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02x02 - A Danger Among Us

Posted: 04/12/24 15:52
by bunniefuu
- Previously on "Danger Force"...

- That's Rick Twitler. - Who's Rick Twitler?

- Captain Man's greatest enemy.

- So what are you doing in Mika?

- I uploaded my entire consciousness

to a supercomputer.

That consciousness finally found a way into a video game.

I'm Rick Twitler!

- Not for long.

- [gasps]

- Hey, one of you threw away those VR goggles, right?

- Helper Monkey dumped them in a trash rocket outside.

We're never gonna have to worry

about Rick Twitler ever again.

- It's not over.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Danger Force, assemble!


Well, there they are.

You guys act like you don't even want to go to Dingoland.

- No way, big dog. - Yeah, we love Dingoland.

- We were just putting the finishing touches

on our 'stumes.

- They look great.

- I can't wait to get some of that sweet Morky Moose Juice.

- Well, you're not gonna have to wait

in any lines today because--

- You bought us all VIP passes? - No.

But I did get this air cast, so now you're riding

with a true VIP, a very injured person.

Remember when we get to the ticket booth,

you're all nine years old.

I ain't paying adult prices for anyone but me.

- I really don't like lying.

- Well, you're welcome to stay here in the Man's Nest

with Helper Monkey.

Looks like he could use some help over there

with whatever he's working on.

Looks dangerous.

- Yay for lying! - Let's go!

all: Let's go!

- Wait, wait, wait. - What now?

- Okay, remember that charity auction?

- Vaguely.

- The one where Bose got like a thousand dates.

- And you got like one. - I got two.

- He got two. - Thank you, Miles.

- Okay, well this whole Dingoland trip

is gonna ruin by DPD.

- DPD? - Dates per day.

- Bose has to average . dates per day for a year

or else the charity doesn't get its money.

- This is all the poisoned fruit of a flawed system

that allows money to corrupt relations.

The inevitable result: The rich get richer.

- I know, right?

Is it okay if I change into Brainstorm

and we bring a few dates with us?

- Are they the direct descendants of Roy Dingo

so they get free passes for life?

- Not that I know of. - Then no.

Let's go have the best day of our lives!

- Hang on! Miles is having a vision.

- Ahh!

- [grunting]

- The one that's possessed by Rick Twitler!

- Get him! Get him!

[dramatic music]

- Okay, I just had another vision.

- Was it about our trip to Dingoland

and how nothing stopped us

from having the best day of our lives?

- Not at all.

- [grunting]

- What was it?

- We all turned on each other,

and we have a big fight in the Man's Nest,

and it's all because Rick Twitler's still here.

- Oh, no.

I can't believe we're gonna have to deal with this

as soon as we get back from Dingoland.

First round of Morky Moose Juice is on me.

Let's roll! - Whoa, hey!

We can't go to Dingoland when Rick Twitler is

still in the Man's Nest.

- He's not just still in the Man's Nest.

He's still in one of us! He's among us.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- [gasps]

- How could Rick Twitler even me among us?

You said you got rid of the game he used to possess me.

- I did, I had Helper Monkey load it

on one of my trash rockets.

And unlike some assistants, he's always there for me.

[upbeat piano music]

- ♪ Back in the music days before it happened ♪

♪ Those were the good old days ♪

♪ We'd run around that stage, it was sweet-- ♪

- I thought you guys were going to Dingoland.

- We were, till Miles had a stupid vision

that Rick Twitler's still among us.

- Ay! Who is it?

- It's probably Mika. - Big facts.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, look!

I know we're all scared of Rick Twitler,

but the last thing we want to do is

get all paranoid and turn on each other.

- Ah, let's go for it. Day's ruined anyway.

- Especially since we all know it's Chapa.

- Says the girl with the history of possession.

- I say it's Miles.

You pretended to have that vision,

'cause he knows that he's Rick Twitler.

- Why would I even tell you

about the vision if I was Rick Twitler?

- So we wouldn't suspect you. Think about it.

- Is it me? Am I possessed?

- It can't be you. It has to be you.

[all yelling]

- I have a test that can tell

who among us is possessed by the Rick Twitler.

- Oh, I love tests.

- Great, so much better than Dingoland.

- It is just a teeny bit of everyone's blood.

[tense music]

- Ahh, needles.

- My blood, my business. - Quit being babies.

Also, it's Mika. - It's not me!

- Look, it's just a tiny little needle.

all: Ahh!

- All right, it's gotta come out of your necks.

Who's first?

- It does not have to come out of your neck.

- Yeah, but it could come out of their neck, right?

- Oh yeah, %. - Who's first?

- Ahh!

- Ahh!

- Ha-ha, down tube!

♪ ♪

- You scared them away. - I like it when they run.

Really gets the blood pumping in their necks.

- Well, they aren't going far.

[alarm blares]

- You're one bad mamma jamma, you know that?

- I do.

- It all just kind of happened.

- [all speaking at once]

- Stop talking!

- ♪ Danger ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Danger, one, two, three, Force ♪

[alarm sounds]

all: Emergency!

- It's just the doorbell. - I know.

- How does this thing work?

- It tests your blood for foreign antibodies.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, science, science, science.

Are either of you Twitler or not?

- Relax, Ray-by.

Test takes a couple hours.

- Hey, you want to sit here

and watch Schwoz science all over the place?

- Hard pass.

- You want to gear up and help me hunt down your coworkers?

- Hard yes! I'll get my net.

- Might take a while. This place has over rooms.

- rooms? - Yeah, you got me.

It's more like . - rooms?

- Yeah, you got me. It's more like .

[tense music]

- Yeah!

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

- So many weapons.

Chapa like.

- Yeah, yeah, a lot of fun stuff--come on.

We got to find those kids. They're not in here.

- Is that a sword in a stone?

- Yeah, and whoever can pull the sword from the stone

is the true and rightful king of Swellview.

Let's go.

[dramatic music]

You put that back.

[tense music]

Let's go find those kids.

♪ ♪

You know what...

- What are you doing? - Nothing!

♪ ♪

- Hey, would they be in there?

- Doubt it. That's my sushi room.

- There's a sushi bar in the Man's Nest?

- Sure is.

Hey, guys! - Irasshaimase!

- Irasshaimase!

[speaking Japanese]

- No! - Arigato!

- They're not in there. [muffled music]

- Whoa, is there a dance club down here?

- You're gonna want this.

♪ ♪

- Belly full of sushi. Now we can hide for days.

- Scatter!

- Thanks for not ratting us out.

- Irasshaimase! - Irasshaimase!

♪ ♪

- This song slaps! DJ Schwoz is great.

- That's not Schwoz. That's Clone Schwoz.

- You still have a clone of Schwoz?

- I got more than that. Check this out!

♪ ♪

- Sup?

- Why do you have clones of us?

- Oh, you know, just in case.

- Just in case what?

- Hey, you guys seen the real versions of yourselves?

- Negatory. - Not today.

- I'm Clone Bose.

- Not here. Let's go.

- In case what?

- Oh, hey, Helper Monkey.

Hey, you seen Mika, Miles, or Bose around?

- I can help you find them.

- Yeah, I'll bet you can, Dwexy.

- Oh, God, I hate the baby voice.

- Aww, wittle Dwexy doesn't wike the baby voice.

- You won't do that baby voice anymore

after I rip your tongue out!

- Okay, very good.

Tiny Me, Chest Monster, you seen them?

- Nah, dog. - I ain't seen 'em!

Why don't you come in here and ask me something?

- You can't hold people c*ptive in the Man's Nest.

It's messed up.

- Ugh! "Don't clone, people, Ray.

"Don't hold people in prison without a trial, Ray.

Don't violent the rules of the Geneva Convention, Ray."

You know who doesn't judge me?

Clone Chapa, who I keep around

just in case.

- Drex in prison, great plan. - Thanks.

Where should we check next?

- Ooh, where's that hot tub room?

- Oh, yeah, I could go for a quick soak.

- No, no, no, Mika said Miles teleports

back to the Man's Nest

every night at : p.m. to take a hot tub.

- It's only :.

What are we gonna do for ten whole minutes?

♪ ♪

- It's :! - Oh!

♪ ♪

[tense music]

- This ice cream's still cold. He was just here.

- Must have just missed him.

Well, let's go to the Man's Nest puppy room.

We can-- - Shh!


♪ ♪

- Ahh!

[all yelling]

- Got him, ha-ha!

[upbeat music]

- Well, ladies, are you enjoying your burger?

Your tacos?

Your escargot?



all: Yes.

- Excellent.

- Date's over, pal! - AWOL ratted you out.

- Hey! - Bella, Faith!

- What? - Grace!

- Brainstorm? - Lola!

Come on, guys! - Where'd you go?

- Come on! It's for charity!

I still have more cake!

- Stop! - Ah, come on.

[upbeat music]

- Smells like a trap. But that's homework.

Fresh homework, too. Straight from the oven.

I'll just do one little chapter.

Question one: "Who's gotcha?"

- Chapa gotcha! - Ahh!

No, no, no, no, no, no!

Ahh! No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

At least let me get the homework!


[upbeat music]

- Better not use that blood to clone me or something.

- He would never do that.

[bell ringing]

- I've got the results!

- So which one of these kids am I dumping

into a trash rocket and sh**ting in space?

- Mika. - What?

That is so not cool, dude. - Whoa, okay, come on, now.

- Listen, please!

Mika, Miles, Bose,


when it comes to the matter of which one of you

is the Rick Twitler...

None of you are possessed.

- Whoo! - Yeah!

- Yes, yes, yes! - Yes!

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, I told you! I told you, yeah!

Give me my blood back, and put it back nicely.

- Schwoz isn't possessed by Twitler either, so who is it?

- Maybe it's the guy who suggested blood tests,

knowing he's densitized and can't get his blood tested.

- You mean Drex?

Nah, I don't think he suggested it.

- What?

- I think she's talking about you.

- Yeah, that makes total sense.

- Ray's the one that's possessed by Rick Twitler.

Get him!

- Get him! - Come on!

- No, wait!

- You're going in the trash rocket.

- Put me down!

Come on, it's not me!

Helper Monkey, put down that dry cleaning and come help me.

- Hey, that looks like the purple suit

that Rick Twitler was wearing in that video game.

- He says he's just holding it for a friend.

- He's lying.

- Helper Monkey is Rick Twitler.

- Dude, your visions were right.

- They're always right.

Y'all better start putting some respect on my visions.

- Ahh!

A warning next time would be nice.


- He's slow clapping.

That's the universal gesture for "you got me."

- Don't let him get away.

♪ ♪

That one, that one. He's in here!

♪ ♪

- Get him!

♪ ♪

- Where are we? - Quit touching me!

- Where's Helper Monkey? - Turn on the lights.

- I'm scared of the dark.

- Oh, wait, I'll just turn on my lantern app.

No, I'm also scared of apps.

Oh, no!

- What room are we in?

- It's a prison where Ray is keeping Drex.

- Again, it's more of a dungeon.

- Wait, Drex is locked in here?

- Was. - Uh-oh.

[all screaming]

[all screaming]

- Wait, wait, wait, why are we screaming?

It's five against one, and we have superpowers.

- Mine was a battle cry. - It was not.

- I was scared, still am. - I'm scared, too.

About the mess you're gonna have to clean up

when I tear this guy apart.

all: Oh!

- Nice outfit, pops.

You finally got the dad clothes to match your dad bod.

all: Oh!

- I'm gonna beat you so hard

your face is gonna match that claw.

all: Oh!

- I'm gonna put you in a prison cell!

all: Oh! Oh?

- I backed him into a prison cell?

all: Oh.

- Oh, okay, that's smart. - I get it.

- That's smart. I see it, that's smart.

- Now I'm gonna take care of the rest of you!

Ahh! - Nope.

- Too bad for you.

- Too bad for you. They usually hold me back.

- Huh?

- Ahh! Oof.

[upbeat music]

Come on, guys!

all: Battle cry!

- Now you battle cry?

[all screaming]

- Maybe let your boss out first.

And they're already gone.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- How'd you get over there? - We don't know.

♪ ♪

[all screaming]

♪ ♪

- Really good. - That is good.

- Mm-hmm.


♪ ♪

- Are those clones of us?

- Yeah, yeah, just in case. Let's go.

♪ ♪

- Just in case what?

♪ ♪

Keep-- - Ah!

- That nasty claw-- - Ah!

- Out of my-- - Ah!


Ahh! - Hot tub!

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

[tense music]

[both grunting]


- Hello?

- Hi, I'm LeAnn.

I'm your : date. Did you forget about me?

- No, no.

- Dude, I thought we were fighting.

- Excuse me, I'm talking to LeAnn!

♪ ♪

Now, where were we, LeAnn?

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, Twitler.

I don't know what your plan is, but it's not gonna work.

- I'm just a simple chest monster,

but it looks to me like Helper Monkey

built a cyborg, and he's gonna somehow implant

Rick Twitler's consciousness inside of it

and re-enter the world

as a more powerful version of himself.

- No, he's not. That's stupid.

- Well, he is slow clapping,

and that's the universal gesture for "you got me."

♪ ♪

- Okay, lucky guess.

- And I'm just a simple chest monster,

but I'll bet Twitler's the one

who released Drex to distract you.

- No, Drex let himself out.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- Hear that slow clap?

- You know what, this is why I make you live down here.

♪ ♪

- Captain Man,

waited a long time to say this to you.

- Don't you say "game on."

- Game on.

- Hey, hey, where are you going?

- I'm just a simple chest monster.

But I think he's gonna-- - Oh, my God, shut up!

- Aww, why you gotta kick chest monster like that?

[upbeat music]

[tense music]

- Aww, what's the matter?

- Ahh! More baby talk!

- Is somebody tired from getting beat up

by mean, old Danger Force?

- I couldn't do cardio in that prison cell.



- Missed me, too slow.

- Gotcha. - No, you don't.


- Oof.

- Where's Drex?

- He's taking a nappy-wappy-poo.

- Okay, you may have gotten the knockout,

but I did all the work.

- No, no-- - I'm the one who--

- Where's Drex? all: I took him down!

- Okay, how about cyborg Rick Twitler?

- What do you mean, cyborg Rick Twitler?

- Bruh, how'd you get out of jail?

- Helper Monkey let me out.

- I thought he was Rick Twitler.

- Nah, he's back to normal now. - Who is cyborg Rick Twitler?

- I'll tell you right after I strap Drex to a trash rocket.

Who wants to help me take out the trash?

- Me! - I do!

- I got a date. - Who is cyborg Rick Twitler?

- Hi.

Nobody touch those trash rockets.

I spent a lot of time rewiring them when I possessed Mika.

- Nice going, Mika. - I was possessed!

Also, I have no memory of that.

- I was not possessed, but I also have no memory.

- Well, I hope y'all enjoy your first

and last trip to space.

I'll be back here, using the KLVY satellite dish

to contact some old friends of mine.

Keep an eye out. They're highly contagious.

- Well, that was mysterious.


- Hey!

I think I know what happened to all the trash rockets.


- Enjoy space, future dead people.

- No.

- Okay.

- Wait.

♪ ♪

- Ah! - Ah!

- [grunting]

- Okay!

We're going to space!

♪ ♪

[soft music]

- I am Virus.

[upbeat music]

- ♪ Always on the scene in the nick of time ♪

♪ The second I see trouble I know I'll be fine ♪

♪ I'm okay, I'm okay ♪

♪ Danger ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Danger, one, two, three, Force ♪