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04x99 - Trouble For Team 5D's

Posted: 04/11/24 21:21
by bunniefuu
Yuseinow let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh ds."

Announceryes, duel fans,

The tournament of titans has arrived.

The world racing grand prix is finally here.

So let the games begin.

Lesterat last, it begins.

At last, our grand design shall come to pass,

So long as jakob was correct in his calculations.

I just wanted to wish you good luck

And to say I'm sorry about your arm.

Oh. Well, thanks,

And good luck to you guys, too.

This match is certain to be a classic.

Yeah. That's what we're here for,

To give all the fans out there a good show.

And so far, the show's going according to script.


Here we go, andre.

This is where the rubber meets the road,

Where my power deck meets yours

In a fight to the finish.


Now let him have it, archfiend.

Attack with absolute powerforce.

I activate the trap different

Dimension barrier lost force.

Now the damage your archfiend

Was about to inflict on me

Is deflected back to you.


Team unicorn's been playing us from the start.

It wasn't just some accident

That they challenged us to a duel at that practice.

Wait. So then you're saying

When breo fell in front of me,

That was planned on purpose?

Team unicorn wanted us to think that andre

Would be dueling first for them

And be using a power deck in that duel

Because if we thought that,

Then we would most likely select jack

To be the first duelist for our team.

Because they had a special anti-power deck all ready to go.

I play the effect of speed world .

Now by removing four speed counters,

You take points of damage

For every speed spell card that I possess in my hand.


In other words, you lose.

Oh, no!


♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind

♪ It's blowing me around

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind

♪ It's blowing me around

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪


Announceroh, my word.

Jack atlas's duel runner has just been decimated.

Let's hope he's ok.


If only he had taken that pit stop like we asked.



Yuseijack! Jack, you ok?

Stay back. Huh?

You know the rules, yusei.

If you touch a teammate's duel runner

During the course of the match,

The team's disqualified.

So just turn around and get back to the pit booth now.

But, jack-- no buts. Go.


Jack atlas is attempting to right

His wrecked runner all by himself,

And he had better hurry

Because unless he can make it to the lap line in time,

Team ds next duelist won't be able to take the field,

And that means game over.

Can jack atlas pass the baton to akiza,

Or will she and team ds be forced

To watch the tournament on the television?

He'll never make it. This duel is all ours.

Oh, jack. Poor guy. He's hurt.


Allmove it, trudge.

Whatever you say.

Huh? Sorry, ladies. Can't let you through here.

Sector security. I'm coming through.

Freedom of the press. Huh?

Um, let's see here.

Here. Free coffee coupon.


Announcerand as jack atlas

Painstakingly pushes his duel runner towards the lap line,

Andre of team unicorn tears around the track.

This'll be a close one.

What will?

According to the grand prix rules,

For every lap a team falls behind,

The opposing team gains a speed counter.

Team unicorn's speed counters

Are already at the maximum of .

So for every lap they gain,

Our speed counters will decrease by one.

But we only have four counters.

What happens if we go down to zero?

If our speed counter tally drops down to zero,

Then we're going to be disqualified.

Say what? Say what?

Jeanthis couldn't have turned out better for us.

Not only will team ds lose,

But it will be a slow and painful loss.

Andre just needs to complete four more laps,

And we'll have won.


Jack, ya gotta hurry up.

Come on. Dig deep.


[Thinking] just three more.

Akiza, time to duel.


Just two more.

Yuseiyou nervous? Huh?


Look. Huh?

Mom? Dad?

Turbo dueling? But akiza, it's so dangerous.

I know, but, mom, dueling is what I love.

It's my dream, and if I don't do this,

I'll regret it for the rest of my life.

You're right.

Go and follow your dream, akiza.

Follow your dream and make me and your mother proud.

Huh? Thank you.

I will.

Go make your parents proud, akiza.

Thanks. I'll try.

Ooh! The tension.

Team unicorn needs to only complete one more lap

While the injured jack atlas

Needs to only crawl a few more feet.

Who will prevail?

You're almost there, jack.

You got it, jack. Just a little more.






Announcerhe did it, but how fast can akiza kick off?

Whoa! Pretty fast, I'll say,

And it's a good thing because to make the switch official,

Akiza must reach the corner turn quicker than andre.

Otherwise, all will be lost.

Announcerthis is gonna be close.

Unless akiza can make it to the corner turn before andre,

Jack will still be considered team ds' duelist,

And that means they'll lose.

Announcershe did it. Team ds is still in this match.

Now the question is, can akiza contend

With team unicorn's andre and even up the score?

I knew you could do it, akiza.

Yusei, look after her.

Whoa, jack. Quick. He needs help.

I'm on it.

No. We're on it.

Outta the way. Yeah, move it, bozo.

He may need mouth-to-mouth.

Great. Great. Great.

[Thinking] akiza may've outacceled me on this first turn,

But she won't be able to outduel me.

She's going down just like jack did.

My turn...

And first, I'll summon to the field phoenixian seed,

But for this seed to sprout,

I must now send it to the grave

Because then I'm allowed to summon

Phoenixian cluster amaryllis from my hand.

Computerphoenixian cluster amaryllis

Is a level plant-type monster

With attack points and defense points.

Now, phoenixian amaryllis,

Let's show that unicorn knight some real flower power.

And now phoenixian cluster amaryllis' special ability activates.

You see, whenever she att*cks, she's destroyed,

And whenever she's destroyed, she destroys

An point chunk of your life points, too.


Not bad. She's got skills.

Next, I'll place one card facedown and end my turn,

But that doesn't end things for amaryllis

Because now, by removing one plant-type monster

In my graveyard from play,

She's resurrected back to the field.

Welcome back, phoenixian cluster.

Oh, amazing!

Go, akiza.

Yeah. She sure showed him.

Well, well, well. She started off quick.

She had to.

Andre has speed counters,

And that means he can use any and all speed spells.

That gives him a huge advantage.

You'll see.

Once andre takes his turn,

He'll also take control of this duel,

And akiza won't stand a chance.

Anybody can start off a duel strongly.

It's how you finish that really matters, though.

You've got a point, jean,

Especially since andre still has

That end of the storm speed spell card.

It's like you said,

Since he has speed counters,

He's free to use it, which means he's free

To destroy all monsters on the field

And deliver points of damage

For each of those monsters to whoever owns them.

Right now, andre has no monsters out.

So akiza would be the only one affected.

[Thinking] if phoenixian cluster amaryllis' ability

Is activated again, it will deal me points of damage.

That'll leave me with life points left.

However, once akiza has four speed counters,

She'll be able to use the effect of speed world

And take out my remaining .

So clearly, what akiza is hoping for

Is that I'll destroy her phoenixian cluster amaryllis.

[Thinking] what I'm hoping for is that andre

Destroys phoenixian cluster amaryllis

Either with a monster or with the end of the storm card.

[Thinking] what to do? What to do?

Well, not what akiza wants me to do, that's for sure.

My turn.


[Thinking] this'll come in handy.

I'm activating the speed spell known as dash pilfer.

With this, since I have at least four speed counters,

I'm allowed to take control of a monster of yours

That's in defense mode.

Huh? Huh?

Next, I summon unibird.

And now I'll play his ability.

See, by removing unibird from play

And a monster on my field from play,

I can summon a synchro from my graveyard

As long as its level isn't higher than the monster I just removed.

[Thinking] oh, no.

Not only did he not use end of the storm,

But he took control of my monster

And took it out of play.

Now I have no way to deal him any damage.

Introducing the synchro I'm summoning back--

Thunder unicorn.

Now, my pet, attack akiza directly.

Super charger bolt.


Thunder unicorn, go.

Attack with super charger bolt.




And now I'll end my turn with a facedown.

All right!

Andre took akiza's amaryllis out of play

Without activating it's ability and summoned a monster.

Of course, andre could've won the match this turn

If he had used the effect of speed world .

Uh, yeah.

With dash pilfer and the end of the storm,

He had two speed spells.

With speed world 's effect,

For every four speed counters he removed,

He would've dealt points of damage per speed spell.

In other words, he could have dealt points of damage

Three times over.

Right, but had andre done that,

He would've then had to face yusei fudo

Without any speed counters.

So that's why he held back, to be ready for yusei.

Akiza started with a bang,

But now she's gettin' all banged up.

Tell us it's not hopeless, yusei.

It's not.

Akiza and I hatched a secret plan before she went out.

Whadaya mean, secret plan?

Just watch the duel, crow.

[Thinking] come on, akiza. Just wait for the right moment.

[Thinking] andre has every advantage right now except for one,

And it's one he'll never see coming.

I mean, I sure didn't.

I'm off. Here.

Go on. Take it, akiza.

But, yusei, are you sure?

I know it's not the most obvious duel strategy,

But that's what makes it perfect.

Now get out there

And win this duel like I know you can.

[Thinking] yusei may think I can win this duel,

But I'm pretty sure that he's the only one who does right now.

Oh, well. Guess that means I've got nothing to lose,

And when you've got nothing to lose,

You've got everything to gain.

It's my draw!


All right. This'll work.

From my hand, I summon witch of the black forest...

And this witch is brewing up something special

Because now that she's summoned,

I can draw another card from my deck,

And it looks like the card I drew is rose fairy,

And since this card was added to my hand

By way of a monster's special ability, I can now summon it.

Next, I activate the speed spell angel baton...

And since I have four speed counters,

I can now draw two cards from my deck

As long as I then discard one,

And the card that I'm banishing to my graveyard

Is glow-up bulb.

Now, level witch of the black forest,

Tune with level rose fairy.

Let the spirit of the earth intertwine

With the essence of the sky.

I synchro summon the black rose dragon.

So it's here, akiza's most ultimate monster.

This should be interesting.

But I'm not done yet.

Next, I activate my trap card star siphon.

Thanks to this card,

When a synchro monster is summoned to the field,

I get to summon a star siphon token,

And then I'm allowed to swap levels with it.

Next, by sending the top card on my deck to the graveyard,

I'm allowed to grow back this old friend--glow-up bulb.

Go, level glow-up bulb.

Tune with level star siphon token.

Now out of two will come one,

And out of one will come great cosmic might.

No way.

Is it? It can't be.

This one's for you, yusei.

I synchro summon the stardust dragon.


Stardust dragon?

Hmm, that's right.

I'll bet you didn't see that coming,

But before I get to him, here.

Feel the wrath of black rose dragon.

Ungh! Ugh!

Oh, no.

If this next attack gets through--

Then you had better start suiting up.

I'll say.

All right!

Yeah! Go, akiza.

Now to end this. Stardust dragon, attack!


You can't attack.

The battle phase is already over

Because I played this--

The trap dimension equilibrium.


With this card, when a monster is destroyed in battle,

By removing the monster that did the initial attacking from play,

I can resurrect the monster that was destroyed.

Now then, go right ahead and end your turn.

Very well. You've bought some time.

I'll place two cards facedown to end the round.

Akiza's not done yet.

Oh, that was a close one.

Jean, thinkingyusei fudo,

Even when you're not on the field dueling,

You're still a threat.

Fine, then.


[Thinking] jean wants me to quit holding back and end the duel.

Guess he wants to face yusei here and now,

And I don't blame him.

At least if we get him on the field,

We can take him on directly, and not just his monsters.

My turn.


I activate the speed spell speed energy.

With this card, I multiply the number

Of speed counters I have by

And then am allowed to add that total

To the attack points of one of my monsters.

I have speed counters,

So that's attack points

For thunder unicorn.

? This may be it.

Now go, thunder unicorn.

Attack with super charger bolt.

I activate the trap half counter.

Thanks to half counter,

Half of thunder unicorn's original attack points

Are now added to stardust dragon.



She's only got life points left.

Yeah, and andre has speed counters

And plenty of speed spells, too.

[Thinking] akiza.

This battle is over.

[Thinking] if I'm going down,

It's not going to be for nothing.

I activate the effect of speed world .

Now by removing four speed counters,

For every speed spell in my hand,

You take points of damage,

And that's just enough to finish you off, so--

I activate the trap wicked rebirth.


Now by paying life points,

I can revive a synchro monster from my graveyard

So long as it's special ability is negated.

Huh? Huh? Huh?

Huh? Huh?

Oh... Oh...

Return to the field,

Stardust dragon.

Announcerabsolutely amazing.

Akiza took herself out,

But not before bringing out stardust dragon.

Andre, thinkingclever girl.

She tricked me into using my speed counters

And set the stage for yusei

With that stardust dragon at the same time.

Talk about taking one for the team.

I'm sorry, yusei.

I tried my very best, but I failed you.

I failed you all.

That's not true.

Yeah. Leo is right.

How could you have failed?

We haven't lost anything yet.

And thanks to your sacrifice, akiza,

We're not gonna be losing, either.



Hey... Huh?

It's fine. See for yourself.

Way to go! Ha ha!


Ha ha!

You did great, akiza.

Way to go, akiza.

[Thinking] wow, they still like me.

Thanks, mom. Thanks, dad.

Thanks, everyone.


Aah! And now, on with the duel!

And what a duel this has become.

Andre has taken down team ds' first two duelists,

Leaving just yusei fudo.

So to win this match,

Yusei doesn't just need to take down andre,

But he'll need to take down andre's two teammates, as well.

Can he do it? We're about to find out.