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02x05 - Leader Time

Posted: 04/12/24 21:14
by bunniefuu
After receiving a certain tip,

we secretly started an investigation...

or so went our cover story.

We were actually far from the school,

infiltrating a cafe out of curiosity.

What a man...


Nice to see you again,
Mrs. Harada and Mrs. Ito.

How are you, Yuma?

Forget the coffee,
we're here to see you, Yuma.

Oh my.

The owner wouldn't like hearing that...

A mocha for Mrs. Harada
and a double espresso for Mrs. Ito?

The manager's special today
is the chiffon cake.

-We'll take two.
-Thank you very much.

Our leader is very handsome indeed.

I want to k*ll him.

How long will you make
that one cup of tea last?

Stop complaining,

we're keeping your job a secret for you.

Fine, I'll let you extort me.

Here's a refill

-with the leftovers.
-What a man!

He can carry all that at once?

What a man!

Your mother isn't feeling well again?


Since she's a single mom,
the least I can do is pitch in.

What a man!

His only disadvantage
is the fact that he's poor,

but he even makes that look good.

He shops at bargain stores,
but always looks put together.

What a man!

The other day, I ate
the goldfish he caught at the festival,

he made it super tasty!

What a man!

And after he uses the bathroom,

he folds the toilet paper.

What a man!

Oh, I do that too.
I fold it into triangles.

That's gross!

He's a natural born cougar-k*ller.

What a man!

The older ladies love teasing me too...

Shape up!

He gets love letters
from girls in the main building.

What a man!

I still get them too.

A forbidden love...

Only handsome men
can get away with some things.

Like me and Isogai...

What a...

Why are you here?

The honey toast here is splendid!

This is the reason
why I'm overlooking Isogai's job.

Even though he's handsome,

you can't hate him, can you?

Why is that?

Why, you ask?

Because he's a nice guy.

Do you need any other reason?


Oh? Well, well...

Just as we were told,
a student is working here.

You're busted, Isogai.

This is your
second violation of school rules.

I'm disappointed in you, Isogai.


This is the worst...


You were caught working before

and you were demoted to Class E.

But it seems like
you haven't learned your lesson.

Asano, can you keep this a secret?

I'll have enough money
by the end of this month.

I know...

I'd like to give you a chance.

When Asano is up to no good,

he's a spitting image of the chairman.

Then I'll give you one condition.

Show me your fighting spirit
and I'll overlook this.

Fighting spirit?

Our school

values students who have the will
to fight in this society.

In order to earn the respect,
it's worth overlooking this violation.

We should...

A pole-toppling event?

Yeah, they'll pardon him
if we defeat Class A.

Obviously, they plan to embarrass us
in front of everyone.

What should we do?

If we don't agree, Isogai will be
penalized and maybe even expelled.

There's no need to do it, guys.

Knowing Asano,
he'll probably do something crazy.

I'll take responsibility
and reap what I sowed.

They can expel me.

I don't have to be here to assassinate.

What a...

You're not a man at all!

Don't act cool, you cow-licked poor man!

Cow-licked poor man?

Don't complicate things, Isogai.

We just have to defeat
the nerds in Class A, right?

-That's easy.
-He's right.

Actually, we should be
glad they caught you.

We can use this chance
to get revenge on all of them.

Rather than toppling it, let's break it.

Come on, man!

You guys...

Alright, let's do it!

It's because of his conduct.

He puts the unity of the class
before himself.

As a result he's developed
personal magnetism,

an essential quality in a leader.

As a fellow handsome man,
I guess I could help him.


I've done it at the Defense Academy,

but it's a w*r rather than assassination.

Difference in numbers
can be a big disadvantage.

Even with their training,

can they defeat a group
almost twice their size?



You're so cool, Kimura!

Smile as you run! Yes, Justice!

Bread is a drink.

So cool!

Their physical fitness, balance,

dynamic vision, and sense of distance

as trained assassins
are exhibited in these games.

That shorty got through the net so fast!

Well, her body has no resistance!

Their individuality can be a w*apon too.

How you use all of that

for the pole-toppling
is up to you, Isogai.

What's wrong?

Koro-sensei... despite everything,
Asano really is incredible.

I don't even come close...

That's true...

No matter how perfect you are, there's
always someone better in the real world,

like him...

What should I do?

Everyone might get hurt because of me.

But you know,

there's always a limit to
what one person can do.

You're superior to Asano in your ability

to lead your comrades in a battle.

If you are in need of help,
everyone will fight with you,

that's your strength.

I too am glad
that I'm your teacher and not Asano's.

Alright everyone!
Let's give it our all, like always!

Now for the exhibition game.

Believe it or not,
Class E has challenged Class A!

Our school's elite group
can't let them win!

-That has to be against the rules!

Our foreign exchange students
will be participating

in this game for a cultural exchange.

Asano is way too prepared.

Does he want to win that badly?

This will be a sight to see.

What will Class E do?

If Class E wants to win
with their small group,

they must go on the offense.

When they come and attack,

we'll envelop them with
our impregnable wall and destroy them.

Hey, is Class E even trying to win?

They have no offense!

What's this? The entire Class E
is on the defense!

Are they intimidated by our strength?

Now, let the w*r begin!

Come and attack, Asano.

They want to lure us out? How naive.

Our goal isn't to topple the pole.

It's to crush all of you once and for all.

They're coming!

-Damn it!
-We can't just sit back!


Two down!

He threw them into the crowd!

This is bad, Koro-sensei!

It's pointless if they're
thrown out one by one!

Now! "Operation Tentacles!"


Hold them down!

Class E is using the weight of the pole
to hold them down!

That's rough! How unfair!

There's no rule saying
you can't use the pole as a w*apon.

We won't let you escape!

That's a smart defense plan.

But seven of them are on the defense
and two are unconscious.

That only gave us an advantage.

Both flanks, proceed with Command K!

The middle is open.

If we're going to attack, now's the time.

Alright, let's go!
Attack unit, begin "Operation Mucus!"


They fell for it.

They're chasing Class E
and returning to defend!

It was a fake attack!

It's like a chess problem.

Their defense formation was perfect,

but the situation is only worsening.

What should we do?

The Ministry of Defense
would prefer they don't get hurt.

Don't worry.

I advised them during social studies.

My favorite example
of someone who defeated

an enemy twice his size,
is Hannibal of Carthage.

The enemy of ancient Rome?

He marched uncharted terrains

and appeared where the enemies
least expected him.

He used innovative defense methods
and secret weapons.

Include unconventional ideas in your plan.

I'm sure they can put any of
your clever schemes into action.

Class E is surrounded now.

Now it's time to lynch them.


Why are they all coming here?

Class E has escaped into the stands!

The audience is in a panic!

What are you doing? Stop them!

The biggest danger in pole-toppling

is when the enemy gets
to the base, no matter how few.

Who would do that...

Keep an eye on

Akabane, Kimura, and Isogai.

Isogai Yuma,

if Class E loses

you'll be accused of violating
school rules and expelled.

If you don't want that,
you have to order an attack.

It's your choice,

whether you fall on your own
or drag the whole class down with you,

Class E leader.


-Isn't it almost time?
-Yeah, so far so good.

Two people from Class E!

Where did they come from?

We know all about taking punches.

Pretending to get beat was the hardest.

They were the ones
thrown into the stands earlier!

Enough running away!

Everyone, "Sonic"!


I see.

While everyone was
focused on the scrimmage,

the two who pretended to have left
due to injuries

crept up from the outside.

Then they all come to attack our base
amidst the confusion...

That's their plan!

That's the plan!


They've entered our territory!

Take that, Asano!

You may have more people,
but now that we're here...

He knows martial arts too?

Do you really think you can stand
on the same stage with me?

I hope you're prepared to get kicked off.

He's just like his dad,

the chairman!

Oh no, they're stacked against us.

At this rate, they'll have us surrounded!

Asano is a strong leader
who can turn the tables on his own.

As long as he takes the lead,
Class A won't lose...

That's not the kind of leader
you would be, Isogai.


you don't have to
make decisions on your own.


Class E has received more man-power!

Wait a minute!

Aren't they the defense?

Class E only has two on defense!

How are they holding up?

Law of Leverage.


That sounds smart,
I think they believe us.

Of course it's not true.

Two people isn't enough to keep them down.

Asano! What do you want us to do?

I can't call out to them!

Class A's defense is taking shape!

If they get though this,
Class E will run out of moves!

Now! Come,


Secret weapons are hidden
until the very end.

I'll lose...

Class A...

It's Class E's victory!

So cool! My kids are so cool!
Look over here!

We did it!

Class E miraculously won a battle
that was obviously to their disadvantage.

So basically,
you were completely defeated.

Isogai took advantage of your battle plan

and won by using his secret w*apon.

You'd already lost in the planning stage.

You're not fit to be a leader.


-You were so cool!

-It's dangerous, so don't try it yourself!
-Damn, what a man.

But things sure has changed around here.

Especially how
the younger ones view Class E.

Of course.

We won despite
a huge disadvantage, after all.

We could possibly be much more talented
than Asano and his posse.

I received my black belt in karate

three days after I began learning.

I was utterly defeated on the first day.

I was a man in my mid 30's

puking and rolling on the floor.

After being completely humiliated,

what do you think I did on the second day?

I just watched as the flames of
unbelievable humiliation burned me.

I knew that if I lost again

I would lose control of my identity
and I would go insane and die.

Then on the third day

I defeated my teacher
before he could even touch me.

That is how you learn from losing.


you've lost...

so why aren't you on the verge of dying
from frustration?

You monster!

Hey look at that.

It's Asano.

Hey Asano!

You better keep your word

and not tell anyone about it.

I don't lie

and I don't use
cheap tricks like you guys do.

But this will never happen again.

I'll destroy you all.

-What a sore loser.
-Let him be.

He's just a whining loser.

Don't worry about it. He doesn't
understand how tough things are for you.


compared to him,

I don't have it that bad.

I'm so glad I'm poor

after what happened today.

Although he doesn't stand out like Asano,

Isogai is always right beside us
rather than in front or above us.

Leftover bread!

The class president of Class 3-E
is a handsome leader and an assassin.

Goldfish bread!

Law of the lever.

The ratio of output

and input forces

are equal to the ratio
of their distance to the fulcrum.

So if you apply force near the edge,

you can hold down
the enemy with little strength.

Next episode is "Before and After Time."