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02x50 - A Vicious Cycle

Posted: 04/14/24 09:06
by bunniefuu
so: Roget ran away with Yuzu!

so: What?

so: I am not running...

I am temporarily withdrawing to recoup my strength. It's strategy!

rog: Reiji Akaba...

yu: Wait for me, Yuzu...

yu: I'm coming to save you now!

nar: D-Wheels.

Riding duels are fought while racing on these machines,

which are an evolution of the duel disks.

nar: They combine speed and thrills for the ultimate show,

a symbol of freedom to all.

title: The Eternal Duel

saw: Hey, wait!

saw: How can you run so fast in those iron sandals?

gen: When my comrades are in danger, I must move quickly!

gen: Kurosaki...

saw: Damn! Let me on one of those!

jack: Let's go!

crow: Right!

kuro: Go, Rise Falcon!

rei: Combining a monster that can't be targeted by effects with

an Equip Spell that prevents destruction by battle...

rog: And an effect that deals you damage every turn...

rog: It is a true unbreakable combo!

rog: There is no one who can defeat it.

rei: As there are no absolutes in business, there are no absolutes in duels, either.

rei: No matter how hard you hedge your risk,

rei: cracks will always appear somewhere.

rog: Cracks?

rei: To quickly locate and deal with them is the duty

of those who stand at the top.

rei: My turn!

rei: I activate my Continuous Spell Forbidden Dark Contract with the Swamp King!

rei: Its effect lets me Special Summon D/D/D Chaos King Apocalypse,

with monster effect negated, from my hand.

rog: A Pendulum Monster?

rei: When a Chaos King Apocalypse,

Special Summoned via Forbidden Dark Contract, is used as a component,

I can Fusion Summon without Polymerization.

rei: I fuse Chaos King Apocalypse and D/D Lamia in my hand.

rei: King, who predicts the patterns of chaos in the world...

rei: Drain the blood, swept toward the future, and become the dragon-slaying hero!

rei: Fusion Summon!

rei: Be born, Level D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf!

rog: Fusion Summon without a Polymerization spell?

rog: As expected of the Professor's son.

rei: When D/D Lamia is sent to the graveyard as a fusion component,

I can Special Summon it, once per turn, by sending a Dark Contract card to the graveyard.

rei: I send my currently activated Forbidden Dark Contract with the Swamp King to the graveyard,

rei: to Special Summon Tuner Monster D/D Lamia!

rog: A Tuner?

rog: You can Synchro Summon, too?

rei: Of course...

rog: What?

rei: I control all methods of summoning.

yu: Yuzu!

yu: Yuzu!

rei: I set the Pendulum Scale

with Scale D/D Savant Thomas and Scale D/D Nikola!

rei: Now I can summon Level monsters.

rog: The great power that shakes my soul,

reside in my body

and become the new light that cuts through the darkness!

rog: Pendulum Summon!

rog: Be reborn from my Extra Deck!

rog: D/D/D Chaos King Apocalypse!

rei: And Level D/D Lamia tunes Level D/D/D Chaos King Apocalypse!

rei: Raise your blood-stained sword, and transcend the corpses of heroes!

rei: Synchro Summon.

rei: Be born, Level Cursed King Siegfried!

rog: You can also go from Pendulum to Synchro...

rei: Until the next Standby Phase,

D/D/D Siegfried lets me negate the effect of one activated spell card on the field.

rei: I negate the Equip Spell Ancient Gear Magic Shield,

equipped to Ancient Gear Howitzer!

rog: Gear Howitzer's defense points...

rei: Battle.

rei: Go, Beowulf.

rei: Attack Ancient Gear Howitzer!

rei: Beowulf's att*cks deal piercing damage.

rei: And Siegfried att*cks you directly!

rei: This will end it!

rog: That did not end it.

rog: This duel will never end.

lay: Roget is invincible?

tsu: Indeed.

tsu: When he dueled Master Sora and me...

so: Go! Frightfur Bear!

so: Attack Roget directly!

so: He disappeared?

tsu: Where is Lady Yuzu?

tsu: -point penalty for entering the battle.

rei: Entering the battle? So it's a different Roget?

rog: Indeed.

rog: But I am I. There is no change in the fact that I am Jean-Michel Roget.

rog: That is why I do not lose.

rog: No matter how many times I am beaten, I shall return, like the undying phoenix.

rog: Until you cry out, suffering and exhausted,

that you cannot fight any more!

saw: What is this?

saw: It's ruined...

gon: I was sure this was the room Sora contacted us from.

saw: You think he was blown up with it?

kuro: It would take more than this to k*ll him.

gon: Kurosaki?

saw: When did you...

kuro: He won't die until he's completed his objective.

kuro: Such is the determination of Sora Shiunin.

tsu: I can do nothing with this lock.

yu: Layra! Tsukikage!

lay: Yuya!

yu: Where's Yuzu?

lay: My brother is fighting to get her back.

lay: He's in this room, with Roget.

rei: I activate the Pendulum Effect of D/D Savant Thomas.

rei: Once per turn, I can return one Pendulum Monster from my Extra Deck to my hand.

rei: I return D/D/D Chaos King Apocalypse.

I set one card and end my turn!

rog: That's right... This duel will continue until you concede.

rog: Now! Let us enjoy it, Reiji Akaba.

crow: Damn! The enemy's right there, but...

gon: Yuya!

yu: Gongenzaka!

yu: Yuzu's in that room.

yu: Inside, Reiji's now fighting Roget to save her!

yu: But the door's locked.

so: I'll undo the lock...

yu: Sora!

so: Sorry.

sora: Not only did I lose Serena... But Yuzu, too.

yu: Sora!

yu: Don't force yourself.

so: Thanks. But leave it to me.

so: I promise I'll get us past that lock.

yu: Sora...

yu: Yuzu!

lay: Brother!

rei: An eternal duel, eh?

rei: Interesting.

yu: Eternal?

rog: Yes! I shall never lose!

rei: If it is to go on eternally...

rei: You'll be giving up before I will.

rog: You think I shall concede first?!

rog: Don't be ridiculous.

rog: My turn!

rei: In that instant, I Special Summon Chaos King Apocalypse from my hand, using its effect.

rei: Then, I destroy D/D Savant Thomas

and D/D Savant Nikola in my Pendulum Zones!

rog: What?

rei: During your turn, this effect can be activated only once.

rog: Isn't Pendulum the w*apon of the Lancers?

rog: To abandon it yourself...

rog: Have you realized you will lose?!

rei: I haven't abandoned it.

rei: When D/D Savant Nikola is destroyed and sent to my Extra Deck,

one Pendulum Monster on the field is returned to my hand.

And Nikola and Thomas, in my Extra Deck, are set once more in my Pendulum Zones!

rei: Then, I activate my Continuous Trap Dark Contract with the Swinging Abyss!

rei: When one D/D Pendulum Monster is returned to my hand,

I deal its defense points as damage to you.

rei: Chaos King Apocalypse's defense points are .

rei: Thus, you take points of damage!

gen: He disappeared!

tsu: But another...

rog: It's useless... Useless, useless.

saw: He's back again?

saw: -point penalty for entering the battle.

rog: No matter how many times I am defeated, I shall return.

rei: Yes, and the same thing will happen.

rei: Over and over.

rog: What?

rei: Chaos King Apocalypse, in my hand,

can destroy Thomas and Nikola, in the Pendulum Zones, to be Special Summoned.

rei: But through Nikola's effect, Chaos King Apocalypse can be returned to my hand,

and the two Pendulum Cards are set once more.

rei: Then the effect of Continuous Trap Dark Contract with the Swinging Abyss

will deal damage to you.

rei: Since you have already taken the -point penalty to join the duel,

that will extinguish your life!

rei: Every time you rejoin, you'll lose.

rei: Eternally.

rei: Now, tell me your plan!

yu: Yuzu!

rei: You still intend to continue, Roget?!

rog: Are you so desperate to ruin me, Reiji Akaba?

rog: While using your front, known as the Lancers, to play at righteousness?

gon: What is he saying?

rog: His father, Leo Akaba, is the Professor.

rog: He is your real enemy... Academia's leader!

yu: Leo Akaba?

saw: Founder of LDS, head of the Leo Corporation?

gon: That Leo Akaba?

gon: Reiji Akaba's father is the Professor?

rog: That's right.

rog: You have been deceived.

You have been made accomplices in the interdimensional w*r!

yu: Deceived?

rog: The Akaba father and son started a w*r between the four dimensions,

plotting to take control of them.

rog: Father used the Fusion Dimension as a bridge to attack the Xyz Dimension.

rog: Son used the Standard Dimension as a bridge to attack the Synchro Dimension.

rog: You Lancers are but his advance battalion!

rog: And since I am in his way, he wants to eliminate me.

rog: A well-ex*cuted plot.

rog: So in my place, starting today, you are City's...

the Synchro Dimension's new king!

rei: If I were working with Leo Akaba,

rei: why would you try to take Yuzu Hiiragi to the Fusion Dimension?

rei: It's because you're trying to retreat into Leo Akaba's arms, isn't it?

yu: In other words, what you're saying is a lie!

yu: I believe in Reiji Akaba!

yu: He isn't like you, thinking only of himself!

yu: Give Yuzu back!

rog: No!

rog: I shall survive!

rog: Yuzu Hiiragi is my lifeline to achieving that.

rog: I shall not hand her over.

rog: Come on!

yu: Yuzu!

rog: That's right.

rog: I should have simply taken Yuzu Hiiragi back like this,

without engaging Reiji Akaba.

rog: By herself, she will be enough to make the Professor very happy.

rog: I can live a little longer!

crow: Will you, really?

crow: We won't let you get away!

jack: You bear the responsibility for plunging City into chaos!

jack: Go, Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend!

jack: Absolute Power Flame!

jack: No!

yu: Yuzu!

yu: Hippo!

yu: Yuzu!

yu: Yuzu... Yuzu!

yu: You're okay now, Yuzu!

zu: Yuya...

yu: Yuzu!

yu: Yuzu... I finally found you.

yu: We finally... finally...

yu: Yuzu!

rog: Damn you...

kuro: Roget!

rog: You think I will let it end this way?

saw: He survived?

rog: The reason I built this dimensional transport

wasn't merely to return to the Fusion Dimension!

rog: When I learned of Academia's invasion,

rog: I made it so it could move City itself through dimensions!

jack: What?

crow: City itself?

rog: But there is no need to run now.

rog: I am dead, either way.

rog: So I shall take you...

rog: no, the whole city with me.

rog: I shall plunge everything into the gap between dimensions!

rog: Fall! Fall!

rog: Fall, all of you!

tsu: Master Layra!

rei: Layra!

kay: Brother!

jack: Roget!

both: What?

toku: What is that?

tan: It's such a bright light.

fra: It's enveloping...

ama: The Public Order Bureau...

shin: It's disappearing.

shin: The symbol of Tops' control...

Security's headquarters...

rog: Yes! Disappear, disappear!

rog: If things won't go the way I want,

rog: this world... all of you... can disappear!

rog: Disappear, all of you!

gon: Is everyone okay?

crow: Yeah, more or less.

kuro: Roget disappeared?

kuro: Where did he go?

zu: Yuya, where's Roget?

yu: I don't know.

yu: He was sucked into some kind of hole.

yu: But...

yu: You're right here.

yu: No one's taking you. You're here.

zu: Yuya...

yu: Let's go together, Yuzu.

yu: What is this?

zu: What? What's going on?

yu: I don't know. But if the dimensional transport is still...

yu: Yuzu!

zu: Yuya!

yu: Yuzu!

yu: Gongenzaka...

crow: What just happened?

rei: It appeared to be

rei: a wormhole, created when Roget overloaded the dimensional-transport device.

jack: A wormhole?

sora: A sort of tunnel between dimensions.

rei: Yes, but the route wasn't properly calculated.

lay: Then, where are they?

rei: Most likely, in another dimension.

rei: But there is no way to know

rei: exactly where.

saw: Hey, what is this?

saw: Did City get blown to pieces?

kuro: No.

kuro: This is Heartland City...

kuro: The Xyz Dimension.

kuro: In other words, my home.

kuro: This is Heartland City. The Xyz Dimension.

kuro: In other words, my home.

kuro: This is awful. Everything is destroyed.

kuro: And there's not a single person here!

kuro: Kurosaki, shouldn't your allies in the Resistance still be here?

kuro: For Academia's invasion to have progressed so far during my time away...

kuro: Could the Resistance have been destroyed?

Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Capital of Despair, Heartland City.

The fun is only getting started!