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02x09 - Round Two Time

Posted: 04/12/24 21:17
by bunniefuu
November is maturity month.

The time when everyone makes decisions.

Four more months until
-sensei's assassination.

Is that octopus really doing
career counseling?


In normal clothing...

Yes, normal cheap clothes.

I'm trying to fit into your normal world.

What? Do you want to see more skin?

She's actually sexier when she's covered.

She's matured...

Did you write this, Nakamura?
Stop distorting my future!

A manly job doesn't suit you.


let's go to Thailand or Morocco
after we graduate.

I hear Thailand is popular now.

Why do you want to take that from me?

My future, huh?

What are we supposed to say
to a monster who wants to destroy Earth?

My future...




You want to be a bureaucrat?

Working behind the scenes
seems quite understated for you, Karma.

Remember how the politicians
were useless after the earthquake?

I can't deny that.

But the country still kept
functioning to a certain degree.

I realized that
it was all thanks to the bureaucrats

‪who work in the background.

That's what I want to be.

Any problems?

No, it's the perfect job for you.

Terasaka, you should become a politician.

When loud straightforward idiots like you
stand in the forefront,

it's easier for me to manipulate.

Manipulating me? You're so childish.

Seriously? A politician?

You want to become an ambassador?

Who knew you would
come up with such a serious goal...

How rude!

Believe it or not,
they used to call me a "genius".

I aced the sixth grade test in first grade
and was always the top of the class.

But I wished I was normal.
I wanted to become normal.

I wanted to laugh with my friends
over bad grades.

So I got accepted here,
but I kept acting stupid.

Then I turned into a genuine idiot.

Only after seeing my parents' tears
of despair, did I realize what I'd lost.

But I still wanted to
act stupid with everyone.

This class let me do both.

So thank you, Koro-sensei.


Everyone seems like they're not thinking,
but they actually are.


Oh, Irina-sensei...

The size sticker is left on.

She's not used to cheap things.

Should I let her know?

I'll take it off.

First of all, I got that car because

I had to seduce a young CEO
of an IT company for information.

I'm still using it,
only because it's not a bad car.

But that Karasuma tells me,
"you conned him into giving it to you."

You're the last one.

Now tell me your career plans, Nagisa.


I think I have the talent to k*ll people.

I think I can end up
like the Grim Reaper some day.

With no other outstanding traits,
I won't find another talent like this.


should I become an assassin?

Please teach me the path I should take.

You are a very intelligent student.

So I'm sure you've considered the risks
and absurdity of becoming an assassin.


there's no doubt that you have
inborn talent to become an assassin.

Even if you're up against a monster,
an abusive teacher, or a genius k*ller,

you have the courage
to fearlessly att*ck them.

It's a talent that
any skilled assassin needs.

But Nagisa,
there's recklessness in your courage.

You don't care what happens to you.

You seem to brush aside
your own safety and dignity.

You should reconsider
for what and for whom

you want to use your talent.

Let's continue this talk
after you do that.

If you still want to be an assassin then,
I'll give you my full support.

You cleared that secret boss?

Not the first time around, but the second.

I thought so...
alright, I'll restart then.


I'm home.

Welcome home, Nagisa. Have a seat.

What is it, Mom?

You came in 54th for your midterms.

You weren't in the top 50
which is required for the main building.

But I heard that three years ago,
Tanaka's brother was able to

return to the main building
when he was 60th.

They let him back in after
he begged and gave them a donation.

So I'll do that too.

I have to get you out of Class E
as soon as possible.

I'll visit Ouno-sensei from Class D soon,

so you have to come too.

Wait a second, Mom!

I want to stay in Class E.
It's fun and my grades are getting better.

You can choose my college and my career,

but please let me stay in the class...

Oh no...

I talked back to her when she's gloomy.

What is wrong with my son?

Why did you grow up to be
such an underachiever?

The pain of failure stays forever!

That's what happened to me!
Why don't you understand my feelings!

I had to get the donation ready
because of your bad grades!

How dare you act that way
when I've done so much for you!

This wasn't the time to talk.

I should've said it when she was happy.

I'm sorry. It was foolish of me.

Dad didn't like fighting,
so he left the house.

You're still a child,

so you don't know the smart way to live.

But I know it all.

I have it all planned out so that
you don't end up like me or your dad.

I'm telling you to go to Kei University...

It's a top-ranking university
Mom wasn't accepted to.

Large corporations have academic cliques

and your promotions are based on
which university you went to.

If you work at Hishimaru
run by Kei University alumnus...

It's the famous trading company
that didn't hire Mom.

If I had a choice
I would've wanted a girl.

She always says that.

My parents were so strict about studying
that I could never act like a girl.

Hishimaru didn't hire me
because they focus on appearance.

So I was planning on teaching my child
everything about fashion.

You see? I told you these
look better with long hair.

I don't want to know. I'm not a girl.

Her chillingly deep attachment

will probably control me forever.

Koro-sensei knew from the start

that the main character
in my life isn't really me.

I'm Round Two in my mom's RPG.

Oh! I'll go see the Class E's teacher
for your transfer paperwork tomorrow.

That's so soon! He's busy...

This is for you, Nagisa.

You will say goodbye to Class E tomorrow.

She's gloomy again.

There's no point in talking now.

Your mother is coming to transfer you?

What should I do?

I can't stop my mom
once she's made up her mind.

Karasuma-sensei is on a business trip

and I don't think
we can ask his subordinates.

First of all,
I don't want to leave Class E.

No need to worry.

I'm a super-being
who can destroy the Earth.

A meeting with a parent
is a piece of cake!

I'm worried...

Nagisa's mom is pretty intense.

Koro-sensei said I can leave it up to him.

Want me to act as your homeroom teacher?

You can't... Karasuma-sensei
is our homeroom teacher on paper.

It'll cause confusion among the parents.

I see...

It's quite simple. I'll just disguise
myself as Karasuma Tadaomi.


Hey! I'm Karasuma!

You suck!

What's up with those pen marks?

I'm imitating his nihilistic appearance.

It's spot on!

Why do your arms look like sausages?

I reproduced his beefy muscles!

I'm worried, but I can only pray

that Koro-sensei can persuade Mom

to let me stay in Class E.

-That's Nagisa's mom?
-She's pretty.

But she does look strict.


Nice to meet you,
I'm Shiota Nagisa's mother.

Please have a seat. You too, Nagisa.

It was quite a trip
up the mountain, wasn't it?

Please have some cold juice.

I... guess this'll do.

You are very beautiful.
I can see where Nagisa gets his looks.

Oh him?

If only he was a girl,
I would've made him my ideal child.

Your ideal?

Yes, girls his age
look their best in long hair.

I was only allowed to have short hair
when I was young.

I got mad at him for tying it up
when he entered eighth grade,

but I'm allowing it
because it looks good on him.

That's right, about his future...
Based on my personal experience,

I can't let him fail at this age.

Many Kunugigaoka High School alumnus
are accepted to Kei University.

If he's kicked out after middle school,
it'll affect his education and career.

So please help me
move him out of this Class E.

Did you discuss this with Nagisa?

He doesn't understand anything yet.

As his parent who's experienced failures,
I must show him the way.

Mom, I...

Stay quiet for now, Nagisa.

I see...

Now I know why Nagisa is the way he is.

I, Karasuma Tadaomi, wear a wig.

What hairstyle, high school,
or university he chooses is

up to him and not you.

Nagisa's life belongs to him.

You can't use it
to hide your insecurities.

As his teacher, I will be honest.

I will not allow him to leave Class E
unless he wants to.

How dare you! A teacher can't talk
to a parent like that! Unbelievable!

Who are you to criticize how I raise him?

How scary!

Nagisa's mom is really pissed off!

So this teacher with the wig
is the reason why you've been so defiant?

Just you wait!

I'll make you realize your mistake!


I couldn't help myself...


the most important thing
is for you to state your opinion.

But for now

since I can't do anything on my own,
I should keep being her Round Two.

You can do something.

Anything's possible with k*lling intent.

The first round of your life
starts in this classroom.


Round One.

Thank you.

I'm sorry I blew up
in front of your teacher today.

It's because I want the best for you.

So I've thought about it,

and I've decided not to let anyone
get in the way of my life.

I'll remove all obstacles.

I'll change your perspective.


Ever since you were thrown in here,
you've gone off the deep end

and started disobeying me.

Burn this building down
with your own hands.

What are you saying Mom?

If you burn it down yourself,

you'd feel too guilty
to face everyone here.

I'll ask the main building teachers
once I know you can't return.

-No way...
-Who do you think raised you?

I've spent time and money
for your cram school and private school!

You don't even know how hard it is
to cook after a day of work!

That stupid teacher is brainwashing
you to become defiant!

Your entire existence was made by me!

She's wrong... but it's true...
How can I explain this feeling?

The most important thing
is for you to state your opinion.


Stop screeching, you old hag.

The show's about to start.

-Who are you?
-His k*lling intent... an assassin.

You're both in my way.

Every Wednesday night at 10:00,
he watches the show with the a*tillery.

I'll use my supersonic whip
to crush his head and k*ll him.


What? I'll call the police...

If I k*ll the kid

I won't get the reward,
but I can k*ll the hag, can't I?

Mom's scared.

The assassin has his guard down.

Mom, because I've always
had to worry about your moods

I've grown a special talent.

It's not a talent you had hoped for,

but it has helped me
be useful to everyone here.

Round One of your life
starts in this classroom.


I'm giving it my all
in this class right now.

The results will show by graduation.

If I succeed, I'll cut my hair.

I'll return all the money you spent.

But if you can't forgive me...


I'll graduate from you, Mom.


I'm really grateful that you
gave birth to me and raised me.

I may be asking for too much,

but if you could just be happy
that your child is alive and well,

things would go so much smoother.

Who is that? What did you do, Nagisa?

Delinquents tend to hang out around here,

so it's best not to come here at night.


You declared that you'd k*ll me by March.
There's no turning back now.

I know.

Well then,
it's true that Nagisa is still young,

but please just watch over him kindly.

He's not betraying you by any means.

He's just preparing to leave the nest
like we all have done.

Nagisa is...

leaving... me...


She's collapsed from relief.

I'll drive you guys back in her car.

So Nagisa, if you are able to k*ll me,

will you use that talent
to become an assassin after that?

I don't think so.

Talents don't have to be
restricted to anything.

It may be fit for assassinating,

but I want to use it to help others,
like how I was able to protect Mom.

And that's not an assassin's job.

It's dangerous, after all.

I'll find a career that
won't worry my parents.

Take your time and look for it.

And remember to
communicate with your parents.


Not only are cars slow,
you have to wait at the lights!


What is this?

I'll make breakfast from now on.

So you can relax before going to work.

I'll take out the garbage

and go to a high school
that's on par with Kunugigaoka.

So please, as for my class...

Do as you please.

I won't take responsibility.

I'm proud to be

an assassin until I graduate.

What did you like when you were a kid?

That could lead you to your career.

If you become a doctor

or lawyer just because you're smart,

you may end up regretting it, Takebayashi.

Next time, "School Festival Time."