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01x02 - Awesome for the First Time!

Posted: 04/12/24 20:28
by bunniefuu
That night was just gnarly from the get-go!

My board got thrown out!

I almost had to go against Shadow!

And on top of that, Langa...

He's an amateur,
and he decides to go do a beef?

Of course that's gonna be impossible!

He used to snowboard?

I didn't hear that.

What's up with that?

What's up...




"PART #02:

"PART #02:

I've never seen skating like that!

How did you do that thing at the end?

Was it a snowboarding trick?


Backside Rodeo.

Leave it to a guy
who came back from America!

You mean Canada.

That so? Well, details don't really matter!

Lemme see how you skate!

You don't have to tell me!

Going in!

Push me.


Langa, stop!



What happened to how you skated last night?

I don't know myself.

I mean, you look like
a completely different person.


Lend me your board again after school.

Did you forget you just
bailed hard and almost died?

I know.

But somehow... felt good.



Well, I guess it's okay.

But... what you were on last night wasn't
a snowboard. That was a skateboard!

You seriously wanna skate?

I want to...

...try skating.

I want to skate.

First, you keep your rear foot on the ground

while you put your other foot
on top of the deck.

Right around the screws on the nose.




I snowboarded this way.

I see.

Next, put your rear foot on the deck.

If you're scared, I'll hold your hand.

I'm fine.



This thing moves!

What just happened was... that after you
got on the board, you got cold feet

and the center of gravity shifted to the back.

Before you put the rear foot on,
keep the center of gravity at the front,

and after you lift that foot,
keep it at the center.


Yours doesn't move at all.

Push is one of the basics, so you need
to be able to do it with your eyes closed!

Your legs are too far apart!

Look ahead!

Hey! You there!

Crap! Let's make a run for it!

Yeah, that's it! Push, push!


You'd better not get caught!

Hurry up, transfer student!

He's gonna catch up to you!

Push it like you're running!

Like this!

You say that, but...


Keep at it! Just like that! This way!

Y-You didn't teach me how to turn!

Oh, man...

It definitely was the right
decision to request you.

It was popular among the female clients, too.

I'm honored that I could be of service.

Welcome, Mr. Tamashiro.

I brought you a valuable client of mine.

He's a master calligrapher--

Sorry about this.


Did you see him, too?
The rookie who handed Shadow a defeat...

I'm working right now, you dimwit.

I make the rules inside this restaurant,
you cheapskate four-eyes.

If that's the case, post it outside,
as well, you feebleminded gorilla!

Give that back, rotting four-eyes!

Shut up, half-wit!



You useless pumpkin!

"That rookie is awesome!"

"He'd literally taped his feet?!?!"

"That's way too much air!
Is this snowboarding?"

"But who'd have thought
Shadow would lose?"

"What a letdown..."

"I was looking forward to him
crushing a rookie, too."

"Shadow's days are over, dude."

Hiromi, can I ask you for an arrangement?


There's some really cute stuff
that came in today!

"The rookie is tall, blue-eyed
and has hair like the snow."

That can't be it.

What's with those injuries?

There are more and more on him
every day lately!

Fights? Bullying? What should I do?

He was always terrible at communicating
with others from back when we were in Canada!

Should I take the plunge and ask him?

But adolescent boys can be so difficult!

I only wish there was a father
for him right now!


I was just wondering what happened
to cause those injuries.

I tripped.

The classic excuse! Does that mean
he can't tell his parent about it?

Am I shut out of this? What should I do?

Help me, Oliver!

Skating is surprisingly difficult.

Huh? Skating?


My friend's teaching me.

I see.

I was worried because he was
feeling down for so long, but...



Don't worry about me.
Are you all right? Like work and stuff?

Yeah. I'm doing fine.

Think about tempo!

Ticktock, ticktock...

So, your front foot always comes off.

I'll do it one more time.

Does your foot bother you that much?

I'm scared if it's not attached.

I'd be more scared if it was attached.

Oh, no duct tape!
You almost died, remember?



Another rejection?

You probably were spaced out
during your interview again.

I wasn't!

That's it. You just don't talk enough.

It's not a big deal,
so let's talk a bit more, huh?

I didn't get to the interview.

Just the resume?
How are you filling those out?




I didn't do any reading and writing, so...

Want me to fill it in for you?

No way.

They'd find out if part of my work
involved writing things down.

I guess we have no choice.

--We're begging you!
--We're begging you!

You say that, but...

There has to be something!

I'm begging you!


I'll talk to the owner.

That doesn't mean you're hired yet.

Thanks a bunch!





"SK8 the Infinity"


"SK8 the Infinity"

What? That rookie ain't here?

I was looking forward to him.

Did he just quit while he's ahead?

Hey, Shadow! You lookin' for vengeance?

What was that?

Where's the guy that got ya?

Lemme know if you see him!

Cherry blossom's coming!

Joe's right behind him!

Joe, I love you!


Lord Cherry!

You are beautiful today as always!

So wonderful!

Carla, calculate the angle.

Okay, Master.

What fun is there in skating
according to calculations?

Skating is all about a feeling,
you know what I mean?


Like I'd let you!

Carla, let this idiot know.

The cornering from Joe just now is 65%.

It is highly inefficient.

Machines stay quiet.

That's Carla, not a machine!

Don't give your skateboard a chick's name!
That's creepy, man!

--Don't talk to me in gorilla talk!
--Those two still don't get along, do they?

He hasn't...

...shown up today, either.

Here goes!

Yeah! Bring it!

A snowboarder, huh?



I'll play along with it.

You okay?

To think an ollie is this difficult...

You have ollies in snowboarding, too, right?

That's true.

But your feet are attached
and your feet doesn't change stances,

so amateurs can pull off something like it.

But in skateboarding, your feet
aren't attached. It still flies with you.

It's completely different.

How long did it take you
before you got it down, Reki?

Me? Two months!

But usually it takes
about three months or so.

That long?

Do you have to be able to do this?

The invention of the ollie
changed skating drastically.

It went from a board that just glided along... a board that flies!

If you have the ollie down... can go anywhere!

The ollie is a revolution...

...and it is a possibility!

You can enjoy skating without ollies, too!

But if you wanna know
the world beyond that...

...ollies are a must!

The world beyond that...

If you wanna pop an ollie, you won't
be able to do it if you're duct-taping.

Just get used to it.

I'm scared. I can't keep my cool.

How many years have you
been snowboarding?

Let's see...

Fifteen years, I think.

Wait! From when you were two?

If you've been doing it that long,
no doubt you can't shake off its sensations.

Let's go!

Excuse me.

It's fine.

Over here!

Just sit around somewhere.

Um, I think it was somewhere around here.


Who was that?

Third oldest little sister.

Reki, you should tell me
if you have a friend over.

Welcome! I'm Reki's mom.

He hasn't given you any trouble,
right? Are you okay?

Like I would! More like
I'm taking care of him!

There's no way that would be true!

Why can't you believe your son for once?

Oh, are you hungry?
I have some tasty cake!

I'll eat! I'll eat!

I don't want any!

You'll have some, right?


Then, I'll bring some over!

Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake!

It's quite rowdy.

A huge family only embarrasses you.

"I'm home!"
"I'm going to start dinner now.
Around when will you be back?"

"Sorry, I'll be home late."

Here it is!

What about this one?

The feet are fixed in place.
I didn't know they had stuff like this.

Yeah. This would keep me from being scared.

Want me to make you one?

You can make this?

I made that one that you used
in the beef against Shadow, too.

I had no idea.

You want a bigger deck than that, too, right?

You can tell?

Based on how you skated the other day.

With a bigger deck, the wheel base can be
wider, as well, giving you more stability.

You're worried about being unstable, right?

Did you wobble in a corner
in the middle of your skating?

Yeah, I did! How do you know so much?

I know... because it's about skating.

I see.

There was a garage like this in the back?

This might work.


They don't sell decks that would suit you.

So, I'll make one by shaving this board.

Don't just admire it,
but think about your wheels!

Wheels... You mean on the skateboard?

Yeah. Bigger ones go faster, but they're heavy,
and little ones mean the opposite.

You also have to think about trucks
that go along with the wheels.


Oh, jeez!

This is a long board.

It's used in surfing for offshore training.

This is a cruiser.
It's for going around city streets.

And this is a street. It's like the one I use.

If you wanna do tricks, go with these.

How did he just do that?

Looks cool, huh?


That, too?

It's wicked! Only a handful of guys
can pull that off, though.

But it's possible.

They skate in places like these, too?

Of course, it's skating.


You can skate anywhere.

You can't snowboard unless you
go up into the mountains, right?

It's no good if there's no pileup of snow, but
it's no good if there's a blizzard out, either.

Indoor facilities are too cramped.

But you can skate even in school!

The park, the mountains!

Morning, evening!

Even if it's not snowing!


Anytime, anywhere,
under any circumstances, you can skate!

Time, place, possibilities...

Skating is infinite!


You okay?


Huh? Blood!

I drew blood! Blood!

You're overreacting.

You sometimes bleed
when you snowboard too, right?

Almost never. It's mainly
bruises or broken bones.


But for skating, it's like a rite of passing.

The more you bail, the better you get!

So, bail to your heart's content!

You make it sound like it's not your business.

But then, it was like that
in snowboarding, too.

So, Langa, why did you
come here to Okinawa?

Did you parents get relocated?

It's because my dad died.

This is where my mom grew up.

I was looking for a job so that I could
help out with the family income.

I see.

Is it boring out here?

I mean, it doesn't snow.

You can't snowboard.


After my dad died,
I didn't snowboard in Canada, either.


...after getting on a board
for the first time in a while...

...for some reason...

...right now...

...I'm having fun!


So? How do you feel
after nailing your first ollie?

It feels really good!



It's rad!

This guy's a genius!

He nailed an ollie in just two weeks!
And it took me two months!

That was simply jumping over a twig, right?

Hold it!



You serious?

Miya Chinen, the Japanese national hopeful!

Hey you there, run a beef against me in "S."


That's out of the blue, and I...

I have no need for slimes.


I want to hear the ding of leveling up
for the first time in a while.

You're fine with it, right?



Hey you, Miya Chinen,
I have something I wanna ask you!

Hey you, Miya Chinen,
I have something I wanna ask you!

Keep the interview short.

--What's your favorite food?

--What's your best subject at school?

--What are you hooked on right now?
--Role-playing games.

What special talent can you brag about?

Talking with cats.

You can?

Okay, this is the last one.
What's your favorite type?

Fluffy ones that feel great to hug.

Wait, what?

"PART #03:

Sorry, but I'm not gonna pick dogs or cats.