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02x08 - Reaper Time, Part 2

Posted: 04/12/24 21:17
by bunniefuu
He took the students hostage.

Most likely

he wants to lure me in and k*ll me.

What should I do...

That messes up my plan.

Koro-sensei and Karasuma-sensei!

I thought he was in Brazil?

I have no choice. Let's do Plan 16.

It's my turn.

-The room itself is moving.




He even has Irina-sensei...

You're behind all this?

Have you ever heard
of the name, "Grim Reaper?"

I've heard from Lovro.

I kept him alive on purpose.

It was convenient
to have him spread the word

and get rid of my competition.

Hey, will you put down your g*n?

Or will you sh**t your friend?

I can't grasp his presence...

I've set up a b*mb on her

and all the students' necks
which I can detonate at any time.

Did you think I'd die that easily
just because you've used hostages?

Who knows?

I don't sense anyone else.

If I watch his g*n...



He's keeping up with my tentacles!

Koro-sensei! Are you okay?

That was easy.

I didn't need hostages after all.

Let's go

and say our goodbyes.



Is anyone hurt?

I can't believe you got caught too.

A cage made with anti-sensei material...

This is a tricky thing indeed,

but my body has finally overcome this.


I will show you for the first time,
my ultimate internal organ!

I made a tongue coated in digestive fluid.
I can melt this cage in just half a day.

How slow!

Excuse me...

If you continue to lick that,
I'll blow everyone up.

No way!

Let's hurry.

I'm going to release water in here.

This is a drainage,

one order from the control room, and

between the cage and the water pressure
of 200 tons per second

you'll turn into

chunks of jelly.

Wait! Are you going to k*ll the students?

Of course, it's too late now.

Irina! You knew about this?

A professional prioritizes the results.

It's what you wanted.

It's a bit extreme, but do you want me
to miss the chance to save the Earth?

What shall I do if they can k*ll him
in exchange for the students' lives?

I'd like to confirm the policy on that.

We'd have to look at that on a
case-by-case basis.

I can see that happening,
if certain things were to occur...

It's your call as the field agent.

Basically, they want me
to take full responsibility.

So it's up to me right now.

The government's decision is...

Twenty-seven lives
are worth more than the Earth.

If you still want to k*ll them,

I'll stop you.


He's so cool...

I'll let you know, Irina,

being a professional isn't that easy.

My plan will fall apart
if I take too long k*lling Karasuma.

For now...

I won't let you!

Karasuma-sensei, turn your transceiver on!

How reckless...

Karasuma's strength may be unreal,
but he's leaps and bounds ahead of him.

After all, he's even caught
the octopus with ease.


Irina, I need your help.

I've set a trap.

When Karasuma fumbles here,

sh**t him from behind.

I got it.

There's something on the door knob...
it's a trap.

I can't disarm it now.

Oh well... I'll open it.

He got caught...
That should slow him down a little.

It was more powerful than I had expected.

You're really good at this, aren't you?

I was underestimating you.

It's like a textbook for traps.
You're really something.

As an assassin, I can't help but

want to use all
the k*lling methods I learn.

Don't miss your target, Irina.

I'm sorry.

I won't miss this time.

You'll die, Irina.

I'm prepared to die.

Unlike you, he understands me.

He said he was the same as me.

I told you about my past, didn't I?

In the t*rror1st-ridden
slums where I'm from,

people's lives disappeared so easily.

You can only trust money, your skills,
and the fact that people die when k*lled.

That's why I know Irina would understand,

even if I were to treat you

as someone expendable.

I can't believe you're alive!

But you can't chase me.

I only hired her to trick you guys.


Well, now for the finishing touches...


Are you alright, Karasuma-sensei?

-Finally! What was that expl*si*n?

I'm fine, but Irina is trapped
under some rubble.

I can't help her.
I have to chase the Reaper.


Why won't you help her, Karasuma-sensei?


Irina joined the Grim Reaper
to get the results she wanted.

It's her responsibility as a professional.

I don't care about professionalism.

This may be bratty of me to say,

but Bitch-sensei is only 21!

Probably because she grew up
in an unsteady environment,

but I think she may have
missed placing a few pieces

as she was growing up into an adult.

So please save her, Karasuma-sensei.

The way you forgive us students

when we make mistakes.

The village is destroyed.

She alone was able to escape
by k*lling a militiaman.

What should we do, honey?

I like her eyes.

You have a choice.

If you live with us, amidst bloodshed,

you can turn your
horrible memories into a daily routine.

Do you want to live peacefully
while being haunted by bloody memories?

Or will you control them
by making it your career?

I guess it's a hard decision for a child.
To the refugee camp...

You can't go back.

That's right...

I belong in a cold bloodbath.

I deserve to be betrayed and k*lled.

I'm glad it's all over

before I could remember

the warm sunny memories.

Come out already.

I'll hold the heavy stuff.

What happened?

They all escaped?

Fine... I'll just k*ll a few
and thr*aten them through the speaker.

They've disarmed them?

How could they?

The collar only had
options to detonate or unlock.

Since it's a simple design,
removing it won't set if off

and he'd never know.

This is rough...

We blend into this wall pretty well
and the lighting is perfect!

Just as Mimura said,
the camera has blind spots.

And with Sugaya spray...

This assassination camo
super gym clothes is so useful.

We look just like the wall.

And to think they're the culprits
of the remote controlled peeping tom.

-What about Koro-sensei?
-He can camouflage on his own.

Which means, he's completely
naked right now.

I've lost my innocence.

Don't blush, he'll see you!

Your left arm may be fractured.

Does it hurt anywhere else?

You're bleeding!

No, I was just turned on
by your amazing body.

I thought you damaged your brain,
but I guess that's normal for you.

He's back.
It's just as the students planned.

Irina, I don't know about
where you came from,

but in this world where
the students and I live,

you are needed.

Irina, where's Karasuma?

He wasn't here by the time I woke up.

How could you, Grim Reaper?

I can't believe you blew me up.

Sorry about that.

I had to do that to accomplish my goal.

Betrayal is part of
our line of work, isn't it?

Whatever... after all, I'm the bitch.
I never stay with one man too long.

‪Is he... out of his mind?

I was thinking...
are you really that great of an assassin?

What was that sound?

Each skill is quite impressive,

but you're not thorough.

That's harsh.

I'll get rid of that facial skin.

It only held me back
from perfecting my disguise skill.

I'll k*ll you and take your face!

Hey, what's going on?

Um... the Grim Reaper took out a Kn*fe,
no it's a wire!

Karasuma... oh wow!

He dodged... oh no!
He stopped it with a Kn*fe! And a kick!

It's... it's a crazy battle!

You don't make any sense!

Me too!

Explain it to us!

I chose to do hand-to-hand combat

but he may be hiding something.

I shouldn't prolong this.

I'll tell you the truth.

My story about growing up
in a horrible environment

was a lie I made up
to get that woman on my side.


My parents were assassinated.

I wasn't sad that they d*ed though.

As I watched

the assassin's movements
as he made the k*ll,

I thought to myself...

What a beautiful skill!

I was enchanted.

Assassination is
a collection of beautiful skills.

I will show you my ultimate skill

that I've perfected.

The Grim Reaper's invisible scythe.

It's just a ten-caliber.

The tiny b*llet slides through
the muscle and bone

and cuts the aorta.

The blood pressure in the aorta
spreads that cut wide open

resulting in death by major blood loss.

A composite art that

only the Grim Reaper can pull off.


This is...

You've finally let your guard down.

I'm glad the Grim Reaper
has the same weak spot.

Is that the octopus?

I can reach one tentacle out.

Tricked with juice...?

You better be prepared,

Grim Reaper.

You've harmed my
precious students and co-worker.

Wait! No one else can k*ll him but me!

Our class has all the needed skills.

Why not quit being an assassin?

A staffing agency
can find a good use for those skills.

He had astounding skills,

but he was overconfident.

The one who influenced him was foolish.

He could have used
his skill in a different way.

For better or worse,

we're shaped by our surroundings.

That's exactly it.

Right, Irina-sensei?

-You bitch!
-Don't think you can get away!

Just do what you want with me then!

Go ahead and relieve your pent up
frustrations and jealousy over my beauty

by sexually assaulting me
as much as you want!

What a warped imagination.

Just come to school like before.

Stop ditching class already.

I want to know what happened after you
seduced the Arabic king before the w*r.

If you don't come, I'll just keep your
French translation of Hanadan.

But I almost k*lled all of you?

Is there a problem?

Betraying and doing crazy things

is what makes you a bitch.

How could we be middle school assassins

if we can't enjoy a little fun
at school with the bitch?

So there you go.

This flower isn't one
I borrowed from the students.

It's something I got
from defeating an enemy.

Will this do for your birthday?

What an unromantic way
of gifting something.

And only one, at that!
I'll give him a piece of my mind!

What should I say? Um...


There's potential.

But I called dibs...

There, there...

Karasuma-sensei I'd like to say a word
before this turns x-rated.

It won't, but go ahead.

I don't ever want to put

my students in danger like this again.

I strongly request a safe environment
where we can safely k*ll and be k*lled.

I know.

The reward will not be awarded to anyone

who involves the students
in the assassination?

You've grown quite fond
of the children, I see?

The students have the right
to ensure their own safety.

Very well, I'll accept it.

Either way, it's time to stop

relying on individual freelance assassins.

We're pushing a multinational plan.

It's Operation "Last Assassin."

I don't know what's in store
for this class.

How's your arm?


But the world feels nice here.

Okajima, the fish-eye lens can capture

almost 180 degrees, like a fish's eye.

It may give you a wider perspective,

but the light from 180 degrees

distorts the edges.

Next episode is "Round Two Time."