nothin' is gonna stop me!

My move...

And it'll be one to remember!

So get ready, old friend!

Here we go!

Once again, I summon to the field

White warrior-- snow the rope dart in attack mode!

And next, I'll tune level snow the rope dart

With level hail the iron hammer!

Now the power coursing through

The veins of these two warriors

Will become one!

I summon forth...

The synchro monster... Crimson mefist!

Wait, crimson mefist?!

Bolton owns that card?!

Well, this sure complicates things.


Bolton! Why do you have this card?

No way... You're the one

Who was dueling pearson that night?

But why? You were his friend--

He was someone you admired!

Why'd you do it?

Why else--so I could manufacture duel runners.

Duel runners?

That's right.

At first, the plan was

For all of us to come work together.

You remember. You were part of it.

But what you may not have known is that one day,

A wealthy entrepreneur from the city

Offered to invest in our little business.

What--i never heard anything about this.

That's right because pearson refused. [Gasp]

He didn't want to sell off the rights to his designs.

His dream was to make duel runners for people like us.

He was afraid these suits would only be

Interested in making a buck.

It was an amazing opportunity!

And it was completely squandered

Because of pearson and his stupid principles!

Which is why...


Sorry...but I'm taking

The duel runner blueprints.

If you want to stop me then you'll have to do so

By dueling me!

As you know, he didn't stop me.

I won and was able to take the money

And start the company unimpeded by pearson.

Sure maybe I had to make a couple sacrifices along the way,

But so what...

The bottom line is that I was finally in business!

[Growls] and you better believe

I'm going to protect that business

No matter what I have to do!

That's why...

I want you to give me that black winged dragon

And give it to me now!

Enough with all your denials!

I know you have it!

I know pearson gave it to you!

I've explained why I did what I did,

So give me the card!


Yeah, you explained it...

But that don't make it right--

Because of you pearson is gone!

Very well then, crow.

I'll just have to take the black-winged dragon

By defeating you in this duel!

Even it means I must send you away

Just like I did pearson.

I activate crimson mefist's ability!

Now, once per turn, for every card you have on your field,

You take points of damage!


Oh no!

Next crimson mefist will attack blackwing armor master

With rancid rush!

[Cries out]

What's this--?! No way...

The damage crow's taking looks like it's real!

So then it's true...

That card does inflict actual damage...

And I bet it also sent pearson to the netherworld.

Then the stakes couldn't be higher...

And now since it's this turn's end phase--

Sacred arrow's effect activates!

Well, crow? Have you reconsidered?

Give me the card!

Things don't need to end the same way for you

As they did for pearson!

No way, bolton, I'm in this thing 'til the very end!

I'm in this for pearson!

It's my turn!

And I activate the effect of speed world ! Go!

Now, by removin' speed counters,

I'm allowed to draw one card from my deck.


I summon the tuner monster blackwing--

Kochi the daybreak in defense mode!


And I'll throw a facedown!

Not so fast--crimson mefist's ability now activates!

You see, since you placed a spell or trap card facedown,

You take points of damage!


[Cries out]

Ok--now we know the damage that thing gives is real!

Yeah, even crow's duel runner is getting dinged up!

Surrender now, crow!

Surrender or vanish forever!

No way, no how! I won't quit!

Fine then.

You'll learn the hard way.

It's my turn!

First, due to mefist's ability,

You take points of damage for each card on your field!

You have so that's pulverizing points!

Look out!

I play the trap...! Down burst!

Now all face up spell and trap cards

That are out on your field

Do an about face and become facedown!

They what?!

And then I'll play another trap!

Delta crow-- anti reverse!

Now, since a blackwing monster

Is face up on my field,

All facedown spell and trap cards

On your field are destroyed!

So those two you just flipped are finished!

And now that I'm two trap cards lighter...

The damage I take is gonna be reduced...

To just !

The best part is...

Now that whiteout is destroyed,

The bond between crow's blackwings is restored!

Those were some pretty clever moves.

Now allow me to show you some of my own...

And I'll start by summoning forth

Yet another of my white warriors--behold...!

Sleet...! The morning star!

But this sleet won't be sticking,

Because when he's released

And crimson mefist destroys a monster,

You take half that monster's points as damage!

But that means...if crimson mefist destroys kochi,

Crow takes points of damage

And loses the duel!

Let him have it, crimson mefist. Attack with rancid rush!

Oh no!

I don't think so-- by sendin'

Blackwing--jetstream the blue sky

From my hand to the graveyard,

I can negate the destruction of kochi!


Whoa--talk about close!

Struggle all you like crow but your defeat is certain.

I end with a facedown.

It's my turn... But if I play a facedown

I'll end up taking damage

And losin' the duel.

To stand a chance I gotta somehow

Take down that crimson mefist.


Up here! In the control tower!

Just wanted to letcha know...

All us kids are behind ya!

Go crow! You can do it!

With you all the way, crow!

Keep going!

Thanks guys...

Come on...

You said it yourself, crow--

You've taken care of pearson's kids.

I have?


Come on over here. We wanna play!

Sure, crow, it may not have been easy...

But just check out those smiles on their faces.

You should be proud.

You've done a great job.

You're gonna win! Go, crow, go!

Those kids...

I gotta win this duel...

Not just for pearson but I gotta win it

For all of them as well!

[Gasp] my mark's lit up...

[Gasp] whoa! It's a card!

Yuseiwhat's happening? way... Is that...?!

Crowthe black-winged dragon.

Pearson gave me this card to protect the kids

He cared for so much...

So that's exactly what I'm gonna do!

My turn!

And I summon blackwing-- bora the spear!

Next, level kochi the daybreak

Tunes with level bora the spear...!

Now, by the power of a synchro summoning,

These two blackwings will beat as one!

Soar to power...

Black-winged dragon!


My mark!

Mine too!

Could this be the signer's fifth dragon?

[Low growl]

Duel runner computerblack-winged dragon is a level dragon-type monster

With attack points and defense points.

So the black winged dragon's finally here.

Too little too late I'm afraid.

I activate the trap...

Synchro rivalry!

Now on the turn you summon a synchro monster--

Like that dragon...

None of the monsters on my field

Can be destroyed in battle!

We'll see about that-- I play angel baton!

Now, since I have two or more speed counters...

I get to draw two cards from my deck

But must send one card in my hand

To the graveyard!

So, I send blackwing--zephyros the elite to the grave

And then place one card facedown!

Has crow lost it-- if he does that,

That means his turn is over and then that means...

Crimson mefist's ability activates!

Now you take points of damage

For every spell or trap card you have facedown!


I told you your defeat was certain!

And now it will come to pass!

Alllook out, crow!


Crowactually, black-winged dragon's looking out for me!


I play his ability!

Now, I can negate non-battle damage

By lowerin' black winged dragon's attack points

By however much that damage was!

In this case, !

No way!

That was gonna be the end for you!

Not anymore...

And now by takin' points of damage

And returnin' one card on my field to my hand,

I'm allowed to summon

Blackwing zephyros the elite

From my graveyard!

But instead of takin' that points of damage

I'll just use my dragon's ability again!

Cool! It's like his bodyguard!

Are you done, crow?

Not even close, bolton...

Cuz when zephyros is summoned due to this ability

By placin' a card facedown, it's destroyed!

And since I placed a card facedown,

I now take damage from

Crimson mefist's ability...

Only thanks once again to my dragon's ability, I don't!


Then, by returnin' another card on my field to my hand,

I can summon zephyros the elite all over again!

And as before, I'll then place a card facedown

To destroy zephyros!

Is it just me or is that dragon's wings

Slowly turning black?

Yeah. More so with every hit it takes.

Look crow...

Whadaya trying to prove?

I'll tell ya what...

That pearson was just like his dragon.

He wouldn't hesitate to take the hits

For all of us over n' over again.

Cuz the most important thing to him was us.

That's why he didn't take the money back then.

Because he didn't care about getting rich

And becoming some hot shot businessman.

Cuz he wasn't anything like you, bolton!



No but...

I just...

Wanted to make a few good duel runners...

Did you?

Or were you in it for yourself?

You say you care for your workers...

But I've seen what true caring is.

I've seen it in pearson's eyes.

And in the eyes of all the children he looked after.

If he took that money, where would that have left them?

Without a future... Without hope!


Time and time again pearson put everyone else first

And him last...

Just like this dragon is doin' for me now.

Over and over... He sacrificed himself.


And he even did it when it meant

He could lose everything.

He did it when you stood in his way.

He did it for the children

And he ended up paying the ultimate price.


And that's why... He loved this card...

Because it's willing to pay

The ultimate price, too!

No! Black-winged dragon's outta points!

Does that mean he's...?!

[Weak roar]

[Worried breathing]


Pearson vanished after his duel with you...

But through the power of this dragon,

He's still protecting us even from the netherworld!

I play black-winged dragon's ability!

Now the attack points of my dragon

Are returned to their full amount,

And the attack points of your monsters

Decrease by all the damage he negated!

Black-winged burst...go!



It's a complete role reversal,

Now black winged dragon has all the power

And crimson mefist has none!

Now, black-winged dragon, attack crimson mefist with...

Shadow squall blast!

Alright! He did it! Way to go, crow!

You're the best! I told ya he could do it! Yeah!

Well done.


You were right all along and I was wrong.

I'm sorry for everything I did to you.

From this point forward...

Things...will change.

Let's hope...


Just know that wherever you are...

Things around here have finally been set straight...

And when we find a way to get you back from the netherworld...

I'll have black-winged dragon waitin' for you...always.