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01x02 - Two Yuris?! Drama at Yu-topia

Posted: 04/12/24 18:46
by bunniefuu
Y: Vitya!

Y: Don't go! Stay here!

V: Yakov, you were the best coach I ever had.

V: You always will be.

Y: If you walk away now, you can never come back!

V: Dasvidaniya.

V: I'm sorry I can't do as you say this time.

Y: You don't get to say that when you've never done as I said in the first place!

V: You should come visit Japan, Yakov.

Title,Sign: Second Skate Two Yuris?! Drama at Yu-topia

Y: Two Yuris?! Drama at Yu-topia!

Minako: Yuri! Why aren't you answering your cell?!

YMom: What's wrong?

Minako: Everything's wrong!

Minako: There's a rumor that Victor's going to be Yuri's coach!

YMom: Oh, Vicchan's here already.

Minako: What?

YMom: Vicchan's sound asleep.

Y: Hello! I'm Katsuki Yuri!

Sign: Top Certified Athletes

Y: I'm in a bit of a slump right now,

Y: but I'm a top figure skater certified by the JSF!

Y: Back home for the first time in five years, I was thinking of how to keep my career going...

Y: when my idol, Victor, suddenly appeared!

Y: I'm still in denial that this is actually happening!

Y: By the way, Victor Nikiforov is a living legend in figure skating.

Y: I never dreamed he'd be interested in me, but...

V: Starting today, I'm your coach.

V: I'll make you win the Grand Prix Final.

Y: What is he saying, standing there buck naked?

Minako: Yuri!

News: Why is Victor sleeping in one of the inn's robes?!

Y: He soaked in the hot spring and had dinner, then fell asleep...

Minako: It's big news in Russia.

Minako: He's taking next season off and is considering his next move.

Minako: They're also saying that when he saw the video of you skating his routine,

Minako: he was struck with inspiration, and that's when he decided to be your coach.

Y: Huh?

Minako: Victor came here because he chose you, Yuri.

Minako: You brought him here!

Minako: That's incredible!

Yuri: Huh?

Yuri: Victor went to Japan to become Yuri Katsuki's coach?

Yuri: Why that fatso?

Yuri: Did he forget what he promised me?

Yuri: Yakov! Where are you?

Yuri: Explain this to me, damn it!

Y: Victor wants to take time off until he finds his motivation again.

Y: Personally, I doubt he'll be able to return if he takes a break now.

News: He's going to coach Katsuki Yuri in Japan—

Y: That man only thinks of himself!

Y: He'll never be anyone's coach!

Yutopia: ,Hasetsu Hot Springs Yu-topia Katsuki

Y: Oh, he's awake.

V: I'm starving.

V: Hungry...

Y: Huh?

Y: He still wants to eat?

Y: Um, what would you like to eat?

V: Hmm...

V: As your coach, I'd like to know what your favorite food is, Yuri.

Y: What?

V: Wow! Amazing!

YMom: Our specialty, the pork cutlet bowl, extra-large!

V: Vkusno!

V: Delicious! Too good for words!

V: Is this what God eats?!

Y: I'm glad you like it.

Minako: Yuri gains weight easily,

Minako: so he was only allowed to eat it when he won a competition. Right?

V: Oh? So have you eaten this pork cutlet bowl recently?

Y: Yes, yes.

Y: I eat it often.

V: Why?

V: You haven't won anything.

V: With that pig's body of yours,

V: lessons would be meaningless.

V: You need to get back to your weight at last year's Grand Prix Final, at the least...

V: or I can never coach you.

V: Until then, no more pork cutlet bowls.

V: Okay, little piggy?

Y: Huh?

Y: I feel like I should be offended...

YSis: Hey, this luggage is in the way.

V: Can you take it to the room where I'll be staying?

YYSis: Staying?

V: Wow! What a classic, tiny room.

V: Is there a sofa?

Y: No...

Y: I'm sorry it's so small. We only had an unused banquet room available.

V: You look anxious.

V: You can pay the coaching fee after you achieve success!

V: I'll bill you later.

Y: Th-Thank you.

V: Yuri, tell me everything about you.

V: What kind of rink do you skate at?

V: What's in this city?

V: Is there a girl you like?

V: Before we start practicing,

V: let's build some trust in our relationship.

V: What? Why are you running away?

Y: Uh, no reason...

Y: I'm still scared to be close to him.

V: Yuri, let's sleep together.

V: As your coach, there's so much I need to learn about you.

Y: No!

V: Yuri!

V: Yuri!

V: Yuri?

Y: We've barely ever spoken

Y: because I always put him on such a high pedestal,

Y: and now he's right here...

Y: I get it now.

Y: My heart's pounding because of how happy I am.

V: Hello!

V: Hi!

V: I'm Victor Nikiforov.

V: I'll be Yuri's coach from now on.

Nishi: Huh? What? What?!

Nishi: Victor's really going to be Yuri's coach?!

Y: Wow!

Y: A quadruple flip!

Kids: Mom, I've got this!

Kids: I'll take the video!

Kids: Can I upload this?

Y: It's not for the public, you skating otaku trio!

Nishi: Seriously?

Y: Yeah.

Y: He says he'd like to use this rink as our home base for now.

Y: Is that okay?

Nishi: Okay, sure!

Nishi: I'll talk to the higher-ups.

Nishi: Victor teaching you himself... It's like a dream come true!

Y: Yeah...

Y: By the time I was twelve,

Y: Victor, four years my senior, was already number one in the world.

Sign : Junior World Championships, Gold Victor Nikiforov Sofia, Bulgaria

Sign : I've imitated him for years, trying to catch up to him.

Sign : How could seeing the video of me skating his routine inspire him?

Sign : How did I inspire you, Victor?

V: The little piggy can't enter the rink until he drops some body fat.

Y: Are you really serious about making me win?

Sign : Okukawa Minako Ballet

Minako: Maybe he just wanted an excuse to take a break.

Y: Please don't say that.

Y: That's what I suspect, too, but...

Minako: You decided to keep skating, didn't you?

Minako: You need to take advantage of Victor!

Minako: Okay, let's get you slimmed down!

Y: O-Okay.

Y: Minako-sensei is a ballet instructor.

Y: She used to travel the world as a dancer.

Y: When I was younger,

Y: I spent more time in her ballet class than at home.

Y: I even started skating because Minako-sensei urged me to.

Y: She's always cheered me on,

Y: but she likes to meddle, too.

V: Do you have feelings for Minako?

Y: What?! No way!

V: Do you have a girlfriend?

Y: No.

V: Any ex-girlfriends?

Y: N-No comment.

V: Let's talk about me!

V: My first girlfriend was—

Y: Stop!

V: Yuri, what's that castle over there?

Y: Oh, that's Hasetsu Castle.

Y: Inside is ninja house.

V: Really? Ninjas?!

V: Hasetsu Castle!

V: Let me see! Let me see!

Man: Who's that good-looking foreigner?

V: Hashtag "#ninja"!

V: Yes!

Phone,Sign : What the... (lol) Victor's photo?!

Phone,Sign : So it's true that he's going to be Katsuki Yuri's coach...

Yuri: "Hasetsu Castle"?

Yuri: Does he want to become a ninja or something?

Yuri: I finally found you.

Yuri: Just you wait, Victor.

YMom: Oh?

News: Is it true that Victor is here?!

News: Comment, please!

Town: Can we share a bath with him?!

Sign : Mari

Sign : Mari

Sign : Mari

YMom: It's been a long time since we had so many customers!

Sign : Congratulations on Advancing to the Grand Prix, Skater Katsuki Yuri

Misc: Victor's here, right?

Misc: Excuse me! We'd like to film a special feature!

Misc: I want to learn how to skate, too!

Nishi: Wh-What the hell?

Misc: Me, too!

Yuko: Oh...

People: Victor!

People: Oh my God! He's super hot!

Lady: C-Can I take a photo with you?

Lady: He's really good-looking.

News: Please let us interview you!

Students: Apparently Victor's at Ice Castle.

Students: Oh, wow!

Sign : One Week Later

Sign : Hasetsu City Hasetsu Float Statue Photos are best taken from right here!

Yuri: Wow. Creepy.

Yuri: Crap, no!

Yuri: If I post this, Yakov will know I'm here!

Yuri: Victor's been uploading tons of pictures with this city tagged...

Yuri: Hey! Where's Victor?!

Yuri: Victor!

Sign : Tiger Sweatshirt , Yen

Yuri: Wha—

Yuri: My God...

Yuri: That's awesome fashion!

Yakov: Yuri!

Yakov: Why are you in Japan, too?!

Yuri: Oops, you found out?

Yakov: You know how important this time before your senior debut is, right?!

Yuri: I told you!

Yuri: I'm not coming back to Russia until Victor makes good on his promise!

Yuri: That geezer's such a nag!

Yuri: I have my own plan, okay?

Yuri: I'm supposed to do a triple Salchow next.

Yakov: He'd better not...

Yuri: I can do it!

Man: A quadruple Salchow?

Yuri: See that, Yakov?

Yakov: You idiot!

Yakov: I told you repeatedly that quads are off-limits because your body's still developing!

Yakov: If you can't follow orders, then quit!

V: Yakov!

V: You should praise him more.

Yakov: Don't butt in! It's none of your business!

V: I used to get scolded for doing that, too.

V: You can win, even without quads.

V: I'd bet money on it.

V: You can win the Junior World Championship.

Yuri: Okay, if I win without quad jumps,

Yuri: then choreograph a program just for me!

V: Sure.

V: When you win the Junior World Championship, come see me.

V: I'll give you the best senior debut ever.

Yuri: Where am I?

Yuri: Victor!

Fish: Oh? Are you a fan of Victor's?

Fish: There's a skating rink below the castle. Try there.

People: Come on, let us watch.

Kids: It's reserved, and it's a private practice session!

Kids: Go home!

Kids: Hey! You can't go in there!

Yuri: Huh?

Kids: Yuri Plisetsky!

Others: He's the junior world champion...

Yuri: Victor's inside, isn't he?

Kids: Come in, come in.

Y: Finally here... I'm exhausted...

Kids: Yuri...

Y: Hey, get this!

Y: My weight's back to what it was before the Grand Prix Final!

Y: Now I'll finally get Victor's permission to skate.

Y: Ow!

Yuri: It's all your fault.

Yuri: Apologize.

Y: Why is he here?

Y: U-Uh, sorry, sorry.

Y: And why's he furious at me?!

Y: Hey, pig!

Y: Ow! That hurts! Stop!

Kids: The Japanese Yuri and the Russian Yuri are both here.

Y: Fatso!

Y: Pig!

Kids: This means...

Kids: We can go ahead with that, right?

Kids: Right!

Yuri: He promised me first that he'd choreograph a program for me.

Yuri: What about you?

Y: Huh? We haven't gotten to talking about programs or anything.

Yuri: What?!

Yuri: You make him take a whole year off, and to do what?

Yuri: Isn't getting him as a coach enough?

Yuri: As if a guy who'd sob in a toilet stall at the Grand Prix Final

Yuri: can change at all just by getting Victor as a coach!

Y: He's...

Yuri: Just retire already.

Y: He's totally underestimating me.

Yuri: Stop smirking, fatso!

Y: I don't really get the whole picture, so you should ask him yourself.

Y: Victor came all the way to Hasetsu because he wanted to.

Y: Just to become my coach.

Yuri: Huh?

Yuri: Those moves...

Yuri: They're for the short program Victor was practicing for next season.

Y: What?

Yuri: Victor was already putting together routines for next season.

Yuri: But he was really torn.

Yuri: Surprising the audience has always been his top priority.

Yuri: He had the whole world in his hands.

Yuri: But now, no matter what he does, no one's surprised anymore.

Yuri: He knows that better than anyone.

Yuri: If you don't have any inspiration left, you're as good as dead.

Yuri: If he's going to take next season off,

Yuri: I wonder if he'll let me use his program.

Yuri: I know I can surprise people more.

Yuri: I need Victor's help if I'm going to make my senior debut

Yuri: and win the Grand Prix Final.

Y: Huh? Win?

Yuri: You look like you're doing great, Victor!

V: Yuri, you're here?

V: I'm surprised Yakov let you come.

V: What do you want?

V: Judging from that look,

V: I'm guessing I forgot some promise I made.

Sign : Welcome, Victor! Welcome Back, Katsuki Yuri

V: Sorry, sorry.

V: I totally forgot.

V: But you knew I was the forgetful type, right?

Yuri: Yeah, I'm painfully aware of that.

Yuri: But a promise is a promise!

Yuri: You'll choreograph my new program, Victor!

Yuri: Let's go back to Russia!

V: Okay, I've decided!

V: Tomorrow, I'll choreograph a program for both of you

V: to the same music I'm using in my short program.

Yuri: Huh?! The same music as him?!

Y: What?! With the same choreography?!

V: No, this piece has several different arrangements.

V: I was trying to decide which one to use.

V: I'll think of a different program for each of you, of course.

V: I'll reveal the programs in one week!

V: You'll compete to see who can surprise the audience more!

Y: Whoa! Let's take a step back here.

Y: I don't want to be punished for losing...

Yuri: Victor will do whatever the winner says!

Yuri: If those are the terms, I'm in!

V: Great! I love that kind of thing!

Kids: Wait just a minute!

Kids: Will you let us organize the event?

Kids: A face-off between Yuri of Russia and Yuri of Japan!

Kids: Let's throw...

Kids: ...a huge party!

Sign: Hasetsu Exhibition "Hot Springs on Ice" Presented by Victor Nikiforov

News: One week from now, the "Hot Springs on Ice" show will premiere

Missing: ,News Department

News: at Ice Castle Hasetsu.

News: Please come to the event.

Yuri: Talk about a hovel.

Yuri: Where's my room?

Y: You're staying here?!

Yuri: If you get Victor to yourself all the time, it won't be a fair match!

Yuri: I'll stay here, too! All right?

Y: It's not like you care what I think.

V: The hot spring is great.

Yuri: I can't take a bath with other people!

Yuri: I'm going to sleep!

Growl,Sign : Growl

Yuri: Give me food!

Yuri: And a bath!

Yuri: This is great!

V: The pork cutlet bowl is good, isn't it?

YSis: You have another visitor, Yuri?

Yuri: Huh?

Yuri: Huh?!

YSis: No way!

Sign: Ba-Dump

YSis: He looks just like my idol, The Blond Takao!

Sign: Takao?

YMom: His name is also Yuri.

YSis: What? That's confusing.

YSis: Okay, you're Yurio!

Yurio,Sign: Yurio

Yuri: What?!

YSis: Where will Yurio stay?

Y: Upstairs in—

YSis: The storage room?!

YSis: Oh, no! I need to clean it up!

YSis: Yuri, come help.

V: Good for you, Yurio.

Yuri: Shut up!

Yuri: That's not my name!

Y: I see...

Y: Of course.

Y: That Yuri has more potential than I do.

YSis: Yuri, where are you going?

Y: He's pretty confident, saying he'll win the Grand Prix Final on his first run as a senior.

Y: Above all, he's comfortable in front of Victor.

Y: Compared to me, he's much more...

V: Huh? Where's Yuri?

YMom: He left a while ago.

YMom: At a time like this, he'd be at Minako-san's place or Ice Castle.

YMom: He's always been that way.

Minako: Huh? Yuri?

Sign: Kachu Snack Bar

Minako: He's not here.

Minako: By "my place," she meant my ballet studio.

Minako: Whenever Yuri gets anxious, he always wants to practice.

Minako: I usually go along with him.

Minako: Ice Castle lets him skate anytime if it's not booked already.

Minako: Yuri was able to grow because he had a place

Minako: where he could practice alone whenever he got anxious.

Minako: He's no genius,

Minako: but he was gifted with more free time than anyone else to practice.

Nishi: He's always come here to practice by himself.

Yuko: It always made me think he really loved skating.

Yuko: He didn't even play with his friends.

Nishi: Well, he was never very good at making them.

Nishi: Skating aside, he's not good at putting himself out there.

Nishi: I don't want this to be the end for him.

Yuko: Me, neither.

Yuko: He actually hates losing.

Yuko: I hope Victor will bring out a side of Yuri-kun that we've never seen before.

V: So, a magic spell to change the little piggy into a prince...

YN: Huh?

V: Nothing.

V: Thanks. I know a lot more about Yuri now.

V: Good morning.

Fish: Morning.

V: You say hi too, Yurio.

Yuri: I'm not Yurio!

Sign : Private Practice Session Reserved All Day Apologies for the Inconvenience

Sign : "Hot Springs on Ice" Is a Go! Katsuki Yuri & Yuri Plisetsky Location: Ice Castle Hasetsu

Y: Victor will finally start teaching me today.

Y: Whether this is my last season or not rides on this.

Y: I'll never win if I wimp out here!

Y: I can't lose this "Hot Springs on Ice" match!

Y: And then I'll aim for the Grand Prix Final!

V: First, let's have you two listen to the music.

V: This piece comes in two arrangements, each with a different theme.

V: "On Love: Eros and Agape."

V: Have you ever thought about love?

Yuri: Nope.

V: All right.

V: Then what do you feel when you listen to this music?

Y: It's very clear and innocent,

Y: like someone who doesn't know what love is yet.

Yuri: I don't like this piece.

Yuri: This innocence crap makes me wanna barf.

V: Okay.

Y: It's like a completely different song.

Yuri: Victor!

Yuri: I want to skate to this one!

V: The first piece is "On Love: Agape."

V: The theme is unconditional love.

V: And this piece is "On Love: Eros."

V: The theme is sexual love.

V: I'll have you two skate to these opposing themes.

V: This is how I'm assigning them.

V: Yuri, you'll skate to "Eros"!

V: Yurio, you'll skate to "Agape"!

Y: What?!

Yuri: Switch them! That piece isn't me at all!

V: You have to do the opposite of what people expect.

V: How else will you surprise them?

V: That's my motto.

V: Actually, you're both far more ordinary and mediocre than you think.

V: You need to be more self-aware.

V: I'm surprised you think you can choose your own image.

V: From the audience's perspective, you're just a piglet and a kitten.

Hasetsu_Exhibiti,Sign: Hasetsu Exhibition Hot Springs on Ice Victor Nikiforov Presents

V: If you aren't up to my standards by next week,

V: I won't choreograph either of your programs.

V: Both of you are my fans, so I'm sure you'll manage.

Yuri: Fine.

Yuri: I'll skate to "Agape."

Yuri: My senior division debut depends on it!

Yuri: You'd better give me a program that'll let me win!

V: It's up to you whether you win or not.

V: If I skated the program, I'd win for sure.

Yuri: If I win, Victor, you're coming back to Russia.

Yuri: And you'll be my coach!

Yuri: That's what I want!

V: Sure.

V: Yuri, what about you?

V: What would you like to do if you win?

Y: I want to eat pork cutlet bowls with you, Victor.

Y: I want to keep on winning, and keep on eating pork cutlet bowls!

Y: So I'll skate to "Eros"!

Y: I'll give it all the eros I've got!

V: Great!

Hasetsu_Exhibiti,Sign: Hasetsu Exhibition: "Hot Springs On Ice" in Days

V: That's exactly what I like!

Sign: To Be Continued!!!

V: I wonder, which of you will be able to satisfy me?

Y: I'll satisfy you for sure!

Yuri: Fine! Bring on the fight!

Yuri: Don't underestimate Russia!

YY: Next time, Third Skate:

Title,Sign: The Third Skate I Am Eros, and Eros Is Me?! Face-Off! Hot Springs on Ice

YY: I Am Eros, and Eros Is Me?!

YY: Hot Springs on Ice.