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01x18 - Action Time

Posted: 04/12/24 21:07
by bunniefuu
Okay, then.

How do you intend on attacking me?

First, you will enjoy
a video created by Koki.

After that, the seven top performers
in the exam will destroy your tentacles.

Finally, everyone will jump in
to assassinate you.

Do you have any problem
with that, Mr. Koro?

It sounds fine to me.

Thanks for all your hard work, Koki.

I went all out.

I was busy editing
while everyone was having dinner.

This chapel is surrounded by the sea.

The walls and windows probably have
substances to repel me.

It's too risky to escape.

Looks like I can only perform
evasion tactics within the chapel itself.

Mr. Koro.

I'll need to frisk you first.

We may be surrounded by water,

but you can still escape
if you smuggled in a swimsuit.

That's very prudent.

But I'm not so unprincipled.

Even if I attack him directly now,

he'll still be able to dodge me easily.


if all of us do it together,
we'll surely succeed.


Is everyone ready?

There's no need to hold back.
Give it your all.

I'll begin then, Mr. Koro.


Somewhere in Tokyo city...

Kunugigaoka Junior High,
junior year, Class E...

The teacher of this class

is also their assassination target.

-They're going in and out in the dark.
-Tonight, Class E recon team

-To conceal the number and position.
-will find out his ecology.

But you're still too naive.

I know from the smell
that two people are not here.

And from that direction,

I can detect the scents of Hayami
and Chiba, Class E's top sn*pers.

But this video is very well done.

Did you edit and narrate this, Koki?

The montage and music taste
is not bad at all.

I can't help but be interested in it...

We also have those who shared
secret info with the recon team.

We can ask them questions
after you watch this video.


Your bribery totally failed.


His latest addiction
is mature office women.

These are all the pornographic magazines
collected by this octopus.

No! Hey, Taiga.
I told you not to tell anyone!

In a women-only cake buffet,
a large figure lines up with them.

Who is that?

-It's actually him.
-My name is Koroko.

It's impossible to keep his disguise.

It's a wonder they didn't notice
he wasn't human when they exposed him.

Pornographic magazines and cross-dressing.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

You're a real pervert.

-Before payday.
-Support us.

This man used his clones
to line up for free tissues.

What does he want so many tissues for?

He deep fries them and then he eats them.

As a teacher...

No, as a living being,
don't you have any dignity?

The best is yet to come.

The shameful footage of this teacher

-runs for a full hour for you to enjoy.
-It goes on for another hour?


I'm dead.

I'm already dead.

So many of my secrets have been exposed.

I can't live anymore.

After watching
this secretly filmed footage,

did you notice something?

Mr. Koro?


I wasn't aware of anyone
pouring water in here.

Don't tell me

it's high tide?

Someone most probably has shortened
the support beams of this chapel.

Seasick, humiliated and waterlogged.

These things would've
slowed you down quite a bit.

Here comes the highlight.

It's been agreed.

So no dodging.

They sure know their job.

But I already know where the sn*pers are.

So I'll just take note of that direction.

Begin combat.


Five seconds elapsed.

Did it tear apart?


Thirty-five seconds elapsed.

Flyboards on water?

Hydraulic trap?

Mr. Koro doesn't take sudden changes
to his surroundings well.

The chapel has turned
into a floating cage.

His weakened tentacles will be useless.

That'll reduce the speed of his reaction.

Fifty-three seconds elapsed.

Begin firing.

Take aim.

The total area around Mr. Koro, one meter.

Mr. Koro is good at perceiving att*cks
that hit the target.

That's why we purposely don't aim at him.

Instead, we seal off his escape route
with a hail of b*ll*ts.

And then...

We'll let these two finish him off.

The ones positioned on land
are mannequins infused with their scents

to draw Mr. Koro's attention to the shore.

Plus, we turned the chapel
into a floating cage,

thus creating a new target
for the sn*pers.

Game over.

You've actually come this far.


This is clearly different
from our previous assassination attempts.

I have a feeling we'll succeed.

Don't let your guard down!

He has the ability to regenerate.

Yuma and Meg, monitor the water surface.


Mr. Koro couldn't have found
an escape route.

He's over there!

-I know.

What is that?

This is my ace in the hole.

The total defense form.

"Total defense form"?

The exterior is crystallized
with a high-density condensed energy.

I caused myself to shrink
and used the leftover energy

to turn it into
a hard shell around myself.

In this form, I am totally impenetrable.

If you keep yourself in that form,
we'd never be able to k*ll you.

Unfortunately, it's not so.

This shell will decay in about a day.

And when that happens,
my body will inflate.

It'll absorb energy and return
to its original form.

On the other hand,
during the period until the shell decays,

I won't be able to move at all.

This will put me in all kinds of danger.

Where's the thing that I put here?

I threw it out.

Oh, no!

What I fear most
is to be put in a high-speed rocket

and sent into outer space.

But I've studied this in detail too.

Within 24 hours from now,
no rocket in this world

is capable of making this flight.

He tricked us.

He still managed to escape after all that.

Even after taking
all his weak points into account.

We totally lost.


There must be a way to break this open.

Don't waste your time.

Even a nuclear b*mb
couldn't leave a scratch.

Is that so?

No weak points would leave us
with no choice.

Don't be like that!

I don't have hands now,
so I can't cover my face!

I'm really sorry.

Then I'll just stick a sea slug
that I found on to your body.

Someone look for a filthy old man.

I'm going to stick this thing
down his underwear.

Stop! Somebody help!

In a sense, we can do
what we like to Mr. Koro.

That's right and Karma is talented
at times like this.

Whatever it is, everyone, disperse.

I will discuss with the higher ups
on how to deal with this fellow.

Do you want to throw me into a pool
filled with substances to repel me?

Don't waste your time.

I will make a portion of my energy explode

and like what happened just now,
everything around me will fly.

But you all should be proud of yourselves.

Even the world's soldiers
couldn't force me into such a situation.

This shows how outstanding your plan is.

Even though Mr. Koro praised
our assassination attempts as usual,

we spared no effort.

Feeling numb as we thought of the utter
failure of our assassination plans,

we made our way back to the hotel
with a sense of fatigue.


What is it?

-Did you record all of that?
-I did.

I tried to record as much as possible,
with a high-speed camera.

I knew the moment I opened fire

that I'd missed.

My b*llet didn't hit him.

I can't verify this yet.

I can't be sure of the time it took
for him to go into that form.

But if your shot had been

or if Hayami's shot had been 30cm closer,

Your chances of k*lling him
before he noticed would've been 50% more.

I was very confident.

Especially during rehearsals.

Even in that unstable condition,
I had perfect aim.

But at the crucial moment,

my fingers stiffened
and my vision narrowed.

The same happened to me.

The pressure to not missing the shot
was overwhelming.

There was only that crucial chance.

I never imagined it would be
so different from during practice.

I'm so tired.

Let's go back and rest in our room.

I don't feel like doing anything.

What's the matter with you guys?

Did you become lifeless
from just one failure?

We've done all we could.
Let's just enjoy the whole day tomorrow.

That's right.

I'm going to enjoy watching
all the girls in swimsuits.

No matter how tired I am,
I'll never be too tired for a nosebleed.

I don't have the energy for that.

Something's wrong here.

Everyone is too exhausted.

Nagisa, can you hold me?


I want to go back to my room to change,

but I just can't move my body.

Your forehead is burning.

I got a nosebleed
from just imagining those girls...


This is...

Can you please tell us
where the clinic is?

There's none
because it's just a small island.


Hello, Mr. Karasuma.

Your beloved students
seem to be suffering.

Who are you?

Hey, Ritsu!

Who I am is not important.

The point is, it's not just those brats
that want the reward.

Is this your doing?

You're very perceptive.

That's a man-made virus.

Death is inevitable once infected.

Incubation period
and initial symptoms differ.

But all the cells in the body
will be destroyed in one week.

There's only one cure.

I'm the only one who has it.

It's too troublesome to send it to you.

Could you all come and get it yourselves?

There's a hotel at hilltop of this island.

And the souvenir
is the head dangling in your hand.

You've got an hour
to bring it to the rooftop.

However, Mr. Karasuma,

you seem like a skilled fighter
and that's too risky for me.

Oh, I know.
Among the students left standing,

get the shortest boy
and the shortest girl to bring it over.

I've already told the front desk
about this.

Just bring me that swinging head
and you'll get the remedy.

But if you try to contact anyone outside
or you're late by just a second,

I'll destroy the remedy immediately.

I want to thank you all

for getting that thing to the point
where he can't move.

It looks like even heavens
are on our side.


I can't believe someone is butting in
at a time like this.


Mr. Karasuma, looks like it's no use.

No matter how the officials
interrogated that hotel,

they just brought up
the privacy protection claim.

-That's not surprising.
-"Not surprising"?

The hotel at the hilltop

is monitored by the authorities
for their illegal negotiations.

This isolated southern island
is an ideal spot for them.

They have people in high positions
in the government.

Even the police can't touch them.

That hotel will never be on our side.

What do we do now?
There'll be lots of dead people like this.

I didn't come to this island to be k*lled!

Taisei, calm down.

We won't die so easily.

Think of a way to carefully handle this.

I'm sorry, Sumire.

Just following orders is also too risky.

He wants us to send over
the two smallest ones?

That means these two little runts!

We'll just end up with more hostages!

I hate people who do this kind of thing.

How dare they touch my friends?

You simple-minded guy...

Ignore his demands!

Send everyone to the hospital
in the city immediately.

I don't agree.

If it's really an unknown man-made virus,

then no hospital, however big,
will have the remedy.

If it turns out to be a wild goose chase,

those infected will be in greater danger.

What did you say?

I'll try and deal with the symptoms first.

You should all hurry
to the place of exchange.


There's nothing we can do.

We might have some hope
if Mr. Koro could move.

Because of the assassination,
we're suffering for trying to be smart.

Even though he's our enemy's target...

Do you think they'll let the students
return just like that after the exchange?

What do we do?

We only have an hour.

I have a good idea.

Mr. Koro, I've looked it up.

Ritsu has done some investigation
upon my request.

Those who are still healthy come with me.

Wear something that can withstand dirt.

It's really high.

I hacked into the hotel's computer,

got the diagram of its interior

and the location of the guards.

Most of the guards are stationed
at or nearby the main entrance.

It's not possible to enter the hotel
without passing the front desk.

But there's one other way.

Climb to the top of this cliff
and you'll find an entryway.

Because the terrains are unreachable,

guards aren't stationed here.

If we don't want the enemy
to get what he wants,

then there's just one way.

Besides the ten who are sick
and the two left behind to nurse them,

the remaining healthy students
will enter the enemy's fort from here.

They must ambush the enemy
on the roof and grab the remedy.

Irina Jelavich's


series of top secret skills.

Irina can change her face color.

-by controlling her blood circulation.

Red means shy or drunk.
Blue means uneasy or ill.

It comes in handy
when she goes undercover.

When she tried to show this
to the students,

they called her
a "poor counterfeit of Mr. Koro".

As a result she got mad
and her face went red by itself.

I'm not a poor counterfeit!

Ms. Jelavic can pop out and assemble

parts of any cereal box prize
in one minute.

This may show her ability to kiss,

but honestly,
I don't even want to touch her.

Besides, this is dangerous.
Please don't imitate it.

Ms. Jelavic can put on different wigs
to disguise herself as a different person.

Manami, the virus has genes

and breeding ability
just like a living organism.

But it doesn't have the basic
cell structure of a living organism.

It's a type of surplus product
that eliminates external organisms.

It's the ultimate evolution.

Next episode: Exorcism Class