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02x03 - Itona Horibe Time

Posted: 04/12/24 21:12
by bunniefuu
So Koro- sensei,

let's begin our last death match.

Koro- sensei,

compared to me, you're weak.



First we'll drastically change the field,

then attack.

It's easier to surround him first,
then attack.

I'm just using your techniques.


Is this all part of your plan?

That's right.

Once he starts losing his students' trust
he'll panic and take action.

He just jumped right in without thinking,

what an idiot.

He's our mark!

You're always playing dirty!

That is what adults do.

On Itona's tentacles, are gloves with

sharp edges made with
anti-sensei material.

With every contact

he'll receive damage
that will gradually get worse.

I hope this is enough to finish them up.


I won, big brother.

By k*lling you,
I will solve my one problem.

In other words,

I will prove that I'm the strongest!

Good job Itona.

If this was last semester,
you may have gotten me.

But your attack pattern is pretty simple.

Even if you're fast and strong,

even if your handler thinks of new plans,

even if I panic easily...

I can read your moves
and adapt after the third time.


It can't be!


teachers study too you know?

How can I teach my students

if I'm not learning myself?

Let's get rid of this dangerous cloth.

I learned a new skill this summer

after experiencing
the Absolute Defense Form.

I release energy

not with my whole body
but by using a part of my tentacles.


Itona, always remember that

to me, assassination is education.

And as the teacher of assassination,

the more I teach, the stronger I get.

Why can't I win?


supposed to be

stronger now.

Now you see Shiro.

Leave him with the E Class and just go.


tell everyone that
I wasn't the underwear thief!

And to be accurate, I'm a B! A B-cup!

It hurts!

-My head hurts!

My brain is tearing apart!

Due to his numerous defeats
his tentacles are losing its mind.

Hang in there Itona.

Maybe this is his limit?

He can't even follow through with my plan.

What is he talking about?


if you can't produce results,
the Organization won't fund you.

It's not that I don't care for you,

but we need to cut our losses to

find and train the next fighter.

Good bye, Itona.

You're on your own now.

Hold on!

You call yourself his handler?

Don't try to play teacher with me,
you monster.

All you do is break things.

I won't forgive your existence.

I don't care what it costs,

I just want you to die, that's all I want.

Are you sure you want to
leave your student like that?

Watch out!


Koro- sensei!

I'm so tired, I'll rest for a little bit.

When tentacle cells are grafted
to the human body,

adaptive treatments
must be done daily, or else

it will be like hell
when the body starts rejecting it.

If I stop maintaining these,

your tentacles will painfully
eat away at your nerves.

An average person won't be able
to live past three days.

This is the crime scene.

There has been a string
of sh**ting incidents

at cellphone stores throughout town.

There's a possible link to terrorism...

-This has got to be...
-It must be him.

But why cellphone stores?

What should we do?

I'll take the responsibility
and go stop him!

We need to find and save him.

I'm seeing what Shiro is really like.

To him, everyone is just a game piece.

It's hard to read what he'll do next.

I think we should just leave him alone.

But I'm still his teacher.

When I became a teacher I vowed

that I will never
abandon a student under any circumstance.

There's no shortcut, Itona.

Only those who study every day

and put in the honest hard work

can become strong.


No more idealism
or beating around the bush.

Being a sore loser makes me sick.

I want to win.

I want the strength to win.

You've finally showed your human side.



Please call me Koro- sensei.

I am your teacher, after all.

Calm down and stop sulking, Itona.

You've done a lot of damage to us

but we'll let it all slide,
so just come with us.

Shut up!

Let's fight. I'll win... this time.

Sure we can fight,

but since we're both state secrets

why don't we go find an empty lot?

And after we're done, we can have a BBQ

and you can all study
how to assassinate me.

This octopus is persistent.

Once he's your teacher, he'll
go to the depths of hell to teach you.

Of course.

A teacher would naturally want to teach,
when he sees a student.

-What was that?
-I can't see.

This is an anti-sensei powder!

Setting Itona loose
was all part of the plan,

Koro- sensei.

I hadn't notice at all,
I was distracted by Itona!

All right, Itona, this is your last job.


Come and get us, teacher.

Koro- sensei?

Are you guys ok?

Yeah, somehow...

I will go and save Itona.

He delayed his movements to protect us.

It can't be!

Shiro, that jerk!

Using us as his pawns!


Pressure rays to slow my movements!

I expected this,
but you really are stupid,


Target Itona.

That's right,

You're weak when someone
other than you becomes the target.

Will you run now?

I'm his teacher!



That's why I was abandoned.

I like your eyes.

I see an obsession to win, in your eyes.

You'd need that to maximize the potential
of the powerful cells I've created.

Do you want to team up with me?

I'll lead you to the path of victory.

Your obsession plus my skills,
equals the power to gain victory.

If you have power, you can be stronger
than anyone in this world.

My obsession for power

helped me withstand
the pain of those cells.

My obsession for victory

is what made me keep fighting.

But that obsession didn't get me anywhere

and the guy I tried to k*ll
is protecting me.

Am I going to let those losers win?


Is this an anti-octopus outfit?

I guess we'll have to take you down
on behalf of the octopus then.


-get the lights in the trees!

You little brats!

Guys... why?

It's not what you think.

We're just pissed at Shiro.

If it wasn't for Koro- sensei,
we would've left you alone.

Hayami just said,
"it's not what you think".

I like how she pretends to be tough.

Should you be looking at us?

If you stop sh**ting,
he'll tear that net right off?

Thank you all for coming.

-The net is melting his tentacles!
-We'll get you out!

Leave, Shiro.

We will take Itona in.

You love careful planning,

but it's all a wasted effort
if you ever involve my students.

It's about time you realized that.

A monster covered with flies,
what a class.

It's so annoying.

But I have to admit that
I do need to reassess my strategies.

You can have him. He'd only last
two or three days anyway.

Have a good time until then.

Studying, and being honesty
are all tricks.

All that matters

is whether I'm strong or not.

As long as Itona is obsessed
with power and victory,

his tentacle cells will stay adhered.

Can't we cut them off somehow?

We need to get rid of his obsession.

In order to do that, we need to
figure out what caused it.


I don't think
he'll just tell us about himself?

About that...

I was wondering why

Itona was attacking the cell phone stores.

So I had Ritsu research him and
whatever is linked to him. It turns out,

‪Itona Horibe is the son of
‪the president of this company.

They used to supply
cell phone components internationally.

But two years ago,
they filed for bankruptcy.

His parents went into hiding
leaving Itona behind.

We were starting to see

why Itona wanted power
and victory so much.

How lame.

Is that why he was acting up?

We all have problems

whether it be big or small.

Let us take him and take care of him.

And if he dies, well that's that.

You see, Itona?

Even our small factory
can compete with the big corporations

as long as we're honest and hard working.

That was all a lie.


You all know all of our secret techniques!
If you leave...

Studying and hard work is useless

in the face of an overwhelming power.

I'm sorry Itona,
you should go live with your uncle.

You're finally awake?

We turned the anti-tentacle net
into a bandanna.

It's for our peace of mind.

You probably can't use them anyway.


-Why ramen?
-He must be hungry?

Maybe he'll feel better once he eats.

How is it? It sucks doesn't it?

I've told Dad,
but he won't change the recipe.

It tastes awful, plus it's old.

Artificial flavoring used
to cover up the bland broth.

The main topping is a
prominently placed naruto.

This is an outdated Showa-style ramen.

This kid knows his ramen!

A place like this would close down
if there's any competition.

My parents kept studying,
but they lost miserably.

Let's go to my place next.

I'll show you some modern technology
unlike this fossil of a ramen.

What did you say!


What do you think?
Just blow off your steam like this!

Can he do this without a license?

Well it's within his property?

Are you getting excited?

It's not bad.

All right! Here's my
"High Speed Breaking Turn!"

Idiot! Hurry up and save him!

What if the shock sets him off again!

Oh this was nothing, he's fine.

They don't seem to have any plans.

Well they've always been dumb,
they can't help it.

But Hazama is smart?

Don't you want revenge on Shiro?

The Count of Monte Cristo
is a classic revenge story.

It's seven volumes, 2500 pages.

Read this and deepen your dark side.

He ends up not taking revenge,

-so skip the last part.
-That's confusing!

Hazama, you're too gloomy and tortuous!


He needs to nurture his dark side.

Isn't there an easier way to cheer him up?

He doesn't even look smart...

Oh no, he's shaking...

Terasaka said he's stupid, I'd be mad too.

No, it's his tentacles.
He's going to go crazy again.

I'm not like you guys.

I'll k*ll him and gain my victory!


Hey Itona,

I used to think that too.

I wanted to k*ll that octopus
as soon as possible.

But you're not able to k*ll him right now.

Forget the impossible.

You'd feel so much better.

Shut up!

You're easier to catch the second time.

It still hurts so bad
I almost threw up though.

Throwing up reminds me
of Muramatsu's ramen.

That octopus is telling him
to study business management.

It may taste bad now,

but one day when he takes over,

his new flavors and management style
could make the store thrive.

He told Yoshida the same thing,

that the skill could
come in handy someday.

So Itona?

Don't go crazy
just because you lost once or twice!

Just try to win one some day.

If you want to k*ll the octopus,

you don't have to do it now.

You can even fail a 100 times.

If we can k*ll him once before March,

we win.

Then you can buy back your parents'
factory with the reward money.

And your parents will return too.

I can't stand it.

What do I do until
I come up with my next vision for victory?

Have fun and do dumb things
like we did today.

That's what we're here for.

He's so dumb, how does he say
stuff like that with a straight face?

But sometimes it's the dumb stuff
that makes us feel better.

Was I rushing myself?

That's what I think.

The tint of obsession has left your eyes.

Now it's safe to remove the tentacles
that are hurting you.

You may lose one of your great powers
but you'll gain many friends.

Will you come k*ll me from tomorrow?

Do as you like.

I'm tired of this power
and this whole brother thing.

There you are!

No more breaking through the wall?

Morning! You're rocking that bandanna.

Good morning, how are you feeling today?

Horrible. After all, I lost my powers.

But I don't feel weak at all.

I will be the one to k*ll you at the end.

The problem child, Itona Horibe,
finally joined our class.

Hey Muramatsu, I'm broke.

I'll try not to throw up
so give me some ramen.

And he's in Terasaka's group.

Itona, some semiconductors

are made by adding a bit of
foreign matter to silicone.

Adding more electrons than in silicone

makes the type N,
while the opposite makes the type T.

Isn't it funny how the name changes?

Next episode is "Spinning Time."