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02x22 - Happy Birthday Time

Posted: 04/12/24 21:25
by bunniefuu
Heaven's Spear,

Earth's Shield...

The government

began their final plan to k*ll


No one lent their ears

to our pleas.

Our last mission is to all
get to school safely.

We must see him

or else nothing will end.

Koro-sensei's assassination

is in three hours.


Heaven's Shield will be
fully charged in three hours.

It's a bit of a waste to have to bury

a precious test sample,
but I guess it's all for world peace.

Can the kids get through?

An intruder in the mountain!

They broke the barricade.

They're monsters!

-How many are there?!
-Don't mess with us!


good teamwork, you three.

We lost communication with E Squad.

-There really is an intruder. Be ready.


There's a sn*per targeting us! Location...

Hey, that didn't sound good.

It's fine. I just gently enveloped him.

We finished off this squad, Karma.

Okay. How's your side?

Right now...

Hot! It burns!

Sorry, but since you all are pros,

you won't scream
unless I go this far, right?

His screams will lure in reinforcement.

I want to finish off a few more here.

How does it look, Ritsu?

There are three along the ridge.

There's also a heavy machine g*n
at the hilltop with the fir.

Got it. What about the route through
the wild grape bush and stone oak forest?

Yes, that one is safe.

Terasaka, take the enemy down
on that route and head to the pine tree.

Squads C and D are missing!
Give us a report now!

What is going on? Karasuma!

That mountain is
the students' home ground.

There they spent a whole year targeting,

playing and being taught by a super being.

They can move with their eyes closed.

If it's just within that campus,
they're the world's best assassins.

Were you pulling the strings?

They decided, planned
and acted all on their own.

Even if we stopped them,
they would've broken through.

What a proud parent.

Okajima, one's coming your way.
Fifty more meters.

Akabane Karma would be the best commander.

With his devilish brains,
he will use anything he can.

What is this? How many are there?

This will tingle a little.

This mountain is always full of traps.

Although they were made for Koro-sensei.

Hey let me down!

There was one more.

I admit we underestimated you.
You have the upper hand here.


But now that I know,

it's no problem for me.


You brat...

Everything would end if you stay quiet.

What do you have to complain about?

We have to settle this on our own!

Don't appear last minute
and order us around!

Trust us when it comes to Koro-sensei!

We're saying, just leave it to us!



He's still moving!

Damn brats!

Finish him off, damn it!

Stop acting cool with your high five!

There's no response from any agent!

What in the world.

I could tell from the noise.


You all grew so much.


The students entered the barrier
knowing the risks?

What can they do now?

We can't just leave civilians there.

If the cornered target acts rashly,
it may end in a disaster.

Irina and I will go.
We will be able to persuade them.

That's the light from the laser?

I see... so they will
sh**t the laser to k*ll me

right before the date changes?

That power will most likely nullify
even my ultimate defense form.

No way!

Koro-sensei, let's escape somehow!

You can take us hostage or anything!

Now that my existence
is known to the world,

they probably cannot stop the laser.

Did you know this would happen?

Even if I don't explode,

there's no way all the countries
won't fear a monster like me.

It's normal to want to k*ll me either way.

If we had acted sooner,
there may have been a way.

Like destroying the barrier machine

or speaking up on TV or internet.

If you did that,
you would've been viewed as harmful

and maybe put under heavy supervision.

The equipment is also perfectly protected.

They even have anti-aircraft weapons
in case I catapult anything.

With your current ability and equipment,
you would've been caught.

That is how perfect this plan was.

They put in all the technology, time
and manpower they could.

An assassination based on
knowledge and hard work around the world

surpassed my abilities,
and I both respect them for that

and feel honored that I was the target.

Then was all the work we put in
just a waste?

Of course it's not a waste, Yada.

You found out the probability
of me exploding is less than one percent

by going all the way to outer space.

Because of that, the disheartened
Class E regained its cheer

and the following month was short but fun.

The process...
the heart is what's important.

You used what you learned in that process
to come and see me.

As a teacher, nothing makes me happier.

Just wait until time's up.

It's only one percent!
We can easily take that risk!

Why won't the government and public
listen to us, who were the closest to you!

The only thing dangerous about
this octopus is that he's a pervert!

They won't listen to children,
but they'll pity us instead.

It's insulting.

I can't agree with this.

Next time I see them, I'll...

Terasaka, everyone,
I will give you some advice.

As you keep living,

society's big wave will prevent you from

gaining the result that you want, one day.

When that happens,
you can't look to society for the cause.

You can't deny society either.

Honestly, it's just a waste of time.

When that happens, just say
"that's the world for you"

and somehow get through the frustration.

After you get through it, think about it.

If the currents of society
keeps pushing you about,

how should you swim through it?

You've learned how to in Class E,
the assassination classroom.

It doesn't have to be head on,

you can run and hide.

If it's allowed, you can surprise them.

You can even use unorthodox weapons.

If you try without
being impatient or lazy,

then through trial and error,
you will see wonderful results.

You all can do that because you are

first-class assassins.

A lesson at a time like this?

Now is the perfect time for this lesson.

As a teacher,
I don't miss a chance to educate.

But the fact that you all
exerted yourself to try to save me,

made me so happy I was about to cry.

It's true.

How can you be so calm, Koro-sensei?

If you hadn't come to Class E,
you could've lived normally somewhere.

To Koro-sensei, we...

By the way, Nakamura...

Your footsteps were gentle
during the fight in the mountain.

On top of that, do you smell sweet?

Sharp ears and a sharp nose?

It's been a year since
the day the moon exploded.

Didn't Yukimura-sensei
make today your birthday?

You should praise me
for bringing that in one piece.

Hey, listen to me!

I know, but!

I haven't had sweets in a week!

Hey, you're slobbering!
Let's hurry up and sing!

Ready, go.

Seriously, how cheesy...

Happy birthday dear Koro-sensei

It's more than I deserve.

-Come on, blow it out!
-There's only one!

The reward I received
is more than I deserve.

Happy birthday.


The time has come.
I'll gift you with the most cruel death.

Sensei, you know who I am, right?

Let me introduce him to the students.

He is the man who stole
the Grim Reaper name from that octopus.


from today, he is the new Koro-sensei.

Goodbye, Sensei.

You never saw my face, did you?

My field of assassination would broaden
if there was another person with my skill.

So when he asked to be my pupil,
I took him in and raised him.

He admired strength,
so I gave him the strength he desired.

I also showed him our difference
in strength to make him loyal.

I let him experience both profit and fear.

There was no cause for betrayal.

About our infiltration route
for the next job,

doesn't the east gate have less security?

If you leave it to me,
I'll prepare for the infiltration.

Yeah, there won't be any changes.
As I planned, navigate from here.

I thought of a new knife technique
that has high k*lling power.

A variation for two knives...

It doesn't work, see?

If you want to lower the risk during jobs,
let's learn the skills I taught you.

It was past the point of lacking...

At the time, I didn't know anything.

I think that student wanted you

to look at him.

You were my first student,

but I wasn't looking at you.


Showing up this late...

Is this all your plan?

Maybe we can collect combat data
and the target's body?

One is enough to
end the w*r against terrorism.

The indestructible creature...

Honestly, I'm sure our country

wants to put it to use.

This is...

That guy...

The second generation Grim Reaper
that att*cked us.

Before it was just his face...
now his whole body is a monster!

He was transformed just like that octopus.
The only difference is

that he strongly wished
for the transformation himself.

He's different than the failures,
Itona and the sister.

Can you imagine?

The man who overpowered you guys
when he was a human

now has unparalleled tentacles and hatred.

Think of his destructive power.

It's a sonic boom.

The initial speed
of his tentacles is Mach 2.

His maximum speed is

Mach 40.

M... Mach 40?

Basically, he has twice
the basic abilities.

His superhuman dynamic vision and
intuition is amplified by the tentacles,

so he easily adapted to
the supersonic realm.

Unlike amateur children,
he got used to the tentacles quickly.

Just like

the first generation.


The biggest difference is that unlike you

or that octopus,
he wasn't designed for continual use.

In other words, he's disposable
and doesn't need maintenance.

His lifespan is only three months,

but in return, I was able to
bring out tremendous energy.

He's also designed
not to explode when he dies.

Isn't it a perfect and safe w*apon?

You always...

hurt others like that!

As you stay where it's safe!

Is that what you think?

I must not be prepared to die...
is that what you think?

Hey, is that...

No way!

I don't care about my life anymore.

As long as I can k*ll you
for taking everything way from me.

Joints, muscle fiber,
spinal chord, nerves...

Gradually inserting tentacles there
rather than my whole body

can make me a superhuman
who can function like a human.

Die a cruel death, guinea pig!

So your beloved students
are scarred for life.

This is nothing!


I forgot to mention this
in our lesson a minute ago.

Even if an assassin
tactfully avoids any close combat,

there will always be
a few times in his life

when he has to fight with all his power.

In my case,

that time is now!

Do you feel despair?

He's overwhelmingly...

-What dark

-Run Koro-sensei!

-The tentacles asked me
-Don't harm the students anymore!

-what I want to be.
-It's a different dimension.

-My student...
-I'm very
