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01x09 - We Were Special Back Then

Posted: 04/12/24 20:31
by bunniefuu
Look at this.

It's from my Crail Snatcher.

So many memories. This was where
you first nailed a Laser Flip, too.

Ever since ADAM came back to Japan,
we've challenged him to beefs multiple times.

But he doesn't even try to respond.

Why do you think that is?

Of course, he's scared of losing against us.


I'm sure he...


I'll see for myself.

"PART #09:

"PART #09:

JOE's in the lead!

SNOW is keeping up!

Both of them are going at insane speed!

Go, JOE!

Tear 'em up!

Just a little more...

There it is! Power Break!

What a kick!

He won't be able to keep up with that!

Sorry, Langa.

I'm gonna win against you
and go up against ADAM!

No matter how many times I tell him,
he makes wasteful movements.

You think so?

His entry angle is too weak, too.

If he entered at 25 degrees,
he could have exited 0.3 seconds faster.

And his upper body tilt is also weak.

--In the first place, he's rough-cut
with everything he does.
--So annoying.

If you don't compete well here,
you won't be able to win against ADAM.

Then, JOE is gonna win.

He's a rookie, after all.

He's no rival, I guess!

Hey! What do you know about him?

His air is so high and beautiful!
It's just like...

...a snow flurry.

I've watched this whole time.

His effort... His senses...

Just how much he loves skating...

You cheering for SNOW?


The fact that I can support amazing athletes
is really a fortunate thing!

Then, let's make a bet!

We're gonna bet on JOE!

Wait, I...

Come on!

I thought he pulled away at the corner!

But their gap is smaller than before!

Langa is faster on the straightaways.

If that's the case...

I guess I'll do that.

Is he gonna do another Power Break?

But they're heading into a straightaway.

Wait! Can it be?

So fast!

I can't catch up!

What speed!

You have to minimize air resistance
to increase speed.

That's what that m*ssile-style is about!

So, it means that his needlessly
bulky body isn't all for show.

He's perfect both in corners
and on straightaways!

He's on a different level, after all!

SNOW just got a bad opponent!

He's pulling further away.

But... heart isn't racing.

And it's such a rad beef.

I can't even see him anymore.

Langa's gonna lose?

Lookin' good, JOE!

Blow 'em away!


Isn't SNOW here yet?

Maybe he gave up.

There's no way he can win now!

You got that right!

He's here!

What's up with that?

Get a grip, SNOW!

I placed bets on you, dude!

What have I been doing?

You're much more amazing than that!

Don't give up so damn easily!



That's right.

I was skateboarding.

A corner...

This feeling...

--Hold on!
--He's gonna fall!

It's back!

He's flying!

That's an awesome shortcut!

What's up with that?

Go, JOE!

Nail it, JOE!

Looks like I won.

It's SNOW!

He's catching up!

You're quite the monster yourself!

JOE's in the lead!

SNOW's coming in, too!

Seriously? He's gonna catch up!

What are you thinking?

That's a dead end!

An aggressive guy as always.

Did he just make his own version
of the shortest route?

Hand it to JOE!

Aggressiveness is my principle
in both skating and seduction.

SNOW won't make it in time with that route!

Yeah, this seals the deal!


Look out, JOE!

There are steel frames that way!

So aggressive!

But that's what's so good!

What's he got up his sleeve?

He's intentionally
going to the steel frames?

Is he gonna do it, too?

It's impossible with Langa's leg strength.

I figured it out...

...Little Langa.

He dodged!

But it's coming back!

He's gonna collide!

What the hell?

Did he use JOE's power?

SNOW is out in front?

Not letting you!

--Pass him!

JOE's here, too!

It's a close one!


SNOW won?

What a comeback win!

I heard it with my ears.

The clanging of wedding bells!

Langa won.

Against JOE.


You got me. I didn't think
you'd use my power...

--What should I do...

Oh, it snapped.

Skateboards are expendables, after all.

Can I fix it?

It's faster if you bought one.

It's not good if it's not this one.

Reki made that one, right?

Then, have Reki fix it.


It'll be all right if it's you two.

Run, Langa.

SNOW won, dude!

Maybe he might win against ADAM!

He just might!

Langa won.

But I'm not happy at all.

My friend won, but I can't be happy for him.

What am I doing in a place like this?

I get it.

I was just frustrated.


...don't wanna cheer others on, after all!

I wanna be skating right next to you!

Congratulations, SNOW!

You really do make sure
to go beyond my expectations.

Truly lovely!

Now, what kind of skater
will be chosen next?

--It's ADAM!
--ADAM is up!

Who's his opponent?

In order to fight against you,
I have to make sure to win.

We got a bigwig!

Isn't this basically the finals already?


Sorry, Kojiro.

I'm the one going against ADAM!

"SK8 the Infinity"

"SK8 the Infinity"

Please hurry!

It's gonna start soon!

If I recall, it was
somewhere around here...

It's SNOW!

That beef earlier was seriously amazing!


Did you guys see a redhead around here?

Let's make a bet! If I win,
I'll crack that controller of yours!


It won't be a bet, then.

ADAM's gonna skate!

Lord Cherry, please don't lose!

Our headliner has arrived!

I've been waiting for this day.

I didn't want to fight you.

You've been dodging a beef
against me for the longest time.

Oh, have I?

Don't act dumb!


Loser gorillas can stand down.


If you're talking about ADAM, I'll defeat him
right now, so you can watch from there.

If you lose, I'll laugh at you, wimpy four-eyes.

Don't get frustrated and start
working out, muscle-brain gorilla.

So... does your skit go on for a while longer?

It's almost time for us to start.

Be careful. He's not the ADAM he used to be.

You don't need to tell me that.

So fast!

He's dead even with ADAM!

Is he equal with ADAM?

You're amazing, Cherry!

It started!

It's ADAM versus Cherry!

Who will win?


Where are you?

Carla, what about the next corner?

I can't wait that long.


ADAM is getting ready!

He's planning on doing...

...that thing!

There it is!

He's starting off with a Love Hug!

Make a run for it, Lord Cherry!

He closed his eyes?


If he isn't watching, he won't
be befuddled by the illusion.

How's he gonna go around
that corner without looking?

Carla, count it.

Entry angle, 11 degrees.

Three... Two... One...

He dodged the Love Hug!

Was there such a method?

He can do that stunt because he can
precisely execute it with AI assistance.

You were expecting me to dodge that, right?

If you hadn't, you wouldn't
have gone ahead with it!

Why do you think
ADAM won't respond to our beefs?

Of course, he's scared of losing against us.

No, I'm sure he...

Is Cherry playing it rough?

Against ADAM?

I'll see for myself...

...what your heart feels!

If you really have changed
from those days when we first met!

Every day felt like a festival.

Everyone was enchanted by you.

And you pulled us along.

And we forgot about time.

ADAM, your hood...


It doesn't matter if you see me.

You guys are special.

Did ADAM pull back?

Not bad, Cherry!

Just as I thought!

I know your true self!

Carla, high-speed mode!

Okay, Master. High-speed mode.


I'm not an opponent you can win against
if you're showing mercy like that!

Surface clear.

Entry angle, 11 degrees.

Recommending Type, Long.

Air resistance increased by 4%.


That was the perfect course to take!

He's not dropping his guard!

Is that really all right?

It's okay...

A skateboard that can gain
downforce is the best!

What's gonna happen
at the abandoned factory?

--Lord Cherry, please win!
--Lord Cherry, please win!

It can't be that ADAM's gonna lose, right?

He wasn't someone to skate
so dangerously like that.

He wasn't in the past.

Then, why?

Who knows?

It's just that...

I don't like what he is now.

Mr. Ainosuke has changed.

It's my fault.


Carla, Type, Short!

Okay, Master.

He transformed it?

From here on, it's more
maneuverability than speed!

Is he gonna make a move here?

ADAM's dancing!

The Matador of Love has arrived!

ADAM... You can't take me down!

You're too optimistic, Cherry.

As always, your skating has no surprises.

It's overcalculated,
so it can never cross the line.

Let me teach you.

The reason why I didn't
respond to your beef...

...was simply because it was boring.

In comparison... SNOW!

You are truly wonderful!

You should be able to go together with me.

Because you are the one I found...



Are you an idiot?
Sneaking out of the hospital like that...

No problem. It's only a scratch.

You're looking like a mummy!

An honorable wound!

You haven't gone up against ADAM, after all.

I would've won!

Shut up. You lost against a rookie.

That's no ordinary rookie.

He might be a monster
that's even worse than ADAM.

You're overestimating him.

ADAM is more...

It's empty.

You bring the next one!

I'm injured.

Don't talk big.

Is a white okay?

A Lafite--

ADAM is currently skating all by himself.

He's an amazing skater,

but I'm sure he's not happy right now.

That's why his skating ends up that way.

But you know,

we're not alone.





I'm the main character in the next episode!

I'm the main character in the next episode!

Old man, stay over there. They changed it
so that I'm the main character now.

Huh? One little brat ain't gonna cut it!

I'll be fine.

"Let's do our best together, Carla."

"PART #9.5:

"Okay, Master."