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01x10 - L and R Time

Posted: 04/12/24 21:03
by bunniefuu
Daily conversation is actually very easy.

I'm sure some of you might know someone

that likes to say, "really cool"
or "really awesome."

The English word "really,"
is like what I said.

Kimura, give it a try.

-Totally wrong.

You can't differentiate your Ls and Rs.

The Japanese are terrible
at pronouncing Ls and Rs.

I may understand what you say,
but it sounds weird.


Don't evade your weak pronunciations,
but overcome them.

I'll be testing your pronunciation
regularly from now on.

If you still get your Ls and Rs wrong,

you'll be publicly punished
with a French kiss.


Going to class is such a chore.

But the students seem to like you.

That's nothing to boast about at all.

I'm an assassin.

I'm forced to stay to k*ll that octopus.

And that very octopus

enjoys looking at my chest
while gracefully sipping tea!

It's the way you teach from experience
that I admire.

You're so annoying!

Calm down.

He's exactly that kind of target.

Shit! I can't stand it anymore.

She seems annoyed.

I wonder whose fault it is.

I can't be tied down here forever.

How do I get rid of that creature?

A wire trap!


Irina, I'm really surprised.

Seeing you happily teaching those kids,

I thought I was watching a comedy.

Don't worry.

I taught her long ago
how to deal with wires.

Where are my manners?

I understand Japanese.

I'm not a suspicious character.

I introduced Irina Jelavic
to this country's government.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

Is he Lovro Brovski, the assassin?

He was a notoriously skilled assassin.

He's currently retired.

It's said that while
training new assassins,

he finds them jobs
and makes a fortune out of them.

The Japanese government
has nothing to do with assassins,

but he's a vital contact to them.

But why is he here?

Where's the legendary Mr. Koro now?

He's gone for some almond jelly
in Shanghai.

He left half an hour ago.

He should be back soon.

This creature's reputation
does precede him.

I came at the right time.
I have my answer.

Irina, you may leave today.

You're not up to the task.

As an undercover assassin,
you're the best.

But now that your cover is blown,
you're no different from the rest.

I can do it, Master.

With my ability...

That's fast.

Everyone has his or her own
strengths and weaknesses.

Where you're concerned,

isn't this place like the Ls and Rs?

That's half true and half untrue.

What are you doing here, Quiz King?

You're too much, calling me that.

Shouldn't you be calling me Mr. Koro now?

So it's you.

Like you said.

As an assassin, she's not scary at all.

-She's garbage.
-Who are you calling garbage?

But she's the most suitable assassin
for this class.

A k*lling competition
should decide it for us.

See who's the more outstanding assassin.

You both can slug it out.

The rules are simple.

The first to get rid of Mr. Karasuma wins.

Hold on!

Why should I be sacrificed?

Because no one can k*ll me.

Tomorrow, the whole day
will be allotted to you.

I see.

You want us to do a mock assassination.

No problem.

It'll be fun.

Suit yourself.

Are you helping me?

Actually, you feel it's better to deal
with me than with any new assassin

that Master Lovro brings in, right?

That's false hope!

Whether it's Tadaomi or you,
I'll personally get rid of you two!

So that's how it is.

It'll be very troublesome today,

but your lessons won't be disrupted.

Just carry on as usual.

Mr. Karasuma has a lot on his shoulders.

Mr. Karasuma.

You've had a hard time.
You must be thirsty.

Have a cold drink.

Come, drink it all up.

It's very tasty.

There must be something in it.

She must have added something.

You must have added a muscle relaxant.

You'll first immobilize me, then s*ab me.

Listen here.

I won't let you get close enough
to give me anything.

Wait, how about if I leave it here?

It hurts!

Carry me, Tadaomi!

-I can't stand this.
-Quick, carry me!

What a disgrace. Stupid disciple.

Ms. Bitch.

You won't be able to deceive even us.

What else could I do?

Of course, it looks weird to try
and seduce someone you know well.

A bar girl would feel awkward
if she had to entertain her own father.

It's the same principle.

-Like we'd know!
-Like we'd know!


I must get rid of him quick.

My master is so skilled

that he could finish the target
in an instant if he wanted to.

What do you think?

Isn't it interesting to become
the hunted every now and then?

That's so stupid.

I want to ask.

What if I managed to evade them both?

Then I'll give you a chance, Mr. Karasuma.

A chance?

No matter what happens,
I'll stay very still for one second.

So you can try to k*ll me all you want.

But don't say a word to those two
about this condition.

If you all start conspiring,
everything will be in vain.

All right, then.


A direct attack?

Although you're skilled,

an aging, retired assassin like you
shouldn't expect a hit to be so easy.

I was in the elite forces before this.


Even my master failed.

Can I really hope to get rid of him today?

I guess you're very clear about this.

If you can't get rid of me today...

Why are you so frightened?

Don't give up, Irina. Give it your best.

I can s*ab five times per second.

I look forward to that.

Master, your hand...

Looks like I won't be able
to get rid of the man today.

Don't give up so easily,
there are many more chances.

Mr. Koro.

For example, you're right in front of me.

Yet I can't k*ll you.

This is what my experience tells me.

Irina is the same.

Is that so?

I know you want to give up.

But please watch Ms. Jelavic's
performance until the end.

Whether there's any experience or not,

only the one who successfully kills
will be considered a skilled assassin.

Do as you please.

Is that really how you feel?

That I can s*ab Tadaomi with my knife?

Of course.

Though I'm not sure
what your master has taught you.

But I'm well aware of how hard
you've been working here.

For example,

you worked really hard
on your lingerie purchase yesterday.

You perverted octopus!

Let everyone see your real strength.

Show it to Mr. Karasuma, your master,

and especially the students.

Is it true? How interesting.

Nagisa, come and take a look at this.

Mr. Karasuma often has his meal there.

There's a woman approaching Mr. Karasuma.

Ms. Bitch is making her move.

Tadaomi, could you spare me some time?

What is it?

If you're simulating an assassination,
I won't be lenient again.

She's holding a knife.

She should know
it's of no use on that man.


Please, Tadaomi.

No matter what, I would like to stay here.

Do you understand?

Just let me s*ab you
a little and that's it.

I'll reward you.

You'll receive a service
you've never enjoyed before.

Is that all there is?

I'll just seize your knife and that's it.

Okay, k*ll me then.

Go ahead and s*ab me all you want.

I'm so happy.

Mr. Lovro, you've seen
how Ms. Jelavic teaches her class.

She first deals with mastering
weak pronunciation.

Learning a foreign language is
a constant battle of mastering weaknesses.

After mastering ten languages,

she took on an entirely
new challenge of teaching

and mastered it too.

She's such an expert in facing challenges
and mastering skills.

Did you think she didn't work hard
since she came here?

What's this?

Well then,

I'm coming.

Wire trap.

She has subdued Mr. Karasuma.

Ms. Bitch is quite something.

To k*ll me, she's considered
a variety of methods.

Just like learning a foreign language.

She keeps battling and mastering them.

Just look at what's in her bag

and you'll understand the hard work
no one knew she put in.

I win!

That was close.


I won't be able to match his strength.

What should I do?


I want to k*ll you.

Can I?

What kind of assassin would ask
permission from the target to k*ll?

What a pest!

Forget it.

I have no time to play the whole day
with someone who won't quit.

-She stabbed him!

Ms. Bitch can stay then.

That was just a verbal agreement.

I don't trust Mr. Koro
would let me k*ll him over a little bet.

However difficult it is,

she still has that attitude of taking up
the challenge and mastering it.

When her students see that spirit in her,

it will inspire them to improve
their assassination capabilities.

So if you want to k*ll me,

you have to let her stay here.


What a terrible disciple.

It's far better if you become a teacher.

You must succeed, Irina.

I will, Master.

-Low class and arrogant.

But very frank.

This is the Ms. Bitch,
our English teacher.



What is that armor for?

I'm preparing for that one second.

You're in a good mood, Mr. Koro.

Do you have plans later?

Yes, I'm going to watch a movie in Hawaii.

It's an American premiere
which I look forward to.

Seriously? You're too devious.

Mach-20 speed should be used
for times like this.

It's that superhero movie.

You must tell us about it tomorrow.

-No problem.
-I think it'll be a good one.

Let's go see it one day.

It's about time to go.

Please, Mr. Koro!

Please take us with you.

Do you like that movie too?

Yes, we've been waiting for the sequel.

I never thought you like superhero films.
This is unexpected.

I like the director.

He rarely directs manga movies.

Nagisa, I want to go too.

Sorry to intrude.


How did you get into my cell phone?

To share information with others,

I downloaded my data
into everyone's cell phones.

Please call me Mobile Ritsu!

It seems like there's nothing
she can't do.

I'd like to experience
a supersonic trip with Mr. Koro.

There may be things in the cinema

that can be used
as assassination material.


On the way there,
you can all experience my speed.


Though we were just asking,

did we bite off
more than we can chew here?

I don't know.

I didn't think of the safety issues.

Don't worry.

I will accelerate slowly
so that you won't feel the pressure.

So fast!

This is amazing!
I can see the Pacific Ocean already.

Mr. Koro, there doesn't seem to be
any wind or sound at all.

It looks like your head is blocking them.

Nagisa, you're very observant.

The secret is in my skin.

Even though my head is soft,

it hardens under great pressure.

This is how it can withstand
supersonic wind pressure.

In your daily lives,

you have something
that's akin to my skin too.

Let's take this opportunity
to talk about dilatant fluids.

We're even having mid-flight lessons.

Karma, aren't you going
to assassinate Mr. Koro?

I think it's a good opportunity now.

Don't be silly, Ritsu.

If I k*ll him now,

we'll all plunge into the ocean
at supersonic speed too.

We're all where Mr. Koro wants us to be.

We can only listen quietly to his lecture.

In short, this is the phenomenon
of dilatant fluids.

It can also be used in bulletproof vests.

You've all learned something new.

The cinema is down below.

We're actually here.

We reached Hawaii in just one lesson.

Wow, It's so cold.

People in Hawaii always turn on
air conditioners when they are indoors.

Everyone should keep themselves warm.

Here you go.

I can't wait.
It's my first time inside a cinema.

But this is America. They wouldn't
have Japanese subtitles, right?

Would we be able to understand?

Don't worry.

Both of you are good in English.

You've been taught by Ms. Jelavic.

And put my tentacle in your ears.

You'll get an explanation
of every word that you don't know.

Just enjoy the movie
while you listen and you'll be fine.

Here, have some soda and popcorn.


I'm enjoying this too much.

A solitary hero worrying about
the safety of the world.

The people of our age
always worshipped this sort of characters.

But is Mr. Koro like us?

G-cup? No, should be H-cup.

He prefers the heroine.

That was great!

The way the movie ended
makes me excited for the next sequel.

But making the demon king
the heroine's brother is so cliché.

I can analyze a thousand Hollywood movies
and predict what the conclusion would be.

Shall I do it?

No need.

You're both real wet blankets.

The siblings were separated for years.

How could fate be so cruel to them?


What's wrong with this old boy?

He cried all the way back
to Tokyo from Hawaii.

Mr. Koro, thank you very much for today.

See you then.

You too and be careful walking at night.

Write an English report on the movie

and hand it to me tomorrow.

So we've got an assignment too?

You got a free trip to Hawaii.
This is just a little payment.

What's the matter, Nagisa?

That was a first for me.

We had a lesson
during a five-hour trip to Hawaii.

We even watched a movie
before returning here.

That's it.

On top of that,
Mr. Koro even bent over backwards

to keep us safe.

I can verify that he used his tentacles
to block the wind and dust.

All that we saw today
would be what Mr. Koro sees regularly.

It's like the more I know him,

the more I feel it's impossible
to take his life.

Okay, I should get going too.

I promised Koki math tutoring
at his house.

How is it?

Can you keep up with his movements?

Good then.

You'd be able to k*ll him.


That's right. He's your brother.

And from tomorrow onwards,
he'll also be your teacher.

Let's go.

We need to seek justice for the moon.