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01x01 - Assassination Time

Posted: 04/12/24 20:57
by bunniefuu



let's begin our lesson.

Class president. Your command, please.




Good morning, everyone.

Just continue sh**ting
while I take your attendance.



My apologies, the g*nshots
are too loud. Please speak up.







Great! Nobody's late.


I'm really happy.

He's too fast.

The whole class opened fire
but he doesn't even have a scratch.

We are assassins.

Our assassination target

is our teacher.

What a shame. Nobody shot me.

Tactics that rely on sheer numbers
lack individual focus.

Whether it's line of sight,
barrel position or finger movement,

all of you are too easy to read.

All of you need to work harder.


you'll never be able to k*ll me
when I speed up to March 20.

By the way,

did you really dodge all those b*ll*ts?

I mean these are just BB pellets.

Even if you were hit,
you could've just brushed it off, right?

That's right!

Pass me a loaded g*n.

Didn't I mention this before?

These b*ll*ts are harmless to you.

They are specially developed
by the government to destroy me.

These can slice through my cells
like they were tofu.

Of course, my cells will regenerate
within a few seconds.

But, it's still dangerous
if it hits your eyes.

So, don't fire the g*n in class
unless you want to k*ll me.

I hope you can k*ll me
before you graduate.

Okay, it's time to keep
your g*ns and amm*nit*on.

Time to get to work.

Kunugigaoka Junior High's Class 3-E
is the assassination classroom.

The bell signals the start of the day.


Here's the question.


Which one of these tentacles
is not like the others?

Let me think. The blue one.


Only the word "who" in the blue sentence
is a relative pronoun.

-A relative pronoun changes

the noun right before it, so the clause

-"who is standing over there"
-You can still see the crescent moon

-is describing the boy.
-in broad daylight.

-In general...
-How did we end up in this mess?

Two incidents happened at once
as soon as our third year began.

The first was the moon
which suddenly exploded

and turned into a crescent shape.

Moon Surface Disappeared

Sorry for the interruption.
This is an emergency broadcast.

We have received news

that 70% of the moon surface
has been vaporized.

Let me repeat.

Does this mean we only get to see
a crescent moon from now on?

The second incident was his arrival.

How do you do?

I'm the one who destroyed the moon.

I intend to destroy the Earth next year.

I'll be your homeroom teacher from now on.

Nice to meet you.

There are at least
six things wrong with this picture.

The feeling was unanimous.

I'm Tadaomi Karasuma
from the Ministry of Defense.

Firstly, please keep in mind
that what I'm about to say is classified.

I'll get straight to the point.

I hope all of you can k*ll this monster.

Well, what's going on?

-Is he an alien invader?
-How rude! I'm born and raised on Earth!

On Earth?

I'm sorry I can't disclose the details,
but he's telling the truth.

This creature, who destroyed the moon,
will destroy the Earth

in March next year.

Only the world's leaders know about this.

If the world knows about his existence,
the world will fall into a state of panic.

That's why we need to k*ll him
in secret before that happens.

In other words, it's an assassination.

But, this guy is way too fast.

You can't k*ll him.

Instead, he'll groom
your eyebrows perfectly.

His powers are so strong that
he made the moon into a crescent shape.

His fastest speed can reach up to Mach 20.

In short, if he wants to escape,

we won't be able to do anything.

But, where's the fun in that?

So, I made a request to the government.

Although I don't want to be k*lled,

I'm willing to be the homeroom teacher
of Kunugigaoka High School's Class 3-E.


We don't know his true motive.

But, our government
had no choice but to agree

on the condition
that he won't harm the students.

There are two reasons.

First, we know his whereabouts
on weekdays so we can keep an eye on him.

Most importantly,

there are 30 of you here

with the chance of k*lling him
from close range.


I've already told you assassinations
can only be carried out after class.

I'm sorry.

Stand at the back
and reflect on what you've done.

Why did this weird creature
want to be our teacher?

Why do we need to assassinate him?

Those are the questions we could ask
from the start but we got distracted.

Your success will be rewarded
with ten billion yen.

It's only fair.

A successful assassination
will literally save the Earth.

Fortunately, he doesn't think much of you.

Look at him.

When he's looking down on someone,
those green stripes will appear.

What's with that skin?

That's without a doubt.

If the government can't k*ll me,
how could any of you k*ll me?

When they sent
their most advanced fighter jet after me,

all it got was a good waxing.

What's with all the grooming?

I hope you can find a chink
in his defenses and k*ll him then.

We'll distribute these weapons
and amm*nit*on

that are harmless to humans
but effective against him.

You must keep this a secret
from your families and friends.

We don't have time to waste.

If the world ends, we have nowhere to run.

That's about it.

Everyone, let's make the most
out of this remaining year.

We only have one year.

If we can't assassinate him by then,

the world will end.

It's time for lunch.

I'll just drop by China
to eat some spicy sauce tofu.

If anyone wants to assassinate me,

please give me a call.

I predict with a speed of Mach 20,

he can reach Sichuan where it's famous
for spicy sauce tofu within ten minutes.

I guess not even a m*ssile
could sh**t him down.

He even grades tests
while flying at the speed of sound.


Mine came back with doodles on it.

Don't you think he's good in teaching?

I do. He even taught me math after school.

That's why I aced my math test.


we're still in Class E after all.

There's no point in trying our best.

That's right.

That octopus-looking super being
is our assassination target.


he's teaching us just like
any other ordinary teacher would.

We're the same too.

Other than being temporary assassins,
we're just like ordinary students.

But, Class E is a bit different
from the rest.


Come with us.

Let's discuss our assassination plan.

That octopus' face changes color
according to its mood, right?

I told you to observe.

Did you do it?

More or less.

When he's confident,
his face shows green stripes.

You know that, right?

His face turns purple
when we give a wrong answer.

And a correct answer makes it bright red.

What's really interesting
is that after lunch...

I don't need to know that much.

I have a plan.

When he lets his guard down,

you'll k*ll him.



Stop acting like
little miss goody two shoes.

We're Class E.

In this famous prep school,
we're the ones who failed to keep up.

They call us

the End Class.

We are sent to this isolated campus
on the mountaintop every day.

We are discriminated
and treated like trash.

The chance of earning ten billion yen

will never happen to losers like us again.

We must escape
from this horrible situation

regardless of the method we use.

Nagisa, don't screw up.

I heard Nagisa was transferred to Class E.


He's doomed.

I'm deleting his contact.

Me too. I don't want others
to think I'm like him.

I'm back!

You're back, sir.

Why do you have a m*ssile?

This is a souvenir.

I was ambushed by the Ministry of Defense
near the Sea of Japan.

It must be tough
when everyone's trying to k*ll you.

Not at all.

It shows that I'm strong,
if everyone's hunting me down.

Let's go. It's almost time
for the fifth period.


He won't understand, will he?

If everyone takes him
as their assassination target,

that means they acknowledge his power.

A weird monster like him won't understand

what it's like to be ignored
and looked down on.

Thanks to you, my evaluation has dropped.

Fortunately, I don't have
to see you again.

I might be able to k*ll him

since this teacher

doesn't think much of me either.



let's try to compose poems
based on the questions that you get.

The last few words should be
"were tentacles all along."

Did you say "were tentacles all along"?

That's right.

When you're finished, please pass it up.

I'll be looking at proper grammar usage

and whether you've expressed
the beauty of tentacles adequately.

I'll give an example.

Not the storm of garden's snow
or flowers moving on,

but sprouting there instead
were tentacles all along.

My goodness,
do we really have to write about it?

Those who finish may go home.

We can't think with all the pressure.

Look at these tentacles.

Don't you have any beautiful
and slithery phrases in mind now?


You're too noisy!

Sir, I have a question.

Kaeda, what's your question?

I'm sorry for asking now,
but what's your name?

It's hard to differentiate you
from the other teachers.

Are you asking for my name?

-That's right.
-He never told us.

I don't think I have a name yet.

Why don't all of you give me a name?

Are you sure?

But right now,
focus on finishing your assignment.


I'll take this opportunity to rest.

Are you done, Nagisa?

After lunch,
right around the time gets sleepy,

his face sometimes goes light pink.

He was slow to respond
to Kaeda's question as well.

I assume this is when he's most relaxed.

We, as the failures in this prep school,

must change the way the others look at us.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

We'll show our parents,
schoolmates and teachers

that we'll succeed if we try.

Didn't I tell you to try harder?

We must prove ourselves

by any means necessary.

-We did it!

-We got ten billion yen!

Serves you right.

-What did you do?

He would've never expected
a su1c1de bomber.

What did you give Nagisa?

It's a toy grenade.

But, I enhanced its power with gunpowder.

300 anti-teacher b*ll*ts will burst out
at a high speed after the expl*si*n.

It's not strong enough to k*ll humans.

I'll use my ten billion yen to cure him.

He's not injured.

Not even a single burn?

What's this layer of membrane?

-Attached to the octopus'...

I shed my skin once a month.

I protected Nagisa
by covering him with my old skin.

I can only use it once in a month.

It's my special technique.




You don't have to look
at his face to know.

It's pitch black.

He's furious!

The masterminds behind this
are the three of you, right?

-It was Nagisa's idea.

These are nameplates from our houses!

My agreement with the government
prohibits me from harming all of you.

But if you try

to use this method
of assassination next time,

I can't guarantee the safety of others.

Especially your family and friends.


It's better to just k*ll everyone else.

He used only five seconds
to make everyone understand

that there's no point in running.

The only way to escape

is to k*ll him!

What's wrong with you?

You're an eyesore!

You suddenly showed up
and talked about destroying Earth

and make us assassinate you.

What's wrong with using an annoying method
to k*ll someone as annoying as you?

Annoying? That's definitely not true.

Your idea was brilliant.

Especially you, Nagisa.

The way you approached me
was very natural.

I give you full marks on that.

You succeeded in making past my defense.


The three of you took advantage of Nagisa.

Nagisa, you don't value your life as well.

Students like that aren't qualified
to assassinate me.

Let's smile and assassinate with pride.

All of you have the potential
to be outstanding assassins.

Here's a suggestion for everyone.

At one point of time, he went berserk
at the speed of Mach 20.

He then used his sticky tentacle
to praise me.

His abnormal way of teaching
made me really happy.

Because this unusual teacher

is willing to look us in the eye.

If you're...

If you're willing to spare your time,

then please teach those children.

These tentacles are too beautiful.

With these hands,
you'll definitely be a great teacher.

Okay. Nagisa, here's a question.

I don't want to be m*rder*d.

I want to enjoy spending time
with all of you until March next year.

After that, I'll blow up the Earth.

If you don't want that to happen,
what should you do?

We don't have
any assassination experience at all.

There's a lot of other stuff
that we should be doing.

But, I feel like

this teacher might even accept us
trying to k*ll him.

Before the Earth blows up,

we must k*ll you.

You better try then.

If you can k*ll me, you may go home today.

-It isn't that simple!
-Who could k*ll you?

We're assassins.

Our target is our teacher.

Even if we sh**t him now,

we'll be polished by him
just like the nameplates.

We're never going home!

A teacher who can't be k*lled.

Can't be k*lled.


What about Mr. Koro?

-Mr. Koro?
-What's that?

Mr. Koro

and our assassination classroom.

The bell

will ring as usual tomorrow.


When it comes to Japanese poetry,
there are two types. Haiku and short poem.

A haiku is in a 5–7–5 pattern,
with 17 syllables.

A short poem is in a 5-7-5-7-7 pattern,
with a total of 31 syllables.

Nagisa, the one
with seasonal reference is haiku.

Next episode, Baseball Lesson.