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04x96 - Natural Instincts, Part 1

Posted: 04/11/24 21:19
by bunniefuu
Rickgentlemen! May I present--

The latest and greatest in duel runner modifications!

Is that it!?

Is that our engine design?

Rickit is, except that we increased

Your engines rotation radius,

Which helped boost the ener-d output by %.

This is our masterpiece. It's all downhill from here.

We've already installed the os program you guys designed

And ran a battery of tests.

Check out these results.

Just look at that acceleration rate.


So what do you think, bruno?

Does the real thing meet your expectations?


How were you guys able to work on this thing?

Considering your president now has

"Criminal" on his resume...

Obviously our company is in the midst

Of a little pr crisis right now.

But industrious minds never sleep!

And our president wanted us to build this incredible engine.

What's going to happen to your president?

Are they going to ship bolton off to the slammer?

I can't discuss the particulars at this moment.

But I'm afraid we won't be seeing our president for a long time.

That being said-- our president's passion for duel runners lives on.

And in his honor, this company will continue

To pursue and develop the latest

In cutting edge duel runner engineering.

Good luck.

Thanks for all that you've done.

You've brought us one step closer to realizing our dream.

Crowthose duel runners... Are...awesome!


Akiza told us the new duel runners are done.

Is it true?!

Forget the runners, check out these threads!

Custom-designed and hand-crafted

Vintage riding outfits...

Brought to you by yours truly.

Very nice! You guys look awesome!

Jacki think you look absurd.

You look less like pro-circuit turbo duelists

And more like a couple of rodeo clowns.

What are you talkin' about, jack?

I modeled these outfits after yours!

My outfit is bursting with style and substance.

You failed to capture the many subtle nuances

That give it its true flair!


Is that like the team name? Yeah.

If ya' don't like it, blame jack.

He insisted on d's.

Oh right, because "the super radical friendly alliance team"

Was the greatest name ever!

I think d's sounds kinda cool, but what does it mean?

I was wondering that myself, but I think I got it...

One d stands for dashing... Another for dangerous...

There's daring, of course..destructive...

And the last one is, uuhuh...

I'm an engine designer, so that must be it!

You fool. D's is about

One thing--this right here.

So you're named after... Our marks?

That's right.

We're all connected by the mark of the crimson dragon.

That's what ties us all together.

I don't have one of those marks...

But hey, come to think of it,

Your mark is the reason I met everyone.

So in that sense I'm connected through you.


That, and you and luna count as one person.


What about me? I don't have anything to do with any dragon!

How 'bout we name the team bruno and the d's,

Because you're already the--

I think it's a really great name.

It's perfect. Thanks.

Yuseihands in, people.

Starting right here and right now...

We're team d's!


♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Announcerteam extreme to practice lane .

Team extreme to practice lane .

Leoso, uh--what are we looking at?

Yuseithe main tournament call board.

Looks like they've already decided the matchups

For the preliminary rounds.

Isn't it supposed to look like

A bracket thing?

This is for the prelims

And there are teams...

So--they've divided those teams

Into divisions.

The top two teams from each division

Will go on to duel in the finals,

And that takes on the tournament format.

Lunayou mean the bracket thingy.

Yeah. The bracket thingy.

With only teams competing in each division,

As long as we win twice,

We'll be heading into the finals.

Nice, so then... Who's lucky enough

To be number one on our to beat list?

Brunolooks like... Team unicorn...

Who is team unicorn?

We met 'em at that party.

Oh right, I remember now!

The guy with the funny pointy hair.


That guy with the funny pointy hair

Led his team to victory

In the atlantis tournament last year.

They're the odds-on favorite to win this whole thing.

Leo[sigh] why did they have to go and put the top team

In the same preliminary block as us?

Hmph! They may be

Considered the best right now....

But once the world gets a taste of team d's,

Things are gonna change real fast!

Besides, if team unicorn is really that good,

We're gonna have to duel 'em sooner or later.

Yeah, but it woulda been nice to have an easy team first.

Exactly, like a warm-up or something.

Speaking of warm ups--

Our practice lane is about to open up.

Right! Come on, you guys, let's do this.

You wanna go to the mall or see a movie?

And miss the maiden voyage?

No way, let's go up and watch from the stands.


Announcerteam d's to practice lane

For your scheduled practice run.

Team extreme, please clear the lane.

Team d's to practice lane for your scheduled practice run.

Huh? Hey, is that trudge down there?

Leohey! Trudge!

The peanut gallery!

You guys hanging around to root for yusei?

Lunathat's right.

Leowhat are you doing here, trudge?

Is there a problem?

Look for yourself.

All those different lanes and different teams

Coming in and out to practice...

And you can't use autopilot in this tournament...

The whole situation is a runner wreck

Just waiting to happen...

We drew straws at the station

To see who had to come down here

And wait for the big bang,

And I drew the short straw,

So here I am, doing my civic duty.

Oh. Bummer, man.

Check it out--the boys have been set loose.



The gear shift is smooth!

This acceleration is incredible!

And the torque is great.

Crow, thinkingpearson...bolton...

Who woulda thought when we built this runner

That one day, I'd be here...

Pearson...i'm gonna win this thing.

For you. For our dreams.

Alright! What do you guys say

We push these new bad boys to the edge?

Jack and yuseiyeah!

Well, the guys seem to be enjoying themselves.

Yeah--we completely revamped their engines, so...

Their duel runners are working on a whole new level.

Oooh... Then I look forward

To dueling them again.

Wait, "dueling them again?"

Trudgeoh, wouldya look at the time!

Boy, I gotta get going!...

There's rounds to make,

And parking garages to patrol,

And tickets to write up, and doughnuts to--

Brunohang on, trudge, what did you mean "dueling them again?"

Are you dueling in the tournament?

[Chuckles] alright, guys, see ya' later!

Stay safe!

Announcertower to d's... You have two minutes remaining.

Did you copy that, guys? Our time is up.

Let's pull off when we get to the exit ramp.

What are you talkin' about? We've got two minutes.

That's plenty of time to burn another lap

With these new engines!

Ah, come on, crow!

We're gonna have to keep him on a leash.

Oh man, I am loving the way this baby flies!

Look out! [Struggling]

Leodid something happen? Lunawhat's going on?

Brunolooks like there was an accident on one of the lanes.


Breo! Hey, are you hurt?

Don't worry, andre. I'm going to be fine.

It's nothing. I'm here!

Everyone calm down, give him air,

How's he doing?

Why did you hit him, you fool?

It wasn't on purpose, guy.

I couldn't stop.

You tried to injure my teammate!

Stop it!

He said it was an accident, mate.

"An accident," you say?

It was our turn on the lane.

Your time was up.

And he shouldn't have been

Out here in the first place.

We'll slap his wrist.

Look--nobody got hurt...

And my friend apologized...

The way I see it, that should be enough.

Your friend tried to sabotage my team,

That's the way I see it.

And I have a feeling that's the way

The management committee will see it, as well.

We are not crying to the committee, jean.

Unicorns have more integrity than that.

Wait, what?

Have you forgotten our faces already, yusei fudo?

Oh, you guys are... Team unicorn!...

I feel dumb that I didn't recognize you.

That's understandable.

It was a brief meeting without proper introduction.

I am called andre. This here is jean.

And this is breo.



I really am sorry. I feel terrible.

Nah...i'm still in one piece, right?

Yeah. I...guess you could say that...

Can't say the same for your duel runner though.

Look at that thing. There's no way it'll run now.

Perhaps. But what's done is done.

I'll just use another one.

C'est la vie, dude.


Andrewe've got a ton of sponsors funding our team.

We've got like of those exact same runners

Back at the garage.

Crowstill, let me pay for the damages.

It's the least I can do.

Judging from your clothes, I doubt you could pay for a new kickstand.

Knock it off, jean. Don't be like that.

[Struggling] must control urge to say something back...

This was our fault. We can't not

Make it up to you somehow, so what can we do?

You're very honorable... How about this?--

You guys duel us right now

And if you win, we'll call it even

And you don't have to worry

About paying for any damages.


Andresure, why not?

This is our private practice lane

And as far as I know, there was nothing in the rules

Stating that we can't actually duel while we're out here.

Jeandon't be absurd, andre.

We only have this lane for an hour or so.

Oh right, there's not enough time

For a -on- battle, is there?...

Well then how about yusei and I go mono y mono?

You n' me?

I have heard so much about you.

I want to see the skill that won you

The fortune cup in action.

Yeah, now things are getting exciting.

Do it, yusei!

But they're our first opponents in the preliminaries.

That's just what I was thinking.

There's no need to show them our hand yet.

Do not accept this challenge, yusei.

Let's go, andre.

We shouldn't intimidate them into doing

Something they don't wanna do.

What!? Look--i get it,

You guys know who we are.

You're probably scared to duel us

In the tournament as it is,

It makes sense.

Are you daft!?

You think we're scared of you!?

That's--...! That's--...!

Yusei! You've got to accept this challenge!

Do not back down!

Alright, then... If this is how

You wanna settle things, then let's duel... You and me.

Now that's the spirit!

Duel runner computerduel mode engaged!

Breoi hope this little ruse proves to be worth the trouble.

Considering that I'm the one who had to take the fall.

And you made it look so convincing.

Thanks to your little "accident", breo,

We're about to get a sneak peek

At yusei's strengths and weaknesses.

Yeah, but how do we know for sure that this team

Is even worth the bother, jean?

Well, jack atlas was the top turbo duelist

Until yusei came along and won the fortune cup...

I am fairly certain team d's will impress.

How impressive can they be if they can't even tell

When they're being duped.

Never underestimate the enemy, breo...

They're about to begin.

Time to find out what this yusei fudo is made of.


Crowoh yeah!

That's how team d's gets it done!

Now he gets to make the first move.

Aaw. A delayed power thrust.

Isn't that just precious.

Best part is--i told andre to hold his throttle at %.


Let's rev it up! I draw!

I summon max warrior in attack mode!

And with that, I end my turn.

Breoreally...that's his big opening?

Perhaps he is waiting for andre to reveal his deck

By making the first big move.

And which deck did you tell andre to use?

I reasoned that the quick attack power deck

Would be the easiest for them to comprehend

And would leave a strong and lasting impression.

The quick attack power deck,

So that's why you decided

That andre should be the one to duel.

Exactly. You can pre-strategize all you want,

But if you don't draw the cards you need at the beginning,

Your strategy goes out the window.

That's when how you play the cards becomes important.

And the quick attack power deck

Can be especially tricky.

Andre is a master of deciphering the best strategy

Within the limited hand he is given.

He rolls with the punches....

No matter what comes his way,

He can spin it into a beautiful combo.

The guy is a true poet of the cards.

[Thinking] it's time for the matador to start angering the bull.

It's my turn now, yusei!

I summon playful possum to the field!

Then I activate the possum's special ability!

When you have a monster out on your field

With more attack points than playful possum...

I can destroy this card!

Now go!


That's weird...why bring a monster to the field

And then destroy it right away?

Hmph! This is one of my favorite combos.

It's a genuine work of art.

Due to playful possum's destruction,

I can summon green baboon, defender of the forest

From my hand!

You see, yusei,

When a beast-type monster on my field is destroyed,

I can then summon green baboon directly from my hand

By paying , life points!

I figured it was something like that.

I mean, I didn't think you were destroying

The first monster you summoned for my benefit.

Go, green baboon!

Attack max warrior with hammer club!

If you thought that attack was something,

Just wait till you see what these two facedowns can do.

Can't wait to find out!

From my hand, I activate the angel baton speed spell!

When I have two or more speed counters,

I can use this card's power to draw two cards from my deck...

As long as I send one card in my hand to the graveyard.

For my next move, I'm activating another angel baton!

Doubling his speed spell!?

Breoa very clever maneuver.

And now--i'm summoning junk synchron in attack mode!

When I successfully summon junk synchron,

I can also summon a level -or-below monster

From my graveyard!

Say hello to speed warrior!

But I'm not done yet!...

Since junk synchron is a tuner monster,

I can also summon quillbolt hedgehog

Directly from my graveyard!

Jeanhe managed to summon both of

The monsters that he discarded

To pay for the cost of those two speed spells.

An all in one combo. Very impressive.

It seems he's living up to his reputation.

These are probably his standard moves.

Bet he practices these every day.

Hmph. If you're right, we'll know soon enough.

Now, both my level quillbolt hedgehog...

And my level speed warrior...

Will get a tuning from junk synchron.

I synchro summon-- junk archer!

Next--i activate junk archer's special ability!

Once a turn... Junk archer can remove

A monster on your field entirely from play!

Go dimension shot!

Crowye-e-eah! Now andre's got

No monsters on his field!

He's all yours, yusei!

Now put him in his place!

Now junk archer-- attack him directly!

Go scrap arrow!

You're gonna have to work harder than that to get to me!

I activate battle instinct!

When I find myself the target

Of a direct attack...

I can activate this card and summon

A level -or-below monster from my hand!

I call forth... Nimble momonga!


Leoandre may've avoided a direct hit...

But yusei still managed to damage him.

It's at this moment that momonga's

Special ability activates!

When it's destroyed in battle and sent to the graveyard...

I can regain , life points...

...and I can summon two more nimble momongas

To the field in defense mode!

I place one card facedown... And end my turn.

Since we have reached the end phase,

The green baboon that junk archer's

Special ability removed from play

Returns to the field.

Leowhat happened?

It seemed like yusei was rocking his turn.

Akizalook. Andre only lost life points.

And he's got monsters on his field.

That andre guy was able to use yusei's turn

To his complete advantage.

Andre's doing well.

These are his natural instincts at work.

He's a master at finessing a battle.

Your attack just now was careless, yusei.

You've got openings in your strategy...

Which I will now exploit!

First, I activate

Playful possum's special ability!

When playful possum is in the graveyard

Due to its own ability,

I can re-summon it to the field

During the standby phase!

Then I release both playful possum and nimble momonga

In order to summon behemoth

The king of all animals!

Duel runner computerbehemoth the king of all animals

Is a level beast-type monster

With attack points and defense points.

Whoa, that thing is huge.

Andreas is the power of its special ability!

When behemoth is successfully summoned,

I can move the same number of beast-type monsters

From my graveyard to my hand

As the number of monsters I used to summon it!

Which lets me gain two nimble momongas!

As for the one on my field...

I switch it to attack mode!


Akizayeah, I'm not sure I wanna watch this.

Don't worry. Yusei can turn this around.

Andre has back-to-back att*cks ready to go...

He can't win this.

Ya think...?

Bothcome on!

Slow down... You've only let yusei

Execute a few moves...

Wasn't the whole point of dueling him now

To study his skills?

Maybe I was wrong...

If andre can defeat him this quickly...

Then perhaps this yusei

Isn't a threat to us after all...?