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02x19 - Outer Space Time

Posted: 04/12/24 21:23
by bunniefuu
Yes! Assassination classroom's
off-season science project's theme is...

Let's try hijacking the space station
and steal the research data.

That's how Class E's unprecedented
science project began.

The capsule with the research data
will land in the Pacific Ocean.

To prevent the targeted super being
from stealing the data,

they will take the entire capsule
to the lab without opening it.

It's a very wise security measure.

I can't carry things that are too heavy,

so I can't steal it if they use
the five ton capsule as a safe.

That's why we have to
peek at it while it's in space.

But does Japan really have
the technology to send a manned rocket?

The technology is reliable enough.

They may have sped up
the development because of me.

Of course it's a little scary,
but most of all

working together with everyone was fun.
I was able to forget

about my doubts.


Our plan is set.

Now we set it into motion.

The rocket can only take two people.

-Who wants to go?

I thought so.

You're such boys.

This test craft
hasn't been successful yet,

who still wants to go?

I thought so.

I still want to go.

Rockets are a dream come true
for gear-heads like me.

But I'll give it up this time.

Nagisa, Karma...

I don't like these risky challenges
that relies on other people.

Have Terasaka go with a dummy.

Even if it falls, there's no loss.

Karma for provocation and fighting,
and Nagisa for safety and assassination...

Sounds good for hijacking a space station.

We'll raise money and ride one ourselves.

We were all unified because the
two of you had an all-out fight.

Be responsible and take the lead.


let's go.

Going to space with a friend
for a graduation trip?

That's awesome!

Fine, fine...
I did promise that I'd listen to you.

It's set then!


Wow, it's amazing.

-They send the rocket from here?

How did you guys get in here?

You don't have an ID do you?

We came for a tour and got lost.

We followed after some guy and got here.

Since we're here...

Ritsu, I can put this in any computer

‪-in the control center?

I'll plug it in and retreat.

I've analyzed their security.

I've sent a remote access virus
into a computer in the control center.

Now I can command
the control center and its systems.

The first stage is cleared.
Ritsu, here's a job for you.

Part of our path is above ground.

Can you do something?

Understood. I'm calculating your location.


I'll turn off the fixed-point cameras
for ten seconds.


Three, two, one, zero!

The security guard passed by.
The next patrol is in ten minutes.

I've adjusted the surveillance
camera angles. It's not turned off,

so please be careful.


There are 50 meters

of stairs to the rocket.


Inspection complete.

Who'd take responsibility if it crashes?

Don't say such things.

We'll send a recording of the dummies
to the control center.

They won't know if we switch them out now.

Let's go Karma.

One hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-eight,
ninety-seven, ninety-six, ninety-five

ninety-four, ninety-three, ninety-two

ninety-one, ninety, eighty-nine...

Liquid oxygen
and liquid hydrogen are ready.

Will they be okay?

-Twenty-five, twenty-four...
-Flight mode on.

twenty-two, twenty-one,

twenty, nineteen...

Didn't we experience a similar
anxiousness before?

Yeah, but

you and I both

have changed a little since then.

-All systems are ready.
-Five, four, three

-Main engine ignition.
-two, one.

SRB ignition.

Lift off.

This is fast!

Why are you coming along?

I was so worried.

Don't worry too much
about getting my data.

More than that,
enjoy your journey to outer space.

Koro-sensei, I want you to know one thing.

You're using every last bit of your life

to give us a chance to learn,

and I'm thankful

but to us your life

is much more than just

a teaching material.

I know...I'm very happy.

It's so fast!

The speed required to go to outer space

is Mach 23.

Today for the first time

we were faster than Koro-sensei.

Oh? A communication error?

It's Mizui! I've seen him on TV.

The live footage to Earth is cut off.

Thanks Ritsu.

Crap... they've calmed down too quickly.

I guess they're astronauts after all.

First, I'll say bravo
to the two bold young lads.


But you're up against the
six of us, and some of us are soldiers.

A b*mb isn't even a threat.

Let's not have any useless fights.

This place hates fighting the most.

We'll talk, so let him go.

How will you go back
after stealing the data?

Do you plan on asking for help?

We can go back on our own. Our classmate
has the orbital calculations down.


Our teacher will take care of
the minor adjustments in the air.

Maybe it's because you're young,
but you're taking life for granted.

It's not like I came because I wanted to.

But my friend told me to come.


And plus, we've thought about
life a lot recently.

We're students of a class
trying to k*ll our teacher, you know?

We face a life with our own life.

We're prepared for that now.

Aren't you the same?

You seem to really trust the plan
thought out by your target.

Very well, I'll take responsibility
and accept the hijacker's demands.

But first help us unload the supplies.

Let's have them work
so they can leave quickly.

I think they wanted to

give us an experience

of a lifetime.

This might save Koro-sensei.

I know.

You're okay with that, right?

What do you mean?

I'm not against the fact that
we all decided to save him,

but I wonder what Koro-sensei
wanted us to do.

This is the data for
preventing that creature's expl*si*n.

There are no traces of falsification.
This is the full data from the experiment.

I'll borrow a copy.

Copying complete.
Let's get back and test it.

We don't want to overstay our welcome.

Old man,

I'll give you this.

It's actually just yokan inside.

Tell them you were threatened by a b*mb.

Sorry for causing you trouble!

Wasn't it a nice break?

Floating in zero gravity like
they're at a friend's house,

negotiating top secret data
like it's candy,

and entering the atmosphere
like they're going to school.

Those are some crazy middle schoolers.

Our trip to space just flew by.

We just need to hope that
we can return to Earth safely.



Leave it to me. I've done
a tremendous amount of calculations

so you can land safely on Earth.

You can say this spacecraft
is a part of my body now.

On top of that,
all the sensors installed in me

are exposed to so much
more data than usual.

Outside temperature, air pressure,
speed, and the scenery...

Nagisa, Karma,

your breathing, conversations, pulses,
and body temperatures too.

I'm thinking a lot

and moving and feeling.

It's wonderful.

I can feel how this mission
has helped evolve my intelligence.

You guys, right now

I'm feeling emotions for the first time.

I'm happy.

I'm happy I came to this class.

Just on time! Welcome back
from your space trip... that's hot!


I guess I didn't need to
get involved in the negotiation.

People in outer space
are pretty understanding, right?


I'll push it from here.

Push! Hot! Push! Hot!

It's hot!

They're back!

Come on! Just a little more!

We all doubted, worried,
faltered and clashed

in this one month.

We even went

to space in the end.

It worked!

What have you done!

I can't even imagine
how much I'll be apologizing.

I...I threatened the students
and made them go.

Since you weren't aware of it,
you aren't responsible.

Plus, the good outweighs the bad.

The data of sending real humans
instead of a dummy.

This alone is good reason to
launch another rocket.

On top of that, Ritsu found
a more effective route to outer space.

All this is yours, can we call it even?

You villain.

We're back.

What's up with this data?

We can't even read it
with all the technical words!

Leave it to me! Basically it says this:

Outer space experiments prove that
the expl*si*n risk for tentacle creatures

is inversely proportional to its size.

Bigger sizes are more stable while
smaller sizes have a higher risk.

Unlike a small mouse,

the probability of a human-sized
creature like him to explode

is much lower than expected.

That means...

Additionally, if he takes
the following dr*gs

and periodically prompts the flow
of silicone compound in his body,

in other words if he
loosens up the stiffness,

the risk of him losing control
is drastically reduced.


If these conditions are met,
the probability of an expl*si*n

is at the most, less than one percent.

One percent?

Most likely other cells
will die before an expl*si*n occurs,

and he will peacefully evaporate
within 90 years.

Can we make that drug?

It's quite simple. More like,

I've made something just like it before.

That thing?

No way.

Who knew that was a key to our solution.

Should it be this easy?

I don't think it was that easy.


Aguri used her life to stop
him from becoming destructive.

Koro-sensei took over after her

and taught us using his own life.

Without us all risking our lives,

we couldn't have made the drug
and our class wouldn't have gone to space

to look for an answer.

Either way, less than one percent
is almost nothing.

The Earth won't explode
even if we can't k*ll him!

Then what about the assassination?

Can we stop the assassination we've been

doing since the first semester?

We can end it all, can't we?


Nagisa, what do you want to do?

It was your idea.

No matter how low the probability is,

as long as he's dangerous, the government
won't stop the assassination plan.

Because we're finally out of the tunnel,
I want to respect everyone's feelings.

The answer we came to was,

if we can't

k*ll him by March,

we'll graduate from assassination

and be just students and teacher.

But until that time,

we'll wield our blades


assassination is our bond

with our teacher.

It's a mandatory class

by Koro-sensei, who trained us.

We've prepared ourselves.

Let's take back

the winter break we lost!

I noticed for the first time.

His joy is scary.

With what words? What face?

She's like Yukimura-sensei.

She has low self-esteem.

I'll root for you with my best smile.