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04x123 - Eyes on the Prize

Posted: 04/11/24 21:34
by bunniefuu
Lunaso it looks like your next opponent in the grand prix

Is team ragnarok.

Right, let's see what we can pull up on these guys.

Hm, there's dragan, broder and then their captain, halldor.


And together, they're said to be

The most skilled duel team in the world.

So what's the plan?

To win.

Because if we don't advance past them,

We don't make the finals and we can't face the three emperors.

And not stopping them is not an option.

You said it, crow!

That's why my red dragon archfiend

Is gonna rage out on team ragnarok.

Right, jack.

We have to give this one our all.


No doubt!

[Lightning cracking]

Dragani see now what you were speaking of, halldor.

This is most troubling.

Halldorindeed it is, dragan.

Most troubling.

Broderit seems a grave threat is approaching.

Check it out.

What is that thing?

Jacki don't know, but it can't be good.

Halldorwhatever it is, it's intriguing to know

We're not the only ones who can see it.

Yuseiit's team ragnarock.

What's with their eyes?

I don't know, jack.

But something's happening that's activating our marks.

Ah, yes, we've heard quite a bit about you three.

The ones who bear the marks of the crimson dragon.

As you seem to have noticed...

We three bear a mark as well.

So those aren't contacts?

Halldorenough joking.

The safety of our world hangs in the balance.

Yuseihangs in the balance?

Halldorthat's right.

This mysterious object in the sky

Has released a cosmic force that has altered time and space

And now threatens our very existence.

The object in the sky is an omen for this.

Fimbulwinter will be here soon.



It is an event well known in norse mythology.

It is an epic battle.

Wait, what are you saying?

That this battle is gonna happen soon?


How soon I know not.


I can tell you that I believe this object

That we see floating above

Has a connection with the duelists

Who have formed team new world.

How do you know all this?

My eye shows me many things and one of them is quite dreadful.


Halldorteam new world must be defeated.

And that is our mission.

The mission of the duelists with the rune eyes.

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Halldoryusei, we three bear the rune eyes

Because we bear the power of the three mighty legends.

These legends you may have heard of.

They were noble, they were righteous.

They were the three nordic gods.

The three nordic gods?

What are you talking about, aren't those just cards?

Oh, they are much more than that.

The nordic gods once existed as flesh and blood.

It's true they are cards now,

But cards that still hold the power of the gods themselves.

You see, they were sealed in these cards

So they would be available when the world needed them.

Well, now they are needed.

I know because I saw the threat that approaches.

You see, before I was a duelist, I was a pilot.

Captain, I've been hit!


My instruments!

They're going haywire!

Oh, no.

It must be due to that strange wave that hit us.

Captain, I can't see anything.

What do I do?


Now, now!

Wait, I think the smoke is clearing.

Pull up, that's an order!

Roger that.


Where'd that come from?

This'll be close!

Not if I can help it.

Officercaptain halldor, you fired your combat missiles

Without authorization.

Unless you give me a good reason why,

I'll have no choice, but to discharge you.

Fine with me.

I was planning on retiring anyhow.


What did you say?

I'm through with the service, sir.


But you always said you wanted to protect the world from harm.

That's right, sir.

But those planes out there?

They won't do any good against the harm that's coming.

I have a hunch what might though.

Wait, halldor!

I don't get it!

What do you mean, where are you going?

Answer me, halldor!

What's coming?

What are you talking about?

Halldorand when fimbulwinter arrives,

The morale of all the people who are caught in it will crumble.

And soon after,

They will wilt and lose their souls.

So the time has finally come.

Our great test.

So then, halldor, are you off to go and find the other two?

That's right and I don't have a moment to spare.

After all, sebastian,

I won't be able to take on these forces alone.

I figured...

That is why I've already found them for you.

Then it's time that we meet.

Dragan's fatherdid I hear you correctly?

You're one of the keepers of the three nordic god cards?

Halldorfate brought this card to me

Just as I know fate brought the thor,

Lord of the aesir card to your son.

I need his help.

Since you seem to be who you say,

Open that drawer right there.

Dear me.

It's the thor, lord of the aesir card!

My son left that card here, along with his heart.

I'm sorry to say that he's in a troubled state... Deeply so.


Perhaps you can help him, halldor.

He's gone to the mountain.

And I fear he has no intention of ever coming back.

The card...

Get it to him and there may still be hope.

You must do this, halldor,

For your own sake

And for that of my son's.

Then it shall be done.

Manare you out of your mind, dragan?

Stick to the trail!


A for the last time, it's too dangerous to go up that way!

Fine, if he won't listen to reason,

Then the fool is on his own.



He's done for.


You just survived an avalanche, dragan.

And you did so by way of the mighty rune eye.

Rune eye?

I don't...

Dragan, you have great power inside you.

Power that the world needs now.

Who are you?

Tell me.

My name is halldor.

I am keeper of the odin, father of the aesir card.

Now then, please, come with me.

This is another one of the nordic god cards.

This is thor.

You're the owner of this card, are you not?

I'm not.

I tossed that card and I'll have you know

I did it for a good reason.

Because I really don't deserve it.


Your father seemed to think otherwise.

He very much wanted you to have it.

Your father told me that you lost your heart, dragan.

Well, friend...

If you battle alongside me with thor,

I think you just might find it.

I can't take on the coming threat alone.

To be victorious, I need your assistance.

And that of one other.

Broderyou sure picked a way outta the way place

To look for treasure.

And not to mention dangerous, too!

I don't mean to scare you,

But there are pirates all around these parts.

In fact, some say this entire area's haunted.

So that being the case, I'm sure that you'll understand

If I just wait here.

There it is.

The third of the nordic god cards,

The elusive loki, lord of the aesir card!


On second thought, don't worry about the pirates or ghosts.

If there's anyone you're gonna worry about, it should be me.

Later, gator.


That was too easy!


Looks like he brought backup.

Too bad they're not gonna do him any good.

After all, if you don't know these here waters,

You're wrecked.

Dragan, these rocks are posing quite the problem.

See to it.

How in the world...?


Oh, no!

I'm wrecked!



Look, I'm sorry, okay?

But no harm, no foul.

Here's your card.

That is not just any card.

That is one of the three nordic god cards.

It is known as loki, lord of the aesir, and it's not ours.

It's yours.


That's right.

None of this is an accident, broder.

After all, why do you think I asked you

To help me track that card down?

You were destined to have it,

So that you could help us now.

How can I help?

I'm no one.

I can see it in your eyes.

And now that the three nordic gods have been placed,

They shall, at long last, be resurrected!


Wait, what's happenin' here?

Halldorwhat needs to happen so that the world can be saved.

Halldorthey say the three nordic gods

Have the power to fend off the gravest of threats.

So we are going to use that power against the threat

That is now fast approaching.

After all, this is our duty.

Yuseiwe're still talking about the emperors, right?

That is correct, yusei.

They hold the key to everything.

Which is why we must face them,

Because only then will the full scope of their plan be revealed.

So taking on team new world

Is why you entered this whole thing?

Listen guys, we wanna take them down too.

We should all just work together.

Sorry, but I'm afraid the three nordic god cards

Don't believe you're an ally worth having, yusei.


The person whose research brought about zero reverse

Was your father, was it not, yusei?

And since you're of his bloodline,

You have it in you to cause the same damage his research did.

That's not true at all.

And my father was a very good man.

So you say, but I suppose we'll just have to let

Our upcoming duel reveal what's what.

Just forget about these three bozos, yusei.

It's not like we need their help anyhow.

Ah, jack, I see your diva attitude hasn't changed.

My what?

You heard me.

You're so arrogant, I'll bet you still think

You really won back when we dueled.

We dueled?

Are you sure about that?

I couldn't be more sure.

After all, you're the reason I lost heart in dueling.

I am?

Yes, it was three years ago...

When one morning I woke and decided it was time

For me to leave home and make my name as a duelist.

However, in order to do that, I would need to find a card

That was as strong as my competitive instincts.

I soon found what I was looking for:

One of the three nordic god cards thor.

My father was there with me.

He saw the connection I felt to thor.

And he saw thor's might.

My father was badly injured when the cave collapsed.

But luckily, I was able to get him to a hospital.

However, the operations that my father needed

To get better weren't cheap.

And unfortunately,

We had no money.

I didn't know what to do.

Until an opportunity presented itself.


You're asking me to duel jack atlas?

For money?


Dragani couldn't refuse.

But at the same time, I couldn't understand

Why I was selected to be your opponent.

Back then, you were a dueling star.

This way, mr. Atlas?.

[Reportes clamoring]

Draganbut soon I realized...

They wanted me to be your opponent

Because you were a star.

See, I was a nobody.

They figured I would do what I was told.

Especially if the price was right.

And what I was told was to lose the match.

Losing on purpose was against every instinct

I had as a duelist.

But with my father's well-being on the line,

I had to reject those instincts.

I had to accept the instructions that lazar gave me

And throw the match.

You lie!

I defeated you with pure skill in our duel!

That's all!

No, you defeated me because you were a product

That made goodwin money and he wanted to keep making money.

But now, it's payback time.

Jack, I can see it in your eyes you know it's true.


Our duel was a set up!

Draganall you need to do is remember

How the events of that day unfolded.

Perhaps the crowd was too pumped up to notice.

But you must've seen that the fix was in.

It's my turn!

And I summon the tuner monster, top runner!

I then play two cards facedown and end my turn.

Draganyour moves were pathetic, jack.

I saw a miriad of ways to take you down.

But I wasn't allowed to use any of them.


I see that you've been paralyzed with fear.

Well, don't be ashamed,

That's often the case when a weak duelist

Like yourself faces me!

My turn!

First, I'll summon garmr of the nordic beasts!

Next, I'll play a facedown and end my turn.


A weak monster in attack mode and a facedown card?

Looks like this duel's going to be over

Even sooner than I thought.

My turn now!

So watch and learn.

Here we go!

First I summon forth power breaker from my hand.

Next, my level four top runner

Will tune with that level four power breaker.

Behold, in an inferno of power and might,

A blazing new beast is now forged!

I synchro summon...

Red dragon archfiend!


Draganthe crowd went crazy.

That's what they came to see, after all.

The star monster of their star duelist.

It made me absolutely sick.

Seeing the way you were showboating.

How you were so full of false confidence.

It awakened a competition in me.

Suddenly, I found myself wanting to beat you,

No matter what the cost.

If I use this trap card, I can win.

I can show the world how good I really am.

Lazarcome in, dragan.

It's lazar.

Don't forget your agreement with director goodwin.

If you don't lose the match, you don't get the money.

And you don't save your father.

[Dragan groaning]

Take heart, my little, amateur, dueling friend.

Red dragon archfiend and I

Are about to put you out of your misery!

Go absolute powerforce!


Dragai lost the match.

But I won my father's health.

I never regretted what I did.

But at the same time,

I never stopped thinking about what could have been.

Oh, please.

You're just sore.

I'll bet you created that whole story

Just to make yourself feel better.

The truth is, though, you lost fair and square.

No, jack, the truth is...

If I had used my trump card, I would've won the match.

You're off your rocker!

Enough small talk.

We can settle this matter another way.

Yeah, with a rematch.

So since we have to duel for the grand prix anyhow,

This should make things extra interesting.

Then it's settled.

Tomorrow we duel to settle things between jack and dragan.

But even more importantly,

To see which of our teams gets to advance

To the grand prix finals.

Where we'll have the chance to take on the real villain.

So you had better believe,

We're gonna rev it up!