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01x04 - Like Yourself... And Complete The Free Program!!

Posted: 04/12/24 18:51
by bunniefuu
Phone,Sign : : PM May (Sunday)

Y: Sorry! I overslept!

Y: U-Um...

V: Good morning, Yuri!

V: Only Aeroflot has kept me waiting as long as you have.

V: Oh, Japanese dogeza!

Y: Victor will be staying in Hasetsu to be my coach.

Y: But to me, it's surreal, more like having a god around than a coach.

V: Resting is a part of work, too.

Y: To think that a coach of my very own is going to be here every day...

Y: And that coach is Victor Nikiforov himself.

Y: He said I could pay his coaching fees later,

Y: but I wonder how expensive it will be.

V: Yuri, you tend to flub your jumps when something is on your mind.

Title,Sign : Fourth Skate Like Yourself... And Complete the Free Program!!

Y: Like Yourself... And Complete the Free Program!!

Yutopia: ,Hasetsu Hot Springs Yu-topia Katsuki

V: Yuri, maybe we should nix having three quads in your free program.

Y: But...

Y: I-If I want to win the Grand Prix Final, I need those.

V: Why?

V: Even if there's only one quad,

V: just get a perfect score on the program components!

Sign : Figure Skating Scoring System

Y: Let me pause here to explain the scoring system in figure skating!

Sign : Technical Elements Score (TES)

Y: Jumps and spins count toward a technical score.

Components,Sign : Program Components Score (PCS)

Y: Choreography and interpretation count toward a presentation score.

Sign : TES + PCS

Deductions,Sign : Deductions

Y: The total score is a sum of those two, minus any deductions!

Total,Sign : Total Score

Y: When I skate, I tend to lose technical points by missing jumps,

Y: but close the gap through the presentation score.

Y: At any rate, this isn't good enough.

Y: I have to change.

V: Yuri, do you know why I decided to become your coach?

Y: Huh?

V: I was drawn to you because of the music...

V: The way you skate like your body is creating music.

V: I want to create a high-difficulty program to maximize that.

V: Only I can do that.

V: That's the gut feeling I had...

V: And the short program validated it!

V: Perhaps you should produce your next free program.

Y: Huh?

Y: But my coach has always chosen my music—

V: Isn't it more fun to do it yourself?

Y: Ow, ow, ow!

: That hurts!

Y: But my previous coach...

V: Who was your coach again?

Mob: Th-Thank you, God...

Ce: Yuri?

Ce: Ciao, ciao!

Ce: I haven't seen you since the Grand Prix Final!

Y: Oh, it's been a while.

Ce: I hear Victor's your coach now?

Y: Uh, sorry.

Ce: Why are you apologizing?

V: Ciao, ciao, Celestino!

V: I'm his coach, Victor!

Ce: You're playing at being a coach in Japan?

Ce: Cut it out already.

V: Hey, hey...

V: Why didn't you let Yuri choose his program music?

Ce: Huh?

Ce: I usually select music for my skaters,

Ce: but I also let them choose if they want.

Ce: Yuri only brought me a piece once.

Ce: I believe it was composed by an acquaintance.

Ce: It wasn't bad, but...

Ce: You think you can win with this music?

Y: Uh...

Y: Please choose the music for me after all, Coach.

Ce: Yuri never had confidence in himself.

Ce: I told him time and again to trust himself more, but...

V: Okay, thanks.

Y: U-Um, Celestino...

Y: I'm going to redeem myself at the next Grand Prix Final!

Ce: That's what I wanted to hear you say at last year's Grand Prix Final.

Y: I'm so glad.

Y: I couldn't bring myself to contact him for so long...

V: Yuri.

V: Could I hear this music he mentioned?

Y: Uh...

V: Why didn't you tell me?

V: I'm your coach, aren't I?

Y: Right. Sorry.

Yuri: Huh?

Yuri: That little piggy's producing his own free program?

Yuko: How are you, Yuri-kun in Russia?

Yuko: Did you choose your free program?

Yuko: I look forward to seeing it.

Yuri: Is Yuko trying to scout the enemy?

Yuri: Damn it.

Yuri: But producing his own program, huh?

Mila: Oh?

Mila: Yuri, did you go to Japan to find a girlfriend?

Yuri: No. Get off me, Mila.

Yuri: Are you horny because you dumped that hockey player?

Yuri: I wouldn't put myself in that situation.

Yuri: I won't get myself almost k*lled just for going on a date with another girl.

Mila: I've been practicing lifts lately, too.

Yuri: Let me down, hag!

Mila: I'm only three years older than you.

Yakov: Yuri. Mila.

Mila: Coach Yakov...

: Put me down already! Come on!

Yakov: Are you two switching to pairs skating?

Mila: S-Sorry.

Mila: I wonder what happened to Yuri in Japan.

Mila: He used to hate practice.

Yakov: He was arrogant about his abilities

Yakov: because no one in his age group rivaled him.

Yakov: But I think his face-off with Yuri Katsuki in Japan was his wake-up call.

Yakov: This may make things interesting.

Moms: Hey!

Moms: Huh?

Moms: It's Lilia Baranovskaya!

Moms: The former prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Ballet!

Yakov: Thank you for coming, Lilia.

Lilia: So which one is he?

Lilia: If I don't like what I see, I'll go home.

Yuri: Who's this hag?

Lilia: No cavities.

Yuri: Ow, ow, ow!

Lilia: Physically, he's abysmal.

Lilia: We start from square one with ballet lessons.

Yakov: Do what you want.

Yuri: What the hell?!

Lilia: I will choreograph your free program.

Lilia: First, I've decided on your next goal.

Lilia: Become this season's principal—

Lilia: no, prima ballerina.

Lilia: If you are willing to sell your soul to win.

Mila: P-Prima ballerina?

Yuri: If selling my soul is all it takes to win,

Yuri: I'll give you my whole body, no holds barred.

Lilia: I am Lilia Baranovskaya.

Lilia: Go home and pack up your things.

Lilia: You'll be living with me from now on to practice.

Lilia: With Yakov, too.

Yakov: Lilia!

Lilia: Don't get me wrong, Yakov.

Lilia: I don't intend to get back together with you.

Yuri: Huh? What?

Yakov: I... I wasn't hoping for that at all!

Yuko: I don't really get it,

Yuko: but Yurio-kun's coach brought in his ex-wife.

Yuko: Now he's getting scolded by her day and night.

Y: Huh, I see.

Yuko: Have you chosen the music for your free program, Yuri-kun?

Y: Oh, well, I had Victor listen to one...

V: Oh, I see. So this is how it sounds.

Y: But his reaction was lukewarm.

SFX,Sign: The Smackdown

V: You should think of other possibilities.

Y: My usual way was to have my coach pick something from what was available,

Y: and to let him choreograph it, too.

Y: But Victor wasn't like that.

Y: He choreographed his own programs and had new music written to create stories.

Y: I did dream about doing that myself someday, but...

Y: Oh, Phichit-kun...

Y: He's practicing back home in Thailand.

Y: Hey, Phichit-kun?

Y: Sawasdee krab.

Phichit: Yuri!

Phichit: It's been a while. How have you been?

Yuri: You're practicing back in Thailand, huh?

Phichit: Yeah, Detroit's boring now that you're gone.

Phichit: Oh, you should come visit Bangkok.

Phichit: I'll show you around.

Y: Khob khun, kup.

Y: Hey, Phichit-kun, do you remember how I had a music demo made?

Pichi: Oh, yeah!

Pichi: By the conservatory student?

Pichi: You asked her to compose it, right?

Y: Yeah. It got shelved in the end...

Y: Sorry, and after you spent time composing it...

Lady: Oh, it's fine. Just keep it.

Y: Sorry.

Y: Things got awkward with her after that.

Pichi: Oh, I see...

Pichi: I'll put out feelers to see where she is.

Pichi: I'm sure she's not mad or anything.

Y: This piece has been bothering me for a while.

Y: It really is a bit weak...

Y: But I guess that makes sense.

Y: I asked her to compose a piece that'd express my whole career as a skater.

Y: She did capture it pretty well...

Y: My underwhelming life in competitive figure skating.

Y: What should I have done differently?

Lilia: No! No!

Lilia: Not like that at all!

Lilia: Throw yourself away!

Lilia: Your past self is dead!

Lilia: People who can be reborn as many times as necessary are the strong ones.

SignB: ,Welcome, Victor! Welcome Back, Katsuki Yuri

V: What? You still haven't chosen the music?

V: Why can't you trust your own decisions?

V: Just try to remember something, like when a girlfriend loved you.

Y: Huh?!

Y: S-S-Sorry! Right now, it's just that I—

V: Oh, right. You've never had a girlfriend.

V: Yuri, let's go somewhere today.

Y: No, it's okay.

V: Yuri, let's go take a bath.

Y: I'm going to sleep.

V: Yuri, let's go to sleep together.

Y: I can't stand this guilt!

V: Good morning, Yuri.

V: Let's go to the ocean.

Y: Okay...

V: Oh, seagulls.

Y: Black-tailed gulls.

V: Ever since I came here,

V: I'm reminded of St. Petersburg when I hear seagulls in the early morning.

V: I never thought I'd leave that city,

V: so I never used to notice the seagulls' cries.

V: Do you ever have times like that?

Yuri: There was a girl in Detroit who was really pushy and kept talking to me.

Yuri: One time, a rink mate got into an accident.

Yuri: I was pretty torn up with worry...

Yuri: I was in the hospital waiting room with that girl.

Yuri: When she hugged me to comfort me,

Yuri: I shoved her away without thinking about it.

V: Wow, why?

Y: I didn't want her to think I was feeling unsettled.

Y: I felt like she was intruding on my feelings or something, and I hated it.

Y: But then I realized that Minako-sensei, Nishigori, Yuko-chan, and my family

Y: never treated me like a weakling.

Y: They all had faith that I'd keep growing as a person,

Y: and they never stepped over the line.

V: Yuri, you're not weak.

V: No one else thinks that, either.

V: What do you want me to be to you?

V: A father figure?

Y: No.

V: A brother, then? A friend?

V: Then, your boyfriend, I guess.

V: I can try my best.

Y: No, no, no, no, no!

Y: I want you to stay who you are, Victor!

Y: I've always looked up to you.

Y: I ignored you because I didn't want you to see my shortcomings.

Y: I'll make it up to you with my skating!

V: Okay, I won't let you off easy, then.

V: That's my way of showing my love.

Y: When I open up, he meets me where I am.

Y: I shouldn't be afraid to open up more!

Y: She's going to redo the music.

V: Okay, I look forward to it.

Y: Until she's done, um...

Y: Please teach me all the jumps that you can do!

Lilia: It's no good at all.

Lilia: Even the king crab we ate yesterday had a better free leg than you.

Lilia: Do it again, starting from the same place.

Lilia: Your response?

Yuri: Yes, ma'am!

Yakov: It might have been good that he left Victor's side early.

Yakov: He's trying to rebuild his strengths.

SignB: ,Welcome, Victor! Welcome Back, Katsuki Yuri

Y: Victor, please let me do that one more time!

V: Wow... Hasn't it been tens of thousands of times?

Y: Just thirteen.

V: I've thought this for a while, but you have pretty good stamina.

Y: Well, I have that, at least.

V: You said you get hungry when you're nervous in competition, too.

V: You haven't suffered any major injuries, and you're younger than I am.

Y: S-Sorry!

Y: I couldn't help it!

V: Is it getting that thin?

Y: No, no, no! Everything's okay!

V: I'm hurt... I can't recover from this.

Y: Sorry!

Y: Please get up!

Nishi: Well, those two seem to get along fine.

Y: It's here!

Y: Victor, listen!

Y: Oops, sorry!

Y: The music for the free program's done.

V: If you want more impact,

V: maybe the last jump can be a quadruple toe loop?

Y: Huh? For the last one?

V: With your stamina, I think you can pull it off.

V: You'd rather not?

Y: I'll do it!

V: Okay.

V: Oh, right.

V: Yuri, did you change the musical theme?

Y: Oh, um...

V: What is it?

Y: The theme is "on my love."

V: That's the best theme.

V: Perfect.

V: Okay, let's finish this!

Y: Yeah!

Minako: Kachu Snack Bar

Minako: What?

Minako: The Grand Prix assignments were announced?!

Kids: Crap, crap, crap!

Yuko: Do you three realize what time it is?!

Kids: Mom! The assignments!

Yuko: Crap, crap!

Yakov: Yuri!

Yakov: The assignments are in.

Yuri: Where?

Yuri: Where'd the little Japanese piggy get assigned?

All: Congrats!

Congrats: ,Congrats on Your Assignment in the GP Series, Yuri!

Y: Thanks.

V: Okay, I'll explain which events you'll be competing in.

Kids: But first!

Kids: Since the Katsuki family still doesn't know much about figure skating,

Kids: we'll give a simple explanation!

YMom: Oh, that'd be very helpful.

Sign : Figure Skating Grand Prix Series

Kids: What is the Figure Skating Grand Prix series?

Kids: Skaters with high scores in the previous year

Sign : Czech Republic Russia China South Korea

Sign : Czech Republic Russia China South Korea Switzerland Italy Russia Thailand USA

Sign : Czech Republic Russia China South Korea Switzerland Italy Russia Thailand USA Kazakhstan Canada

Sign : First Event: Skate America

Kids: participate in a maximum of two competitions out of six worldwide.

Sign: Second Event: Skate Canada

Sign: Third Event: Cup of China

Sign: Fourth Event: NHK Trophy (Japan)

Kids: Only the top six skaters advance to the Grand Prix Final,

Sign: Fifth Event: Trophée de France

Sign: Sixth Event: Rostelecom Cup (Russia)

Kids: which decides who's number one!

Sign : Top Male Figure Skaters

Kids: And this season, Yuri's been assigned to

Sign : Third Event: Cup of China!!

Kids: the third event, the Cup of China!

Phichit: ,Phichit Chulanont

Kids: Yuri's former rink mate, Phichit from Thailand, will be there, too!

Y: Oh, Phichit-kun!

Kids: And his second event will be...

Sign : Sixth Event: Rostelecom Cup (Russia)

Kids: The sixth event, Russia's Rostelecom Cup!

Kids: He'll be up against his fated rival, Yuri Plisetsky!

Sign : I'll k*ll you! Yuri Plisetsky

Yurio: ,Yurio

Mari: Wow, Yurio! Davai, davai!

Y: So I'm already facing Yurio in the Rostelecom Cup...

V: You'll be minding the house during the season, Maccachin.

Y: That's right...

Y: It'll be my first time in a Grand Prix series without Victor in the lineup.

Nishi: I bet if you show up

Nishi: with Victor as your coach, they'll think you stole him from the sport.

Yuko: Maybe skating fans worldwide hate you now!

Yuko: Sorry! We're on your side, Yuri-kun!

Minako: Yeah, we are.

Minako: I'll come cheer you on this season, too!

Sign : Yuri!!!

Minako: First up is the Cup of China!

Kids: Huh?

Kids: Yuri, last year...

Kids: In the Nationals...

Y: I think I finished eleventh because I messed up my prep.

Nishi: I see... So you have to compete in the block championships.

V: What?

Y: Oh, we're talking about domestic competitions.

Yuko: To explain, Yuri-kun had a big-time loss in last year's Nationals.

Board,Sign : Japanese National Championships!! Utter Defeat

Board,Sign : Qualification Loss

Yuko: So this year, he has to work his way up from qualifying competitions.

Board,Sign : Must Compete in Qualifying Competitions

Yuko: So his first event this season is the

Board,Sign : Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu Championship

Yuko: Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu Championship in September.

Yuko: It'll be his comeback competition!

Nishi: Ow.

Nishi: Well, you'll breeze through that.

Kids: Oh, but Minami-kun from Fukuoka will be competing in it!

Kids: Yeah, he beat Yuri in the Nationals.

Kids: Minami Kenjiro from Kyushu, said to be the # star among younger skaters!

Y: Right...

Y: It's already been more than six months since December, when I thought I was done for.

YDad: Good, good.

YDad: We can cheer you on this year, too!

YDad: Good luck.

Y: Dad...

YDad: We need to use this chance to make money!

Y: Dad.

YMom: You'll autograph a sign, won't you?

Y: Until now, I thought I was fighting all by myself.

Y: But now that Victor's here, that's totally changed.

Y: Some things are still the same.

Y: Some have changed.

Y: Now everything feels so new.

Y: I may never be able to regain what I've lost,

Y: but I can clearly see what's in front of me now.

Lilia: Okay, from the very beginning.

Lilia: That's right, Yuri...

Lilia: That's beautiful.

Mila: He was so reluctant at first,

Mila: but he's becoming more and more like a prima ballerina.

Yuri: I only have a short window before my body changes.

Yuri: I'm going to take advantage of everything I can right now to win.

Y: Figure skaters are only competitive for a short time.

Y: This will probably be my last competitive figure skating season.

Y: I don't know how long Victor will stick around

Y: or how long my body will hold up.

Y: So please, God...

Y: Give me Victor's time, if only just for now.

V: Yuri, you haven't named the piece. What will it be?

V: Yeah, perfect.

Y: September...

Y: Victor's and my season will finally begin.

Sign : Let's Send the Power of Sports Throughout Japan! Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu Figure Skating Championship

Sign: To Be Continued!!!

Y: It's my first official competition in a while.

Y: I'm so nervous...

V: This is my coaching debut.

V: Yuri, what would you like me to wear?

Y: Oh, just your usual clothes, please.

Y: Fifth Skate: Face Beet-Red!! It's the First Competition!

Title,Sign : Fifth Skate Face Beet-Red!! It's the First Competition! The Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu Championship

Y: The Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu Championship.

Y: Stay tuned!