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01x11 - Transfer Student Time/2nd Period

Posted: 04/12/24 21:03
by bunniefuu
Second transfer student
will arrive on June 15th.

This is our expected favorite.



All right, everyone.
Time for today's class meeting.

Everyone, please take your seats.

He looks really big.

Mr. Koro.

Kindly explain why your head
is 33% larger than usual.

Because of the high humidity,
I soaked up my moisture.

That's why I swelled up.

You're just like uncooked rice.


Did Tadaomi tell you that
there's a new transfer student coming?

Is it another assassin?

I got into trouble last time
for underestimating Ritsu.

I won't be careless this time.

Whatever it is,

it's good that you've got another comrade.

By the way, Ritsu, did you hear anything?

You're a transfer student assassin too.

Yes, I heard a little.

Initially, he and I were to be
transferred here together.

I would deal with long-range att*cks.

He'd deal with hand-to-hand combat.

Both of us were to dispose of
Mr. Koro together.

Then, due to two reasons,
that order was canceled.

What were the reasons?

First, it was taking longer
than expected to adjust him.

The second reason

was that I didn't have
the capacity to support him.

Because between the two of us,

I was much weaker.

Ritsu shot off Mr. Koro's finger,
yet she says this about herself?

What kind of creature
is the new transfer student?

What costume is that?

Is he the transfer student?

Sorry for giving you a fright.

I'm not the transfer student.

I'm his guardian.

Seeing that I'm covered in white,
you can call me Shiro.

Appearing suddenly in white
and performing magic tricks,

of course we'd be spooked.


Other than Mr. Koro,
anyone would be scared...

Mr. Koro, you coward!

He's so scared he even used
his liquefying stunt.

Well, Ritsu shouldn't have told us
all those spooky stories.

How do you do, Shiro?

Where's the transfer student?

Nice to meet you, Mr. Koro.

His nature and character
is quite different from most people.

That's why I came personally
to introduce him.

This man is quite enigmatic.

-What's the matter?

They all seem like good kids.

In that case,
that boy should fit in very quickly.

Allow me to introduce him.

Hey, Itona!

Come in.

I win.

I proved that I'm stronger
than the classroom wall.

Use the door!

That's all right.

That's all right.

I think we're going to have
another troublesome kid.

Even Mr. Koro's stumped.

It's neither a smile nor a frown.

What does his vague expression mean?

His name is Itona Horibe.

Just call him by his own name.

A guardian in white
and an unfathomable transfer student.

Looks like there'll be
some unprecedented trouble coming.

Hey, Itona.

I'm curious about something.

You came into the classroom empty-handed.

It's raining heavily outside.

Why are you not soaking wet?

You must be the strongest in this class.

But don't worry.

You're still weaker than I am.

So I won't k*ll you.

I only want to k*ll

the one who is probably stronger than me.

In this classroom...

-Would you like some jelly?
-That's you, Mr. Koro.

Are you talking about a fight, Itona?

Your strength is no match for mine.

I can do it.

After all,

you and I are biological brothers.



The one who loses, dies.


No need for petty tricks between siblings.


I will prove my strength by k*lling you.

After class, we'll prove
who's superior in this room.

Sir, how did this
"brother" thing come about?

Besides, how can a human
and octopus be related?

I have no idea what he's talking about!

I am an only child.

I begged my parents
to give me a little brother.

As a result, things got awkward at home.

Actually, do you really have parents?


Are they really brothers?

Or is it just a strategy
to rattle everyone?

Tadaomi, sorry to startle you.

After all, that child's existence
was top secret.

That's why we couldn't even tell you.

But let me assure you

that he definitely is Mr. Koro's brother.

After school,

this matter will be verified.

He keeps eating sweets.

He has a sweet tooth just like Mr. Koro.

He's also an enigma.

Everyone's comparing me with him
because of this "brother" business.

Things are getting awkward now.

I'll change the mood
with this magazine I bought today.

A pleasure for adults.


They both like girls with big breasts.

Looks like his credibility is increasing.

Is that so, Taiga?

Of course.

People who love girls with big breasts
are all brothers!

Three brothers?

If they really are brothers,
why doesn't Mr. Koro know?

It must've been like this.

Your Majesty, enemy soldiers
are at our gates now.

I have no choice then.

Both my sons must remain alive
even if all others die.

Itona, you go first.

Once you're over the bridge,
you can run to safety.


-Forget about me, just run!

Itona, you must stay alive!

When they grew up, they didn't know
they were biological brothers

and fate brought them together as enemies.

Then why is it that only
the younger brother is human?

There must've been a genetic mutation.

This doesn't explain
the main issue at all.

Yuzuki, your character setting
is too superficial.

Work harder on your storyline.

-It's too unrealistic.
-I wasn't telling a story anyway.

-It's weird.
-Nothing of the sort.

Were the desks arranged into an arena?

Yes, it certainly is an arena match.

This is the first time someone is using
this method of assassination.

Mr. Koro, you must be tired
of the same old method of assassination.

Let's set one rule here, shall we?

Whoever takes one step
out of the arena will be k*lled instantly.

How about that?

What nonsense.

Who'd want to observe that rule
if he's really losing?


If he breaks that rule before us all,

he'd lose our confidence
in him as a teacher.

A restriction like this
is very effective on Mr. Koro.

I have no problem with this rule.

However, Itona,

if you harm the spectators,
you will also lose.

Then, you can start on my prompt.



We were all focused on one spot.

However, it wasn't our teacher's arm
that was cut off.

How's that possible?


Itona has tentacles

for hair.

So that's how it is.

No wonder he didn't get wet in the rain.

His tentacles flicked away the rain.


Those tentacles.

Where did you get them?

We're not obliged to tell you, Mr. Koro.

But I suppose you've already understood.

You may be brought up differently
by different parents,

but he really is your brother.

What a scary face you're making.

Did you recall something unpleasant?

It looks like

I need some explanation from you.

That's not possible, I'm afraid.

Because you'll die.

The type of pressure you're experiencing
from the rays at such close range

will cause your cells
to enlarge and dissolve.

Your body will become rigid in an instant.

We know your weaknesses inside out.

-Is he dead?

Up above.


Of course, you still have that ploy.

However, Mr. Koro,

we know your molting trick
has a weak point too.

Molting requires
more energy than it looks.

After that process,
the speed you boast will decrease.

Plus, you've grown back the tentacle
Itona cut off in the beginning.

That too consumes a lot of energy.

From my calculations,

your powers should be
evenly matched by now.

Besides, your mental state

can substantially affect
the control of your tentacles.

The shock from being attack
by an unexpected tentacle

would have greatly rattled you.

It should be obvious

who is winning now.

On top of that,
he has the total support of his guardian.

Now you'll need to regrow your legs too.

You'll be far weaker physically
and far easier to dispose of.

I'm relieved.

Koro, I'm far stronger than you.

Mr. Koro is at a disadvantage now.

If they k*ll him, the world will be saved.

But why am I disappointed?

Mr. Koro's weakness
are being revealed one by one.

These weaknesses were what
we were looking for in class.

It's us who wanted to k*ll him.

You've regrown your legs now.

Right, then.

Can you hold out against the next attack?

I've never been this cornered before.

It seemed like a foolish match at first,

but it was actually carefully planned.

I have many questions to ask.

But it seems like you will not answer me
unless I win this match.

Do you still think you can win?

The mad ravings of a dying octopus.


There's one thing you forgot
to take into account.

There's none.

My calculations are perfect.



Looks like you stepped on something
that fell to the ground.

When did he take it?

Since we have the same tentacles,
these knives should work on you too.

You'd be shaken by the loss
of your tentacles too.

But I'm a little more experienced.

My molted skin wrapped around you
would've kept you unharmed.

But you've stepped out of the arena now.

So I've won this match.

According to the rules,
you should be k*lled.

You can't k*ll me anymore.

If you want to live,
you have to come to class with the others.

Learn things that you can't learn
by performing calculations.

That's what you call
the gap of experience.

I've lived a few years longer than you,
so I know a few more things.

The reason I became a teacher

was so that I could teach you
these things.

If you can't take my experience
with you in this classroom,

you can't beat me.

Can't win?

Don't tell me

that I'm weak?

This is bad.
Itona absolutely hates studying.

Teaching a kid who hates studying

will result in a m*ssacre.

-Black tentacles?
-No. That kid has lost his mind.

I'm very strong.

These tentacles
make me stronger than anyone.


Excuse me, Mr. Koro.

Looks like the kid isn't emotionally
prepared for school yet.

It's just his first day
as a transfer student,

but please let him take a break.

Stop right there.

As the class teacher, I won't stand by
and see my student go.

I will take care of him
until he graduates.

Another thing, Shiro.

I have many things to ask you.

I refuse. I'm going.

Will you stop me by brute force?

The fibers are made to withstand you.

You can't touch me at all.

I'll get him back to class in no time,
so don't worry, Mr. Koro.

After all, March isn't far away.

I'll be responsible for his tutoring.

With that nature of his,

he won't escape that place
before the world is destroyed.

And that class...

It's really interesting.

Seeing the weather now,

looks like there'll be
intermittent rain today.

I'm so ashamed. How mortifying.

What's the matter with Mr. Koro?

I don't know, it just started.

I'm embarrassed that I took part
in such a serious matter.

I'm supposed to be a comedian.

-So you know?
-It was cool how you flipped out just now.

"Those tentacles. Where did you get them?"

That sounds deadly, Kirara!
Don't say it out!

Hearing it again makes me want
to run away from here!

My selling point
is being a natural dimwit.

Being seen with such a serious expression
has ruined my characterization!

It makes me mad that you've even
got your own character figured out.

-So embarrassing.
-But that was surprising.

That Itona kid actually had tentacles.

Mr. Koro, hurry up and tell us.

What is your relationship with those two?

You always avoid
talking about your real form.

We got curious
seeing your expression just now.

That's right. We're all your students.

So we have the right
to know about our teacher.

It can't be helped then.

I suppose I'll have to tell the truth.

The truth is, I am

a man-made life-form!

-I suppose that's true.
-And then?

Why are you so calm?

Wasn't that a shocking revelation?

Well, in fact,

an octopus can't go at Mach 20
if he wasn't man-made.

And since you're not an alien,
this is the only probability.

And Itona claimed to be
your younger brother.

So it's not hard to imagine
that he was created after you.

These kids are so sharp, it's so scary.

Mr. Koro, what we want to know
is what happened after that.

Why were you so angry
when you saw Itona's tentacles?

Why were you created?

How did you end up here?

I'm sorry,

but it would be pointless
even if I told you.

If I blow up the Earth

will it matter to know
when you're nothing but ash?

On the other hand, if you save the world,

you'll have endless opportunities
to find out the truth.

Do you understand now?

If you want to know,
just accomplish one thing.

k*ll me.

The assassin and the target.

This is the chain
that binds me to all of you.

If you're looking for answers from me,

you can only do so
through the assassination.

If there are no questions,
we'll call it a day.

See you tomorrow.

How embarrassing!

We are assassins.

We use g*ns and knives to seek answers.

The target is Mr. Koro.

Using his life to question us.

I wish a hole would appear
and swallow me up.

The students were not harmed.

Please come and do some repairs.

Mr. Karasuma.

Who have we here? Why have you all come?


Could you please teach us more
skills for assassination?

More than what you're learning now?

Before this, we thought
someone will surely k*ll Mr. Koro.

So we weren't really interested.

Yes. We realized after seeing Itona.

It can't be just anyone.
We have to k*ll him ourselves.

If another formidable assassin
comes along,

we'll be wondering
what we're striving for.

So in the limited time we have,
we'd like to do our best

to k*ll our teacher.

We want to k*ll him
and find the answers ourselves.

Their attitudes have changed.

Not bad.

I understand.

I will give extra training to those
who volunteer to stay back after school.

It'll be more rigorous than before.

Yes, sir!

Here's something new for you.

Vertical rope climbing.

It's so hard!

-Kunugigaoka Junior High School Class E

-is an assassination class.
-It won't work.

The rain has stopped.
The school bell rings.

-Tomorrow, it'll ring again.