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01x01 - Easy as Pirozhki!! The Grand Prix Final of Tears

Posted: 04/12/24 18:42
by bunniefuu
Y: He never fails to surprise me.

Y: Ever since I first saw his skating,

Y: it's been an unending chain of surprises.

Grand Prix,Sign : Sochi Grand Prix Final

Moro: He's also crushed the free skating event!

Moro: It will be the fifth consecutive Grand Prix Final victory for Russia's legend,

Moro: Victor Nikiforov.

Moro: Nikiforov is now years old.

Moro: Some speculated that he might retire this season,

Moro: but his masterful performance seems to lay such rumors to rest.

Moro: As for Katsuki Yuri, who earned a spot in the Grand Prix for the first time,

Moro: what do you think, Honda-san?

Honda: Well, he didn't perform like his usual self today.

Phone,Sign : Men's Figure Skating: Katsuki Suffers Utter Defeat

Phone,Sign : Katsuki Defeated: Still Needs to Work on Nerves

Coach: Yuri, don't look at the news.

Coach: Let's go back.

Y: "Katsuki Fell to Last Place. Is This Season His Last?"

Coach: Yuri...

Y: My name is Katsuki Yuri!

Phone,Sign : Top Certified Athletes

Y: I'm one of the dime-a-dozen top figure skaters certified by the JSF.

Y: I'm .

Y: My name makes me sound strong,

Y: but I finished last at my first Grand Prix Final.

Y: I still can't accept what happened!

Last,Y: Last Place

Y: I even moved to a training facility in Detroit

Y: and worked hard to make it to the final.

Y: But the pressure had me binge-eating before the match, and our family dog died...

Y: Mentally and physically, I was at my worst!

Y: It was supposed to be my big day, too...

Y: Well, it's all my fault, anyway.

Y: Hello?

Y: Mom, were you sleeping?

Y: Sorry.

Y: Oh, you were watching on TV?

Y: Huh? A public viewing?

Y: Please! I'm so embarrassed!

Y: I'm sorry.

Y: I messed up.

Y: Sorry.

Y: The Junior Grand Prix Final gold medalist...

Y: Yuri Plisetsky.

Y: The "Russian Punk"

Y: is looking at me like I'm a piece of trash...

Y: What the hell?!

YP: Hey.

YP: I'm competing in the senior division next year.

YP: We don't need two Yuris in the same bracket.

YP: Incompetents like you should just retire already.

YP: Moron!

Y: Even if I left the sport,

Y: there'd be tons of talented young skaters rising through the ranks.

Moro: Katsuki-kun!

Yuri: Newscaster Morooka...

Moro: Don't give up!

Moro: It's too early for you to retire!

Y: It's not like I've made a decision. Please don't make assumptions.

Moro: What will you do after you graduate from college?

Y: Uh...

Moro: Will you still train in Detroit?

Y: I'll be talking that over with Coach Celestino.

Moro: Katsuki-kun!

Moro: I'm asking how you feel about this!

Y: I don't want to think right now.

Moro: Will you keep going?

Y: I'm sorry, Vicchan.

Moro: Maybe just part-time?

Moro: You'll still have a chance back in Japan.

Y: Sorry I can't go home.

V: Yuri.

V: About your free performance,

V: the step sequence could use more—

YP: I won, so who cares?

YP: Quit nagging, Victor.

Y: Oh, the Yuri on the Russian team...

Jakov: Hey, Yuri!

Y: If I do have a chance, someday I'd like to...

Jakov: You can't talk that way forever!

V: A commemorative photo?

V: Sure.

Moro: Katsuki-kun?

Moro: You don't want a photo with Victor?

Coach: Yuri!

Y: This is humiliating.

Y: I was an idiot for thinking I could finally meet my idol

Y: on the same playing field...

Title,Sign : First Skate Easy as Pirozhki!! The Grand Prix Final of Tears

Y: Easy as Pirozhki!

Y: The Grand Prix Final of Tears!

Phone,Sign : Hasetsu Station

Sign : March, One Year Later — Kyushu

Y: It's been five years since my last visit to Hasetsu.

Y: This old station even has elevated tracks now.

Phone,Sign : We're Rooting for You!!! Hasetsu Native Figure Skater Katsuki Yuri

Y: Th-This is...

Minako: Yuri!

Minako: Why are you skulking around?

Y: M-Minako-sensei?!

Minako: Welcome back, after five long years!

Y: Wh-Why are you here?

Minako: Stand up straight, will you?

Y: Oh, right...

Y: Minako-sensei wouldn't miss any info on me coming back here.

Locals: Hey!

Locals: Isn't that Yuri?

Locals: Yeah, it's him.

Locals: I haven't heard any news about him lately. What's he been up to?

Locals: Remember he lost a big competition last year?

Locals: Was it the Nationals?

Y: Hi, everyone who cheered me on just because I'm from Hasetsu!

Y: I can't explain this to each of you,

Y: but I'll go ahead and explain it in my head, okay?

Sign: October: Southern Regional Championships

Y: The figure skating competition season generally starts in the fall,

Sign: October: Southern Regional Championships Grand Prix: United States of America Grand Prix: Canada

TV: ,November: Western Japan Championships Grand Prix: China Grand Prix: France

TV: ,Grand Prix: China Grand Prix: France Grand Prix: Japan Grand Prix: Russia

Y: but I lost big in the comprehensive Grand Prix Finals early on.

TV: ,Grand Prix: Russia December: Grand Prix Finals

Sign: Grand Prix: Russia December: Grand Prix Finals FAIL

Y: I couldn't shake off the failure, and lost again in the Nationals.

Sign: Japan National Figure Skating Championships!!

Sign: Japan National Figure Skating Championships!! FAIL AGAIN!

Y: I didn't make it to the Four Continents or the World Championships,

Sign: Competing Athletes Immediately Selected: Four Continents Championships World Championships

Sign: Competing Athletes Immediately Selected: Four Continents Championships World Championships Not Selected...

Sign: Not Selected... Not Even Entered into the Universiade......

Y: and now the season's over!

Sign: Season Ended!! Going Home!

Y: I managed to graduate from college,

Y: but I ended things with my coach, and my future is unclear.

Y: I decided to come home in the meantime.

Y: That's about it.

Local: Let me shake your hand.

Y: Sorry, I'm in a hurry.

Minako: You don't lose anything by shaking hands! Be polite!

Minako: Victor Nikiforov is always nice to his fans!

Y: Thank you for your support.

Minkao: Go on, smile.

Local: Who are you again?

Minako: All right!

Minako: You're going to greet everyone in town.

Y: Minako-sensei, what about your ballet class?

Minako: We're closed today.

Minako: I barely have any students these days, anyway.

Minako: Hasetsu's losing more and more people.

Minako: Hardly any kids are skating these days.

Minako: You should cheer things up around here, Yuri!

Y: I-I'm sorry.

Y: I'm tired right now...

Minako: Oh, really?

Minako: Everyone's been dying to see you.

WorldChampion,Sign : World Figure Skating Championships Yoyogi, Tokyo

Moro: After the men's short program of the World Figure Skating Championships,

WorldChampion: ,World Figure Skating Championship Yoyogi, Tokyo

WorldChampion: ,Victor Nikiforov in st After Short Program Will He Score a th Consecutive Win?!

Moro: Russia's Victor Nikiforov is in first place.

Phone,Sign : BAM!

Moro: After the Grand Prix Finals, he won the Nationals in Russia,

Moro: as well as the European Championships.

Moro: He's still on a roll.

Moro: The men's free program will start later today, at :.

Customer: Yuri-kun isn't in the World Championships?

YMom: He didn't make the cut.

YMom: Thanks to that, he can finally come home!

Customer: I'm glad to hear that.

Yutopia,Sign : Hasetsu Hot Springs Yu-topia Katsuki

Y: I'm back.

Minako: Hiroko! I brought Yuri home!

Y: Why are we coming in the front?

YMom: Minako-senpai!

YMom: Thank you for going to get him.

YMom: Yuri, welcome home!

Y: Thanks.

Y: I'm sorry it's been five years...

YMom: It's all good!

YMom: I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your graduation, too.

YMom: Want a pork cutlet bowl?

Minako: Huh? Did you lose weight, Hiroko?

YMom: Nope!

YMom: Minako-senpai, you always look the same, even though you drink!

Minako: Yuri, I've been wondering ever since I saw you at the station...

Minako: What's with that gut?

: Uh...

Minako: Take your clothes off!

Y: No, no! Minako-sensei!

Phone: ,Nooooo!!

YDad: Wow, you look just like your mom.

Y: Dad...

Minako: Toshio-san! It's no laughing matter!

Minako: This is not the weight a figure skater should have!

YDad: You always did gain weight easily.

YDad: But what can you do?

Rice Bowl,Sign : Yu-topia Katsuki Specialty Dish Yuri's Pork Cutlet Bowl

Sign : Eat lots of pork cutlet bowls tonight!

Y: Uh, before that...

YMom: Oh, right.

YMom: Go say hi to Vicchan.

Y: Sorry I couldn't see you one last time, Vicchan.

YSis: Yuri, welcome back.

Y: Mari-neechan...

Y: It's been a while.

Y: Sorry to visit when things are busy.

YSis: Hey, how long are you staying in Hasetsu?

YSis: Will you help out with the hot spring?

Y: Huh? Where's this coming from?

YSis: You went to college, even though you had to study an extra year.

YSis: What will you do now?

YSis: If you're going to keep skating, I'll support you, but...

Y: I think... I need more time to think it over.

YSis: Hmm, okay.

YSis: Well, go soak in the hot spring and relax.

Y: I was born and raised in Hasetsu, Kyushu,

Y: a castle town by the sea.

Y: The "castle" has no historical basis and is a facade with a ninja house inside.

Y: Its sole source of tourism income was its hot spring inns, but most went under.

Y: My family's Yu-topia Akatsuki is the last one standing.

Y: Man, our hot spring sure hits the spot...

Channel,Sign: Do Not Change Channel

TV: Group has now finished skating,

Minako: Man, I really wanted to go.

TV: and Emil Nekola from the Czech Republic is in first.

Minako: If only you'd been in it, Yuri.

TV: His free program performance, befitting the season finale,

Minako: You could've told me the skaters' hotel room numbers.

TV: was free of mistakes, earning him a personal best.

Y: I wouldn't tell you!

TV: The last group has just entered the arena.

Y: You expect me to be your one-man ticket agency to score you tickets, don't you?

TV: All eyes are on Victor Nikiforov,

Minako: That's not true! I've been supporting you!

TV: who's going for his fifth consecutive World Championship gold.

Sign : Victor Nikiforov, Age Winner of Four Consecutive World Figure Skating Championships

TV: He will be skating last.

TV: Well, Honda-san, this is certainly unexplored territory!

Honda: It'll really be interesting to see how far he can go.

Customers: What about soccer?

Customers: Sagan Tosu's having a match right now.

Honda: When you watch Victor...

Minako: Hey! I was watching skating first!

YDad: Sagan Tosu?

Customers: Aren't you supposed to be working?

YMom: Oh, where are you going, Yuri?

Y: Sorry. I'm going to practice for a bit.

YMom: Take care!

Y: Excuse me.

Yuko: Our regular hours are over.

Y: It's been a while, Yuko-san.

Yuko: Yuri-kun?

Yuko: Oh, come on!

Yuko: Call me "Yu-chan"!

Y: S-Sorry.

Yuko: Oh, you came to skate, right?

Yuko: Go ahead.

Y: Huh? I can?

Yuko: You just want to skate alone for now, right?

Yuko: I'll protect you.

Y: Thanks.

Y: Yu-chan was my rink mate and two years my senior.

Y: When we were little, she was really good at skating.

Y: She was my idol,

Y: the Madonna of Ice Castle Hasetsu.

Y: She's still cute, too.

BoyY: Ta-da!

GirlY: Wow, Yuri-kun!

Nishi: Stay out of my way, fatso!

GirlY: Takeshi-kun, don't be mean to the new kid!

Nishi: Fatso! Fatso!

GirlY: Hey!

Sign : Junior World Championships, Gold Victor Nikiforov Sofia, Bulgaria

GirlY: Russia's Victor Nikiforov...

GirlY: He won the gold in the Junior Worlds with the highest score in history!

GirlY: He's so cool!

GirlY: Victor would go like this!

GirlY: This says Victor has a poodle.

GirlY: His poodle's super cute!

Y: Wow, so cute!

Yuko: Huh? You have a poodle now, too?

Y: Yeah. I named him "Victor."

Yuko: You really like Victor, huh?

Yuko: I hope I can see you compete against Victor soon.

Y: Um, I wanted you to see this,

Y: so I've been practicing it since the competitions ended.

Y: Please watch.

Moro: Last up is Victor Nikiforov from Russia.

Sign : Victor Nikiforov (Age ) Coach: Yakov Feltsman

Minako: All right, Victor!

Minako: Get 'em!

Moro: It's clear he's Russia's hero! The cheers are deafening!

Minako: Yuri, your favorite, Victor, is about to start!

Moro: After the short program, he leads Giacometti, in second, by a huge margin.

YMom: He's not back yet.

Yuko: Huh? This is...

Moro: In this program, he has four quads planned.

Moro: Here comes the first quad.

Moro: A quadruple Lutz!

Moro: Very clean!

Moro: The next quad is his signature move.

Moro: How will it go?

Moro: A quadruple flip! He lands this one, too!

Moro: Flying sit spin.

Moro: The music is "Stay Close to Me."

Minako: Given that he has a million female fans worldwide,

Moro: This program brings out a new dimension in Victor Nikiforov's performance.

Moro: he's sure free with his charms.

YMom: You're drinking too much, Minako-senpai.

A quadruple Salchow!

Minako: This would tug at the heartstrings more if it were

Minako: a younger, more naïve man.

Minako: Not a hottie like Victor, but...

Minako: Let me think...

Moro: A triple Lutz.

Moro: A triple flip!

Moro: Now, the last quad...

Moro: A quadruple toe loop, followed by a triple toe loop!

Moro: He's landed all his quads!

Moro: Now, a combination spin!

Yuko: That was super cool!

Yuko: A perfect copy of Victor! Awesome!

Yuko: I thought you'd be depressed or something!

Y: I was.

Y: But I got bored of feeling depressed,

Y: so I got to thinking...

Y: I wanted to get my love for skating back.

Y: I thought I could remember how it was when I copied Victor with you.

Y: Yu-chan, I've...

Moro: We now have a men's singles consecutive five-time winner

Moro: in the World Figure Skating Championships!

Moro: The victor is Russia's Victor Nikiforov!

TV: What do you have in mind for next season?

Yuri: I've always...

Sisters: Stare...

Yuri: Axel, Lutz, and Loop!

Yuri: Haven't they grown since you last saw them?

Y: Y-Yeah.

Axel: Yuri, you really did get fat!

Loop: Are you really retiring?

Lutz: You've never had a girlfriend?

Yuko: Hey!

Sis: Really, really, really?

Yuko: Sorry, my girls are such groupies!

Nishigori: They're all your fans, Yuri.

Nishigori: Welcome back!

Y: Nishigori!

Sis: Dad!

Nishigori: Now you're fatter than me.

Y: H-Hey, stop that!

SignB,Sign : Congratulations on Advancing to the Grand Prix, Skater Katsuki Yuri

Nishigori: You can come any time to practice.

Nishigori: The Nishigori family's always got your back.

Sis: Yuri, go, go!

Sis: Lose weight!

Y: During the five years I was away,

Y: I tried to ignore a lot of things by focusing on skating.

Y: I wonder what I need

Y: so I can keep skating on my own...

WorldChampion,Sign : Victor Nikiforov in st After Short Program Will He Score a th Consecutive Win?!

Moro: Here in St. Petersburg, Russia,

Feature,Sign : Special Feature: Rising Star in Russia Yuri Plisetsky (Age )

Moro: rising star Yuri Plisetsky

Moro: is finally gearing up in earnest to join the senior competition.

Moro: Under coach Yakov,

Y: What's with that jump?

Moro: the -year-old is about to join Victor Nikiforov in

Y: Whoa, another one?

Moro: ushering Russia into an era with two champions.

Yuri: Just retire already.

Y: The pressure's on now...

Y: I've got to skate on the same ice as Victor again someday.

PhoneTimes,Sign : Monday, April Message from Nishigori Takeshi Slide to View

Sign : Huh? Nishigori?

Sign : What?!

Phone,Sign : [Katsuki Yuri] Tried to Skate Victor's FS Program [Stay Close to Me]

Nishi: I-I'm sorry, Yuri.

Nishi: My kids uploaded the video, and it went viral.

Yuko: How could you use my account without permission again?!

Lutz: But all the skater otaku will love it.

Yuko: Just delete it, okay?!

Y: Goodnight...

Minako: What's with that video?! It's being retweeted everywhere!

Moro: Katsuki-kun, do you really have the time to do things like this?!

Phichit: Yuri!

Yuri: That Japanese Yuri is an idiot.

Yakov: Hey, Yuri! Don't slack off!

Sign : Hasetsu TV

Weather: Kyushu faces a sudden cold wave.

Weather: It was to be a good day for viewing cherry blossoms,

Weather: but there was a massive snowfall.

YMom: Yuri, don't hole up in your room!

YMom: Help shovel snow!

Y: Snow?

Y: Wow, what the...

Y: It's already April, too.

Y: What's on the news?

Y: Oh, yeah...

Y: I turned it off so I wouldn't get calls.

Y: Vicchan?

Y: Nope!

Y: He's much bigger than Vicchan...

Y: Huh? Could he be...

Y: No, it can't be.

YDad: Yuri, isn't he just like Vicchan?

YDad: He came with a really good-looking foreign guest!

YDad: He's in the hot spring right now.

YDad: Yuri!

YDad: What's wrong?

Y: Vi—

Y: Victor...

Y: Why are you here?

V: Yuri, starting today, I'm your coach.

V: I'll make you win the Grand Prix Final.

Y: Huh?

Y: What?!

Y: He was a genius who never failed to surprise me.

Sign : To Be Continued!!!

YP: Hey, Victor!

YP: We're going back to Russia!

Hasetsu's great... Come on and visit,

Sis: You can see a boob flash, too!

just once...

Y: Uh, no, no, no, no, no!

Second Skate Two Yuris?! Drama at Yu-topia

Narr: Next time, Second Skate:

Narr: Two Yuris?! Drama at Yu-topia!